385 research outputs found

    Instrumenty finansowania inwestycji w kapitał ludzki w perspektywie 2007-2013

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    Human capital has always been an extremely important determinant of individual and social progress, but is even more important in an increasingly competitive and knowledge-intensive global economy. To most people, capital means a bank account, a hundred shares of IBM stock. These are all forms of capital in the sense that they are assets that yield income and other useful outputs over long periods of time. But such tangible forms of capital are not the only type of capital. Schooling, a computer training course, expenditures on medical care, and lectures on the virtues of punctuality and honesty are also capital. That is because they raise earnings, improve health, or add to a person’s good habits over much of his lifetime. Therefore, economists regard expenditures on education training, medical care, and so on as investments in human capital. They are called human capital because people cannot be separated from their knowledge, skills, health, or values in the way they can be separated from their financial and physical assets. The paper presents term human capital and also The Operational Programme Human Capital 2007-2013, who is a response to challenges posed by the Lisbon Strategy on member states. Those challenges include: making Poland and Europe a more attractive place for investments and working, development of knowledge and innovations in support of development and creation of a bigger number of permanent work places

    Application of logit models in social rehabilitation the family in crisis: report from studies

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    The author of the article presents the results of own studies on the demand of families in complex crisis for social assistance and support. She proposes to use logit models, which enable to study large populations of different types of families in a short time, and to identify trends in the development of these phenomena and processes, which significantly affect their current and potential functioning. This method can be used in the diagnosis of other social and educational phenomena, especially those that are characterized by high dynamics and the complexity of sources of occurrence, and require fast social response - drawing up precise prognoses, designing coping strategies and their implementation. The author of the paper also indicates that logit models can provide an analytical basis enriching, and complementing methods of measurement already recognized and successfully applied in the methodology of social and education studies

    At Risk of Social Exclusion. Labor Market Disadvantage of Ex-Convicts – The Case of Poland

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    The study on the risk of social exclusion of former convicts, presented in the article, resulting from their belonging to a disadvantaged group in the labour market, was based on the quantitative strategy (diagnostic survey). The study refers to the retrospective description by penitentiary recidivists of their own activities undertaken in the search for permanent employment in non-detention periods, the nature of the job sought, the motives behind it and the manner in which it was sought, and the frequency of employment. The results of the study indicate the activeness of the vast majority of former prisoners in the area of searching for a job. People over 50 are the least active group. The motivations to take up a job depend on the place of residence and the level of education of the convicts. They look for a job most often using the support of employment offices (the most active ones are people aged 31–40). The younger the ex-convicts and the higher the level of their education, the more often their usage of the Internet and the recommendations of acquaintances. Job offers in the construction industry were among the most sought after. The lower the education level of ex-prisoners, the more common their unemployment. People in small towns and villages most often fail in their efforts to get a job. The results of the study may be used to modernise the post-penitentiary assistance system, including the design of re-adaptation and re-integration support for ex-convicts in the field of employment, based on their socio-demographic profiles (matching motives, needs and personal resources with environmental opportunities) and to counteract discriminatory behaviours of employers.The study on the risk of social exclusion of former convicts, presented in the article, resulting from their belonging to a disadvantaged group in the labour market, was based on the quantitative strategy (diagnostic survey). The study refers to the retrospective description by penitentiary recidivists of their own activities undertaken in the search for permanent employment in non-detention periods, the nature of the job sought, the motives behind it and the manner in which it was sought, and the frequency of employment. The results of the study indicate the activeness of the vast majority of former prisoners in the area of searching for a job. People over 50 are the least active group. The motivations to take up a job depend on the place of residence and the level of education of the convicts. They look for a job most often using the support of employment offices (the most active ones are people aged 31–40). The younger the ex-convicts and the higher the level of their education, the more often their usage of the Internet and the recommendations of acquaintances. Job offers in the construction industry were among the most sought after. The lower the education level of ex-prisoners, the more common their unemployment. People in small towns and villages most often fail in their efforts to get a job. The results of the study may be used to modernise the post-penitentiary assistance system, including the design of re-adaptation and re-integration support for ex-convicts in the field of employment, based on their socio-demographic profiles (matching motives, needs and personal resources with environmental opportunities) and to counteract discriminatory behaviours of employers

