452 research outputs found

    Opiniões sobre a visita de enfermagem em unidades de cirurgia: tradução, adaptação e validação de questionários

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    Enquadramento: Apesar da visita de enfermagem ou passagem de turno junto dos doentes garantir a continuidade dos cuidados de enfermagem, origina diversas questões éticas. Objetivos: Traduzir, adaptar e validar 2 questionários de colheita de dados sobre a visita de enfermagem em unidades cirúrgicas para a cultura portuguesa; identificar a opinião dos doentes e dos enfermeiros sobre a visita de enfermagem. Metodologia: Tradução, retroversão e adaptação dos questionários aplicados em 7 unidades cirúrgicas de um hospital central em Portugal de 22/08/2008 a 28/06/2009. A amostragem não probabilística acidental foi constituída por 137 enfermeiros e 96 doentes. Resultados: A visita de enfermagem promove a relação empática e de ajuda; a observação do doente e o planeamento de cuidados, no entanto é necessário clarificar o seu objetivo; incentivar à participação e ao envolvimento dos doentes; utilizar um discurso compreensível e garantir a privacidade da informação. Conclusão: Os questionários revelaram-se fidedignos e válidos na identificação das opiniões dos doentes e dos enfermeiros sobre a visita de enfermagem nas unidades de cirurgia em estudo.Background: Although bedside nursing handover ensures the continuity of nursing care, it raises several ethical issues. Objectives: To translate, adapt and validate 2 data collection questionnaires about bedside nursing handover in surgical units into Portuguese, and identify the patients and nurses’ opinions about bedside nursing handover. Methodology: Translation, back-translation and adaptation of the questionnaires in 7 surgical units of a central hospital in Portugal between 22/08/2008 and 28/06/2009. The non- -probability sampling consisted of 137 nurses and 96 patients. Results: Bedside nursing handover promotes an empathic and helping relationship, patient observation and care planning; however, it is necessary to clarify its purpose, encourage patient participation and engagement, use clear information, and ensure information privacy. Conclusion: The questionnaires proved to be reliable and valid to identify the patients and nurses’ opinions about bedside nursing handover in the surgical units under analysis

    Learning styles determine different immigrant students’ results in testing settings: relationship between nationality of children and the stimuli of tasks.

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    Background: Literature presents little examination on the learning styles and sensorial preferences of immigrants during decoding of different tasks in testing contexts. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, non-native children (between 2nd and 12th grade) were divided into six groups determined by country of origin and examined on different stimuli, visual and auditory, associated with four tasks that measure cognitive and linguistic specific abilities. Results: The multivariate analysis confirmed that the children’s nationality significantly explained achievement variability regarding picture recognition and auditory discrimination. η 2 values indicated that there were moderate to larger effects for the nationality as a factor that explains the variance of performance. Conclusions: Results indicate that tasks’ stimuli can effectively assess and differentiate specific young minority groups in order to understand their actual level of preparation and their needs for further learning. The listening input, on the one hand, should be established as the main differentiator for all groups at the time of school entry, but, on the other hand, it should be avoided in Asian groups and Eastern European students during the first stages of second language (L2) learning in European contexts with romance languages as the target learning

    Influence of composition on physical performance and bio-susceptibility

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    This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) under DB-HERITAGE project (PTDC/EPH-PAT/4684/2014). The authors also acknowledge the EMBARRO Company for supplying the majority of the mortar materials and are grateful to Antonio Santos Silva, Miguel Teixeira, Sandra Noivo, Teresa Gonçalves and Vitor Silva for the support throughout the testing campaign. The support of COST Actions FP1303 “Performance of biobased building materials” and RILEM Technical Committees TCE, “Testing and Characterisation of Earth-based building materials and elements” and HDB, “Hygrothermal behaviour and Durability of Bio-aggregate based building materials”, are also acknowledged.An experimental campaign was developed to evaluate the properties of earth plastering mortars, not only at the level of workability and physic-mechanical performance but also their susceptibility for biological colonization. A ready-mixed earth mortar and several other mortars formulated with a raw clayish earth were produced. The influence of partial replacement of fine sand by a phase change material (PCM) and the addition of low amounts of oat fibres and hydrated air lime were assessed. The experimental campaign shows that the PCM completely changes the mortar workability, with a decrease on wet density. The addition of PCM and fibres decreases the bulk density and, consequently, increases the porosity of the mortars. The presence of PCM, fibres and air lime decreases the thermal conductivity. Earth mortars are susceptible to mould development, and the fibres or PCM seem to intensify their bio-susceptibility. A low addition of air lime increases pH and inhibits fungal growth though decreasing the mechanical properties. Mortars with PCM, fibres and air lime present a higher surface roughness in comparison to other mortars, including the ready-mixed earth mortar with fibres. Surface roughness was found to be an important factor influencing the level of colonization.authorsversionpublishe

