421 research outputs found

    Advanced chondrosarcoma of the pelvis: a rare case of urinary obstruction

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    Chondrosarcoma is the second most common malignant tumor of the bone with an incidence of 1 in 200.000 per year. Axial skeleton is frequently involved showing poorer oncological outcomes than appendicular one: human pelvis is a site predilection. It is rarely associated to urinary obstruction but according to its localization, it can be frequently linked to compression of pelvic organs as bladder, prostate or bowel. We describe the case of a 52 years old caucasian male with history of advanced pelvic chondrosarcoma and severe hydronephrosis due to total bladder dislocation

    The Logic of Probability: A Trip through Uncertainty

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    In real life we have to deal with uncertainty, imprecision and vagueness. Many ideas were introduced and studied in detail to manage with these problems. Now we briefly expose the main formal concepts which describe non-ideal situations, i.e. Probability, Statistics and Fuzzy Logic. Probability has recent origins with respect to other branches of mathematics which have deep roots in the past, like geometry or algebra.We may say all this started with Antoine Gombaud, Chevalier de Méré (1607–1684), who asked Blaise Pascal (1623–1662) about gambling with dice. The correspondence between Pierre de Fermat and Blaise Pascal, which began in 1654, initially on these questions, led to the introduction of basic concepts, i.e. probability and expectation. Only in 1657, Christian Huygens in "De Ratiociniis in ludo aleae" proposed a first systematic study of the new branch of mathematics. However, the need of an axiomatic construction of the theory of probability arose to analyze more general and complex situations than gambling. A strong formalization was supplied by the monograph "Foundations of the theory of probability" (1933) by Andrey Nikolaevich Kolmogorov.Statistics represent the most popular application of probability theory, providing research tools in several areas, including physical and natural sciences, technology, psychology, economics and medicine. Statistics are the bridge that connects experimental data to the mathematical theory behind itself.Fuzzy logic, sometime confused with probability, wants to express and formalize all the sentences which are not true or false at all; the philosophical idea is that "everything is a matter of degree" (Zadeh). La logica della probabilità: un viaggio attraverso l’incertezzaNella vita reale ci si trova di fronte a molte situazioni caratterizzate da incertezza, imprecisione, vaghezza. Sono state introdotte diverse modellizzazioni per il trattamento di tali concetti e problemi. Ci proponiamo di esporre sinteticamente alcuni lineamenti fondamentali di Probabilità, Statistica e Fuzzy Logic.La probabilità ha origini recenti rispetto alle altre branche della matematica che hanno profonde radici nel passato, come la geometria o l’algebra.Possiamo dire che un passaggio iniziale importante si è avuto con Antoine Gombaud, Chevalier de Méré (1607-1684), che pose a Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) una questione riguardante il gioco dei dadi. La corrispondenza tra Pierre de Fermat e Blaise Pascal, che ha avuto inizio nel 1654, su questioni simili, ha portato all'introduzione di concetti di base, come probabilità e aspettativa. Successivamente Christian Huygens, in "De ludo Ratiociniis in aleae", ha proposto un primo studio sistematico della nuova branca della matematica. Tuttavia, la necessità di una costruzione assiomatica della teoria della probabilità sorse per l’esigenza di analizzare situazioni più generali e complesse rispetto al gioco d'azzardo. Una forte formalizzazione è stata fornita dalla monografia "Fondamenti della teoria della probabilità" (1933) di Andrey Nikolaevich Kolmogorov.La statistica rappresenta l'applicazione più popolare della teoria della probabilità, fornendo strumenti di ricerca in diversi settori, tra cui le scienze fisiche e naturali, la tecnologia, la psicologia, l'economia e la medicina. In un certo senso essa rappresenta il ponte che collega i dati sperimentali con la teoria matematica.La Logica Fuzzy, da non confondere con la probabilità, si occupa del trattamento formale delle proposizioni di cui non si può affermare senza ambiguità che siano vere o false; l'idea filosofica è che "tutto è una questione di gradualità" (Zadeh).Parole Chiave: Incertezza, Probabilità, Statistica, Fuzz

    Una strada parco per la "Città Pontina"

