196 research outputs found

    La profession enseignante vue par les praticiens jurassiens du secondaire I et leurs élèves :: étude comparative

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    Le but de ce travail est de proposer une analyse comparative des représentations des enseignants et des élèves sur le métier d’enseignant. Face aux nombreux bouleversements qu’a connus la profession en termes d’évolution de la société et de ses attentes, les praticiens ont le sentiment d’avoir vu l’image de leur métier se modifier. Tout le monde a un avis sur l’école et sur le métier d’enseignant puisque chacun y a été confronté durant plusieurs années. Les stéréotypes sur cette profession sont nombreux et c’est dans cette optique que s’inscrit ce travail de mémoire. Ma curiosité m’a poussée à étudier les différentes représentations qu’ont les enseignants sur leur propre métier ainsi que les élèves. Etant l’un des principaux protagonistes du milieu scolaire, un regard tourné vers la perception des élèves me paraissait intéressante. Les moyens à ma disposition étant restreints, l’étude s’est portée sur les praticiens de deux écoles jurassiennes du secondaire I et trois classes de mon lieu de stage par le biais de questionnaires

    Les hedge funds sont-ils moins attractifs depuis la crise financière ?

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    La gestion alternative n’est pas morte avec la crise financière de 2008 mais est-elle toujours aussi attractive qu’auparavant ? Les performances de l’industrie ont souffert durant la crise, avec en moyenne une performance de -15%, alors que l’indice action S&P500 reculait, lui, de 43.15%. Fort heureusement, la suite est plus heureuse pour les hedge funds, avec une excellente année 2009 soldée par une performance moyenne de 23.08%. A partir de cette année-là, les performances ont toujours été moins bonnes que le S&P500. Cela dit, l’objectif principal est la performance ajustée du risque sur le long terme et non pas de battre un benchmark comme un indice action. Et ceci, les investisseurs institutionnels l’ont bien compris. Ils plébiscitent toujours plus ces stratégies alternatives, qui offrent décorrélation et diversification. L’industrie dans son ensemble se porte mieux. D’après les statistiques d’Hedge Fund Research, les encours mondiaux sont au plus haut, à 2'628 milliards de dollars. Les flux d’actifs net, après qu’ils soient négatifs en 2008 et 2009, sont redevenus positifs. Nous verrons dans ce travail que ceci n’est pas valable pour toutes les stratégies. Certaines ont plus de peine à trouver de nouveaux investissements alors que pour d’autres, ce sont les situations de marché qui affectent leurs prévisions et donc leurs performances. Investir dans un hedge funds présente des risques à ne pas négliger au vue des analyses de mortalité qui vous seront présentée dans ce travail de recherche. Enfin, durant ces dernières années, l’industrie a montré une certaine capacité d’adaptation pour faire face aux différents changements qui lui ont fait face dans le but de rester compétitif et attractifs

    Quand l'orthographe est une activité nocturne sans lampe de poche, il faut d'abord allumer la lumière !: Établissement d'un projet de remotivation et de remédiation pour les élèves en difficulté en français

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    Ce travail de mémoire est le compte-rendu d'un processus de remédiation et de remotivation d'élèves en difficulté en français, de niveau 8ème Harmos, de manière à les concerner à nouveau par la matière, le redonner une motivation et une estime de soi suffisante pour qu'ils puissent à nouveau y travailler et améliorer leurs compétences. La méthode utilisée est celle de la métacognition, à savoir essayer de coller les activités et les apprentissages à leur niveau de compréhension et par là surmonter l'impuissance qui généralement caractérise ces élèves. La première étape, très importante, est celle d'une écoute attentive au travers e'entretiens semi-directifs, afin de soutenir leur capacité à croire en leurs compétences, et à adapter au mieux les activités. Sachant qu'il y a un pas entre la connaissance et la mise en oeuvre des savoirs en matière d'orthographe. Parmi les autres aspects importants, il y a l'évaluation positive qui joue un rôle, le fait de les engager intellectuellement dans leur tâche et d'établir une progression véritable, avec des jalons quantifiables

    BOOSTERS: a derivative-free algorithm based on radial basis functions

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    Derivative-free optimization involves the methods used to minimize an expensive objective functionwhen its derivatives are not available. We present here a trust-region algorithmbased on Radial Basis Functions (RBFs). The main originality of our approach is the use of RBFs to build the trust-region models and our management of the interpolation points based on Newton fundamental polynomials. Moreover the complexity of ourmethod is very attractive. We have tested the algorithmagainst the best state-of-theart methods (UOBYQA, NEWUOA, DFO). The tests on the problems from the CUTEr collection show that BOOSTERS is performing very well on medium-size problems. Moreover, it is able to solve problems of dimension 200, which is considered very large in derivative-free optimization

    A Malaria Vaccine That Elicits in Humans Antibodies Able to Kill Plasmodium falciparum