    Videojogos 2019: 11th International Conference on Videogames Sciences and Arts: book of abstracts

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    Videojogos is an annual conference on videogame sciences and arts, promoted by the Portuguese Society of Video Games Sciences (SPCV). Since its first edition, in 2009, the conference has been promoting the scientific gathering of researchers and professionals in the expanded field of videogames. As in the first edition, Aveiro once again holds the conference. The 11th Conference on Videogame Sciences and Arts – Videojogos 2019 takes place in the University of Aveiro, Portugal, during November 27-29. The event is co-organized by the Department of Communication and Art of the University of Aveiro (DeCA), DeCA’s DigiMedia Research Center and the Portuguese Society of Video Games Sciences (SPCV). This year, 10 years after the first conference, SPCV and the co-organizers decided to convert the conference into a full international event, with English as a working language. As one of the outcomes of this decision, the proceedings of Videojogos 2019 will be published by Springer in their “Communications in Computer and Information Science” (CCIS) book series, part of a post-conference volume with the number 1164. This Book of Abstracts is more than a shortened version of the proceedings. Besides abstracts from the 20 selected papers that will be published in the book series, it contains abstracts from the research posters (8) and videogame demos (9) accepted for the conference, as well synopsis for other activities held at the conference such as keynotes (2) and workshops (3). Thanks to UA Editora, we were able to present this book in time for the conference, providing an overview into the diversity of contributions gathered in the videogame context. We would like to thank the scientific board for their contribution to guarantee and deliver the highest scientific quality, allowing the outstanding relevance of this selection. We also would like to thank the program chairs (demo, poster and workshops) and the organization team for all their concerns and efforts in the organization, an extremely important contribution for the overall success of the Videojogos 2019 Conference. Finally, a note of appreciation to the American Corner of the University of Aveiro, which provided essential logistical support, namely by ensuring the presence of Professor Ernest Adams as Keynote Speaker and to the University of Aveiro publisher, UA Editora, for their support and collaboration in this publication.publishe

    Perceção do Cliente Quanto ao Planeamento do Regresso a Casa pelo Enfermeiro de Reabilitação e Nível de Dependência

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    O regresso a casa após um período de internamento é um momento de transição, com influência no processo de reabilitação e reintegração do cliente na comunidade. O conhecimento da perceção que os clientes possuem sobre o planeamento do seu regresso a casa, permite que os enfermeiros, especialistas em reabilitação, conheçam as reais necessidades dos seus clientes, contribuindo assim, para um planeamento adequado e consequente maior satisfação dos clientes pelos cuidados recebidos. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o grau de dependência dos clientes alvo de cuidados de enfermagem de reabilitação e a sua perceção sobre o planeamento do seu regresso a casa pelos enfermeiros especialistas em enfermagem de reabilitação. Realizámos um estudo transversal, exploratório, descritivo e quantitativo, cuja colheita de dados ocorreu nos vários centros de saúde da Região Autónoma da Madeira e em que participaram 37 clientes que tinham regressado a casa no último mês antes da colheita de dados. Para a obtenção de dados optou-se por um questionário de caracterização dos participantes, pela aplicação do Índice de Barthel e pelo questionário de planeamento da alta (PREPARED). Quanto à dependência, constatámos que 43,2% dos clientes eram independentes na realização das atividades de vida diárias, 27% ligeiramente dependentes, enquanto apenas 10,8% eram totalmente dependentes. As atividades de vida diárias com maior dependência foram o banho (51,4%) a higiene corporal (29,7%) e o uso sanitário (18,9%). No domínio do mover-se, destacaram-se o subir e descer escadas, a deambulação e a transferência cadeira-cama, com 32,4%, 18,9% e 10,8% de dependência respetivamente. No que diz respeito às informações fornecidas no planeamento do regresso a casa, sobre a realização das atividades de vida diárias, a maioria dos participantes (56,3%) percecionou-as como “as necessárias”. O mesmo aconteceu relativamente à medicação (62,5%). No entanto, 50% dos participantes referiu não ter recebido informação sobre os seus efeitos secundários. De relevo o facto de 68,8% afirmar sentir preocupação com a execução das atividades de vida diárias e 59,4% dos participantes não referir confiança na realização das tarefas diárias em casa. Pelos resultados obtidos e apesar dos participantes percecionarem que receberam informação necessária durante o planeamento do regresso a casa, a maioria revela preocupação e falta de confiança nesta transição, pelo que estes aspetos deverão ser alvo de futuras investigações.The return home after a period of hospitalization is a moment of transition, influencing the rehabilitation and reintegration process of the client in the community. The knowledge of the perception that clients have about the planning of their return home, allows nurses, specialists in rehabilitation, to know the real needs of their clients, thus contributing to an adequate planning and consequent greater satisfaction of clients for the care received. This study aimed to assess the degree of dependence of clients targeted for rehabilitation nursing care and their perception of the planning of their return home by nurses who are specialists in rehabilitation nursing. We carried out a cross-sectional, exploratory, descriptive and quantitative study, whose data collection took place in the various health centers in the Autonomous Region of Madeira and in which 37 clients who had returned home in the last month before the data collection participated. To obtain data, a questionnaire was used to characterize the participants, the application of the Barthel Index and the discharge-planning questionnaire (PREPARED). As for dependence, we found that 43.2% of participants in the study were independent in carrying out daily life activities, 27% slightly dependent, while only 10.8% were totally dependent. The daily activities of greatest dependence were bathing (51.4%), body hygiene (29.7%) and sanitary use (18.9%). In the domain of moving, the highlight was climbing and descending stairs, walking and transferring a chair-bed, with 32.4%, 18.9% and 10.8% of dependence, respectively. With regard to the information provided in the planning of the homecoming, about the performance of daily life activities, most participants (56.3%) perceived them as the necessary. The same happened with information of medication (62.5%). However, 50% of participants reported not having received information about their side effects of medication. Of note is the fact that 68.8% participants say they are concerned with the performance of daily life activities and 59.4% of the participants do not mention confidence in carrying out daily tasks at home. Due to the results obtained and despite the participants perceiving that they received the necessary information during the planning of the return home, most of them show concern and lack of confidence in this transition, so these aspects should be the target ot future investigations.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impact of online and offline activism on social skills

