63 research outputs found


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    In modern society, the search for pedagogical conditions for the successful socialization of youth is an urgent scientific problem. The result of successful socialization is a formed social competence, which is understood as an integrative personal education, including knowledge, skills, abilities, which are formed in the process of socialization and allow a person to quickly and adequately adapt in society and effectively interact with the social environment. An important component of social competence is the motivation for socially significant activity, which serves as a prevention of destructive behavior in society. The authors put forward the thesis about the need to build a comprehensive work aimed at the formation of social competence, including pedagogical support (a set of pedagogical conditions that contribute to the formation of social competence), strengthening the educational component in education and building relationships with young people. The results of a study conducted at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Orenburg State University FSBEI of HE with the use of funds from the Orenburg Regional Palace of Children and Youth Creativity GBUDO, confirmed the hypothesis: the formation of social competence of youth will be effective when implementing a set of pedagogical conditions aimed at managing the process of socialization of youth: a coordinated space is formed (based on the use of the potential of the general and complement education), which contributes to the integration of youth in the system of public relations; pedagogical support (through the educational component) of the process of socialization of youth in a coordinated space was provided; motivation (personal meaning) for socially significant, creative activity is actualized. Personal needs, motivation, a positive attitude to work, creativity (motivational sphere) are formed due to the awareness of the personal significance of socially useful activities. The authors conclude that in the process of successful socialization of youth, the formation of social competence takes place, and the motivational sphere plays a leading role in this process. The following motives are central to motivation: the motive of success (achievement), the motive of fear (failure) and the motive of self-affirmation. Motivation for success is one of the indicators of successful socialization of youth, preventing the formation of destructive actions. Self-realization in socially significant activities contributes to the self-assertion of the individual. The motive of self-affirmation in constructive activity serves as a prevention of destructive, anti-social behavior.В современном обществе поиск педагогических условий для успешной социализации молодежи является актуальной научной проблемой. Результатом успешной социализации является сформированная социальная компетентность, которая понимается как интегративное личностное образование, включающее знания, навыки, умения, которые формируются в процессе социализации и позволяют человеку быстро и адекватно адаптироваться в обществе и эффективно взаимодействовать с социальной средой. Важным компонентом социальной компетентности является мотивация на социально значимую деятельность, которая служит профилактикой деструктивного поведения в обществе. Авторы выдвигают тезис о необходимости выстраивания комплексной работы, направленной на формирование социальной компетентности, в том числе на педагогическое сопровождение (совокупность педагогических условий, способствующих формированию социальной компетентности), усиление воспитательной компоненты в образовании. Результаты исследования, проведенного на факультете гуманитарных и социальных наук Оренбургского государственного университета ФГБОУ ВО с использованием средств Оренбургского областного дворца детского и юношеского творчества ГБУДО, подтвердили гипотезу: формирование социальной компетентности молодежи позволит быть эффективным при реализации комплекса педагогических условий, направленных на управление процессом социализации молодежи: формируется скоординированное пространство (на основе использования потенциала общего и дополнительного образования), что способствует интеграции молодежи в систему общественных отношений; оказана педагогическая поддержка (через образовательный компонент) процесса социализации молодежи в скоординированном пространстве; актуализируется мотивация (личностный смысл) социально значимой, творческой деятельности. Личные потребности, мотивация, позитивное отношение к работе, креативность (мотивационная сфера) формируются за счет осознания личностной значимости общественно-полезной деятельности. Авторы приходят к выводу, что в процессе успешной социализации молодежи происходит формирование социальной компетентности, и мотивационная сфера играет ведущую роль в этом процессе. Следующие мотивы являются центральными для мотивации: мотив успеха (достижения), мотив страха (неудачи) и мотив самоутверждения. Мотивация к успеху является одним из показателей успешной социализации молодежи, препятствующей формированию деструктивных действий. Самореализация в общественно значимой деятельности способствует самоутверждению личности. Мотив самоутверждения в конструктивной деятельности служит профилактикой деструктивного, антиобщественного поведения. &nbsp

    Negócios e poder: a prática da interação (nível regional)