    Self-Efficacy of Teachers Working in Mainstream Schools – Research Communication

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    This article presents the results of a study on the self-efficacy of teachers working at mainstream schools and the results of intergroup analyses (mainstream school teachers versus special education teachers), being part of a research project focused on identifying the determinants of teachers’ sense of self-efficacy. Intergroup comparisons were made due to assumed differences in the self-efficacy of teachers in mainstream and special schools, resulting from the specific organisation and functioning of the two types of schools and the differentiated actors. The theoretical basis was the social learning theory of A. Bandura. The research was conducted with the use of the “Sense of Efficacy Test” by M. Chomczyńska-Rubacha and K. Rubacha. A total of 801 teachers took part in the study, including 442 teachers from mainstream schools and 359 from special schools (special education centres – SOWs; youth sociotherapy centres – MOSs; youth education centres – MOWs; prisons – ZKs). Research analyses have shown that the sense of self-efficacy in teachers from mainstream schools is dependent on their place of residence – increasing along with its size. Cognitive and action resources are determined by the level of education of the mothers of the studied teachers, while motivational resources are determined by the type of school at which they work. A cluster analysis identified two independent groups of teachers – those scoring high and those scoring low in terms of self-efficacy. A model mismatched with the data was obtained, which means that on the basis of sociodemographic variables and other information about teachers (education level of their parents, type of school) it is not possible to predict their assignment unambiguously to the distinguished groups. In terms of intergroup analyses, a higher sense of self-efficacy and greater motivational and cognitive-action resources were noted in teachers from mainstream schools than in teachers from special schools. The place of work of teachers from both compared groups significantly differentiates their sense of self-efficacy and the level of motivational as well as cognitive-activity resources (teachers employed at a lower secondary school possess more motivational resources, compared to teachers employed in special education centres). In turn, teachers employed at prisons are characterised by a higher level of cognitive-activity resources compared to teachers employed at secondary schools and youth sociotherapeutic and educational centres.This article presents the results of a study on the self-efficacy of teachers working at mainstream schools and the results of intergroup analyses (mainstream school teachers versus special education teachers), being part of a research project focused on identifying the determinants of teachers’ sense of self-efficacy. Intergroup comparisons were made due to assumed differences in the self-efficacy of teachers in mainstream and special schools, resulting from the specific organisation and functioning of the two types of schools and the differentiated actors. The theoretical basis was the social learning theory of A. Bandura. The research was conducted with the use of the “Sense of Efficacy Test” by M. Chomczyńska-Rubacha and K. Rubacha. A total of 801 teachers took part in the study, including 442 teachers from mainstream schools and 359 from special schools (special education centres – SOWs; youth sociotherapy centres – MOSs; youth education centres – MOWs; prisons – ZKs). Research analyses have shown that the sense of self-efficacy in teachers from mainstream schools is dependent on their place of residence – increasing along with its size. Cognitive and action resources are determined by the level of education of the mothers of the studied teachers, while motivational resources are determined by the type of school at which they work. A cluster analysis identified two independent groups of teachers – those scoring high and those scoring low in terms of self-efficacy. A model mismatched with the data was obtained, which means that on the basis of sociodemographic variables and other information about teachers (education level of their parents, type of school) it is not possible to predict their assignment unambiguously to the distinguished groups. In terms of intergroup analyses, a higher sense of self-efficacy and greater motivational and cognitive-action resources were noted in teachers from mainstream schools than in teachers from special schools. The place of work of teachers from both compared groups significantly differentiates their sense of self-efficacy and the level of motivational as well as cognitive-activity resources (teachers employed at a lower secondary school possess more motivational resources, compared to teachers employed in special education centres). In turn, teachers employed at prisons are characterised by a higher level of cognitive-activity resources compared to teachers employed at secondary schools and youth sociotherapeutic and educational centres.

    Polish Society in the Face of Contemporary Changes in the Education System

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    The article discusses the role and significance of knowledge and education in the contemporary Polish society and presents the changes in the national education system from the perspective of successive reforms and their social perception. Particular attention was paid to the last reform of the education system – from December 2016, which since the beginning of work on it has aroused a lot of social emotions and caused controversies and has not ceased to cause them more than a year after it was in force. The authors of the article draw attention to the need to adapt curricula and teaching methods to contemporary realities, but also emphasize the dangers of introducing socially controversial changes to the education system that cause objections among citizens, especially parents of school-age children

