1,694 research outputs found

    Influence of type of uniform and days of usage in microbiological contamination of nurses uniform in a university hospital

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    Presentación de un póster presentado al International Conference on Prevention & Infection Control (ICPIC 2011) Geneva, Switzerland. 29 June – 2 July 2011Nurse uniforms can act as a reservoir of infections, with the areas around the pockets, cuffs and aprons the most contaminated. The aim of this study is compare the contamination of Standard nurse’s uniform consisted of a dress, pinafore apron with the “scrub dress” type of uniform, as well as to measure the influence of the number of shifts as uniform was used in its contamination

    A Simple Test of Class-Level Genetic Association Can Reveal Novel Cardiometabolic Trait Loci

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    Background Characterizing the genetic determinants of complex diseases can be further augmented by incorporating knowledge of underlying structure or classifications of the genome, such as newly developed mappings of protein-coding genes, epigenetic marks, enhancer elements and non-coding RNAs. Methods We apply a simple class-level testing framework, termed Genetic Class Association Testing (GenCAT), to identify protein-coding gene association with 14 cardiometabolic (CMD) related traits across 6 publicly available genome wide association (GWA) meta-analysis data resources. GenCAT uses SNP-level meta-analysis test statistics across all SNPs within a class of elements, as well as the size of the class and its unique correlation structure, to determine if the class is statistically meaningful. The novelty of findings is evaluated through investigation of regional signals. A subset of findings are validated using recently updated, larger meta-analysis resources. A simulation study is presented to characterize overall performance with respect to power, control of family-wise error and computational efficiency. All analysis is performed using the GenCAT package, R version 3.2.1. Results We demonstrate that class-level testing complements the common first stage minP approach that involves individual SNP-level testing followed by post-hoc ascribing of statistically significant SNPs to genes and loci. GenCAT suggests 54 protein-coding genes at 41 distinct loci for the 13 CMD traits investigated in the discovery analysis, that are beyond the discoveries of minP alone. An additional application to biological pathways demonstrates flexibility in defining genetic classes. Conclusions We conclude that it would be prudent to include class-level testing as standard practice in GWA analysis. GenCAT, for example, can be used as a simple, complementary and efficient strategy for class-level testing that leverages existing data resources, requires only summary level data in the form of test statistics, and adds significant value with respect to its potential for identifying multiple novel and clinically relevant trait associations

    Tunable narrowband Excitonic Optical Tamm States enabled by a metal-free all-organic structure

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    Optical Tamm States (OTS) are confined optical modes that can occur at the interface between two highly reflective structures. However, due to the strong reflectance required, their implemen-tation with highly processable and metal-free flexible materials has proven challenging. Herein, we develop the first structure supporting OTS based only on organic polymeric materials, demon-strating a photonic platform based on non-critical, widely available, and easily processable mate-rials. The structures fabricated present large areas and consist of a narrowband multi-layered polymeric Distributed Bragg Reflector (DBR) followed by a thin film of J-aggregate molecular exci-tonic material that can act as a highly reflective surface within a narrowband range. We take ad-vantage of the narrowband spectral response of the DBR and of the reflective molecular layer to tune the OTS band by varying the periodicity of the multilayer, opening the door for the fabrica-tion of OTS structures based on lightweight integrable excitonic devices with cost-effective proce-dures.Comment: 15 pages, 8 (3+5) figures, supplementary information include

    La Imagen y la Narrativa como Herramientas para el Abordaje Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia, Departamento de Caquetá.