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    The paper discusses the problems of interaction between the government and business community, the difficulties of development of social activity and responsibility of small and medium-sized businesses in Russia. Small and medium-sized businesses are today the basis of political, economic and social stability of Russian society. The development of entrepreneurship is a guarantee of permanent tax revenues to budgets of all levels, creation of additional jobs, and saturation of the market with goods and services, and formation of civil society institutions. The focus of our research is the formation and development of mechanisms for the social responsibility of entrepreneurs, a constructive dialogue between the government and business community that directly affects the performance indicators of enterprises, their production and innovation activity. The example of the republican branch of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (non-profit association of Russian entrepreneurs) shows the mechanisms of interaction between state bodies and non-profit organizations. The empirical basis was the results of sociological research which is systematically conducted since 2007 with the aim of analyzing the practice of Russian business participation in social programs by the Association of Russian Managers, the Association of Independent Directors and the independent Institute for Social Policy with the support of the Ford Foundation. The results of sociological studies conducted by the Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan on socio-economic monitoring in 2013 with the purpose to reach an objective assessment of small enterprise activities in Tatarstan were also used. The study was conducted using a questionnaire survey of small business representatives on their financial, economic and social development. A qualitative strategy was carried out by the authors of the paper using the method of formalized interviews. They interviewed 16 people - representatives of small and medium-sized businesses of the Republic of Tatarstan (the cities of Kazan, Nizhnekamsk, Zelenodolsk). El documento analiza los problemas de interacción entre el gobierno y la comunidad empresarial, las dificultades del desarrollo de la actividad social y la responsabilidad de las pequeñas y medianas empresas en Rusia. Las pequeñas y medianas empresas son hoy la base de la estabilidad política, económica y social de la sociedad rusa. El desarrollo del espíritu empresarial es una garantía de ingresos fiscales permanentes para los presupuestos de todos los niveles, la creación de empleos adicionales y la saturación del mercado con bienes y servicios, y la formación de instituciones de la sociedad civil. El foco de nuestra investigación es la formación y desarrollo de mecanismos para la responsabilidad social de los empresarios, un diálogo constructivo entre el gobierno y la comunidad empresarial que afecta directamente los indicadores de desempeño de las empresas, su actividad de producción e innovación. El ejemplo de la rama republicana de la Cámara de Comercio e Industria (asociación sin fines de lucro de empresarios rusos) muestra los mecanismos de interacción entre los organismos estatales y las organizaciones sin fines de lucro. La base empírica fueron los resultados de la investigación sociológica que se realiza sistemáticamente desde 2007 con el objetivo de analizar la práctica de la participación empresarial rusa en programas sociales por parte de la Asociación de Administradores Rusos, la Asociación de Directores Independientes y el Instituto independiente de Política Social con la apoyo de la Fundación Ford. También se utilizaron los resultados de los estudios sociológicos realizados por el Comité de la República de Tatarstán sobre la vigilancia socioeconómica en 2013 con el fin de llegar a una evaluación objetiva de las actividades de la pequeña empresa en Tatarstán. El estudio se realizó mediante una encuesta de cuestionarios a representantes de pequeñas empresas sobre su desarrollo financiero, económico y social. Los autores del trabajo llevaron a cabo una estrategia cualitativa utilizando el método de las entrevistas formalizadas. Entrevistaron a 16 personas: representantes de pequeñas y medianas empresas de la República de Tatarstán (las ciudades de Kazan, Nizhnekamsk y Zelenodolsk). O artigo discute os problemas de interação entre o governo e a comunidade empresarial, as dificuldades de desenvolvimento da atividade social e a responsabilidade das pequenas e médias empresas na Rússia. Pequenas e médias empresas são hoje a base da estabilidade política, econômica e social da sociedade russa. O desenvolvimento do empreendedorismo é uma garantia de receitas fiscais permanentes para orçamentos de todos os níveis, criação de empregos adicionais, saturação do mercado com bens e serviços e formação de instituições da sociedade civil. O foco de nossa pesquisa é a formação e desenvolvimento de mecanismos para a responsabilidade social dos empreendedores, um diálogo construtivo entre o governo e a comunidade empresarial que afeta diretamente os indicadores de desempenho das empresas, sua atividade de produção e inovação. O exemplo do ramo republicano da Câmara de Comércio e Indústria (associação sem fins lucrativos de empresários russos) mostra os mecanismos de interação entre órgãos estatais e organizações sem fins lucrativos. A base empírica foram os resultados da pesquisa sociológica, que é realizada sistematicamente desde 2007, com o objetivo de analisar a prática da participação empresarial russa em programas sociais pela Associação de Dirigentes Russos, a Associação de Diretores Independentes e o Instituto de Política Social independente com a apoio da Fundação Ford. Os resultados dos estudos sociológicos realizados pelo Comitê da República do Tartaristão sobre o monitoramento socioeconômico em 2013 com o objetivo de alcançar uma avaliação objetiva das atividades das pequenas empresas no Tartaristão também foram utilizados. O estudo foi conduzido usando uma pesquisa por questionário de representantes de pequenas empresas sobre seu desenvolvimento financeiro, econômico e social. Uma estratégia qualitativa foi realizada pelos autores do artigo utilizando o método de entrevistas formalizadas. Eles entrevistaram 16 pessoas - representantes de pequenas e médias empresas da República do Tartaristão (as cidades de Kazan, Nizhnekamsk, Zelenodolsk)