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    Publicado em "Proceedings of INTED2017 Conference". ISBN 978-84-617-8491-2The objective of the study conducted was to detect differences in social skills and satisfaction with social support in social activism (online and/or offline). Quantitative, cross-sectional study was conducted with 210 participants, mostly women (n = 154; 73.3%), mean age 31.19 years (SD ± 11.62). We used a socio-demographic questionnaire, a questionnaire on social activism, the Social Support Satisfaction Scale and the Social Skills Inventory for data collection. Statistically significant differences were detected among supporters of social causes, presenting these lower scores on "friend satisfaction" and higher scores on the "self-exposure to unknown or new situations" factor when compared to who do not support social causes offline. It was also verified that individuals belonging to Facebook pages and/or groups and those who support online/offline causes, when compared with their counterparts, scored better on the factors "conversation and social skills" and "self-exposure to strangers and to new situations".info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A realização de actividade física no jardim-de-infância, em crianças de 5 anos e o desenvolvimento motor ao nível das habilidades de locomoção

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    Trabalho e Projecto final apresentado na Escola Superior de Educação de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Actividade Física na Especialidade de Motricidade Infantil.Desenvolvimento Motor á um processo de mudanças contínuas que ocorrem no comportamento motor de um individuo, desde a concepção até a morte, resultante da interacção entre os factores hereditários e ambientais (Gabbard, 2000). Desse modo, podemos de considerar, o Desenvolvimento Motor um processo continuo, longo e demorado com mudanças acentuadas nos primeiros anos, sendo estes os mais importantes. Assim, a prática regular de actividade física, na escola e fora dela, surge como um momento privilegiado, pois estimula um desempenho mais elevado das habilidades motoras fundamentais nomeadamente, as habilidades locomotoras e manipulativas. A presente investigação envolveu uma amostra de 40 crianças (N=40), 25 crianças do sexo masculino e 15 do sexo feminino. Tem por objectivo averiguar se a prática de actividade física, influencia o desenvolvimento motor ao nível das habilidades locomotoras em crianças de 5 anos de idade do pré-escolar. Para recolha dos dados foi utilizado a bateria de testes ”Rest Of Gross Motor Development – Second Edition” TGMD-2 (Ulrich, 2000) que avalia o comportamento motor, nas habilidades consideradas. Os resultados globais e principais conclusões apontam para a existência de diferenças significativas nas variáveis das habilidades locomotoras entre crianças que praticam actividade física no jardim-de-infância e crianças que não praticam actividade física no jardim-de-infância. Na comparação entre as crianças que praticam actividade física no jardim-de-infância e as crianças que não praticam, encontram-se diferenças significativas. Como apontamento final, podemos referir que a prática da actividade física regular influencia e contribuiu para o desenvolvimento das habilidades locomotoras das crianças de 5 anos de idade pré-escolar

