226 research outputs found

    Os Anos 50 e 60 nas páginas de Panorama e Paraná em Páginas : o conservadorismo da imprensa paranaense no contexto da guerra fria

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    Orientadora: Helenice Rodrigues da SilvaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciencias Humanas, Letras e Artes, Programa de Pós-Graduação em História. Defesa: Curitiba, 27/03/2009Inclui bibliografi

    Orides Fontela’s Voicefragments : a Talk to Paulo Henriques Britto

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    A entrevista que aqui apresentamos foi realizada virtualmente, por meio de trocas de e-mails ao longo dos meses de agosto e setembro de 2020.The interview we present here was conducted virtually, through email exchanges throughout the months of August and September 2020

    Gingival calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor: case report and review of the literature comprising a period of 44 years

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    Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumors are rare odontogenic neoplasms that account for approximately 1% of all odontogenic tumors. The extraosseous variant is extremely rare, with only few cases being described in the literature. To our knowledge, only 22 cases have been reported over a period of 44 years. Therefore, the aim of this study was to present a critical literature review comprising the period from 1966 to 2010. In addition, we discuss the clinical presentation, diagnosis, and subsequent treatment of a patient with a gingival calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor in the anterior mandible. This study shows that even though being an extremely rare neoplasm the gingival calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor should be included in the differential diagnosis by general dentists of gingival lesions due to its clinical similarity to other oral hyperplastic or reactive lesions. A conservative surgical approach can be adopted in view of the nonaggressive behavior of this tumor. Recurrence is low and the prognosis is excellen

    Sr ISOTOPES BY LA-MC-ICP-MS PROCEDURES COUPLED WITH THE MACS3 REFERENCE MATERIAL IN A CORAL SAMPLE: A RECORD OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES: Isótopos de Sr analisados por LA-MC-ICP-MS como material de referência MACS3 em uma amostra de coral: um registro de mudanças ambientais

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    The main aim of this work is to demonstrate that the Laser ablation multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-MC-ICP-MS) is a powerful tool for the analysis of strontium (Sr) isotopes in corals. This work discusses certification strategies for Sr isotopes determination, using reference material (RM) analyses and the results treatment based on detailed data acquired in biological materials, a coral sample. To obtain reliable results, it is essential to properly adjust the mass spectrometer and laser ablation system. Adjusting the equipment to its maximum intensity does not always result in correct 87Sr/86Sr ratios. Therefore, the optimization of the mass spectrometer was performed using the reference material NIST SRM-987 (solution) and adjusting the correct Sr isotope ratio to the reference material (USGS MACS3 and NIST-612, solids) before each analytical session. The protocol applied the solid reference material USGS MACS3 with an isotopic ratio 87Sr/86Sr of 0.72000. The values obtained for this RM varied between 0.7012 and 0.7014, with a correction factor calculated between 0.990 and 0.988. In order to account for potential drifts in the mass spectrometer during an analytical session, the application of bracketing correction and the use of the most convenient reference material are suggested. The analytical uncertainty of Sr data obtained by LA-MC-ICP-MS is comparable to studies carried out on other carbonate materials. The results of ablation techniques are reproducible within the analytical error, which implies that this technique produces robust results when applied to coral carbonates. In addition, several comparative measurements of different reference materials (e.g. USGS MACS3 and NIST 612) and the comparison of the 87Sr/86Sr ratios highlight the robustness of the method. The results along the coral growth axes showed a decrease in the 87Sr/86Sr ratio from the inner to the outer layer of the coral (from 0.70920 to 0.70627), which indicate variations in the availability of particulate matter during the coral growth, probably related to local marine environmental changes.- O objetivo principal deste trabalho é demonstrar que a espectrometria de massa com plasma indutivamente acoplado e ablação a laser (LA-MC-ICP-MS) é uma ferramenta poderosa para a análise de isótopos de Sr em corais. Este trabalho discute estratégias de certificação para determinação de isótopos de Sr, usando análises de material de referência e o detalhamento do tratamento dos resultados adquiridos em materiais biológicos (coral). Para obter resultados confiáveis, é essencial ajustar adequadamente o espectrômetro de massas e o sistema de ablação a laser de forma a obter a intensidade máxima e em seguida promover as correções para obter as razões 87Sr / 86Sr corretas. Nestes termos, a otimização do espectrômetro de massa foi realizada usando o material de referência NIST SRM-987 (em solução) que em sequência foi migrado para a ablação a laser com ajuste da razão isotópica Sr correta para o material de referência (NIST-612, vidro), antes de cada sessão analítica. O protocolo incluiu a utilização material de referência sólido USGS MACS3 com razão isotópica 87Sr / 86Sr de 0,72000. Os valores obtidos para esta RM variaram entre 0,7012 e 0,7014, com fator de correção calculado entre 0,990 e 0,988. A fim de contabilizar possíveis desvios no espectrômetro de massa durante uma sessão analítica, sugere-se a aplicação de correção de bracketing e o uso do material de referência com a mesma matriz. Os resultados das técnicas de ablação são reproduzíveis dentro do erro analítico, o que indica que esta técnica produz resultados robustos quando aplicada a carbonatos de coral. Além disso, várias medições comparativas de diferentes materiais de referência (por exemplo, USGS MACS3 e NIST 612) e a comparação das suas respectivas razões 87Sr / 86Sr destacam a robustez do método. Os resultados ao longo dos eixos de crescimento do coral mostraram uma diminuição na razão 87Sr / 86Sr da camada interna para a externa do coral (de 0,70920 para 0,70627). Estes resultados sugerem variações na disponibilidade de material particulado durante o crescimento do coral, provavelmente relacionado a mudanças ambientais marinhas locais. Palavras-chave: Carbonato biológico. Isótopos de Sr. LA-MC-ICP-MS. Materiais de referência. Metodologia. Ambiente marinho. &nbsp