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    Purpose: The article deals with the two-step communication theory, which relies on the assumption of information being transmitted to the audience through intermediaries designated as opinion leaders. The study aims to determine the up-to-date characteristics of opinion leaders as social actors. Methods: An empirical study using the survey method is conducted on a sample of 400 students of universities in Kazan (Russia) aged 18 to 24. Results: The study provides insight into the classical theory through the prism of the modern realities of media content and the media environment, where opinion leaders are being replaced by Internet influencers. Based on empirical material, the paper outlines the main problems and limitations of the use of Influencers as a technology for the promotion of goods and services


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    Background: As part of the organization and conduct of elections in Russia, extensive work on voter information and campaigning is being done by all actors involved in information support for elections, both at the federal and local levels. The integrated work of all participants in information support of elections addresses various aspects related to the knowledge, attitudes, motives, intentions, values, and actions of voters. These aspects include the following set of measures: informing voters about elections, increasing the electoral culture of citizens, work on maintaining and increasing interest in elections, intention to participate in elections, involvement in issues related to the discussion of election campaigns of candidates and parties, interaction with the content on electoral topics, direct participation in elections. Goal: The objective of the study is to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of activities in the field of information support of elections, particularly efforts to increase interest in elections among voters. Methods: The study uses the method of comparative analysis of the level of interest of the youth electorate of two age groups, 18-24 years old and 25-34 years old, to elections, both before the information support of elections and after the information and propaganda campaign. Results: Both age groups show a rather low level of interest in elections. Data analysis reveals both the strengths and weaknesses of election information coverage and gives an opportunity to outline the vector of voter outreach

    Trends in the methodology of media consumption study in the field of cinema in Russia

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    The relevance of the topic is conditioned by the need for scientific understanding of media analytics and a qualitative understanding of its methods as promotion tools, as well as for the introduction of the research stage of media consumption into the film production process to popularize and further promote domestic film products among the Russian audience. In the Russian film industry, this experience is especially necessary within modern economic conditions. The need to ensure the financial success of Russian film products, which are subsidized by the state, has led to the interest in finding new approaches promoting and increasing the loyalty of the cinema audience, which is especially important at a time when only 1 out of 10 domestic films pays for their film production during the distribution period

    Влияние взаимодействия в системе «Врач – Пациент» на состояние больных

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    The study focuses on the search for ways to solve the problem of improving the quality of medical care for heart disease patients; the effectiveness of patients’ treatment is determined by the science-oriented medicine achievements and the general psycho-emotional states arising in various situations of doctor-patient interaction. The aim of the study is to identify the types of doctors and their impacts on patients’ psycho-emotional states and attitudes toward the disease. The study was conducted in a number of clinical hospitals in Moscow (Russia). It involved 167 doctors and 1,248 patients with arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, and arrhythmias, aged 43 to 82 years. The study was carried out using valid psychodiagnostic techniques. There were statistically significant differences in the characteristics of the response to the disease in heart disease patients, whose physicians established with them collaborative, caring, directive, authoritarian and alienated relationships.El estudio se centra en la búsqueda de formas de resolución el problema de mejorar la calidad de la asistencia médica a los pacientes con enfermedades cardiovasculares, cuya eficacia del tratamiento se determina por los logros de la medicina naturalmente orientada a la ciencia y la condición psique-emocional general que se produce en situaciones diversas de su interacción con el médico tratante. El observatorio del estudio es identificación de los tipos de médicos tratantes y sus efectos sobre la condición psique-emocional y la actitud hacia la enfermedad de los pacientes.  El estudio se llevó a cabo sobre la base de la serie de hospitales clínicos en Moscú (Rusia). En el estudio participaron 167 médicos y 1248 pacientes con hipertensión arterial, enfermedad isquémica coronaria y arritmias, de 43 a 82 años. El estudio se realizó con la ayuda de técnicas psiquediagnósticas validas. Se han obtenido las diferencias estadísticamente fidedignas en los indicadores de la respuesta a la enfermedad en pacientes con enfermedades cardiovasculares, cuyos médicos tratantes establecen relaciones cooperativas, de tutela, directivas, autoritarias y suspendidas con ellos.Исследование ориентировано на поиск способов решения проблемы повышения качества оказания медицинской помощи пациентам с сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями, эффективность лечения которых определяется как достижениями естественно-научно ориентированной медицины, так и общим психоэмоциональным состоянием, возникающим в различных ситуациях его взаимодействия с лечащим врачом. Цель исследования – выявление типов лечащих врачей и их влияния на психоэмоциональное состояние и отношение к болезни пациентов.  Исследование проводилось на базе ряда клинических больниц г. Москвы (Россия). В исследовании приняли участие 167 врачей и 1248 пациентов с артериальной гипертонией, ишемической болезнью сердца и аритмиями, в возрасте от 43 до 82 лет. Исследование осуществлялось с помощью валидных психодиагностических методик. Были получены статистически достоверны различия в показателях особенностей реагирования на болезнь у пациентов с сердечно-сосудистыми заболеваниями, лечащие врачи которых устанавливают с ними сотруднические, опекающие, директивные, авторитарные и отстраненные отношения

