670 research outputs found

    Safety profile of paediatric COVID-19 vaccines: An analysis of the US Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System

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    Aim: To provide further evidence on the safety profile of COVID-19 vaccines in paediatrics by analysing the spontaneous reports of adverse effects related to these vaccines.Methods: Reports related to US paediatric population (from 0 to 17 years) vaccinated with authorised COVID-19 vaccines were extracted from Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System from December 2020 to 17 November 2022. We conducted a descriptive analysis of Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI), calculating reporting rate of serious AEFIs and focusing on myocarditis and Guillain-Barre Syndrome after mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.Results: Overall, 52 720 reports were retrieved: 77% (40541)-Pfizer-BioNTech, 19% (10083)-Moderna, a small proportion for other vaccines 4% (2096). Most of AEFIs were non-serious and listed in corresponding SPCs. Of serious AEFIs, 96% were related to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. Roughly 91% (47874) were related to people from 6 to 17 years, a small percentage of 9% (4773) to the younger group (0-5 years). In both groups, most of the reports were related to mRNA vaccines and the percentage of AEFIs experienced by females were similar to males.Conclusions: Data showed that events most frequently reported were non-serious and listed in the corresponding SPCs, extending the evidence of safety of COVID-19 vaccines authorised in the United States in children

    Sociolinguistic Conditionality of Yakut Language Functioning in Field of School Education: Origins of Incipient Crisis

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    The results of a sociolinguistic analysis of factors that reduce the language competence of Sakha schoolchildren in a broad extralinguistic context based on field data representing the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the research object is presented in the article. Attention is paid to the functioning of the Yakut language in the field of education, which is undergoing various transformations depending on the course of the state educational policy, the socio-economic state of the region and the processes of globalization, the consequences of which form risks for the ethnocultural component of communities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with non-dominant languages. It is argued that the language policy in the field of education, which implements “de jure” bilingual, polylingual models, in the implementation of which the formal approach prevails, actually minimizes the presence of the Yakut language in the education system due to insufficient consideration of linguistic attitudes and the real needs of the Sakha ethnic community. It is noted that the conditions of active contact bilingualism in the regions of the Russian Federation, a variety of ambiguous extralinguistic factors predetermine the strengthening of institutional support, state protectionism in the field of optimal linguistic support of training and educational processes. It is proved that taking into account the experience of research on family, civil language policy can help in obtaining an optimal solution to the problems of language reproduction on regional material

    Automated system for diagnosing craniocerebral injury

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    A Russian national computing and communication system designed to assist non-specialized physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of craniocerebral injury is described

    Experimental Study of an Internal Combustion Engine Fueled by a Low-Calorific Value Producer Gas

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    This paper describes an experimental study of the operation of an internal combustion engine of fueled by a low-calorific value gas. The main operating parameters of low-power ICE were determined. Efficiency was also evaluated when the ICE was converted to operate on producer gas. In the experiment, it was shown that the engine reached a stable operating mode under load and data on the temperature and exhaust gases composition were obtained. According to our estimates, in the steady-state operation of the internal combustion engine with a load, the efficiency factor was about 22 %. When using the model gas, the from generator output power, was about 30-40 % of the nominal value, under variable load conditions. However, it was found that in steady-state operation, the power of the internal combustion engine was 40-55% of the nominal value. © 2022 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.This reported study was funded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) No. 19-58-80016; the Department of Science and Technology of India (DST) No. CRG/2018/004610, DST/TDT/TDP-011/2017;the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China (MOST) No. 2018YFE0183600; the National Research Council of Brazil (CNPq) No. 402849/2019-1; and the National Research Foundation of South Africa (NRF) No. BRIC190321424123; the resources of the High-Temperature Circuit Multi-Access Research Center were used (Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation,ProjectNo.13.CKP.21.0038)

    Дослідження субхронічної токсичності крему з наночастинками церію діоксиду при нашкірному нанесенні кролям

