16 research outputs found


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    Situasi pandemi yang melanda dunia mengharuskan berbagai upaya inovatif agar pembelajaran dapat terlaksana secara optimal. Pembelajaran daring (dalam jaringan) menjadi pilihan untuk meminimalisir interaksi dan mengurangi tingkat resiko kesehatan. Namun demikian, banyak kendala yang dialami guru agar dapat menjangkau setiap siswa menggunakan pembelajaran daring, khususnya pada mata pelajaran matematika. Berbagai simbol, dan rumus matematika menyulitkan siswa tanpa adanya penjelasan dari guru. Pembelajaran tatap muka terbatas secara bertahap mulai dilakukan untuk mengantisipasi kelemahan pembelajaran daring. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan tantangan dan peluang pembelajaran matematika pada masa pandemi. Penelitian ini melibatkan siswa SMP di Kabupaten Jeneponto, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan yang berjumlah 142. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan lembar angket melalui google form atau penyebaran kuesioner secara langsung. Data yang telah terkumpul dianalisis secara deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar siswa mengalami keterbatasan akses pembelajaran matematika secara daring pada masa pandemi. Faktor kesulitan jaringan, dan penghasilan orang tua menjadi kendala utama pembelajaran daring, khususnya di daerah pedesaan. Namun demikian, pembelajaran daring dapat menjadi pendekatan alternatif pada masa pandemi, khususnya di sekolah dengan jangkauan internet berkualitas baik. Sebagian besar siswa menganggap pembelajaran tatap muka terbatas, dan pembelajaran kombinasi sebagai metode paling baik diterapkan pada masa pandem

    Geometry Skill Analysis In Problem Solving Reviewed From The Difference Of Cognitive Style Students Junior High School

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    This study aimed to analyze the geometry skills in solving problems in terms of cognitive styles differences in the students of SMP Negeri Urumb. The type of this research is descriptive research that is qualitative with case study approach. The subject of this research is all students of SMP Negeri Urumb. Subject selection is done by using snowball sampling technique. The main instrument in this study is the researchers themselves and accompanied by supporting instruments such as diagnostic tests, geometry solving test, and interview guides. Validity and reliability of data is done through credibility test, transferability test, dependability test, and confirmability test. Data analysis consists of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results of this study were (1) reflective FI subjects showing visual, verbal, drawing, and logic skills with level of geometry thinking at level 2 (informal deduction); (2) impulsive FI subjects exhibiting visual, verbal, and drawing skills with geometric thinking level at level 1 (analysis), (3) reflective FD subjects exhibit visual skills, and draw with level of geometric thinking at level 0 (visualization), and (4) impulsive FD subjects exhibit visual, verbal skills with geometric level thinking at level 0 (visualization)


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    Dalam beberapa dekade terakhir, banyak cabang matematika yang berkembang begitu pesat. Sebagai contoh pada bidang aljabar linier elementer, determinan sebuah matriks mendapatkan perhatian luas dari para ahli matematika. Penerapan matriks dalam berbagai bidang ilmu membuat sebuah kajian yang sangat luas sehingga menjadikan matriks lebih diperumum. Konsep determinan, sebagaimana diketahui penerapannya hanya pada matriks bujur sangkar sekarang telah berkembang konsep determinan pada matriks non-bujur sangkar. Salah satunya adalah metode yang diperkenalkan oleh Mirko Radic pada tahun 2005 yang menemukan determinan untuk matriks non-bujur sangkar berordo , dengan . Pada artikel ini akan dibahas tentang matriks yang diperumum dan determinannya, definisi Radic, dan terkhusus mengenai determinan pada matriks non-bujur sangkar ordo . Juga ditambahkan penerapannya menggunakan Microsoft excel


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    SMP YPK Tomer is located in Naukenjerai District, where the majority of the population is indigenous Papuans, the Kanum Tribe. Most SMP YPK Tomer students have a way of thinking, and a lifestyle that is still very thick with the cultural principles that develop in their community. The purpose of this training is to provide education and equip math and science teachers at SMP YPK Tomer with the skills to choose and design mathematics and science learning media that are integrated with local cultural values (in this case the Kanum tribe associated with Kampung Tomer). Training and mentoring are designed using ethnomatematics and etnosains which are learning mathematics and science by involving local cultural values. The results of this service are obtained: ruler and protractor media, spatial structure, simple conductivity test material, and air purifier. The response strongly agrees that students are given the learning media for the readability criteria of 87%, the free criteria are used at 73%, and the accessibility criteria is 81%