    Attachment orientations, emotion goals, and emotion regulation

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    While research has linked attachment to emotion regulation (ER), little is known about associations between attachment and what individuals want to feel (i.e., emotion goals), something that has been found to influence ER strategy choice. In this study, we examined the links between attachment, emotion goals, and emotion regulation. A total of 605 participants from the community were included. They filled out self-report scales on attachment, emotion goals, and ER strategies. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Direct effects showed a link between attachment avoidance and fewer pro-hedonic goals, more suppression and fewer emotion communication, and between attachment anxiety and fewer pro-hedonic goals, more pro-social, performance, and impression management goals, and more suppression and rumination. Indirect effects showed that attachment avoidance was associated with less emotion communication and positive reappraisal and more suppression through fewer pro-hedonic goals. Attachment anxiety was associated with more rumination and more suppression through fewer impression management goals; attachment anxiety was also associated with more suppression through fewer pro-hedonic goals and more performance goals. These findings highlight the role of attachment as an important antecedent of emotion goals.4317-C2CF-53B0 | Rute Sofia Ribeiro Brites Diasinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Attachment orientations and family functioning: the mediating role of emotion regulation

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    Attachment insecurity has been found to be associated with poor family functioning. The mechanisms underlying this link, however, are less explored. This study examines the potential mediating role of emotion regulation in the association between attachment orientations and family functioning. Self-report scales measuring attachment, family functioning, and emotion regulation were administered to 132 adults (58% women; 57.63 years). Results showed that both attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance were associated with poor family functioning. Furthermore, emotion suppression, but not positive reappraisal, was found to partially mediate the association between attachment insecurity (both anxiety and avoidance) and perceived family functioning. Findings suggest that emotion regulation seems to play a role in the impact that attachment orientations may have on family functioning.4317-C2CF-53B0 | Rute Sofia Ribeiro Brites Diasinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A música e a dança na educação de infância: intencionalidade educativa dos (as) educadores (as) de infância

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    Mestrado em Educação Pré-EscolarO Presente relatório pretende dar conta do percurso realizado no âmbito do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar, destacando as experiências vividas ao longo das Práticas de Ensino Supervisionadas, em contexto de Creche e Jardim de Infância. Descreve, também, o exercício investigativo realizado em torno do tema da educação artística, em particular, da Música e da Dança, assumindo como título “Música e Dança na Educação de infância: Intencionalidade educativa dos(as) educadores (as) de infância”. Optou-se por uma metodologia de natureza qualitativa, com uma amostra que incluiu 17 crianças e 4 educadoras. Os instrumentos utilizados foram as notas de campo realizadas ao longo das práticas de ensino supervisionadas, bem como os registos fotográficos (anexo 7) e vídeo do qual apresento uma análise de conteúdo (anexo 8). Outro instrumento utilizado foi a entrevista semi-diretiva realizada a 4 educadoras. A análise das observações e registos das atividades de música e de dança realizadas com as crianças, bem como a análise de conteúdo do corpo das entrevistas permitiram realizar um conjunto de reflexões e chegar a algumas conclusões. Genericamente, música e dança foram consideradas por todas as educadoras entrevistadas uma forma de comunicação, tal como apontam os estudos neste âmbito. Um outro aspeto relevante é o que se pretende com o facto de as educadoras considerarem que é possível trabalhar outras áreas de conteúdo a partir da música e da dança, referindo que estas áreas de expressão artística são transversais a outras áreas de conteúdo. Através deste exercício de investigação ainda verifiquei que a intencionalidade educativa no âmbito das áreas artísticas ainda não faz parte do planeamento das atividades por parte das educadoras. Aparentemente surge alguma confusão entre o que se entende por intencionalidade educativa e os ganhos inerentes à atividade realizada.This report aims to give an account of the journey undertaken in the Master's Degree in Preschool Education, highlighting the experiences throughout the Supervised Teaching Practice in the context of Nursery School and Kindergarten. It also describes the investigative exercise carried out around the theme of art education, in particular, Music and Dance, under the title "Music and dance in early childhood education: educational intentionality of early childhood educators". A qualitative methodology was chosen, with a sample that includes 17 children and four educators. The instruments used were field notes taken during the supervised teaching practices, as well as photographic and video records. Another instrument used was the semi-directive interview conducted with four educators. The analysis of the observations and records of music and dance activities performed with the children, as well as the content analysis of the body of interviews allowed us to make a set of reflections and reach some conclusions. Generally, music and dance were considered by all the interviewed educators as a form of communication. As pointed out by studies in this field. Another relevant aspect is what is intended by the fact that educators consider that it is possible to work other content areas from music and dance, referring that these areas of artistic expression are transversal to other content areas. Through this research exercise I also verified that the educational intentionality within the artistic areas is not yet part of the educators' planning ofactivities. Apparently, there is some confusion between what is meant by educational intentionality and the gains inherent to the activity performed.N/