21 research outputs found

    Electricity from solar cells powers the comfort cooling in Staben

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    Staben is a building in Uppsala Science Park owned by Vasakronan. During 2013, Staben was renovated and a new air conditioning system was installed. The main components of the air conditioning system are three circulation pumps which require electricity. It is desired by Vasakronan to supply this electric power in a way that is environmentally friendly. Therefore, the possibilities of operating the cooling system of Staben using solar power have been examined in this study. To determine an appropriate size of the solar-cell facility, simulations and calculations were performed. The simulations were based on factors such as outside temperature, insolation and the electric power consumption of Staben. In addition to the simulation, an analysis of insolation and outside temperature was performed to validate the correlation between those two factors. The results of the simulations were validated through calculations and use of PVGIS, a computer program specialized in calculating electric production of solar cells. According to the simulations an appropriate size of the solar-cell facility to operate the cooling system would be 3 kW rated power. This way, no electric power is sold to the grid. The investment of a 3 kW solar-cell facility will cost approximately 70 000 SEK, which results in a pay-back time between 10 and 15 years.Uppsala Science Park Ă€gs och förvaltas av fastighetsbolaget Vasakronan. 2013 renoverades kontorslokalen Staben och har sedan dess komfortkyla. Kylsystemet drivs idag med elkraft frĂ„n elnĂ€tet, men i denna studie har möjligheten att driva systemet med solceller utretts eftersom detta ger Staben ett egenförsörjande och ett miljövĂ€nligt kylsystem. Även kostnad och Ă„terbetalningstid undersöktes för att ge en bild av hur rimligt det vore att driva komfortkylan med en solcellsanlĂ€ggning. För att undersöka hur stor mĂ€rkeffekt som behövs för att tĂ€cka driftbehovet hos kylsystemet utfördes simuleringar. Simuleringarna baserades pĂ„ utomhustemperatur, solinstrĂ„lning och Stabens elkraftförbrukning. Vidare undersöktes data för solinstrĂ„lning och utomhustemperatur för att kvantifiera ett samband dessa förmodades ha. Simuleringens resultat validerades med hjĂ€lp av berĂ€kningar och PVGIS, ett program som rĂ€knar ut energiproduktionen frĂ„n solcellsanlĂ€ggningar. Enligt simuleringarna behövde solcellsanlĂ€ggningen ha en installerad effekt pĂ„ 3 kW för att tĂ€cka kylsystemets elförbrukning pĂ„ Ă„rsbasis. Eftersom kylsystemet Ă€ven Ă€r i drift nattetid och solcellerna endast producerade elkraft dagtid fanns inga ekonomiskt lĂ€mpliga möjligheter att tĂ€cka kylssytemets effektbehov med enbart elkraft frĂ„n solceller. ValideringsberĂ€kningen baserad pĂ„ PVGIS gav att den installerade effekten blev 3,8 kW. Grundinvesteringen för solcellsanlĂ€ggningen berĂ€knades till 70 000 SEK för en 3 kW-anlĂ€ggning. Med en sĂ„dan storlek pĂ„ anlĂ€ggningen uppstod inget överskott av elkraft, vilket innebĂ€r att all elkraft förbrukas i Staben. Återbetalningstiden blev mellan 10 och 15 Ă„r beroende pĂ„ huruvida bidrag för solceller erhölls samt hur elpriset utvecklas i framtiden

    Skolbrandsarkeologi : En samtidsarkeologisk undersökning i södra Storstockholm

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    This essay describes the artistic project Skolbrandsarkeologi (school fire archeology) and operates within the field of contemporary archaeology. The essay presents three examples of when contemporary archaeology has played a role in, or contributed to, the healing of individuals or of relatives to people who have experienced traumatic events. These examples are then discussed in relation to the artistic project Skolbrandsarkeologi. The essay also explores the role that physical objects can play for memories and the various ethical challenges that the discipline of contemporary archeology may face. The results indicate that contemporary archaeology, both on its own and in collaborations with other disciplines, can have a positive therapeutic impact on the memories and experiences of traumatic events

    Homo religiosus – den religiösa mannen? : en kvantitativ och diskursiv analys av kön och sexualitet i lĂ€romedels kapitel om buddhism och hinduism.

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    This study aims to analyse how sex and sexuality are presented in the Buddhism and Hinduism chapters of religious studies textbooks for upper secondary school. The chosen textbooks are all linked to the new curriculum Lgr 11 which was implemented in the Swedish school system in the spring of 2012. The textbooks were analysed by using two methods; content analysis and discourse analysis. Content analysis was used to examine with which frequency sexes and sexualities appear in the textbooks, while discourse analysis was used to find what discourses surround the two concepts. The discourse analysis used two theories in order to contextualize the several discourses about sex and sexuality. The two theories were social dominance theory and norm critical theory.   The study shows that men are more frequently mentioned in the textbooks than women, with two exceptions. In the chapter describing Buddhism in one of the textbooks, women are more frequently portrayed in pictures. Women are also more frequently mentioned in the chapter describing Hinduism in another textbook.   In the chapters about Buddhism, men are often described as leaders and are mentioned in connection to education. When women are mentioned, it is often in the role of nuns, who are always described as subordinate to monks. In the chapters about Hinduism, men are often mentioned in connection to education, and are often described as in power and as practitioners of the religion. Women are described as dependent on men and are mentioned in connection to marriage and their husbands. Sexuality is a subject which only one textbook brings up. It defines homosexuality as unacceptable in the Hindu society, but does however point out that it is not illegal. Other than that, the textbooks display a lack of interest in discussing sexualities in patriarchal religions in which heterosexuality is considered a norm. Every example and description the textbooks give about religious life and the different stages humans go through are based on a heteronormativity. The authors always base their examples on heterosexual relationships and heterosexual people. The findings of this study are troubling, particularly as the Nation Agency for Education (Skolverket) has stated that the Swedish upper secondary school must study religion from different perspectives, for example sex and sexuality

    Homo religiosus – den religiösa mannen? : en kvantitativ och diskursiv analys av kön och sexualitet i lĂ€romedels kapitel om buddhism och hinduism.