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    Abstract This article discusses a new concept of complete guidance of the national science olympiad in the field of mathematics. This guidance is carried out periodically with the aim of providing new experiences for students in preparation for the 2020 national science olympiad. Assistance for national science olympiad guidance is carried out in three main steps. First, the results of observations made to discuss students and schools in the implementation of national science olympiad guidance at school. In this observation, an explanation was obtained about the school where the community service had not contributed to the national science olympiad five years ago. Second is the socialization stage. At this stage of socialization is the initial part made. The socialization consisted of the socialization of the national science olympiad guidebook and online technical guidance socialization with Edmodo application platform. Socialization is carried out in accordance with predetermined planning. The third is the evaluation stage. The evaluation stage is the final stage of the national science olympiad guidance. This final phase is fully supported in the implementation of integrated guidance. Evaluation of the National Science Olympiad book and evaluation of the use of Edmodo application in online guidance. The evaluation book consists of revised material that is suitable for junior high school level learning material and high-level evaluation material. Online tutoring evaluation is done by activating student guidance in online tutoring.   Abstrak Artikel ini membahas tentang suatu konsep baru bimbingan terpadu olimpiade sains nasional dalam bidang matematika. Bimbingan ini dilakukan secara berkala dengan tujuan untuk memberikan pengalaman baru untuk siswa dalam persiapan olimiade sains nasional tahun 2020. Pelaksanaan bimbingan terpadu olimpiade sains nasional dilakukan dalam tiga tahapan utama. Pertama, adalah tahapan observasi yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui permasalahan siswa dan sekolah dalam pelaksanaan bimbingan olimpiade sains nasional disekolah. Pada observasi ini diperoleh penjelasan bahwa sekolah yang menjadi tempat pengabdian belum berkontribusi dalam olimpiade sains nasional pada lima tahun belakangan. Kedua adalah tahapan sosialisasi. Pada tahapan sosialisasi ini merupakan pengenalan awal prosedur bimbingan terpadu. Sosialisasi terdiri dari sosialisasi buku panduan olimpiade sains nasional dan sosialisasi teknis bimbingan online dengan platform aplikasi Edmodo. Sosialisasi dilakukan secara bertahap sesuai dengan perencanaan yang telah ditentukan. Ketiga adalah tahapan evaluasi. Tahapan evaluasi merupakan tahapan akhir dari bimbingan terpadu olimpiade sains nasional. Tahapan akhir ini mengevaluasi secara keseluruhan dalam pelaksanan bimbingan terpadu. Evaluasi buku olimpiade sains nasional dan evluasi penggunaan aplikasi Edmodo dalam bimbingan online. Evaluasi buku terdiri dari pemisahan materi yang sesuai dengan materi pembelajaran tingkat sekolah menengah pertama dan mengevaluasi seluruh kesalahan dalam penulisan-penulisan. Evaluasi bimbingan online dilakukan dengan mengaktifkan secara terjadwal aktifitas siswa dalam bimbingan online


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    Pendahuluan: Saat ini masyarakat Indonesia berada dalam situasi kondisi perekonomian yangkurang mendukung, khususnya di bidang kesehatan, Krisis ekonomi dan obat-obatan kimiaternyata beberapa diantaranya berdampak negatif pada umur panjang, kini masyarakat mulaiberalih kembali ke tumbuhan obat alami. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmengidentifikasi komponen kimiawi ekstrak metanol daun ceguk menggunakan kromatografipreparatif lamella. Bahan dan Metode: Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif berbasislaboratorium. Daun ceguk diekstraksi secara maserasi dengan menggunakan pengencer metanolsetelah bangsal diulangi dengan n-heksan. Identifikasi komponen kimia kromatografi lamellapada ekstrak metanol menggunakan pengenceran n-heksan: Etil asetat (9: 1), (8: 2) dan (7: 3),ditemukan 5 titik bercak yang terpisah.. Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa padaekstrak n-heksan ini menggunakan pengenceran n-heksan: Etil asetat (9: 1), (8: 2) dan (7: 3)menghasilkan 4, 2 dan 1 bercak bercak yang terpisah. Ekstrak n-heksan dipisahkan komponenkimianya dengan menggunakan kromatografi preparatif lamella menghasilkan 5 fraksi (A, B,C,D dan E). Kesimpulan: Komponen kimiawi ekstrak Metanol Daun Ceguk secara preparativetipis lapisan kromatografi didapatkan dalam ekstrak metanoldengan eluen heksana: Etil asetat(9: 1), (8: 2) dan (7: 3) masing-masing 5 noda. Dalam ekstrak n-heksana dengan eluen heksana:Etil asetat (9: 1), (8: 2) dan (7: 3), masing-masing 4 noda, 2 noda dan 1 noda. PadaKromatografi Lapis Tipis Preparatif diperoleh 5 fraksi yang merupakan pewarnaan tunggalsetelah Kromatografi Lapis Tipis Dua Dimensi