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    BACKGROUND: Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 3 is a malaria vaccine candidate that was identified, characterised, and developed based on a unique immuno-clinical approach. The vaccine construct was derived from regions fully conserved among various strains and containing B cell epitopes targeted by human antibodies (from malaria-immune adults) that are able to mediate a monocyte-dependent parasite killing effect. The corresponding long synthetic peptide was administered to 36 volunteers, with either alum or Montanide ISA720 as adjuvant. METHODS AND FINDINGS: Both formulations induced cellular and humoral immune responses. With alum, the responses lasted up to 12 mo. The vaccine-induced antibodies were predominantly of cytophilic classes, i.e., able to cooperate with effector cells. In vitro, the antibodies induced an inhibition of the P. falciparum erythrocytic growth in a monocyte-dependent manner, which was in most instances as high as or greater than that induced by natural antibodies from immune African adults. In vivo transfer of the volunteers' sera into P. falciparum–infected humanized SCID mice profoundly reduced or abrogated parasitaemia. These inhibitory effects were related to the antibody reactivity with the parasite native protein, which was seen in 60% of the volunteers, and remained in samples taken 12 mo postimmunisation. CONCLUSION: This is the first malaria vaccine clinical trial to clearly demonstrate antiparasitic activity by vaccine-induced antibodies by both in vitro and in vivo methods. The results, showing the induction of long-lasting antibodies directed to a fully conserved polypeptide, also challenge current concepts about malaria vaccines, such as unavoidable polymorphism, low antigenicity, and poor induction of immune memory

    Humoral and cell-mediated immunity to MSP3 peptides in adults immunized with MSP3 in malaria endemic area, Burkina Faso

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    We performed a single-blind, randomized phase 1 trial of the long synthetic peptide (LSP) of merozoite surface protein-3 (MSP3) in adults living in Burkina Faso. Thirty eligible volunteers were randomized to receive either the MSP3-LSP candidate vaccine or tetanus toxoid vaccine as a control. A dose of each vaccine was administered on days 0, 28 and 112 and the vaccine was formulated with aluminium hydroxide. Humoral immune responses were assessed by ELISA at days 0, 28, 56, 112, 140, 252 and 365 and cell-mediated immune responses by lymphoproliferation assay and by ELISA on days 0, 56 and 140. IgG responses to four peptides of MSP3 were similar in both vaccine groups. Higher IgG concentrations were recorded after the beginning of malaria high transmission season in both vaccine groups. The lymphocyte proliferation and the production of IFN-γ in response to stimulation with the four overlapping peptides increased following vaccination in the MSP3-LSP vaccine group, but did not change appreciably in the control group. In contrast to natural infection, MSP3-LSP did not boost humoral responses to the four overlapping peptides of MSP3 to any detectable degree in our semi-immune adult. MSP3-LSP may be more immunogenic in young children with little or no acquired immunity

    Preclinical antimalarial combination studies: the case of M5717, a P. falciparum elongation factor 2 inhibitor and pyronaridine, a hemozoin formation inhibitor

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    Antimalarial drug resistance in the; Plasmodium falciparum; parasite poses a constant challenge for drug development. To mitigate this risk, new antimalarial medicines should be developed as fixed-dose combinations. Assessing the pharmacodynamic interactions of potential antimalarial drug combination partners during early phases of development is essential in developing the targeted parasitological and clinical profile of the final drug product. Here, we have studied the combination of M5717, a; P. falciparum; translation elongation factor 2 inhibitor, and pyronaridine, an inhibitor of hemozoin formation. Our test cascade consisted of; in vitro; isobolograms as well as; in vivo; studies in the; P. falciparum; severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mouse model. We also analyzed pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic parameters, including genomic sequencing of recrudescent parasites. We observed no pharmacokinetic interactions with the combination of M5717 and pyronaridine. M5717 did not negatively impact the rate of kill of the faster-acting pyronaridine, and the latter was able to suppress the selection of M5717-resistant mutants, as well as significantly delay the recrudescence of parasites both with suboptimal and optimal dosing regimens

    Naturally acquired antibodies to polymorphic and conserved epitopes of Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 3

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    Many studies on the role of merozoite surface protein 3 (MSP3) in immunity against malaria have focused on a conserved section of MSP3. New evidence suggests that polymorphic sequences within MSP3 are under immune selection. We report a detailed analysis of naturally-acquired antibodies to allele-specific and conserved parts of MSP3 in a Kenyan cohort. Indirect and competition ELISA to heterologous recombinant MSP3 proteins were used for antibody assays, and parasites were genotyped for msp3 alleles. Antibody reactivity to allele-specific and conserved epitopes of MSP3 was heterogenous between individuals. Overall, the prevalence of allele-specific antibody reactivity was significantly higher (3D7-specific 54%, K1-specific 41%) than that to a recombinant protein representing a conserved portion of C-terminal MSP3 (24%, P < 0·01). The most abundant IgG subclass was IgG3, followed by IgG1. Allele-specific reactivity to the K1-type of MSP3 was associated with a lower risk of clinical malaria episodes during a 6-month follow-up in individuals who were parasitized at the start of the malaria transmission season (Relative risk 0·41 with 95% confidence interval 0·20–0·81, P = 0·011). The potential importance of allele-specific immunity to MSP3 should be considered in addition to immunity to conserved epitopes, in the development of an MSP3 malaria vaccine