    Concepts and сriteria for the classification of small and medium-sized business in Russia

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    Purpose: The purpose of the article is to study the concepts and criteria for classifying businesses to the category of Small and Medium-sized business according to the legislation of the Russian Federation. In the course of the study, the authors analyzed the criteria by which the subjects are identified as Small and Medium-sized enterprises and, accordingly, are entitled to receive state support. Design/Methodology/Approach: The authors' analysis is based on the literature review and statistical data analysis regarding the concept of entrepreurship and its legal background. Findings: The authors presented analytical data on business entities, citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activity, state support of entrepreneurial activity and introduced a conceptual classification benchmark. Practical implications: Authors' findings could be applied in improving the legal and economic entrepreneurial frameworks of Russia. Originality/Value: The contribution of the article is the authors' approach in classifying SMEs (Small and Medium-sized entities) and their state support as well as recommendations regarding the entrepreneurial activity and its development.peer-reviewe

    Studying the Effectiveness of Teacher Training in Organization of Open Education

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    The modern concept of open education modifies the traditional learning format through advanced information and communications technology. This fact imposes special requirements for all participants in the learning process and makes it necessary to reconsider the tasks and functions of students and teachers. This is relevant, therefore, to find a way of making a gradual transition to the model of open education. Based on an experiment with introductory training, the authors perform an empirical assessment of teachers’ preparedness to organize open education and use open educational resources (OER). The effectiveness of the introductory training of teachers was checked by means of interviewing and testing respondents. The research results showed that there were significant changes in the training criteria: according to the motivational and value-based criterion, virtually all teachers displayed a positive shift in their attitude to organization of open education; in terms of the cognitive criterion, the teachers acquired thorough knowledge of open education tools; according to the operational criterion, the teachers acquired the necessary skills in developing and introducing OER. In the process of observation, we recorded a rise in the number of teachers with a sufficient (by 60.5% compared with the verification stage) and high (by 16.6%) level of preparedness. The introductory training, therefore, is a principal component in the stable system of open education

    Factors of the Development of Fear of Disease Progression in Patients with Breast Cancer

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    BACKGROUND: The issue of the influence of psychics on somatic diseases, including cancer, becomes more and more relevant. In cases with cancer, patients face a vital threat, which, in its turn, is manifested as a range of biopsychosocial consequences. AIM: The aim of the study was to reveal the factors of the formation of fear of cancer progression or recurrence in breast cancer patients. METHODS: The sampling included patients from clinical hospitals of Moscow and Saint Petersburg (Russia). The study involved 690 patients aged 30–79 years old. The study was performed with specially selected diagnostic tools that allowed the authors to evaluate the intensity and reveal peculiarities of the development of fear of cancer progression. Statistical analysis was performed by the calculation of the mean arithmetic of the general sampling, the rate, and the ratio distribution by the intensity of fear of cancer progression, and Spearman correlation. RESULTS: Statistically significant associations were revealed between the parameters of intensity and peculiarities of fear of cancer progression and such characteristics of personality as viability, integrated personality, and experiences in a close relationship. CONCLUSION: The obtained results were used to develop methodical recommendations on the improvement of a psychoemotional condition of women diagnosed with breast cancer