    Solving mathematical word problems using dynamic assessment for scaffolding construction

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    Students need the ability to solve word problems can connect mathematics with the context of everyday life. However, students experience many difficulties and need assistance in the form of scaffolding can to solve word problems well. Dynamic assessment is an alternative approach to constructing the form of scaffolding that student need to solve mathematical word problems. This study aimed to analyze the students' difficulties in solving word problems and the required form of scaffolding through dynamic assessment. The subjects of this study consisted of 177 students spread across 10 public junior high schools in Jeneponto Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. There was a four-word problem tested and analyzed using dynamic assessment. Student solutions were grouped based on the type and form of scaffolding needed: level 5 (no solution), level 4 (without analysis/unrepresentative), level 3 (computational error), level 2 (incomplete procedure), level 1 (lack of thoroughness in the final stage). The form of scaffolding is constructed to help students solve mathematical word problems step by step at each level. The use of scaffolding accompanied by instructions helps students develop word problem-solving skills. Dynamic assessment can be considered to be integrated with the mathematics learning process that supports scaffolding construction to solve students' word problems

    Ethnomathematics Perspective and Challenge as a Tool of Mathematical Contextual Learning for Indigenous People

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    Indigenous people have a very strong connection with culture. The national curriculum needs to provide a place for student learning in indigenous  people. Mathematics as knowledge applied in daily life activities becomes relevant to the culture of indigenous  people. The purpose of this study is to obtain an overview related to the perspective and challenge of ethnomathematics as a contextual learning mathematics framework for indigenous  people. This research is a qualitative study with an ethnographic approach and is carried out on Ammatoa indigenous people, Tana Toa Village, Kajang District, Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The data sources in this study were the head of the Tana Toa village, the tribal chief of Ammatoa, and the teacher in the indigenous territories. Data collection is done through observation, in-depth interviews, literature studies, and document analysis. The results of this study indicate the association of Ammatoa culture with mathematical content which includes knowledge systems, traditional activities, and cultural artifacts. Domains of school mathematics content related to Ammatoa culture include; the concept of number, geometry, comparison, sequence and series, as well as probability and combinatorics. Mathematics learning in Ammatoa indigenous people needs to consider aspects of culture that involve collaborative involvement


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    Abstract The ability of Calistung is a basic knowledge that must be possessed by someone to be able to learn various things. Merauke Regency still has lliteracy problems related to the low ability of Calistung, especially in Baidub Village, Ulilin District. The purpose of this service is to provide training and assistance to the community in Kampung Baidub to be able to improve the ability of Calistung. Service methods used are through the stages of observation, socialization, mentoring training, monitoring and evaluation. The activity will take place in May-August 2019 with the target of the illiterate community and students of Bupul XII Elementary Inpres in Baidub Village, Ulilin District. The results of this dedication were obtained by Calistung learning media in the form of simple counting tools (abacus), picture cards, word boards, and Calistung books. The level of community participation and students participating in the activities is very high as indicated by the ability of the community Calistung and elementary students in Baidub Village to increase after the implementation of the service. Abstrak Kemampuan Calistung merupakan pengetahuan dasar yang harus dimiliki oleh seseorang untuk dapat mempelajari berbagai hal. Kabupaten Merauke masih memiliki permasalahan penuntasan buta aksara terkait rendahnya kemampuan Calistung khususnya di Kampung Baidub, Distrik Ulilin. Tujuan dilaksanakannya pengabdian ini adalah untuk memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan kepada masyarakat di Kampung Baidub agar mampu meningkatkan kemampuan Calistung. Metode pengabdian yang digunakan melalui tahapan observasi, sosialisasi, pelatihan pendampingan, monitoring dan evaluasi. Pelaksanaan kegiatan berlangsung pada Bulan Mei-Agustus 2019 dengan sasaran masyarakat buta aksara dan siswa SD Inpres Bupul XII di Kampung Baidub, Distrik Ulilin. Hasil pengabdian ini diperoleh media pembelajaran calistung berupa alat hitung sederhana (sempoa), kartu bergambar, papan kata, dan buku Calistung. Tingkat partsisipasi masyarakat dan siswa mengikuti kegiatan tergolong sangat tinggi yang ditunjukkan dengan kemampuan Calistung masyarakat dan siswa SD di Kampung Baidub mengalami peningkatan setelah pelaksanaan pengabdian. &nbsp