    Aspectos da Tectônica Ativa em Bordas Cratônicas: Interpretações com Base em Dados Geomorfométricos na Região das Altas Cristas Quartzíticas da Zona da Mata Mineira

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    By the last years, the areas in direct influence of the southeast brazilian continental rift has been a target for the studies about the neotectonic theme, in an integrated way to the works that has been carried out in other regions of the country. In this present opportunity are shown the results coming from the application of morphometric techniques for the differentiation between passive and active controls in the high ridges quartzitic of Zona da Mata Mineira region, for which more specific studies are still lacking. With the integrated application between the Relationship Slope x Extension of the channel (RDE) index and the measurement and cartographic representation of the base surfaces, associated to field control and interpretation of remote sensing products, active morphotectonic control was verified in the evolution of the relief, and that has been engendering substantial reorganizations in surface forms and processes.Nos últimos anos, as áreas sob a influência mais direta do rifte continental do sudeste brasileiro tem sido alvo de estudos pautados no campo temático da neotectônica, se integrando ao rol de trabalhos que vem sendo levados a efeito em outras regiões do país. Na presente oportunidade, são divulgados resultados provenientes da aplicação de técnicas morfométricas voltadas para a diferenciação entre controles passivos e ativos na região das altas cristas quartzíticas da Zona da Mata Mineira, para a qual ainda faltam estudos mais específicos. Com a aplicação integrada entre o índice Relação Declividade x Extensão do Canal (RDE) e a mensuração e representação cartográfica das superfícies de base, associados a controle de campo e interpretação de produtos de sensoriamento remoto, constatou-se controle morfotectônico ativo na evolução do relevo, e que vem engendrando substanciais reorganizações nas formas e processos de superfície

    Imagem do cirurgião-dentista em sites de busca da web

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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5216/ree.v14i2.13936 O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as imagens dos sites de busca da Web relacionadas ao cirurgião-dentista. Quatro pesquisadores realizaram o levantamento diariamente em sete grandes sites durante um mês. Foram usadas como palavras-chave para a busca: cirurgião-dentista, dentista e odontólogo.  Para a análise das imagens foi utilizado o método de análise da imagem proposto por Joly e análise descritiva. O resultado obtido após a análise conjunta pelos pesquisadores foi de onze categorias: Rotina (159=26,72%), Humor (104=17,47%), Visão restrita (58=9,74%), Sadismo/Brutalidade (57=9,57%), Insalubridade (47=7,89%), Medo (47=7,89%), Dor/Sofrimento (47=7,89%), Entretenimento (37=6,21%), Erotismo/Sexualidade (28=4,70%), Mutilação (8=1,34%) e Narcisismo (3=0,50%). Das 595 imagens encontradas, mais da metade (66,55%) representavam negativamente o cirurgião-dentista. Conclui-se que a profissão de cirurgião-dentista veiculada em grandes sites de busca aparece, dentre as imagens não convencionais do exercício da profissão, com predominância negativa

    Fall-related traumas in urgent care centers

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    OBJECTIVE: To identify the scope and the characteristics of fall-related traumas in urgent care centers in Sergipe, Brazil and to verify potential associations among the following variables: gender, age, and where the event occurred. METHOD: This descriptive, cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach was conducted in the urgent care centers of two public referral hospitals in the state of Sergipe, Brazil. The data collection was conducted in November 2010, after approval was obtained from the Human Research Ethics Committee, through a structured interview with a sample of 509 fall victims. RESULTS: Most of the participants were male, between 0 and 19 years old, single, with no impairments or preexisting diseases, nor regular use of medication or alcohol. The victims were brought to the hospital by ambulance and were accompanied. Most events occurred at home, were same-level falls, and most frequently resulted from slipping and tripping during recreational activities with a subsequent fracture, contusion or sprain. Most victims were discharged from the hospital after care delivery. Statistically significant associations were found between place of fall and age and gender. CONCLUSION: There is a high incidence of seeking out care in urgent care centers due to falls, which constitutes a severe public health problem that affects both genders in different age groups. The adoption of preventive measures aimed to reduce such events is urgently required

    Identification of enteric viruses circulating in a dog population with low vaccine coverage

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    Although the use of vaccines has controlled enteric diseases in dogs in many developedcountries, vaccine coverage is still under optimal situation in Brazil. There is a large popula-tion of nonimmunized dogs and few studies about the identification of the viruses associated with diarrhea. To address this situation, stool samples from 325 dogs were analyzed bypolymerase chain reaction for the detection of common enteric viruses such as Canine ade-novirus (CAdV), Canine coronavirus (CCoV), Canine distemper virus (CDV), Canine rotavirus (CRV)and Carnivorous protoparvovirus 1 (canine parvovirus 2; CPV-2). At least one of these specieswas detected in 56.6% (184/325) of the samples. The viruses detected most frequently ineither diarrheic or nondiarrheic dog feces were CPV-2 (54.3% of the positive samples), CDV(45.1%) and CCoV (30.4%), followed by CRV (8.2%) and CAdV (4.9%). Only one agent wasdetected in the majority of the positive samples (63%), but co-infections were present in 37%of the positive samples and mainly included CDV and CPV-2. The data presented herein canimprove the clinical knowledge in regions with low vaccine coverage and highlight the needto improve the methods used to control these infectious diseases in domestic dogs