17 research outputs found


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    Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana penerapan pidana mati sebagai ultimum remedium dalam upaya penegakkan hukum pidana pada kejahatan narkotika.Metode Penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis empiris.Penerapan pidana mati kepada pelaku kejahatan narkotika khususnya kepada produsen, bandar, maupun pengedar sudah sangat tepat, hal ini sesuai dengan teori pemidanaan yaitu teori absolut.Teori ini membenarkan pemidanaan karena seseorang telah melakukan suatu tindak pidana, dengan demikian terhadap pelaku pidana mutlak harus diadakan pembalasan berupa pidana dengan tidak mempersoalkan akibat pemidanaan bagi terpidana. Pendekatan teori absolut meletakkan gagasannya tentang hak untuk menjatuhkan pidana yang keras, dan dengan alasan karena seseorang bertanggung jawab atas pebuatannya, sudah seharusnya dia menerima hukuman yang dijatuhkan kepadanya. Disinilah terlihat bahwa dasar utama pendekatan absolut adalah balas dendam terhadap pelaku, atau dapat dikatakan, dasar pembenaran dari pidana terletak pada adanya atau terjadi kejahatan itu sendiri.hukuman atau pidana mati memang merupakan ultimum remedium didalam hukumpidana. Namun, suatu perbuatan dianggap sudah benar-benar merugikan kepentingan negara maupun rakyat baik menurut undang-undang yang berlaku maupun menurut perasaan sosiologis masyarakat seperti halnya kejahatan narkotika, penjatuhan hukuman mati merupakan pilihan utama (primum atau premium remedium) yang harus dijalankan sebuah negara terhadap pelaku.Kata Kunci: Pidana Mati, Ultimum Remedium, Narkotika

    The Roles of Escorts for Women Who Are Having Cases Before the Law in Courts Under the Legal Jurisdiction of Palembang City

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    Chapter 1 article 1 of the Regulation of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia number 3 of 2017 has clearly defined that women having cases before the law consist of women who violate the law, women who testify in court, female crime victims, and women who stands as a party in a case. They have the right to get protection, access to justice, and receive fair treatment without discrimination. In addition, they are also entitled to receive recovery and restitution from the damage caused by a crime. Protection during the judicial process must also be provided because of the potential threats they may face in cases involving them. Therefore, it is very important to provide trustworthy escorts while they are following the judicial process so that their rights can be fulfilled and properly accommodated


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    The fourth paragraph at the opening of the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia states that the Government of the Republic of Indonesia is obliged to protect the entire Indonesian nation, promote the general welfare, and educate the nation's life which is a manifestation of the responsibility of the state which is obliged to create welfare for its people fairly and equitably equally. This constitutional mandate is spelled out in the form of regulations aimed at preventing injustice from the stronger party against the weaker party so that a just and peaceful society can be created. The method used to analyze this problem is through normative and empirical mix and match. The approach used in this study is a statute approach, conceptual approach, and case approach. Legal protection for workers is an obligation for the fulfillment of basic rights inherent and protected by the constitution as regulated in Article 27 paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The logical consequence of this mandate is the birth of the State's obligation to accommodate facilities and the widest possible opportunity for the community so that they can get a job as well as make it something worthy of humanity. Thus, the violation of basic rights guaranteed by the constitution is a violation of human rights. Protection of workers is regulated in Articles 67 to 101 of the Manpower Law, including those concerning wages and welfare. However, when faced with the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the company immediately provided a force majeure reason to avoid paying severance pay for workers/laborers affected by layoffs. The problem that occurs, in this case, is the termination of employment carried out by companies using force majeure reasons by companies in Indonesia unilaterally. Keywords: Impact, Employees, Pandemi

    Preventive Protection for Indonesian Migrant Workers as Part of an Effort to Prevent Human Trafficking in Johor Bahru Malaysia

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    The issues of Indonesian migrant workers are interminable; practically all bordering countries, including Malaysia, are destinations for Indonesian migrant workers. Administrative issues, salary disparities, exploitation, and human trafficking are all issues that Indonesian migrant workers encounter abroad. As the country's representative, the Embassy/Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia plays a vital role in defending Indonesian migrant workers and Indonesian nationals overseas. The government's legal protection normally begins with document registration, followed by preparation, training, and placement. This study used a normative strategy with a statutory and case approach. Preventive protection takes the form of providing protection based on Law Number 21 of 2007 about TIP, Law Number 18 of 2017 concerning PMI Protection, and Malaysian Law in Deed 670 concerning the Anti-Trafficking in Persons and Anti-Migrant Smuggling Deed 2007. The Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia Malaysia provides legal protection for Indonesian employees who are victims of illegal acts of human trafficking through both litigation and non-litigation routes