    (In)secure Family – Kaleidoscope of (Dys)functions

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    This article deals with the situation of contemporary families, their problems, crisis complications and the possibilities of helping them. The article discusses the situation of families affected by dysfunction or polydysfunction, unable to cope in the face of a growing multi-problem crisis. It reviews research into this type of families, refers to the current pro-family policy, and points to alternative ways of helping families to recover from a polydysfunctional collapse. Holistic support is found to be particularly important, especially when it comes to subjecting families of this type to individual and group competence training.Artykuł traktuje o sytuacji współczesnych rodzin, ich problemach, uwikłaniach kryzysowych oraz możliwościach niesienia im pomocy. Autorka artykułu rozważa sytuację rodzin dotkniętych dysfunkcją lub polidysfunkcją, nieradzących sobie w obliczu narastającego kryzysu wieloproblemowego. Dokonuje przeglądu badań nad tego typu rodzinami. Odnosi się do aktualnie prowadzonej polityki prorodzinnej i wskazuje na alternatywne możliwości udzielania pomocy rodzinom w wychodzeniu z zapaści polidysfunkcyjnej. Za szczególnie ważne uznaje wspomaganie holistyczne, uwzględniające zwłaszcza poddawanie tego typu rodzin treningom kompetencyjnym indywidualnym i grupowym

    Interdisciplinary, Network and Systemic Approach to the Social Readaptation and Reintegration Process of Convicts and Their Families

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    The author presents a holistic, network and systemic approach to the provision of assistance and support for individuals who are marginalised, at risk of exclusion and excluded. The author sees the adaptation of the clustering idea and theory and the compatible coopetition strategy as a real chance for a breakthrough in thinking about social re*adaptation and reintegration and for an effective modernisation of an inefficient prevention and social rehabilitation system.4223324914Studia Edukacyjn

    Poczucie lokalizacji kontroli u skazanych powracających do przestępstwa a postrzeganie przez nich własnych rodzin pochodzenia

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    Subjectively perceived locus of control provides information on the extent of individual adaptation and how the individual deals with difficulties in various spheres of life. Learning to perceive the connection between our behavior, its positive and negative effects and taking measures to achieve the desired effect is the result of repeated experience. Family factors are crucial for shaping the locus of control, i.e. parental attitude, the relationship betweena child and their parents and the child’s experience in various socio-educational situations. This article presents the results of a survey on locus of control in penitentiary recidivists and their perception of selected aspects of upbringing in their families of origin. The survey usesJ.B. Rotter’s Locus of Control Scale translated by L. Drwal’s, and the author’s own questionnaire.The participants of the survey were 245 recidivists and penitentiary multi-recidivist offenders in two types of penitentiaries – semi-open and closed. It was established that the penitentiary recidivists have an external locus of control. There were, however, no significant associations between locus of control and a type of family of origin as well as the number of repeated offences. Penitentiary recidivists perceive their own families of origin as havingnumerous problems and the characteristics which were probably the cause of the formation of an external locus of control (i.a. unemployment, poverty, alcoholism in the family and helplessness or passivity of parents in the face of growing problems, dominant, parental attitude with an adverse effect on upbringing: ‘lukewarm’ – indifferent and rejecting, and ‘unstable’ – inconsistent attitude. In addition, the survey showed that the higher the level ofeducation of the person imprisoned, the worse the relationship with their parents. The survey results indicate the need for providing both social and social development support for the families with penitentiary problems. It is also desirable to take preventive, psycho-educationaland resocialisation actions, focused on reorienting LOC of penitentiary recidivists from an external to an internal one. In addition, there should be parenting skills workshops and certain measures in the field of shaping parental attitudes should be taken in order to prepare inmatesfor living outside prison bars.Subiektywnie odczuwane ulokowanie sprawstwa zdarzeń dostarcza informacji o stopniu przystosowania jednostki i jej sposobach radzenia sobie w różnych sferach życia. Na skutek powtarzających się doświadczeń człowiek uczy się dostrzegać związek między swoim zachowaniem a jego pozytywnymi i negatywnymi skutkami i podejmuje aktywność w celu osiągnięcia pożądanego efektu. Duże znaczenie dla kształtowania się poczucia kontroli mają czynniki rodzinne, między innymi postawy rodzicielskie, relacje dziecka z rodzicami oraz jego doświadczenia w różnorakich sytuacjach społeczno – wychowawczych. W artykule zostały zaprezentowane wyniki badania nad poczuciem umiejscowienia kontroli u recydywistów penitencjarnych oraz postrzeganiem przez nich wybranych aspektów wychowania w rodzinach pochodzenia. W badaniu zastosowano Skalę do Pomiaru Poczucia Umiejscowienia Kontroli J.B. Rottera w przekładzie Ł. Drwala oraz kwestionariusz ankiety konstrukcji własnej. Uczestnikami badania było 245 jednokrotnych i wielokrotnych recydywistów penitencjarnych, osadzonych w dwu typach zakładów karnych – półotwartym i zamkniętym. Ustalono, że recydywiści penitencjarni posiadają zewnętrzne poczucie kontroli. Nie odnotowano jednak istotnych związków między poczuciem umiejscowienia kontroli a typem rodziny pochodzenia oraz wielokrotnością recydywy. Recydywiści penitencjarni postrzegają najczęściej własne rodziny pochodzenia jako wieloproblemowe i posiadające cechy, prawdopodobnie były przyczyną ukształtowania się u nich zewnętrznego poczucia umiejscowienia kontroli (m.in. bezrobocie, ubóstwo, choroba alkoholowa w rodzinie oraz bezradność lub bierność rodziców w obliczu narastających problemów, dominujące, niekorzystne wychowawczo postawy rodzicielskie: „letnia”: obojętno – odrzucająca i „chwiejna”: oddziaływanie niekonsekwentne). Ponadto badania wykazały, że im wyższy poziom wykształcenia posiada osoba osadzona, tym gorsze są jej relacje z rodzicami. Wyniki badania wskazują na konieczność objęcia rodzin z problemem penitencjarnym zarówno wspomaganiem socjalnym, jak i kompetencyjnym. Pożądane jest także podjęcie oddziaływań profilaktycznych, psychoedukacyjnych i resocjalizujących, ukierunkowanych na reorientację u recydywistów penitencjarnych LOC zewnętrznego na LOC wewnętrzny. Ponadto, w programach przygotowujących osadzonych do radzenia sobie na wolności, ważne miejsce zająć powinny oddziaływania w zakresie kształtowania postaw rodzicielskich oraz warsztaty umiejętności wychowawczych