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    This study aims to analyse how sex and sexuality are presented in the Buddhism and Hinduism chapters of religious studies textbooks for upper secondary school. The chosen textbooks are all linked to the new curriculum Lgr 11 which was implemented in the Swedish school system in the spring of 2012. The textbooks were analysed by using two methods; content analysis and discourse analysis. Content analysis was used to examine with which frequency sexes and sexualities appear in the textbooks, while discourse analysis was used to find what discourses surround the two concepts. The discourse analysis used two theories in order to contextualize the several discourses about sex and sexuality. The two theories were social dominance theory and norm critical theory.   The study shows that men are more frequently mentioned in the textbooks than women, with two exceptions. In the chapter describing Buddhism in one of the textbooks, women are more frequently portrayed in pictures. Women are also more frequently mentioned in the chapter describing Hinduism in another textbook.   In the chapters about Buddhism, men are often described as leaders and are mentioned in connection to education. When women are mentioned, it is often in the role of nuns, who are always described as subordinate to monks. In the chapters about Hinduism, men are often mentioned in connection to education, and are often described as in power and as practitioners of the religion. Women are described as dependent on men and are mentioned in connection to marriage and their husbands. Sexuality is a subject which only one textbook brings up. It defines homosexuality as unacceptable in the Hindu society, but does however point out that it is not illegal. Other than that, the textbooks display a lack of interest in discussing sexualities in patriarchal religions in which heterosexuality is considered a norm. Every example and description the textbooks give about religious life and the different stages humans go through are based on a heteronormativity. The authors always base their examples on heterosexual relationships and heterosexual people. The findings of this study are troubling, particularly as the Nation Agency for Education (Skolverket) has stated that the Swedish upper secondary school must study religion from different perspectives, for example sex and sexuality

    Women's experience of living with endometriosis-associated pain : A literature review

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    MÄnga kvinnor lever idag med sjukdomen endometrios. Detta Àr en sjukdom som prÀglas av stÀndig smÀrta och pÄverkar den drabbades liv och person. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva kvinnors upplevelse av att leva med endometriosrelaterad smÀrta. Manifest kvalitativ innehÄllsanalys utfördes pÄ nio vetenskapliga artiklar vilket resulterade i fyra kategorier: Att smÀrtan bidrar till begrÀnsningar i dagligt liv, att samlivet med partnern blir lidande, att vara expert pÄ att hantera sin egen smÀrta och att inte ta smÀrtan pÄ allvar. Det framkom att endometriosrelaterad var outhÀrdlig och hade en negativ inverkan pÄ livet. MÄnga kÀnde sig styrda av smÀrtan och behövde planera sitt liv efter den. SmÀrtan togs inte pÄ allvar av hÀlso- och sjukvÄrden och avvisades trots lÄngvariga besvÀr och hanteringen av smÀrtan bestod till största delen av egenvÄrd. Det finns bristande kunskap inom omrÄdet av endometrios och relaterad smÀrta. Detta anser vi bidrar till att mÄnga som lever med smÀrtan inte tas pÄ allvar. Mer forskning behövs dÀrför för att kunna skapa en god och trygg vÄrd med adekvat smÀrtbehandling för de som Àr drabbade av endometriosrelaterad smÀrta

    Genomlysning av ett lager ur ett Leanperspektiv - fokus pÄ effektivitet och vÀrdekapande aktiviteter : En fallstudie pÄ Svenska Fönster

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    The objective of this study is to examine how Lean can make the utilization of inventory more effective and, from a Lean perspective, examine how the value-adding activities related to inventory can increase. To examine this, a case study was perfomed at Svenska Fönster. The conclusions of this study are that Lean can advantageously be applied on inventory to increase the efficiency.

    Infrastrukturens roll för rörelsemönster : En studie om relationen mellan rörelsemönster och transnationell infrastruktur

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    I takt med en ökad globalisering bygger man idag infrastruktur för att underlätta och underhålla relationer som uppstår mellan länder. Transnationell infrastruktur är därmed de fysiska länkar som binder samman olika länder. Studien syftar till att undersöka hur transnationell infrastruktur påverkar rörelsemönster. Med hjälp av en kvantitativ studie analyseras bland annat det faktiska rörelsemönstret av Kanaltunneln, genom att jämföra det med dess förväntade användande. Vidare jämförs även det faktiska nyttjandet av Kanaltunneln med motsvarande nyttjande av Öresundsbron. Detta för att undersöka infrastrukturens roll i rörelsemönstret. Resultatet visade på att rörelsen i Kanaltunneln följer det förväntade mönstret till viss del, men att det förväntades större kvartalsvariationer. Vidare konstateras det att mobiliteten över bägge infrastrukturerna ökar, men med en högre takt över Öresundsbron. Med hjälp av teorin dras slutsatsen att transnationell infrastruktur har en stor påverkan på mobilitet, men att det inte är själva infrastrukturen i sig som skapar mobilitet. Andra faktorer har även en påverkan på rörelsemönstret, som till exempel faktiskt avstånd och pendlingssträcka.