575 research outputs found

    Percepção discente sobre cursos de graduação em Ciências Agrárias e Humanidades da UNESP

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    In the scenario of Brazilian Higher Education Institutions, the justifications for dropout or permanence of students vary according to the school and its courses, given their peculiarities, as well as those of their students. However, studies and governmental actions on school dropout are still scarce, which shows the lack of innovation on this topic. Thus, the general objective of the present work is to evaluate the perception of graduates and student dropouts in relation to their undergraduate courses in the areas of Agricultural Sciences and Humanities, from the Experimental Campi of the São Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil. Specifically, it is intended to show a methodological procedure that can identify which specific elements have influenced the students’ decision to evade or to stay in the referred courses. Thus, a survey was carried out through a structured questionnaire with 40 multiple choice sentences, which was applied by email and through social networks to a probabilistic sample of 243 respondents. Finally, the multivariate clustering analysis associated with testing nonparametric hypotheses was used to verify the existence of a difference between the perceptions of graduates and dropouts that indicated influence on their decision. The results showed that, in general, graduates and dropouts have positive perceptions regarding the chosen course, as well as with respect to the general infrastructure conditions of the campi. For two courses, one in each area, significant differences were observed between the perceptions of graduates and dropouts, with mainly intrinsic characteristics related to students and their well-being, such as identification with the course; motivation and persistence to achieve the objectives; personal and / or family health and stability; and socio-academic integration with other students were those that directly or indirectly interfered in decision-making.No cenário das Instituições de Ensino Superior brasileiras, as justificativas para evasão ou permanência discente variam de acordo com a instituição e os cursos, dadas as suas peculiaridades, bem como as de seus estudantes. Entretanto, ainda são escassos os estudos e ações governamentais acerca da evasão escolar, o que mostra a falta de inovação acerca desse tema. Assim, o objetivo geral do presente trabalho consiste em avaliar a percepção de egressos e evadidos acerca dos cursos de graduação das áreas de Ciências Agrárias e de Humanidades dos Campi Experimentais da UNESP. Especificamente, pretende-se evidenciar um procedimento metodológico que possa identificar quais elementos pontuais têm influenciado na tomada de decisão dos discentes de evadirem ou de permanecerem nos referidos cursos. Para tanto, foi feito um levantamento (survey), por meio de questionário estruturado com 40 sentenças de múltipla escolha, que foi aplicado por e-mail e pelas redes sociais a uma amostra probabilística composta por 243 respondentes. Por fim, a técnica multivariada de análise de clusters associada a testes de hipóteses não paramétricos foi utilizada para verificar a existência de diferença entre as percepções de egressos e evadidos que indicasse influência em sua decisão. Os resultados mostraram que, de maneira geral, egressos e evadidos apresentam percepções positivas quanto ao curso escolhido, bem como com respeito às condições de infraestrutura geral dos campi. Para dois cursos, um em cada área, foram observadas diferenças significativas entre as percepções de egressos e evadidos, sendo que principalmente características intrínsecas relacionadas aos discentes e ao seu bem-estar, tais como, identificação com o curso; motivação ou persistência para concretizar os objetivos; saúde e estabilidade pessoal e/ou familiar; e integração socioacadêmica com outros discentes foram as que interferiram direta ou indiretamente na tomada de decisão

    Achados do Matadouro de São Cristóvão: o artefato arqueológico virtualizado no Museu Histórico Nacional

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    This paper is based on the exhibition Findings of Leopoldina: urban archaeology in the digital era, hosted by the Museu Histórico Nacional, in 2017. It aims to analyze the place and time of the musealization and the exhibition of the archaeological object deriving from the São Cristóvão Public Slaughterhouse site, in Rio de Janeiro. Therefore, given the specific legislation in the field of archaeological heritage and its contingencies, we reflect upon the use of virtuality as an exhibition resource in a case in which archaeological research led to a particular design solution for the exhibition, consisting of the dissemination of the collection by means of a virtual language, leaving to the objects of the Museu Histórico Nacional to vicariously embody the materiality of the archaeological artifacts of the ancient public slaughterhouse of the city of Rio de Janeiro.Este artigo parte da exposição “Achados da Leopoldina: arqueologia urbana na era digital”, sediada em 2017 no Museu Histórico Nacional, para analisar o lugar e o tempo da musealização e da exposição do objeto arqueológico oriundo do sítio Matadouro Público de São Cristóvão, no Rio de Janeiro. Para tanto, à luz da legislação específica do campo do patrimônio arqueológico e de suas contingências, reflete-se sobre o uso da virtualidade como recurso expográfico em um caso no qual a pesquisa arqueológica desembocou em uma solução de exposição centrada na linguagem virtual com fins de divulgação da coleção, deixando a cargo do acervo do Museu Histórico Nacional encarnar vicariamente a materialidade dos artefatos arqueológicos do antigo matadouro público da cidade do Rio de Janeiro

