622 research outputs found

    The effect of a water dam on Lake Powidzkie and its vicinity

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    The paper presents an attempt of assessment of the effect of damming of lakes on water resources based on the example of Lake Powidzkie (Central Poland) and its catchment. The analysed object is located in a region with the greatest water deficits in Poland. A co-occurrence of unfavourable natural and anthropogenic factors contributed to a considerable reduction of water resources retained in the discussed lake. Particularly low water levels were recorded in the 1990's and in the first decade of the 21st century. The situation was not improved by a water dam constructed on the outflow from the lake in the 1960's, among others due to neglect in its exploitation. Owing to the modernisation of the dam in 2010 and favourable hydrological situation in winter 2011, it was possible to retain excess water and substantially reduce its outflow. The restoration of the lost water resources, and hydrological benefits resulting from the fact were still observed several years later. Problems related to water deficits are becoming increasingly common in many regions of the world. A solution mitigating such a situation can be among others damming natural lakes. It is simpler, cheaper, and less invasive for the environment than the construction of new water reservoirs

    Miejsce Henryka Lisickiego w środowisku krakowskich konserwatystów

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    The aim of the work is to present the conservative views of the journalist and historian Henryk Lisicki and the role he played in the community with which he collaborated, i.e. the Krakow conservatives called the Stańczyk Circle. The source of the article are monographs, brochures, dissertations, essays and articles published in „Przegląd Polski“ by Lisicki. In order to evaluate to what extent Lisicki’s political thought was original, and to what extent it was in conformity with the Stańczyk Circle, the publications of Walerian Kalinka, Stanisław Tarnowski, Michał Bobczyński, Józef Szujski and Stanisław Koźmian were also used. While working on the topic, the author made use of the works specializing in the history of Polish and Western conservative thought published by Ryszard Ludwikowski, Bogdan Szlachta, Jacek Bartyzel, Józef Szacki and the views expressed by the members of the Stańczyk Circle such as Michał Jaskólski, Wojciech Dutka, Stanisław Filipowicz, Henryk Michalak. When examining the above issues, a comparative method was used, tracing both the similarities and differences in the ideas of Lisicki and his colleagues from the Stańczyk Circle. The main thesis formulated in the work is that although Lisicki did not belong to the group of leaders, his close intellectual ties with Stanisław Koźmian gave him a respected position among Krakow conservatives. The analysis of his works confirmed that he was also capable of original reflections which focused on the attitude of the conservatives to the nineteenth-century democratization processes, the evolution of Western absolute monarchies towards the constitution democracies and the expansion of electoral rights. Hence, it was symptomatic for Lisicki and his community to argue, inter alia, for the necessity of rapprochement with moderate liberals, the aim of which was to weaken the danger coming from the revolted masses which were being under the influence of radicals.Celem artykułu jest prezentacja zachowawczych poglądów publicysty i historyka Henryka Lisickiego oraz roli, jaką odgrywał w ramach śro- dowiska krakowskich konserwatystów (stańczyków). Podstawą źródłową artykułu są monografie, broszury oraz rozprawy, eseje i felietony publi- kowane przez Lisickiego w „Przeglądzie Polskim”. W celu wskazania na ile myśl polityczna Lisickiego była oryginalna, a na ile powielała poglądy czołowych „stańczyków”, wykorzystano także publikacje: Waleriana Kalin- ki, Stanisława Tarnowskiego, Michała Bobrzyńskiego, Józefa Szujskiego i Stanisława Koźmiana. Opracowując zawarty w pracy temat, posiłkowa- no się publikacjami specjalistów z zakresu historii polskiej i zachodniej myśli konserwatywnej (Ryszarda R. Ludwikowskiego, Bohdana Szlachty, Jacka Bartyzela, Józefa Szackiego) oraz poglądów stańczyków (Michała Jaskólskiego, Wojciecha Dutki, Stanisława Filipowicza, Henryka Micha- laka). Badając powyższe zagadnienie, posłużono się metodą porównaw- czą, zestawiając podobieństwa i różnice poglądów Lisickiego oraz jego współpracowników ze środowiska stańczyków. Główną tezą sformułowaną w pracy jest wskazanie, iż mimo że Lisicki nie należał do grona liderów, to jego bliskie związki intelektualne ze Stanisławem Koźmianem wpłynęły przez niego na zyskanie wyróżniającej pozycji w gronie krakowskich kon- serwatystów. Analiza jego prac przyniosła potwierdzenie powyższego twierdzenia. Wykazała silne związki intelektualne między Lisickim i Koź- mianem. Niemniej stwierdzono także własne, oryginalne refleksje bohatera artykułu, koncentrujące się na zdefiniowaniu stosunku konserwatystów do XIX-wiecznych procesów demokratyzacyjnych (ewolucja zachodnich monarchii absolutnych w kierunku konstytucyjnym oraz poszerzanie praw wyborczych). Stąd też symptomatyczne zarówno dla Lisickiego, jak i jego środowiska było dowodzenie konieczności m.in. zbliżenia z umiarkowanymi liberałami (w celu zneutralizowania zagrożeń ze strony zrewoltowanych pod wpływem radykałów mas ludowych)