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    Nel volume è presentato un progetto di parco lineare innervato sulla realizzazione di una pista ciclabile che sfrutta il tracciato ferroviario dismesso della tratta Velletri Terracina. Il parco include aree agricole, siti archeologici e di interesse storico e naturalistico ed una serie di cave dismesse di cui si progetta la rinaturalizzazioned il riuso per servizi del parco. Il progetto prevede inoltre risalite meccaniche ai centri antichi sulla Pedemontana Setina.In this volume is presented a draft innervated linear park on the creation of a bike path that takes advantage of the disused railway line is of Velletri Terracina. The park includes agricultural areas, and archaeological sites of historical and natural interest and a series of disused quarries where you plan to reuse the rinaturalizzazioned for park services. The project also includes the ski lifts to the ancient centers on the foothills Setina

    Application of multivariate data analysis for the classification of two dimensional gel images in Neuroproteomics

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    Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2DE) still plays a key role in proteomics for exploring the protein content of complex biological mixtures. However, the development of fully automatic strategies in extracting interpretable information from gel images is still a challenging task. In this work, we present a computational strategy aiming at an automatic classification of the discriminant patterns emerging from separation images intended as fingerprints of the correspondent biological conditions. The method was applied to gel images acquired in a study on motor neuron diseases: 33 2DE maps generated from samples of cerebrospinal fluid were processed (26 pathologic and 7 control subjects). Quantitative image descriptors were extracted and fitted to a partial least squares-discriminant analysis (PLSDA) assessing the chance to classify the samples. Moreover, the model was able to identify gel areas that most differ through the clinical categories. Combining multivariate statistical techniques with 2DEs may represent a valid tool to extract informative protein patterns. This kind of approach can contribute to the development of a system of screening to discriminate different clinical conditions on the basis of the overall patterns emerging from the maps, representing a useful complementary analysis in the routine of a proteomic laboratory. © 2011 Mazzara S, et al

    Influence of Maternal and Postweaning Linseed Dietary Supplementation on Growth Rate, Lipid Profile, and Meat Quality Traits of Light Sarda Lambs

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    The effects of dietary extruded linseed (EL) on growth performance, meat quality, and lipid profile of Semimembranosus and Longissimus lumborum muscles of 81 Sarda lambs were studied in a 3 × 3 design: EL content (0%, 10%, and 20%) of maternal dietary concentrate fed from 20 d to parturition to 60 d of lactation and EL content (0%, 10%, 20%) of lamb concentrate fed after weaning for 30 d. The basal diet was composed of alfalfa and meadow hay during pregnancy and alfalfa hay during lactation. At slaughter, carcass and meat quality were evaluated. Sensory quality of Semimembranosus from 0% and 20% EL lambs was assessed. Both maternal and postweaning diets affected growth performance, with higher body weights recorded with the 10% EL concentrate. Carcass and meat quality were not affected by diet. Saturated and monounsaturated FA decreased and n-3 polyunsaturated FA increased with increasing EL content in lamb diet. An increase in vaccenic and rumenic acid was associated with the EL content of the maternal diet. Both diets increased the n-6/n-3 FA ratio. No differences in acceptability were detected by consumers among groups. It is concluded that EL supplementation and early life nutrition can influence performance and FA metabolism in growing lambs

    Urothelial bladder carcinoma metastasizing to the eye: a systematic review and case report

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    The eye is a rare site for disseminated malignancies; nevertheless, several tumors may metastasize to ocular structures. Few cases of urothelial and bladder cancer with eye involvement have been described in the literature thus far. The rarity of metastatic ocular localization implies an accurate differential diagnosis among the possible primary tumor sites. However, a specific diagnostic algorithm is not currently available, nor a defined therapeutic approach. Eye metastases are associated with advanced disease and poor prognosis. Physicians should be made aware of the possibility of eye involvement in patients with a past medical history of urothelial bladder cancer associated with ocular symptoms. The present case reports discusses the first documented case, to the best of our knowledge, of an urothelial bladder cancer metastasizing to the retro bulbar region that infiltrates the lacrimal gland. Furthermore, the report provides a systematic qualitative review of the current literature on eye metastases from urothelial bladder cancer using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta Analyses