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    El presente trabajo investigativo, de carácter individual y colaborativo, se realiza por medio del estudio, de diez unidades, dispuestas para la elaboración de análisis sobre relatos de violencia y esperanza, y la selección de uno de ellos, formulación de preguntas circulares, reflexivas y estratégicas, sobre el protagonista del relato elegido, al igual que análisis y presentación de estrategias y abordaje psicosocial en el caso de Cacarica, informe analítico y reflexivo de foto voz, realizada en el paso anterior, junto con las conclusiones y el link de la página de web Wix, de igual manera se adjunta análisis colaborativo presentado con anterioridad en el paso 3. El tema de investigación se realiza, en base a los relatos en este caso relato 2 Camilo, donde muestra escenarios de violencia presentados en lo que refiere al conflicto interno colombiano, apoyados en las lecturas del curso, en donde las víctimas son todos los integrantes de la familia, las cuales, de una u otra forma, han sufrido desplazamientos, estigma social, daños físicos y psicológicos, desintegración familiar, pérdidas humanas, económicas resultando comprometida hasta su identidad, generadas por las problemáticas violentas en el país, quienes no han tenido la oportunidad de reparación integral como víctimas del horror vivido, pero que aun así han seguido con el curo de sus vidas, con sus propios medios, reemplazando el término víctima por el sobreviviente del conflicto, quienes de manera resiliente superaron obstáculos, desarrollaron habilidades y destrezas para surgir por sus propios medios, haciendo de las tragedias vividas una oportunidad de salir adelante con sus familias. Finalmente es de mencionar que el diplomado de Acompañamiento y profundización psicosocial en escenarios de violencia, busca preparar a los futuros profesionales en el área de psicología, a trabajar en conjunto con los distintos profesionales de manera interdisciplinar, para intervenir por medio de la investigación, acompañamiento y evaluación de necesidades y caracterización, es decir, se involucra de manera empática, escucha sin juzgamientos, dando confianza al individuo, a la vez busca alternativas para restablecimientos de derechos, en aras de mejorar su calidad de vida, mitigando, traumas causados por el conflicto, haciendo de estos seres empoderados sanos de cuerpo y mente, pero de manera clara y objetiva.The present investigative work, of an individual and collaborative nature, is carried out by means of the study of ten units, arranged for the elaboration of analyzes on stories of violence and hope, and the selection of one of them, formulation of circular, reflective and strategies, on the protagonist of the chosen story, as well as analysis and presentation of strategies and psychosocial approach in the case of Cacarica, analytical and reflective photo-voice report, carried out in the previous step, together with the conclusions and the page link of Wix web, like wise attached collaborative analysis presented previously in step 3. The research topic is carried out, based on the accounts of violence scenarios presented in relation to the Colombian internal conflict, supported by the course readings, where the victims are all members of the family, which, from a or another way, they have suffered displacement, social stigma, physical and psychological damage, family disintegration, human and economic losses, being compromised to their identity, generated by the violent problems in the country, who have not had the opportunity of integral reparation as victims of the horror lived, but still have continued and made their lives, with their resources, replacing the term victim with the survivor of the conflict, who resiliently overcame obstacles, developed skills and abilities to emerge on their own, making the tragedies lived an opportunity to get ahead with their families. Finally, it is worth mentioning that the Diploma of Accompaniment and psychosocial deepening in scenarios of violence, seeks to prepare future professionals in the area of psychology, to work together with the different professionals in an interdisciplinary way, to intervene through research, accompaniment and needs assessment and characterization, that is, engaging empathetically, listening without judgment, giving confidence to the individual, while seeking alternatives for the restoration of rights, in order to improve their quality of life, mitigating trauma caused by the conflict, making these beings empowered healthy body and mind, but in a clear and objective way


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    O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo, de caráter teórico-prático, do uso de agrotóxicos em espaço destinado para a rizicultura, na região de Caçapava, SP. O desenvolvimento do mesmo foi dividido em três etapas, que consistem em: leitura sobre artigos e livros relacionados à temática estabelecida, análise da área de estudo, que trata-se de uma área predominantemente ocupada pela rizicultura (cultivo de arroz) e que também é favorecida pela qualidade do solo e disponibilidade de recursos hídricos para atender a plantação e, por fim, a análise química das amostras recolhidas. A etapa da análise química foi desenvolvida no Laboratório Central Multiusuário, localizado no Instituto de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento, da Universidade do Vale do Paraíba. Após a realização das três etapas, ficou constatada a presença de diversos elementos químicos, tais como carbono e oxigênio, porém, não houve a presença de metais tóxicos nos grãos analisados.

    Reaction of OH radicals with CH3NH2 in the gas phase: experimental (11.7–177.5 K) and computed rate coefficients (10–1000 K)

