15 research outputs found


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    The existence of economic problems in accessing formal education and the low awareness of the community of the importance of protecting the surrounding environment, so this study aims to explain how the perception of community empowerment towards the utilization of waste as a means of paying for education at Junjung Birru Kindergarten. Located on Jalan Demak 2 Ulu, Tuan Kentang Village, Jakabaring Sub-district, close to the slum area of Palembang City. The method used in this research is a qualitative approach using interview data collection techniques, data analysis, observation and recording. The source of data obtained was the results of interviews with the driver of Junjung Birru School Palembang City. The results showed that Junjung Birru School is a kindergarten school that focuses on increasing hygiene awareness in the community by implementing a waste payment system to help and reduce the burden on parents in paying monthly school fees. The school was established in 2007. The school was initially established because the founder of Junjung Birru School felt anxious and concerned about the amount of organic and non-organic waste that was carelessly thrown away in the community


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    The Gejayan Calling Movement 2019 becomes an interesting phenomenon of the development of new student social movements in Indonesia. Using social media platforms (#tranding topics) as a means of mass mobilization, this action succeeded in managed around 15,000 protesters. This article aims to elaborate the 2019 Gejayan Menanggil Movement in more detail, covering the background of the action, the means of mass mobilization, the consolidation process, and the issues raised. The research method uses a qualitative approach with data collection techniques through virtual observations on social media, data searches on the Drone Emprit website, and in-depth interviews with members of HMI DIPO, HMI MPO, IMM, GMNI, and ARB (Aliansi Rakyat Bergerak). The collected data were analyzed using NVivo Plus software. The results show that the Gejayan Calling Movement has become the starting point for changes in social movements in Indonesia, where the foundations built are no longer based on material resistance, but are more based on issues of humanity, injustice, politics, the environment and women. Therefore, the ideology of the movements has also changed from a class resistance to an identity resistance.Gerakan Gejayan Memanggil 2019 menjadi salah satu fenomena menarik dari perkembangan gerakan sosial baru mahasiswa di Indonesia. Melalui platform media sosial (tranding topic) sebagai alat mobilisasi massa, aksi ini telah melibatkan 15.000 (lima belas ribu) demonstran. Artikel ini bermaksud untuk mengelaborasi Gerakan Gejayan Memanggil 2019 secara lebih mendalam, meliputi latar belakang aksi, sarana mobilisasi massa, proses konsolidasi, dan isu yang diangkat. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi virtual di sosial media, penelusuran data di situs internet Drone Emprit, dan wawancara mendalam terhadap anggota HMI DIPO, HMI MPO, IMM, GMNI, dan ARB (Aliansi Rakyat Bergerak). Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan software NVivo Plus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Gerakan Gejayan Memanggil ini telah menjadi titik tolak perubahan gerakan sosial di Indonesia, dimana pondasi yang dibangun tidak lagi berbasis pada perlawanan yang bersifat material, tetapi lebih berbasiskan pada isu-isu kemanusiaan, ketidakadilan, politik, lingkungan dan perempuan. Oleh sebab itu, ideologi yang berkembang berubah dari hal yang bersifat perlawanan kelas menjadi perlawanan identitas


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    The presence of coal mining has resulted in landscape change, reduced soil fertility, threats to biodiversity, reduced water quality, reduced air quality and environmental pollution. This service aims to understand and track awareness of dirty coal energy use in Palembang, one of the oldest cities, as the lack of understanding of coal's impact on local communities has led to a very serious disease outbreak. A coal-producing city in Indonesia. The approach used was to educate the community on the impacts of coal. Through these socialization activities, public awareness of the impacts can be obtained


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    Implementation in the process of electing the student council president involves information technology using the electoral system as learning for students who practice democracy directly. Activities, especially the election of the Student Council chairperson, still use media assisted by simple information, namely in the form of sheets of paper, and are still not effective. The problem faced requires a new motivation that is easier to guide information on the election of the Student Council chairperson in Palembang City Senior High School as well as minimizing information fraud in the election and facilitating the election of the Student Council chairperson. This study introduces the E-Voting Website to Student Council Palembang City by bringing up the idea of implementing the Student Council chairman election by utilizing development information

    Dynamic Governance in increasing Millennial Participation Food Independent South Sumatra Movement Program (GSMP)

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    Appropriate measures to address food security at the local level can be designed and implemented, understanding people's perceptions and judgments about their food security, will have practical implications for designing better interventions to improve community food security. This study uses a qualitative methodology through interviews, and then the data is coded using Nvivo 12 Plus. To realize this, the Province of South Sumatra implemented the South Sumatra Self-Sufficient Food Movement through efforts to change the community's mindset from "buyers" to "producers" covering the cultivation of plants, fish, and poultry. However, its implementation is still experiencing many obstacles, including beneficiaries still focusing on their main activities to earn income so that the assistance received has not been utilized optimally, GSMP socialization has not been optimal for beneficiaries, field assistance related to plant and fish cultivation has not been optimal, as well as assistance provided services provided have not been fully adapted to field conditions and beneficiary skills. So, it is expected to be able to recommend solutions for implementing the South Sumatra Independent Food Movement Program (GSMP), especially in Palembang City. This study concludes that millennial participation in the South Sumatra Independent Food Movement is relatively high and is influenced by factors such as interest, knowledge, and community involvement. Thus, further efforts are needed to increase interest, knowledge, and community involvement in this program to achieve the goals of the South Sumatra Independent Food Movement

    How Javanese Culture Shaping Political Ideology (Case Study of the People in Yogyakarta)

