35 research outputs found

    Blood cholesterol levels of hypercholesterolemic rat (Rattus norvegicus) after VCO treatment

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    Abstrak. Harini M, Astirin OP. 2009. Kadar kolesterol darah tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) hiperkolesterolemik setelah perlakuan VCO. Nusantara Bioscience 1: 53-58. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perlakuan VCO terhadap kadar kolesterol darah tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus L.) hiperkolesterolemik. Penelitian ini menggunakan 25 tikus putih jantan galur Wistar yang dikelompokkan menjadi lima kelompok perlakuan, yaitu: kontrol, simvastatin (1,3 mL/270 g BB), kolesterol (lemak babi 9:1), VCO 1 (1 mL/270 g BB), dan VCO 2 (1,3 mL/270 g BB). Perlakuan diberikan secara oral. Kadar kolesterol total, kadar LDL dan kadar HDL diukur pada hari ke-1, ke-14 dan hari ke-28. Data kadar kolesterol (kolesterol total, LDL dan HDL) dianalisis dengan ANCOVA dan dilanjutkan dengan uji contrast pada taraf signifikansi 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan VCO pada berbagai dosis berpengaruh nyata terhadap penurunan kadar kolesterol total darah, kadar LDL darah dan peningkatan kadar HDL darah tikus putih (R. norvegicus) hiperkolesterolemik. Kata kunci: kolesterol, aterosklerosis, VCO

    Body weight and statistic vital of Texel sheep in Wonosobo District by giving the ramie hay as an additional woof

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    Abstract. Kuntjoro A, Sutarno, Astirin OP. 2009. Body weight and statistic vital of Texel sheep in Wonosobo District by giving the ramie hay as an additional woof. Nusantara Bioscience 1: 23-30. This research is aimed to observe the body weight and statistic vital measurement of 50 Texel sheep. Sheep are classified into five treatments of giving woof P0 (giving tree greenish woof without concentrate), P1 (giving greenish woof and concentrate without adding the ramie hay/0%) concentrate), P2 (giving greenish woof and concentrate by adding 10%) ramie hay), P3 (giving greenish woof and concentrate by adding 20%) ramie hay), P4 (giving greenish woof and concentrate by adding 30%) ramie hay), every treatment was repeated 10 times. The result shows that even it can’t yet replace the concentrate function, but adding ramie hay as much as 10%), 20%) and 30%) on sheep woof can increase the body weight’s growth respectively 186.67 g/day, 153.34 g/day dan 103.34 g/day. The addition of ramie hay 10%), 20%) and 30%) can increase the addition of statistic vital’s measurement on breast of sheep livestock 1.20 cm); 0.95 cm) and 0.90 cm); the addition of statistic vital measurement on the body length of sheep livestock 0.05 cm); 1.00 cm) and 0.75 cm) and also the addition of breast width is 1.50 cm); 0.15 cm) and 0.3 cm). Meanwhile the addition of ramie hay on livestock woof can only increase the addition of statistic vital mesurement on breast at giving 30%) as big as 0.15 cm). It is needed to know further on giving ramie hay by concentration comparasion of hay of different leaf and stem

    Teratogenic test of Pandanus conoideus var. yellow fruit extract to development of rat embryo (Rattus norvegicus)