    Comparing inconsistency of pairwise comparison matrices depending on entries

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    Pairwise comparisons have been a long-standing technique for comparing alternatives/criteria and their role has been pivotal in the development of modern decision-making methods. Since several types of pairwise comparison matrices (e.g., multiplicative, additive, fuzzy) are proposed in literature, in this paper, we investigate, for which type of matrix, decision-makers are more coherent when they express their subjective preferences. By performing an experiment, we found that the additive approach provides the worst level of coherence

    DSM-5 PTSD and posttraumatic stress spectrum in Italian emergency personnel: correlations with work and social adjustment

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    The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition (DSM-5) has recently recognized a particular risk for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) among first responders (criterion A4), acknowledging emergency units as stressful places of employment. Little data is yet available on DSM-5 among emergency health operators. The aim of this study was to assess DSM-5 symptomatological PTSD and posttraumatic stress spectrum, as well as their impact on work and social functioning, in the emergency staff of a major university hospital in Italy. One hundred and ten subjects (doctors, nurses, and health-care assistants) were recruited at the Emergency Unit of the Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Pisana (Italy) and assessed by the Trauma and Loss Spectrum-Self Report (TALS-SR) and Work and Social Adjustment Scale (WSAS). A 15.7% DSM-5 symptomatological PTSD prevalence rate was found. Nongraduated persons reported significantly higher TALS-SR Domain IV (reaction to loss or traumatic events) scores and a significantly higher proportion of individuals presenting at least one maladaptive behavior (TALS-SR Domain VII), with respect to graduate ones. Women reported significantly higher WSAS scores. Significant correlations emerged between PTSD symptoms and WSAS total scores among health-care assistants, nongraduates and women. Our results showed emergency workers to be at risk for posttraumatic stress spectrum and related work and social impairment, particularly among women and nongraduated subjects. Keywords: posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), emergency, emergency care workers, work and social functioning/adjustment, maladaptive behaviors, gender, educatio

    Paraoxonase Activity and Genotype Predispose to Successful Aging

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    The paraoxonase 1 codon 192 R allele has been previously reported to have a role in successful aging. The relationship between PON1 genotypes, enzymatic activity, and mass concentration was evaluated in a group of 229 participants from 22 to 104 years of age, focusing our attention on nonagenarian/centenarian participants. We found a genetic control for paraoxonase activity that is maintained throughout life, also in the nonagenarians/centenarians. This activity decreases significantly during aging and shows different mean values among R and M carriers, where R+ and M− carriers have the significant highest paraoxonase activity. Results from the multinomial regression logistic model show that paraoxonase activity as well as R+ and M− carriers contribute significantly to the explanation of the longevity phenotype. In conclusion, we show that genetic variability at the PON1 locus is related to paraoxonase activity throughout life, and suggest that both parameters affect survival at extreme advanced ag

    Iodine status and supplementation in pregnancy: an overview of the evidence provided by meta-analyses

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    Iodine supplementation during pregnancy in areas with mild-moderate defciency is still a matter of debate. The present study aimed at systematically reviewing currently available evidences provided by meta-analyses with the aim to further clarify controversial aspects regarding the need of iodine supplementation in pregnancy as well as to provide guidance on clinical decision-making, even in areas with mild-moderate defciency. Medline, Embase and Cochrane search from 1969 to 2022 were performed. For the purpose of this review, only studies containing meta-analytic data were selected. A total of 7 meta-analyses were retrieved. Four meta-analyses evaluated the relationship between iodine status during pregnancy and neonatal and maternal outcomes suggesting the existence of a U-shaped correlation between iodine status and several maternal and neonatal consequences, especially if iodine status is evaluated at the beginning of pregnancy. Three meta-analyses evaluating the results of intervention trials failed to provide straightforward conclusions on the benefts of iodine supplementation in pregnant women in areas with mild-moderate iodine defciency. Although evidence coming from meta-analyses suggests a role of iodine status during pregnancy in determining maternal and child outcomes, results of meta-analyses of intervention trials are still controversial. Several factors including, degree of iodine defciency, and pooling studies conducted in areas with diferent iodine intake, may account for the lack of benefts reported by metaanalyses of intervention trials. More high-quality, randomized, controlled trials including information on timing, dose and regimen of iodine supplementation are needed to further elucidate this issue
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