    Self-Reported Dental Fear among Dental Students and Their Patients

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    The aim of the present study was to compare self-reported dental fear among dental students and patients at a School of Dentistry in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Eighty students ranging in age from 20 to 29 years and 80 patients ranging in age from 18 to 65 years participated in the study. A self-administered pre-tested questionnaire consisting of 13 items was used for data acquisition. The city of Belo Horizonte Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) was employed for socioeconomic classification. The chi-square test and binary and multinomial logistic regression were employed in the statistical analysis, with the significance level set at 0.05. The majority of dental students (76.5%) sought the dentist for the first time for a routine exam, while patients (77.3%) mostly sought a dentist for the treatment of dental pain. Dental fear was more prevalent among the patients (72.5%) than the students (27.5%). A total of 47.1% of the students and 52.9% of the patients reported having had negative dental experiences in childhood. The logistic model revealed an association between dental fear and a pain-related experience (OR: 1.8; 95%CI: 1.3–2.6). Patients were more prone to dental fear (OR: 2.2; 95%CI: 1.0–5.0). Although at different percentages, both students and patients experienced dental fear. Current patient with previous experience of dental pain had more dental fear

    O imaginário social sobre a expectativa do corpo feminino “ideal”: um estudo à luz da Análise de Discurso

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    This article, which is founded on theoretical-methodological presuppositions of french line Discourse Analysis (henceforward, DA), objectifies the reflection on imaginary projections realized all about feminine body. In order to do that, Discursive Sequences (henceforward, DS’s) were cut out from comments on a photomontage of digital influencer Rafaella Santos, run by Instagram profile “Choquei”. On that sight, the conception of Imaginary Formation (henceforward, ImF) was mobilized to found the discussion theoretically, for it is considerable that it is possible to think about the set of pictures that is made based on influencer’s body, in this specific case, and also on individuals who project it. Thus, it is understandable that the content selected to analysis becomes an eye-opening to the existence of a social imaginary built around the “perfect” body and that it sets the “pattern” slim as its representative. In this condition, individuals that do not “fit” in this template search for a way to belong, even if in order to do it, they need to resort to filters and photographic edition. Nevertheless, to manipulate the body so it gets closer to the “expected” may not be so well-liked so. In this context, it is possible to say, as the analysis will show, that body transits through between expectation and reality and demonstrates an acess road to comprehending the socio-historical and ideological period in which we live in and the impositions it exerts upon feminine body.Este artigo, que se fundamenta nos pressupostos teórico-metodológicos da Análise de Discurso de linha francesa (doravante, AD), objetiva refletir sobre as projeções imaginárias que são realizadas sobre o corpo feminino. Para isso, foram recortadas Sequências Discursivas (doravante, SD’s) de comentários presentes em uma foto-montagem da influenciadora digital Rafaella Santos veiculada pelo perfil do Instagram Choquei. Nessa mirada, o conceito de Formação Imaginária (doravante, FIm) foi mobilizado para ancorar teoricamente a discussão, pois se considera que por meio dele é possível pensar sobre o jogo de imagens que é feito sobre o corpo da influencer, em específico, e sobre os sujeitos que o projetam. Compreende-se, assim, que o material selecionado para análise passa a ser revelador da existência de um imaginário social construído em torno do corpo “perfeito” e que ele elege o “padrão” magro como seu representante. Nessa condição, os sujeitos que não se “enquadram” nesse modelo buscam um meio de se encaixar, mesmo que para isso tenham que recorrer a filtros e edição fotográfica. No entanto, manipular o corpo para que ele se aproxime do “esperado” pode não ser tão bem-visto assim. Nesse contexto, é possível dizer, como as análises mostraram, que o corpo transita entre a expectativa e a realidade e evidencia uma via de acesso para que se compreenda o período sócio-histórico e ideológico em que se vive e as imposições que ele exerce sobre o corpo feminino


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    Objetivo: analisar a circulação do poder nas práticas profissionais de médicos e enfermeiros de um Centro de Terapia Intensiva. Método: pesquisa qualitativa, com dados coletados por meio de entrevista semiestruturada, com médicos e enfermeiros de Centro de Terapia Intensiva situado em Minas Gerais, Brasil, e submetidos à análise de discurso. Resultado: em geral, a equipe médica não se mostrou muito atenta às normas institucionais, sendo os enfermeiros mais envolvidos nos processos normalizadores e disciplinares. A visibilidade do médico está relacionada à legitimação do domínio do saber científico expresso em seu discurso, o que lhe confere posição de detenção do poder, à medida que o enfermeiro tem um discurso que mostra certa resistência em assumir visibilidade e protagonismo na equipe. Conclusão: o Centro de Terapia Intensiva é um cenário onde há interseção de diversos saberes especializados, que se expressam nos discursos de médicos e enfermeiros, favorecendo a circulação do poder nas práticas desses profissionais. Descritores: Relações Médico-Enfermeiro. Poder (Psicologia). Prática Profissional. Conhecimentos, Atitudes e Prática em Saúde.