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    Muna L, Astirin OP, Sugiyarto. 2010. Uji teratogenik ekstrak Pandanus conoideus varietas buah kuning terhadap perkembangan embrio tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus). Nusantara Bioscience 2: 126-134. Penelitian ini betujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh pemberian ekstrak Pandanus conoideus Lam. var. buah kuning terhadap persentase fetus hidup, kematian intrauterus, berat dan panjang fetus, keadaan morfologi fetus, serta struktur skeleton fetus tikus putih. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan 25 tikus bunting yang dibagi menjadi lima kelompok secara acak, sehingga masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari lima ekor tikus. Setiap kelompok diberi dosis yang berbeda. P1 (kontrol) diberi 1 mL minyak wijen, P2, P3, P4 dan P5 diberi ekstrak masing-masing: 0,02 mL, 0,04 mL, 0,08 mL dan 0,16 mL. Ekstrak tersebut diberikan secara oral pada kebuntingan hari ke 5 sampai hari ke 17 (fase organogenesis). Pengamatan dilakukan pada hari ke 18 dengan cara bedah sesar untuk mengambil fetus dari uterus. Morfologi fetus diamati setelah fetus dikeluarkan dari uterus, sedangkan untuk pengamatan struktur skeleton dibuat preparat wholemount dengan pewarnaan ganda Alcian blue dan Allizarin Red-S. Hasil percobaan dianalisis dengan ANAVA satu jalur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak tidak berpengaruh terhadap persentase fetus hidup, kematian intrauterus, serta berat dan panjang fetus (P≥0,05). Pemberian ekstrak pada induk mengakibatkan kecacatan skeleton (lordosis) fetus pada dosis 0,16 mL dan menghambat osifikasi fetus. Kata kunci: Pandanus conoideus var. buah kuning, teratogenik, tikus putih

    Alternative supplementary biochemic food for growing up the fresh water lobster (Cherax quadricarinatus)

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    Priyono E, Astirin OP, Setyono P. 2009. Alternative supplementary biochemic food for growing up the fresh water lobster (Cherax quadricarinatus). Nusantara Bioscience 1: 123-130. This research denotes to know the influence of biochemic composition to the rapid grow of fresh water lobster on the stadium of post larva (PL) of 60 within three months. This research used the complete random planning dealing with 4 treatments and each treatment would get 3 times cycle. The treatments cover, group K tested animal was treted with 100% mill food containing 30% of protein. Group A is given with food and biochemic food containing 13,34% of protein. Group B is the treated with mill food which is mixed with biochemic food containing 10,7% of protein. While group C was tested by treating them with mill food and biochemic food containing 13,58%. After all the above mentioned would be set up within 3:1 comparation. The variable of this research were the length of the abdomen, cephalothorax, total length, and the wet weight. The data analysis is using ANOVA system on 95% power test completed by of SPSS version 13. The result of the research shows that mentioned treatments give us the same influence toward the growth of fresh water lobster. The composition of biochemic food with the containing protein around 10,7%,13.34% and 13,38% has given the same effect to the lobster growth on post larva 60 level. There is strong correlation between abdomen and cephalothorax and between the total length and the lobsters weight. Key words: Cherax quadricarinatus, suplementary food, water qualit

    Plankton diversity as bioindicator of Surakarta rivers quality

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    Rivers have essential role in human cultures. They are sanctuary for amount of biodiversity, but threatened seriously now. The objective of this research is to know Surakarta (Solo) rivers quality based on plankton diversity. This town has amount of kampongs and industrial estates that discard wastes to rivers directly. Plankton community is one of the river qualities indicators, because pollutant and other organisms can influence their population. The research was conducted at four rivers in Surakarta, namely Pepe River, Premulung River, Anyar River and Jenes River. Data was collected in triple before and after rivers through the town. Data was analyzed by diversity index of Shannon Wienner. The result indicated that Surakarta rivers had been polluted in degree of lightly to seriously