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    Desa merupakan suatu wilayah yang didiami oleh sejumlah penduduk yang saling mengenal satu sama lain atas dasar hubungan kekerabatan dan/ atau kepentingan politik, sosial, ekonomi, dan keamanan. Dimana pertumbuhannya menjadi suatu kesatuan masyarakat hukum berdasarkan adat sehingga tercipta ikatan lahir dan batin antara masing-masing warganya yang pada umumnya warga tersebut hidup dari hasil pertanian, mempunyai hak mengatur rumah tangganya sendiri, dan secara administratif berada di bawah pemerintahan kabupaten/kota. Dengan adanya perubahan Undang-undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1979 Jo Undang-undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 Tentang Desa. Pengelolaaan keuangan desa yang dilaksanakan oleh Kepala Desa yang termaktub juga dalam  Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Republik Indonesia Nomor 113 Tahun 2014 Tentang Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa. dikatakan bahwa minimal pendidikan kepala desa adalah smp sederajat, yang menjadi permasalahannya adalah bagaimana pengaplikasiannya jika pendidikan hanya smp dan sederajat mengelola keuangan Negara dengan program pemerintah 1 desa 1 Milyar. Bentuk transparansi laporan pertanggungjawaban kepala desa dalam pengelolaan keuangan yang harus dilaporkan kepada Bupati secara langsung

    Rethinking Indonesian Legislation on Wildlife Protection: A Comparison between Indonesia and the United States

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    In Indonesia, a crime against wildlife is still not well controlled. Several reasons are the fact that certain wildlife is still considered a threat by the community and the lack of implemented criminal sanctions. This paper compares the application of sanctions to perpetrators of wildlife crimes between Indonesia and America. Based on the Indonesian Law, Article 40(2) of the Law on Conservation of Living Natural Resources and their Ecosystems, a person who commits a crime against individual wild animals can be imprisoned for a maximum of five years and a maximum fine of one hundred million rupiahs. Meanwhile, the United States Law, the Endangered Species Act (ESA), charges wildlife criminals with criminal and civil penalties. In § 1540(a)(1) it provides that anyone who takes, imports, exports, transports or sells endangered species can be fined not more than 25,000.Ifthespeciesisthreatenedinthegroup,theoffendercanbesubjecttoasentenceofnotmorethan 25,000. If the species is threatened in the group, the offender can be subject to a sentence of not more than 12,000. Also, additional criminal sanctions were imposed to revoke federal licenses, lease permits and hunting permits. This study aims to analyse criminal sanctions' enforcement in criminal cases against protected animals in courts in Indonesia and the United States to find best practices using normative legal research methods. The results show that the criminal sanctions against wildlife crimes in Indonesia have never reached the maximum sentence so that it is not sufficient to provide a deterrent effect for the perpetrators. Unlike in America, the imprisonment sanction for criminal sanctions for protected animals is still relatively weak, but fines and civil sanctions can be maximally applied

    Enhancing Restorative Justice in Indonesia: Exploring Diversion Implementation for Effective Juvenile Delinquency Settlement

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    Indonesia’s juvenile delinquency is rapidly increasing in a high number every year. At the same time, restorative justice’s implementation through the diversion mechanism is ineffective. This circumstance indicates that efforts to enhance juvenile delinquency settlement are essential. Hence, this research elaborates on diversion challenges in settling cases involving juveniles in Indonesia. Moreover, it will analyse efforts to optimise diversion implementation in strengthening restorative justice in settling juvenile cases in Indonesia. This is normative research that uses a statutory approach and is described qualitatively. The research illustrates numerous obstacles in applying diversion during juvenile delinquency resolution in Indonesia. Amongst the difficulties are legal factors; law enforcer factors; factors of means or supporting facilities; societal factors, and cultural factors. These challenges incline the necessity to improve diversion applications in Indonesia’s juvenile delinquency. The effectiveness of diversion will contribute positively to the restorative justice system in Indonesia. Furthermore, optimising diversion is possible through reformulating regulation and prioritising prevention efforts to prevent juvenile delinquency from reaching litigation settlement

    Implementasi Rehabilitasi dan Reintegrasi Anak Pelaku Tindak Pidana Pada Lembaga Pembinaan Anak di Provinsi Sumatera Selatan