    Concentrations of indolebutyric acid on air-layering of guava cv. Paluma

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    Nowadays, the predominant technique for the commercial propagation of guava seedlings is through cuttings, using herbaceous cuttings that need a specialized infrastructure with intermittent misting, clean water, exhausters, water filters, and fans. As an alternative to plant propagation by cuttings, this study aimed to evaluate the influence of concentrations of indolebutyric acid (IBA) on the rooting of branches of the guava cv. Paluma by air-layering. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with four replications and 10 air layers per plot. The treatments consisted of six concentrations of IBA powder mixed with industrial talcum: 0, 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, and 5,000 mg.kg-1. Four adult guava parents that were in the off-season period were used. For the preparation of the air layers, the stems were girdled with a 4.0 cm width, using a steel blade, by removing the bark until exposing the cambium region, followed by IBA application and wrapping of the branches with a plastic bag containing moist organic substrate. The following variables were evaluated 120 days after air-layering: percentage of rooted and callused air layers, longest root length, and root dry matter. The analysis of variance indicated no significant differences between the IBA concentrations for all variables, but the rooting percentages were high (68.6 to 92.2%) regardless of the application of the exogenous auxin.Nowadays, the predominant technique for the commercial propagation of guava seedlings is through cuttings, using herbaceous cuttings that need a specialized infrastructure with intermittent misting, clean water, exhausters, water filters, and fans. As an alternative to plant propagation by cuttings, this study aimed to evaluate the influence of concentrations of indolebutyric acid (IBA) on the rooting of branches of the guava cv. Paluma by air-layering. The experimental design was in randomized blocks, with four replications and 10 air layers per plot. The treatments consisted of six concentrations of IBA powder mixed with industrial talcum: 0, 1,000, 2,000, 3,000, 4,000, and 5,000 mg.kg-1. Four adult guava parents that were in the off-season period were used. For the preparation of the air layers, the stems were girdled with a 4.0 cm width, using a steel blade, by removing the bark until exposing the cambium region, followed by IBA application and wrapping of the branches with a plastic bag containing moist organic substrate. The following variables were evaluated 120 days after air-layering: percentage of rooted and callused air layers, longest root length, and root dry matter. The analysis of variance indicated no significant differences between the IBA concentrations for all variables, but the rooting percentages were high (68.6 to 92.2%) regardless of the application of the exogenous auxin

    Compliance Analysis of the Dental Care Service Provided to Pregnant Women in Primary Health Care

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    Objective: To analyze oral health services for pregnant women in the primary health care of a Brazilian metropolis, based on the performance of dentists who integrate these services. Material and Methods: Exploratory, descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted through qualitative and quantitative approaches. A semi-structured questionnaire was used for data collection. This study was conducted in a Brazilian metropolis and included all dentists working in primary health care. The compliance analysis was performed considering access, adherence, group activity and individual dental care dimensions. Open questions were analyzed using the content analysis method and the closed questions were performed using frequency estimates. Bivariate statistics (Chi-square, Fisher's Exact Test, α<0.05) were analyzed through STATA. Results: 260 dentists agreed to participate in this study. Strategies to facilitate the scheduling of pregnant women to dental treatment occur in 93.9% of oral health teams, the main one being the scheduling and/or referral performed by the family health team. In terms of access and adherence to treatment, all variables in these dimensions showed relevant compliance results. The group activity dimension presented moderate compliance percentages, whereas individual care obtained high results, except for referral to radiography. Conclusion: The oral health service was compliant regarding access and adherence to treatment, but showed limitations in individual care and collective activities. Recommendations include improving oral health team coverage and permanent education programs


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    SARS-CoV-2 é o novo betacoronavírus causador da Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave - COVID-19. A presença de condições medicas subjacentes pode ser um fator agravante da doença, aumentando as chances de óbito. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a associação entre a existência de condições de saúde subjacentes e a prevalência de óbito por COVID-19 em todo o estado da Bahia, Brasil. Trata-se de uma análise exploratória de dados com informações coletadas utilizando a plataforma DATASUS, no período entre 12 de março de 2020 a 12 de julho de 2020, de pacientes que tiveram o diagnóstico confirmado para COVID-19, totalizando 46.032 indivíduos. Os dados foram analisados utilizando o software EpiInfo onde foram calculados os valores da Odds Ratio (OR) com intervalo de confiança de 95%. Concluiu-se que a presença de condições médicas subjacentes aumenta as chances de óbito por COVID-19, com destaque para os pacientes portadores de Doenças Renais Crônicas em Estágios Avançados associada ou não a outras comorbidades