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    ABSTRAK   Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari kondisi dalam menumbuhkan  kultur Alteromonas luteoviolaceus dan mengisolasi DNA genomiknya sebagai langkah awal dalam penelitian dengan tema Identifikasi Gen Halogenase dari A. luteoviolaceus Penghasil Antibiotik Penta-brompseudilin Secara Hibridisasi. Penelitian ini bersifat eksploratif dengan disain penelitian faktor tunggal yang dianalisis secara kualitatif. Penumbuhan  A. Luteoviolaceus dilakukan dalam medium M1+ yang dimodifikasi dan dalam Difco Marine Broth 2216. Isolasi DNA genom A. luteoviolaceous dengan dua prosedur, yaitu (1) dengan prosedur salting out (Pospiech and Neuman, 1995) dan (2)  dengan  prosedur Kirby mix dari (Hopwood et al.,1985). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa marine bakteri A. luteoviolaceous dapat ditumbuhkan dalam medium M1+ modifikasi pada 27-30oC selama 2-7 hari sedangkan dalam Marine Broth 2216 pada hari ke 3 terjadi penurunan pertumbuhan. Pertumbuhan dapat dipercepat dengan meletakkan spiral pada dasar Erlenmeyer yang digunakan. Isolasi DNA genom Actinoplane sp berhasil dilakukan dengan prosedur Kirby mix yang kulturnya ditumbuhkan dalam medium cair M1+ modifikasi selama maksimum 2 hari. Dengan waktu inkubasi lebih dari 2 hari DNA genom tersebut sulit diperoleh. Meskipun dengan waktu inkubasi sampai 2 hari DNA genom juga tidak diperoleh jika diisolasi dengan prosedur salting out. Isolasi DNA genom Actinoplane sp juga tidak memperoleh hasil bila ditumbuhkan pada Difco Marine Broth 2216 selama 2 hari baik dengan prosedur salting out maupun Kirby mix

    Effect of Maternal Education, Family Income, Mother-Midwife Interface, and the Incidence of Iron Deficiency Anemia in Pemalang, Central Java

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    Background: Maternal mortality rate was 359 per 100,000 live birth in Indonesia in 2012. An indirect cause of maternal mortality rate is anemia. This study aimed to investigate effect of maternal education, family income, mother-midwife interface, on the incidence of iron deficiency anemia in Pemalang, Central Java.  Subjects and Method: This was an analytical observational with case control design. This study was conducted at Purwoharjo, Rowosari, and Petarukan health centers, Pemalang, Central Java. This study was carried out from March 2 to 27, 2016. A total of 146 pregnant women from the three health centers were selected for this study by fixed disease sampling. This study consisted of pregnant mothers with iron deficiency anemia (cases) and those without iron deficiency anemia (controls) with equal share. The dependent variable was iron deficiency anemia, which was measured by Sahli method. The independent variables were maternal education, family income, and mother-midwife interface. These variables were measured by a set of questionnaire. The data were analyzed by path analysis.Results: Better knowledge (b= -1.26; p=0.002), positive attitude (b= -1.01; p=0.019), stronger purchasing power (b= -1.16; p=0.004) had direct effects on reduced risk of iron deficiency anemia, and they were statistically significant. There were positive effects of higher income on stronger purchasing power (b=0.63; p=<0.001), mother-midwife interface on better knowledge (b=0.19; p=0.021), mother-midwife interface on positive attitude (b=0.21; p=0.023), and higher education on better knowledge (b=0.21; p=0.035).Conclusion: Better knowledge, positive attitude, stronger purchasing power, have direct effects on reduced risk of iron deficiency anemia. Higher income has indirect effect on reduced risk of iron deficiency anemia via stronger purchasing power. Mother-midwife interface has indirect effect on reduced risk of iron deficiency anemia either via better knowledge or positive attitude. It is suggested that pregnant mothers increase their interaction with midwives so that they are able to detect sign and symptom of anemia and to take necessary preventive action.Keywords: iron deficiency anemia, pregnant mother, mother-midwife interfaceCorrespondence : Ade Kurniati. Masters Program in Public Health, Sebelas Maret University, SurakartaJournal of Maternal of Child Health (2026), 1(4): 220-229https://doi.org/10.26911/thejmch.2016.01.04.0

    The Effect of Crude Extract of Pandanus conoideus Lamb. var. Yellow Fruit on Apoptotic Expression of the Breast Cancer Cell Line (T47D)