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    The original Javanese culture of the communities in Java has been running for decades, meaning that this culture has been very rich in elements of universal culture such as the system of social organization, knowledge, arts, religion, and language. Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat Palace plays an essential role as the center and cultural resource owned by the city of Yogyakarta; one of the areas that are still famous for its cultural guardians, traditions, and behaviors of an ancestor. This research used qualitative methods to obtain data through literature reviews and interviews. Literature review and interview results then became analytical material and adapted to the existing frame of thought as a result of the library studies conducted at the beginning. Then after the analysis process was completed, the results were obtained. This research revealed that the Javanese culture in the people of Yogyakarta affected the political ideology because when speaking about Javanese culture, three aspects cannot be separated in the Javanese community, especially Yogyakarta, Javanese culture, Belief, and religion. A contest will always be syncretism, cannot be constantly intact on assimilation, and acculturation is even alienated (to be drawn). As long as the Javanese people still exist, the Javanese culture will remain alive and develop when the relics of letters, dialectics, and cultures still exist


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    Abstract: The concept of Collaborative Government as an alternative base is considered capable of realizing the acceleration and implementation of Tourism Areas. Collaborative Governance as a new paradigm used to face diverse issues in a complex society, a paradigm in which the principle of prnsip basically the existence of equality of relationships among stakeholders in the public, private and public sectors. It is also a process that involves various stakeholders who are related for the benefit or achieving a goal. This study analyzed Collaborative Governance in Sustainable Tourism Management, especially in Nglinggo Tea Plantation Tourism Kulon Progo Regency. Then, this research uses qualitative research method. The research results of Nglinggo Tea Plantation Tourism Kulon Progo Regency is one of the sources of income for local communities with the level of tourists visiting tourism to also increase people's income.Keywords: Collaborative government, Sustainable; Touris


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    This Batang Hari River has an essential role in the Jambi people's lives. Besides the river as a source of public search, the Batang Hari River is also used for the people's daily activities. Uncontrollable garbage dumps due to human activity will impact the beauty of the region, the emergence of the smell of waste decay, air pollution due to the burning of garbage that disrupts public health and becomes a source of disease for human health. There is a habit of people making rivers as a place of garbage dump into waterways. This research aims to study the factors affecting the behavior of people in removing garbage by ethnographic methods. Research with ethnographic approaches in the form of data collection and information through observing the situation that became the object of Research and combining with documentation serving. Research results showing a lack of public understanding of the consequences that can be caused by garbage, lack of government costs to provide/strive for proper waste management and qualify. Therefore, if not handled correctly, it will cause impacts such as water pollution, air, and soil resulting in the source of disease. There is also the relationship between knowledge, education, income, and attitude that affects people's behavior throwing waste

    Civil Society Response to Presidential Election in Social Media Twitter #Pilpres2024

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    Abstract:Civil society creates opportunities for prosperity and the realization of the rights of individuals and citizens while naturally creating tools to limit the power and regulate public authorities' activities. The origin of civil society is reflected in the history of the development of civilization which can be described as the desire of thinkers of every age to create an ideal social system in which there is intelligence and justice. The creation of such a society is always associated with the improvement of the rule of law. Civil society involvement activities have the right to be involved in all aspects of political governance and the authority to make decisions and take actions that affect all levels of public life without any institutions in the interests of groups and individuals, and the legitimacy of community-based civil authorities through a political governance system to increase capacity citizens who exercise sovereignty over policies that have a positive impact. The presidential election is a democratic party that is always held every five years; this celebration is the moment civil society has been waiting for. This study aims to determine how civil society responds to the #pilpres2024 by using qualitative methods to find models using social media as mass communication. Data was collected from Twitter social media and analyzed using the Nvivo 12 Plus Application. The results of this study reveal that the effectiveness of using Twitter in disseminating information on #pilpres2024 has proven to be efficient, which succeeded in creating a direct response (observable or encouraging action).AbstrakMasyarakat sipil menciptakan peluang untuk kemakmuran dan realisasi hak individu dan warga negara, sementara secara alami menciptakan alat untuk membatasi kekuasaan dan mengatur aktivitas otoritas publik. Asal usul masyarakat madani tercermin dalam sejarah perkembangan peradaban yang dapat digambarkan sebagai keinginan para pemikir setiap zaman untuk menciptakan sistem sosial yang ideal yang di dalamnya terdapat kecerdasan, kebebasan, kemakmuran, dan keadilan. Terciptanya masyarakat seperti itu selalu dikaitkan dengan perbaikan penegakan supremasi hukum. Aktivitas keterlibatan civil society memiliki hak untuk terlibat dalam semua aspek pemerintahan politik dan otoritas untuk membuat keputusan dan melakukan tindakan yang mempengaruhi semua tingkat kehidupan publik tanpa ada institusi dalam kepentingan kelompok dan individu, dengan kehadiran dan legistimasi otoritas sipil berbasis komunitas melalui sistem pemerintahan politik meningkatkan kemampuan warga negara yang menjalankan kedaulatan atas kebijakan yang berdampak positif. Pemilihan Presiden merupakan pesta demokrasi yang selalu di adakan setiap lima tahun sekali, kemeriahan ini menjadi momen yang tunggu oleh masyarakat sipil. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana respon civil society terhadap #pilpres2024 dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk menemukan model dalam penggunaan media sosial sebagai komunikasi massa. Data dikumpulkan dari media sosial Twitter yang dianalisa menggunakan Aplikasi Nvivo 12 Plus. Hasil penelitian ini mengungkapkan bahwa efektivitas penggunaan Twitter pada penyebaran informasi #pilpres2024 terbukti efisien, dimana berhasil menciptakan respon eksplisit (dapat diamati atau mendorong tindakan)