    Dokument elektroniczny w postępowaniu cywilnym

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    The article deals with electronic documents and related problems. Electronic evidence is increasingly used in civil cases and its use should be supervised by judges. Also, legal regulations must not lag behind the development of technology and should be appropriately modified and adapted to new technologies. The complexity of electronic data and information and the many problematic issues related to the use of electronic evidence justify the need to look at these issues.Artykuł dotyczy dokumentów elektronicznych oraz problemów z nimi związanych. Dowody elektroniczne są coraz częściej wykorzystywane w sprawach cywilnych, co powinno być nadzorowane przez sędziów. Również przepisy prawne nie mogą pozostawać w tyle za rozwojem technologii i powinny być odpowiednio modyfikowane oraz dostosowywane do nowych możliwości. Skomplikowany charakter danych i informacji zapisanych w formie elektronicznej oraz wiele problematycznych kwestii związanych z wykorzystywaniem elektronicznego materiału dowodowego uzasadnia potrzebę przyjrzenia się tym zagadnieniom

    Determination of novel reference genes for improving gene expression data normalization in selected canine reproductive tissues – a multistudy analysis

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    Background Real time RT-PCR (qPCR) is a useful and powerful tool for quantitative measurement of gene expression. The proper choice of internal standards such as reference genes is crucial for correct data evaluation. In female dogs, as in other species, the reproductive tract is continuously undergoing hormonal and cycle stage-dependent morphological changes, which are associated with altered gene expression. However, there have been few attempts published so far targeted to the dog aimed at determining optimal reference genes for the reproductive organs. Most of these approaches relied on genes previously described in other species. Large-scale transcriptome-based experiments are promising tools for defining potential candidate reference genes, but were never considered in this context in canine research. Results Here, using available microarray and RNA-seq datasets derived from reproductive organs (corpus luteum, placenta, healthy and diseased uteri) of dogs, we have performed multistudy analysis to identify the most stably expressed genes for expression studies, in each tissue separately and collectively for different tissues. The stability of newly identified reference genes (EIF4H, KDELR2, KDM4A and PTK2) has been determined and ranked relative to previously used reference genes, i.e., GAPDH, β-actin and cyclophillin A/PPIA, using RefFinder and NormFinder algorithms. Finally, expression of selected target genes (luteal IL-1b and MHCII, placental COX2 and VEGFA, and uterine IGF2 and LHR) was re-evaluated and normalized. All proposed candidate reference genes were more stable, ranked higher and introduced less variation than previously used genes. Conclusions Based on our analyses, we recommend applying KDM4A and PTK2 for normalization of gene expression in the canine CL and placenta. The inclusion of a third reference gene, EIF4H, is suggested for healthy uteri. With this, the interpretation of qPCR data will be more reliable, allowing better understanding of canine reproductive physiology