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    A mechanism controlling a growing cancer cells is by a programmed cell death (apoptosis). The wildtype-p53 enable to stop cleaves that follow DNA repair or cell death (apoptosis). The mutation of wt-p53 caused loosing its ability to inhibit cancer cells proliferation. Healing methods like surgery, radiation, immunotherapy and chemotherapy still have some weaknesses, and clinical medicine to cancer is also still has any dissatisfactory. Much of chemotherapy was not given optimal result yet, because no specific action to cancer cells only, but also to the normal cells. These problems encourage important effort to find specific and sensitive anticancer. Empirical evidence indicates that the crude extract of Pandanus conoideus Lamb var. yellow fruit has potential effect as an anticancer. Method of Freshney was used in growing T47D cell line, counting cells was done by direct counting, and apoptotic evaluation was done by TUNEL enzymatic labeling assay. The results of the research demonstrated that the LC50 of yellow fruit extract are 0.25 µL/mL. The percentage of apoptotic of 0.125 µL/mL, 0.0625 µL/mL, and 0.03125 µL/mL are 34.38±2.26, 30.03±3.87 and 21.07±1.14 respectively

    Characterization of Collagen Hydrolysate Gel from Mackerel Scad Skin (Decapterus macarellus)

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    The skin of mackerel scad (Decapterus macarellus) is a novel source of marine bioactive collagen hydrolysate that has the potential to improve skin health. Collagen hydrolysate represent the major constituent in cosmetic industry because of its excellent moisturizing properties and multiple health benefits. The purpose of this study is to investigate the application of mackerel collagen hydrolysate (mackerel CH) as a component of cosmetic gel preparations by examining the gel’s physical and chemical properties which include viscosity, spreadability, adhesiveness, gel strength, gel texture, pH, and organoleptic. Evaluation of physicochemical properties is necessary to ensure that the quality and safety of the gel preparation meets the intended specifications. The formulation of the mackerel CH resulted in a gel with higher viscosity and spreadability compared to the standard national guideline (SNI). The gel exhibited favorable adhesiveness and pH levels, indicating its potential to efficiently deliver active substances to the skin without causing any irritation. The results indicated that the gel had a soft consistency in terms of gel strength and texture. Organoleptic assessment described the gel as having a clear, yellowish appearance with a subtle fishy aroma. Future studies should focus on further optimizing the formulation. Additionally, it is recommended to assess the efficacy of this gel in addressing medication-related issues using an animal mode

    Pengaruh Vitamin C terhadap Perbaikan Spermatogenesis dan Kualitas Spermatozoa Mencit (Mus musculus L.) Setelah Pemberian Ekstrak Tembakau (Nicotiana tabacum L.)

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    The aim of this research was to describe the ability of vitamin C in improving the spermatogenesis and spermatozoa quality of mice after the treatment of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) extract. The framework of the research was that it was already known that vitamin C was one of the anti-oxidant, which was able to counter free radical of the nicotine obtained in tobacco extract in improving the spermatogenesis. The research would be conducted by grouping the mice into 6 groups, and each group consists of 4 repetitions in 35 days. The first group was as control, the second group was treated with C vitamin in the dosage of 0.024 mg/g of body weight, the third group was treated with tobacco extract in the dosage of 0,121 mg/g of body weight, the fourth group was treated with tobacco extract in the dosage of 0,121 mg/g of body weight and C vitamin of 0,012 mg/g of body weight, the fifth group was treated with tobacco extract in the dosage of 0,121 mg/g of body weight and C vitamin of 0,024 mg/g of body weight, and the sixth group was treated with tobacco extract in the dosage of 0,121 mg/g of body weight and C vitamin of 0,036 mg/g of body weight. Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded that tobacco extract treatment could decrease spermatogenesis quality and spermatozoa quality of mice (Mus musculus L.). C Vitamin could improve spermatogenesis and spermatozoa quality of mice after tobacco extract treatment. The optimal dosage of C vitamin treatment to improve the sperma-togenesis and the quality of spermatozoa after the addition of tobacco extract treatment was 0,024 mg/g of weight. Keywords: vitamin C, tobacco extract, spermatogenesis, spermatozoa