140 research outputs found

    Component-wise Analysis of Automatically Designed Multiobjective Algorithms on Constrained Problems

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    The performance of multiobjective algorithms varies across problems, making it hard to develop new algorithms or apply existing ones to new problems. To simplify the development and application of new multiobjective algorithms, there has been an increasing interest in their automatic design from component parts. These automatically designed metaheuristics can outperform their human-developed counterparts. However, it is still uncertain what are the most influential components leading to their performance improvement. This study introduces a new methodology to investigate the effects of the final configuration of an automatically designed algorithm. We apply this methodology to a well-performing Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Decomposition (MOEA/D) designed by the irace package on nine constrained problems. We then contrast the impact of the algorithm components in terms of their Search Trajectory Networks (STNs), the diversity of the population, and the hypervolume. Our results indicate that the most influential components were the restart and update strategies, with higher increments in performance and more distinct metric values. Also, their relative influence depends on the problem difficulty: not using the restart strategy was more influential in problems where MOEA/D performs better; while the update strategy was more influential in problems where MOEA/D performs the worst

    Diseño y Planificación del Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo de la Empresa Industrias Acero Ochoa Guerrero S.A.S Localizada en la Localidad De Suba – Bogotá D.C

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    Con el objetivo de obtener al título de ingeniera industrial en la Universidad Nacional Libre y a Distancia - UNAD, se llevó a cabo la pasantía en la empresa Industrias Aceros Ochoa Guerrero S.A.S localizada en Bogotá, por un periodo de 4 meses. La empresa es reconocida nacionalmente por la presentación de servicios y realización de muebles en acero inoxidable y en madera. Gracias a la realización de esta pasantía se adquirieron y fortalecieron conocimiento en relación con seguridad industrial y mejoramiento de las condiciones laborales de los empleados, en la cual se brindó acompañamiento al empleador en el cumplimiento y presentación de los estándares mínimos del sistema de gestión de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo y la realización del plan de mejora para el mismo. Fue una experiencia enriquecedora al trabajar con esta pequeña empresa la cual inicio su proceso de formalización desde el 2020, lo que conlleva a la implementación y organización de muchos de sus procesos. Además, su representante legal y gerente de operaciones son personas abiertas a las nuevas ideas y mejora continua de su organización. En este trabajo se presenta el trabajo realizado con la organización y los resultados positivos que obtuvieron al presentar la autoevaluación de los estándares mínimo ante el Ministerio de Trabajo.With the objective of obtaining the degree of industrial engineering at the Universidad Nacional Libre y a Distancia - UNAD, the internship was carried out at the company Industrias Aceros Ochoa Guerrero S.A.S located in Bogotá, for a period of 4 months. The company is nationally recognized for the presentation of services and the production of furniture in stainless steel and wood. Thanks to the realization of this internship, knowledge was acquired and strengthened in relation to industrial safety and improvement of the working conditions of the employees, in which the employer was provided with support in the fulfillment and presentation of the minimum standards of the management system of the safety and health at work and the implementation of the improvement plan for it. It was an enriching experience working with this small company which began its formalization process in 2020, which leads to the implementation and organization of many of its processes. In addition, your legal representative and operations manager are open to new ideas and continuous improvement of your organization. This paper presents the work carried out with the organization and the positive results obtained by presenting the self-assessment of the minimum standards to the Ministry of Labor

    Simulation of Uranyl Nitrate Crystallization Process in Linear Crystallizer Using Simsar Software

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    The paper deals with simulation of linear crystallizer work process for the research of technic operating modes and searching the most effective for material's nano-purity achievement. The model is realized by using SimSar software. Importance of device's geometry and process variables are marked. The model was included in the complex's composition of closed nuclear fuel cycle

    Propuesta de un plan de mejora para el departamento de imágenes diagnósticas del Hospital Universitario Fundación Santa fe de Bogotá

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    El desarrollo de este trabajo consiste en diseñar y proponer de un plan de mejora para el DID Hospital Universitario Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá, de acuerdo con las fortalezas y debilidades que se identifiquen durante el desarrollo de un diagnóstico organizacional, que permita optimizar los recursos y servicios prestados. Este proyecto se diseñará, en el año 2018 entre los meses de febrero a octubre y no se contempla su implementaciónPregradoEspecialista En Gerencia De La Salu

    Expression of Adenosine A2B Receptor and Adenosine Deaminase in Rabbit Gastric Mucosa ECL Cells

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    Adenosine is readily available to the glandular epithelium of the stomach. Formed continuously in intracellular and extracellular locations, it is notably produced from ATP released in enteric cotransmission. Adenosine analogs modulate chloride secretion in gastric glands and activate acid secretion in isolated parietal cells through A2B adenosine receptor (A2BR) binding. A functional link between surface A2BR and adenosine deaminase (ADA) was found in parietal cells, but whether this connection is a general feature of gastric mucosa cells is unknown. Here we examine whether A2BR is expressed at the membrane of histamine-producing enterochromaffin-like (ECL) cells, the major endocrine cell type in the oxyntic mucosa, and if so, whether it has a vicinity relationship with ADA. We used a highly homogeneous population of rabbit ECL cells (size 7.5-10 mu m) after purification by elutriation centrifugation. The surface expression of A2BR and ADA proteins was assessed by flow cytometry and confocal microscopy. Our findings demonstrate that A2BR and ADA are partially coexpressed at the gastric ECL cell surface and that A2BR is functional, with regard to binding of adenosine analogs and adenylate cyclase activation. The physiological relevance of A2BR and ADA association in regulating histamine release is yet to be explained.We thank all the members of R. Franco and C. Lluis research group (University of Barcelona, Spain) for assistance with immunostaining experiments and the advice received. We thank E. Castro and M.T. Miras-Portugal (Complutense University of Madrid, Spain) for assistance with microfluorimetry experiments. This work was supported by grants from the Basque Government (IT-971-16) and the University of the Basque Country (UFI11/20)