    LoRaWAN communication implementation platforms

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    A key role in the development of smart Internet of Things (IoT) solutions is played by wireless communication technologies, especially LPWAN (Low-Power Wide-Area Network), which are becoming increasingly popular due to their advantages: long range, low power consumption and the ability to connect multiple edge devices. However, in addition to the advantages of communication and low power consumption, the security of transmitted data is also important. End devices very often have a small amount of memory, which makes it impossible to implement advanced cryptographic algorithms on them. The article analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of solutions based on LPWAN communication and reviews platforms for IoT device communication in the LoRaWAN (LoRa Wide Area Network) standard in terms of configuration complexity. It describes how to configure an experimental LPWAN system being built at the Department of Computer Science and Telecommunications at Poznan University of Technology for research related to smart buildings

    Warunki termiczno-tlenowe Jeziora Białego Włodawskiego w półroczu letnim (2012–2015)

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    The article presents thermal-oxygen conditions of Lake Białe Włodawskie in the warm half-year (May–October) in the years 2012–2015. Due to its morphometric parameters, summer stratification develops in the lake. In the period analysed in the paper, the highest temperature was recorded in July 2012 (27.5°C), and the lowest at the bottom in May 2013 (4.2°C). The highest difference in temperature throughout the water column was recorded during measurements in July 2012. It amounted to 22.7°C (27.5°C at the surface and 4.8°C at the bottom). The highest mean temperature throughout the water column (determined as the mean from all of the analysed months) occurred in 2015 (9.7°C), and the lowest in 2013 (7.8°C). The highest water temperature corresponded to the highest air temperature for station Włodawa, located several kilometres north of the lake. The mean concentration of oxygen dissolved in water (as the mean from all of the analysed months) suggests that the highest value 4.7 [mgO2 ∙ dm-3] occurred in 2012, and the lowest 3.0 [mgO2 ∙ dm-3] in 2013. In vertical distribution, the maximum oxygen concentration mounted to 13.5 [mgO2 ∙ dm-3] in May 2013, and the minimum value decreased to zero multiple times. Complete lack of oxygen occurred each time in August, September, and October. It appeared the earliest in June 2013 (at a depth of 26 m), and the latest in August 2015 (at a depth of 28 m). The thickest water layer without oxygen was recorded in August 2013 already at a depth of 11 m. The studied lake is prone to strong anthropopressure. Due to favourable morphometric parameters and high resistance to degradation, however, it still maintains its high recreational values, although such a state may change in the near future in the context of increasing anthropopressure and observed climatic changes.Artykuł nie zawiera streszczenia w języku polskim

    Charakterystyka wybranych parametrów fizyczno-chemicznych jeziora Gostomie (Puszcza Notecka)

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    The paper presents results of observations from the period 2012–2013 concerning selected physical and chemical water parameters in Lake Gostomie (Noteć Forest, western Poland). They covered: surface water temperature, water temperature in the depth profile, dissolved oxygen concentration in the depth profile, electrolytic conductivity and water transparency. In spite of a short observation period, their detailed record constitutes a reference for comparative research in the future. Collecting similar information over the upcoming years will permit the assessment of the scale and rate of transformations of Lake Gostomie

    Self governance and the political affiliation

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    The main aim of this article is to identify current issues in the field of local government in Poland, especially the local political elites in the context of their political affiliation. The decentralization process and the gradual transfer of the responsibilities of the national regional and local dimension has led to the development of self-government. This in turn enabled the participation in the process of governance every citizen of the inhabited area. Recent local elections show that localism is a relative term and greatly simplified. Each of the local politician has own connections with a specific option. Those behavior leads to a kind of self-governance crisis that manifests itself among other things: a decrease of public trust, low voter turnout and increase the sense of social alienatio

    The assessment of testosterone and radioisotopic index of bone metabolism and bone mineral density in men with testosterone deficiency after one year of testosterone therapy