    Praca jako czynnik chroniący ekswięźniów przed powrotnością do przestępstwa i wykluczeniem społecznym

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    The article raises the issue of the threat of former prisoners with a return to crime and social exclusion which arises in cases when former prisoners obtain insufficient institutional and non-institutional support in re-adaptation efforts, in particular in searching for and maintaining permanent employment. The author refers to the reintegrative approach to the causes of social exclusion, which is associated with the concept of Margaret S. Archer, stressing the morphogenic approach to human agency. The author’s own research presented in the article was aimed at recognizing the self-esteem of convicts in the role of an employee, their employment plans after leaving the prison and predictors of motivation to search for employment. The results of the survey indicate the necessity of engaging prisoners and former prisoners in activities which would increase their self-esteem as employees, improve their sense of agency and motivation to work and make their expectations towards employers more realistic. In this area of activity, however, competence trainings are essential, especially in the area of job search and conducting an effective job interview. The trainings should be implemented at the stage of staying of convicted in prison and it should be continued after their release in the framework of the local support network.W artykule poruszono zagadnienie zagrożenia byłych więźniów powrotnością do przestępstwa i wykluczeniem społecznym, niedostatecznie wspomaganych instytucjonalnie i pozainstytucjonalnie w wysiłkach readaptacyjnych, zwłaszcza w zakresie poszukiwania i utrzymania stałego zatrudnienia. Autorka odnosi się do reintegracyjnego ujęcia przyczyn wykluczenia społecznego, które wiąże z koncepcją Margaret S. Archer, akcentującą morfogeniczne podejście do ludzkiego sprawstwa. Zaprezentowane w opracowaniu badania własne były ukierunkowane na rozpoznanie samooceny skazanych w roli pracownika, ich planów zatrudnieniowych po wyjściu na wolność oraz predyktorów motywacji do poszukiwania zatrudnienia. Wyniki wskazują na konieczność objęcia więźniów i byłych więźniów oddziaływaniami podnoszącymi ich samoocenę pracowniczą, poczucie sprawczości i motywację do podjęcia pracy oraz urealniającymi ich oczekiwania wobec pracodawców. W tym obszarze działania nie mniej istotne są treningi kompetencyjne w zakresie wyszukiwania ofert pracy i prowadzenia skutecznej rozmowy kwalifikacyjnej. Powinny one być realizowane jeszcze na etapie pobytu skazanych w zakładzie karnym i kontynuowane po ich wyjściu na wolność w ramach sieci wsparcia lokalnego