    Influence of the type of rare-earth cation on electrical properties of Ba(Zr,Ti)O3 ceramics

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    En este artículo es investigado el efecto del radio iónico de diferentes cationes de tierras raras sobre las propiedades eléctricas del compuesto Ba(Zr,Ti)O3. La cerámica BaZr0.09Ti0.9O3 fue dopada con iones de Gd3+, Pr3+ y La3+, sustituyendo un 5 % de contenido de cationes Ba2+. Los resultados muestran que el coeficiente de difusividad se incrementa con el aumento del radio iónico, mientras el carácter de la transición de fase permanece casi constante, de acuerdo con el modelo fenomenológico de Santos-Eiras. En todas las muestras se reporta un comportamiento no relajador. El proceso de conductividad iónica en el BaZr0.09Ti0.9O3 aparece a 200 ºC, valor inferior al observado en el material cerámico BaTiO3. El valor de energía de activación en el proceso de conductividad del BaZr0.09Ti0.9O3 (Ea= 0.81 eV) indica un mecanismo de compensación de carga en la estructura cristalina similar al BaTiO3, es decir vacancias de oxígeno simplemente ionizadas. Para el compuesto BaZr0.09Ti0.9O3 dopado con iones Gd3+, Pr3+ y La3+ aparece además un mecanismo de conducción de electrones, debido a la sustitución del Ba2+.Postprint (published version

    Using the Synergy between HPLC-MS and MALDI-MS Imaging to Explore the Lipidomics of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma

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    Lipid imaging mass spectrometry (LIMS) has been tested in several pathological contexts, demonstrating its ability to segregate and isolate lipid signatures in complex tissues, thanks to the technique’s spatial resolution. However, it cannot yet compete with the superior identification power of high-performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS), and therefore, very often, the latter is used to refine the assignment of the species detected by LIMS. Also, it is not clear if the differences in sensitivity and spatial resolution between the two techniques lead to a similar panel of biomarkers for a given disease. Here, we explore the capabilities of LIMS and HPLC-MS to produce a panel of lipid biomarkers to screen nephrectomy samples from 40 clear cell renal cell carcinoma patients. The same set of samples was explored by both techniques, and despite the important differences between them in terms of the number of detected and identified species (148 by LIMS and 344 by HPLC-MS in negative-ion mode) and the presence/absence of image capabilities, similar conclusions were reached: using the lipid fingerprint, it is possible to set up classifiers that correctly identify the samples as either healthy or tumor samples. The spatial resolution of LIMS enables extraction of additional information, such as the existence of necrotic areas or the existence of different tumor cell populations, but such information does not seem determinant for the correct classification of the samples, or it may be somehow compensated by the higher analytical power of HPLC-MS. Similar conclusions were reached with two very different techniques, validating their use for the discovery of lipid biomarkers.The work was funded by the Basque Government (IT971-16, IT1162-19, and ELKARTEK KK2018-00090) and has been developed as a Ph.D. project of LMS, who is the recipient of a Predoctoral Fellowship from the Spanish Government (BES- 2016-078721) . The authors are grateful to SGiker Lipidomic Service (UPV/EHU, MICINN, GV/EG, ESF) for the expert advice and technical and human support in MALDI and HPLC- MS analysis

    Bioactive Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Essential Oil of Species of the Genus Tagetes

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    This study investigated the bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of the essential oil of two species of the genus Tagetes (Tagetes minuta L. and Tagetes elliptica Sm). The essential oil was obtained by steam distillation, and its extraction performance, relative density, refractive index, and solubility in ethanol (70% v/v) were determined. The chemical components were evaluated by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Antioxidant activity was determined by the free radical 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrocyl (DPPH) method and the trapping capacity of the ABTS*+ radical cation. In the essential oils of the species Tagetes, it was possible to identify 26 chemical components for the species Tagetes elliptica Sm. and 16 for Tagetes minuta L., both species presented as main components monoterpenes (61%) and sesquiterpenes (44%). The compounds found were β-myrcene, trans-tagetone, β-trans-ocimene, and β-caryophyllene. Essential oils showed a variation in extraction yields and density. The refractive index was higher in the species Tagetes elliptica Sm., finding a high solubility in both species. A variation was found between 1.77 and 2.56 mg/mL of antioxidant activity by the DPPH method and 21.02–41.06 mg/mL for ABTS*+. The essential oils of the species Tagetes elliptica Sm.y and Tagetes minuta L. have bioactive components with antimicrobial and antioxidant potentialities for use for food preservatives