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    Background: Testosterone deficiency in men is characterized by typical symptoms of hypogonadism and negative influence on the preservation of bone mass. In this study, we analysed the relationship between testosterone concentration and bone metabolism. Moreover, we assessed the impact of one-year compensation of testosterone deficiency in elderly men on bone metabolism and bone mineral density. Radioisotopic methods of bone metabolism assessment provide new research opportunities. Materials and methods: Men with total testosterone concentration (TT) ≤ 3 ng/ml were included into this study. Patients with disorders or injuries of bone system, elevated prostate-specific antigen (PSA), enlarged prostate, disorders of thyroid and liver, diabetes mellitus or a history of chemotherapy as well as those treated for a long time with antibiotics were excluded from this study. The results of 50 men aged 57.52 ± 6.71 years obtained before the treatment (I test) and after one year of oral testosterone supplementation (test II) were analysed in this study. The following examinations and analyses were performed: interview and physical examination, orthopaedic, neurological and urological consultations, blood biochemistry, determination of hormones levels, assessment of Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome (TDS), densitometric and radioisotope assessment of bone metabolism. Moreover, radioisotopic index of bone metabolism was calculated. Testosterone therapy with oral preparation Undestor Testo Caps (Organon) containing 40 mg of testosterone lasted for 12 months. Statistical analysis was performed using Statistica 12 and Excel 2010 programs. Correlations between results before and after treatment were analysed. Results: After 12 months of treatment, testosterone concentration increased by mean 78% and the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) decreased by 62%. TDS index increased from 0.53 ± 0.21 (in test I) to 1.91 ± 0.60 (in test II). After the therapy this index was significantly higher in all men (p < 0.0001). Moreover, BMD was also improved following therapy, however, the difference between test I and II was statistically insignificant. The greatest change was found in case of IBM (Index of Bone Metabolism). We observed a positive correlation between IBM and BMD before treatment (r = 0.7991), however, its strength decreased after one-year therapy (r = 0.6757). Conclusions: In our opinion, IBM is more sensitive than other methods of the assessment of changes occurring in bone system under the influence of testosterone therapy. The observed changes in IBM were proportional to changes in testosterone concentration. Testosterone level, TDS and radioisotopic assessment of bone metabolism may be used as prognostic and therapeutic factors of osteoporosis and bone fractures in elderly men.  BACKGROUND: Testosterone deficiency in men is characterized by typical symptoms of hypogonadism and negative influ­ence on the preservation of bone mass. In this study, we analysed the relationship between testosterone concentration and bone metabolism. Moreover, we assessed the impact of one-year compensation of testosterone deficiency in elderly men on bone metabolism and bone mineral density. Radioisotopic methods of bone metabolism assessment provide new research opportunities. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Men with total testosterone concentration (TT) ≤ 3 ng/ml were included into this study. Patients with disorders or injuries of bone system, elevated prostate-specific antigen (PSA), enlarged prostate, disorders of thyroid and liver, diabetes mellitus or a history of chemotherapy as well as those treated for a long time with antibiotics were excluded from this study. The results of 50 men aged 57.52 ± 6.71 years obtained before the treatment (I test) and after one year of oral testosterone supplementation (test II) were analysed in this study. The following examinations and analyses were performed: interview and physical examination, orthopaedic, neurological and urological consultations, blood biochemistry, determination of hormones levels, assessment of Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome (TDS), densitometric and radioisotope assessment of bone metabolism. Moreover, radioisotopic index of bone metabolism was calculated. Testosterone therapy with oral preparation Undestor Testo Caps (Organon) containing 40 mg of testosterone lasted for 12 months. Statistical analysis was performed using Statistica 12 and Excel 2010 programs. Correlations between results before and after treatment were analysed. RESULTS: After 12 months of treatment, testosterone concentration increased by mean 78% and the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) decreased by 62%. TDS index increased from 0.53 ± 0.21 (in test I) to 1.91 ± 0.60 (in test II). After the therapy this index was significantly higher in all men (p &lt; 0.0001). Moreover, BMD was also improved following therapy, however, the difference between test I and II was statistically insignificant. The greatest change was found in case of IBM (Index of Bone Metabolism). We observed a positive correlation between IBM and BMD before treatment (r = 0.7991), however, its strength decreased after one-year therapy (r = 0.6757). CONCLUSIONS: In our opinion, IBM is more sensitive than other methods of the assessment of changes occurring in bone system under the influence of testosterone therapy. The observed changes in IBM were proportional to changes in testosterone concentration. Testosterone level, TDS and radioisotopic assessment of bone metabolism may be used as prognostic and therapeutic factors of osteoporosis and bone fractures in elderly men.