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    Rehabilitasi dan reintegrasi merupakan bagian dari upaya untuk menjalankan amanah dari Undang-undang No.11 Tahun 2012 tentang Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak. Upaya untuk memulihkan kembali kondisi anak agar tidak trauma dan menciptakan suasana kondusif pada saat memulangkan mereka pada keluarga atau lingkungannya melalui peningkatan kepercayaan diri si-anak dan penerimaan dengan baik oleh keluarga serta lingkungan masyarakat merupakan kunci keberhasilan pelaksanaan rehabilitasi dan reintegrasi. Pada saat anak melakukan suatu tindak pidana dan dia diputuskan bersalah serta harus menjalani hukuman, maka anak pelaku tindak pidana tersebut tidak boleh mendapatkan hukuman dalam bentuk kekerasan. Mereka harus ditempatkan pada tempat khusus untuk mendapatkan pembinaan dan pendidikan. Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak (LPKA), Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (Lapas), Rumah Tahanan (Rutan), dan Balai Pemasyarakatan (Bapas) adalah beberapa tempat khusus yang melakukan proses pembinaan dan pendidikan. Pemantauan lebih mendalam mengenai Implementasi rehabilitasi dan reintegrasi yang dilakukan oleh LPKA Klas IA Palembang, Lapas Klas IIA Tanjung Raja Ogan Ilir, Bapas Klas IA Palembang, Rutan Klas IIA Baturaja, dan Lapas Klas IIB Sekayu dalam penanganan terhadap anak pelaku tindak pidana, menjadi tolak ukur dilaksanakan atau tidak amanah yang terdapat dalam Undang-undang No.11 Tahun 2012 tentang Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak

    Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa Menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 Berbasis Pertanggungjawaban Kepala Desa

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    Pengelolaan keuangan desa merupakan semua hak dan kewajiban Desa yang dapat dinilai dengan uang serta segala sesuatu berupa uang dan barang yang berhubungan dengan pelaksanaan hak dan kewajiban desa. Keuangan desa dikelola berdasarkan atas asas-asas transparan, akuntabel, partisipatif serta dilakukan dengan tertib dan disiplin anggaran. Sedangkan pengelolaan Keuangan Desa adalah keseluruhan kegiatan yang meliputi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, penatausahaan, pelaporan, dan pertanggungjawaban keuangan desa. Rencana Kerja Pemerintah Desa (RKPDesa) merupakan penjabaran dari Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Desa untuk jangka waktu 1 (satu) tahun. Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Desa (APBDesa) merupakan rencana keuangan tahunan Pemerintahan Desa. Diperlukan Peraturan Bupati/Walikota untuk mengatur mengenai Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa. Pada dasarnya tulisan ini membahas salah satu siklus dari pengelolaan Keuangan desa yaitu Pertanggungjawaban Keuangan Desa. Tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan bagi aparatur desa yang terkait dengan pengelolaan keuangan desa, terutama Kepala Desa sebagai tampuk pimpinan di desa serta pertanggungjawabannya. Metode yang digunakan adalah ceramah dan diskusi. Pembahasan pada tulisan ini mengacu pada Undang-undang Nomor 5 Tahun 1979 tentang pemeritahan desa, dimana kepala desa bertanggung jawab kepada camat, tetapi setelah diberlakukannya Undang-undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang desa, maka kepala desa langsung bertanggungjawab kepada Bupati/walikota, yaitu terkait bagaimana pengelolaan dana desa secara baik


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    Background: Oral health is an important part of an individual's overall health. The presence of disorders of the oral cavity can significantly affect a person's life. One of the problems that often arise is loose teeth. Loose teeth can be caused by disease or injury to the gums and the supporting tissues of the teeth. The most common factor that causes loose teeth is the buildup of plaque or tartar. This condition can cause damage to the bone that supports the teeth and the periodontal ligament which causes the teeth to become loose. In addition, a person's systemic conditions such as diabetes mellitus also aggravate the condition of tooth mobility. Method: This community service is carried out by counseling, distributing leaflets, poster, quiz, and giving door prizes. The audience's level of knowledge related to dental and oral health, especially periodontal tissue was evaluated using a questionnaire Result: 1 respondent (3.33%) had low oral hygiene habits, 24 respondents (83.3%) had moderate oral hygiene habits, and 4 respondents (13.3%) had very good/high oral hygiene habits. Conclusion: Dental and oral health education in the community can effectively improve oral hygien