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    Nitrogen-bearing molecules, like methylamine (CH3NH2), can be the building blocks of amino acids in the interstellar medium (ISM). At the ultralow temperatures of the ISM, it is important to know its gas-phase reactivity towards interstellar radicals and the products formed. In this work, the kinetics of the OH + CH3NH2 reaction was experimentally and theoretically investigated at low- and high-pressure limits (LPL and HPL) between 10 and 1000 K. Moreover, the CH2NH2 and CH3NH yields were computed in the same temperature range for both pressure regimes. A pulsed CRESU (French acronym for Reaction Kinetics in a Uniform Supersonic Flow) apparatus was employed to determine the rate coefficient, k(T), in the 11.7–177.5 K range. A drastic increase of k(T) when the temperature is lowered was observed in agreement with theoretical calculations, evaluated by the competitive canonical unified statistical (CCUS) theory, below 300 K in the LPL regime. The same trend was observed in the HPL regime below 350 K, but the theoretical k(T) values were higher than the experimental ones. Above 200 K, the calculated rate coefficients are improved with respect to previous computational studies and are in excellent agreement with the experimental literature data. In the LPL, the formation of CH3NH becomes largely dominant below ca. 100 K. Conversely, in the HPL regime, CH2NH2 is the only product below 100 K, whereas CH3NH becomes dominant at 298 K with a branching ratio similar to the one found in the LPL regime (≈70%). At T > 300 K, both reaction channels are competitive independently of the pressure regimeLas moléculas que contienen nitrógeno, como la metilamina (CH 3 NH 2 ), pueden ser los componentes básicos de los aminoácidos en el medio interestelar (ISM). A las temperaturas ultrabajas del ISM, es importante conocer su reactividad en fase gaseosa hacia los radicales interestelares y los productos formados. En este trabajo se investigó experimental y teóricamente la cinética de la reacción OH + CH 3 NH 2 a límites de baja y alta presión (LPL y HPL) entre 10 y 1000 K. Además, las reacciones CH 2 NH 2 y CH 3Los rendimientos de NH se calcularon en el mismo rango de temperatura para ambos regímenes de presión. Se empleó un aparato CRESU (acrónimo francés de Reaction Kinetics in a Uniform Supersonic Flow) pulsado para determinar el coeficiente de velocidad, k ( T ), en el rango de 11,7–177,5 K. De acuerdo con los cálculos teóricos, evaluados por la teoría de la estadística unificada canónica competitiva (CCUS), se observó un aumento drástico de k ( T ) cuando se baja la temperatura, por debajo de 300 K en el régimen LPL. La misma tendencia se observó en el régimen HPL por debajo de 350 K, pero el k teórico ( T) los valores fueron superiores a los experimentales. Por encima de 200 K, los coeficientes de velocidad calculados mejoran con respecto a estudios computacionales previos y están en excelente acuerdo con los datos de la literatura experimental. En el LPL, la formación de CH 3 NH se vuelve mayoritariamente dominante por debajo de ca. 100 K. Por el contrario, en el régimen HPL, CH 2 NH 2 es el único producto por debajo de 100 K, mientras que CH 3 NH se vuelve dominante a 298 K con una relación de ramificación similar a la encontrada en el régimen LPL (≈70%). A T > 300 K, ambos canales de reacción son competitivos independientemente del régimen de presión

    Cellular and molecular mechanisms of IMMunE dysfunction and Recovery from SEpsis-related critical illness in adults: An observational cohort study (IMMERSE) protocol paper

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    Sepsis is a common illness. Immune responses are considered major drivers of sepsis illness and outcomes. However, there are no proven immunomodulator therapies in sepsis. We hypothesised that in-depth characterisation of sepsis-specific immune trajectory may inform immunomodulation in sepsis-related critical illness. We describe the protocol of the IMMERSE study to address this hypothesis. We include critically ill sepsis patients without documented immune comorbidity and age-sex matched cardiac surgical patients as controls. We plan to perform an in-depth biological characterisation of innate and adaptive immune systems, platelet function, humoral components and transcriptional determinants of the immune system responses in sepsis. This will be done at pre-specified time points during their critical illness to generate an illness trajectory. The sample size for each biological assessment is different and is described in detail. In summary, the overall aim of the IMMERSE study is to increase the granularity of longitudinal immunology model of sepsis to inform future immunomodulation trials

    The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Two-Season ACTPol Spectra and Parameters

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    We present the temperature and polarization angular power spectra measured by the Atacama Cosmology Telescope Polarimeter (ACTPol). We analyze night-time data collected during 2013-14 using two detector arrays at 149 GHz, from 548 deg2^2 of sky on the celestial equator. We use these spectra, and the spectra measured with the MBAC camera on ACT from 2008-10, in combination with Planck and WMAP data to estimate cosmological parameters from the temperature, polarization, and temperature-polarization cross-correlations. We find the new ACTPol data to be consistent with the LCDM model. The ACTPol temperature-polarization cross-spectrum now provides stronger constraints on multiple parameters than the ACTPol temperature spectrum, including the baryon density, the acoustic peak angular scale, and the derived Hubble constant. Adding the new data to planck temperature data tightens the limits on damping tail parameters, for example reducing the joint uncertainty on the number of neutrino species and the primordial helium fraction by 20%.Comment: 23 pages, 25 figure