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    The development of photoprotectors with cerium dioxide nanoparticles (CDN) for prevention of sunburns and skin cancer is expedient.Aim. To study the subchronic toxicity of the cream with CDN in cutaneous application in rabbits.Materials and methods. The cream with 0.25 % CDN in the doses of 0.06, 0.18, and 0.60 g/kg was applied cutaneously to Chinchilla rabbits for 90 days. The toxicity was assessed by the general state, behavior of animals, the body mass dynamics, and blood hematological and biochemical indices.Results. The repeated cutaneous application of the cream with CDN in the doses of 0.06, 0.18, and 0.60 g/kg in rabbits did not cause significant changes in the general state and behavior of animals, consumption of food and water, the body mass dynamics, and blood hematological (hemoglobin level, erythrocyte, leukocyte, and thrombocyte count, leukogram) and biochemical (total protein, albumin, glucose, cholesterol, potassium, sodium, and chloride levels, ALT and AST activity) indices. After 1 month of application of the cream in the dose of 0.60 g/kg the glucose level was 44.5 % higher than in the intact control group, but in 3 months of the experiment differences in this parameter disappeared.Conclusions.The data obtained concerning the safety of the cream with CDN determined the expediency of further non-clinical studies of this photoprotector. Актуальной является разработка фотопротекторных средств с наночастицами диоксида церия (НДЦ) для предотвращения солнечных ожогов и злокачественных новообразований кожи.Цель. Исследовать субхроническую токсичность крема с НДЦ при накожном нанесении кроликам.Материалы и методы. Кроликам породы Шиншилла в течение 90 суток накожно наносили крем с 0,25 % НДЦ в дозах 0,06, 0,18 и 0,60 г/кг. Токсичность оценивали по общему состоянию, поведению животных, динамике изменения массы тела, гематологическим и биохимическим показателям крови.Результаты. При повторном накожном нанесении кроликам крема с НДЦ в дозах 0,06, 0,18 и 0,60 г/кг не наблюдалось значительных изменений в общем состоянии и поведении животных, потреблении корма и воды, динамике изменения массы тела, значениях гематологических (содержание гемоглобина, количество эритроцитов, лейкоцитов и тромбоцитов, лейкограмма) и биохимических (содержание общего белка, альбумина, глюкозы, холестерина, калия, натрия и хлоридов, активность АлАТ и АсАТ) показателей крови. Содержание глюкозы через 1 месяц применения крема в дозе 0,60 г/кг было на 44,5 % выше, чем в группе интактного контроля, но через 3 месяца наблюдения различия по данному параметру отсутствовали.Выводы. Полученные данные касательно безопасности крема с НДЦ обусловили целесообразность проведения дальнейших доклинических исследований этого фотопротектора.Актуальною є розробка фотопротекторних засобів з наночастинками церію діоксиду (НЦД) для попередження сонячних опіків та злоякісних новоутворень шкіри.Мета. Дослідити субхронічну токсичність крему з НЦД при нашкірному нанесенні кролям.Матеріали та методи. Кролям породи Шиншила впродовж 90 діб нашкірно наносили крем з 0,25 % НЦД дозами 0,06, 0,18 і 0,60 г/кг. Токсичність оцінювали за загальним станом, поведінкою тварин, динамікою зміни маси тіла, гематологічними і біохімічними показниками крові.Результати. При повторному нашкірному нанесенні кролям крему з НЦД дозами 0,06, 0,18 і 0,60 г/кг не спостерігалося значних змін у загальному стані і поведінці тварин, споживанні корму і води, динаміці зміни маси тіла, значеннях гематологічних (вміст гемоглобіну, кількість еритроцитів, лейкоцитів і тромбоцитів, лейкограма) та біохімічних (вміст загального білка, альбуміну, глюкози, холестерину, калію, натрію і хлоридів, активність АлАТ і АсАТ) показників крові. Вміст глюкози через 1 місяць застосування крему дозою 0,60 г/кг був на 44,5 % вище, ніж у групі інтактного контролю, але через 3 місяці спостереження відмінності за даним параметром були відсутні.Висновки. Отримані дані щодо безпеки крему з НЦД обумовили доцільність проведення подальших доклінічних досліджень цього фотопротектора

    Combination of hypomorphic mutations of the Drosophila homologues of aryl hydrocarbon receptor and nucleosome assembly protein family genes disrupts morphogenesis, memory and detoxification

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    Aryl hydrocarbon receptor is essential for biological responses to endogenous and exogenous toxins in mammals. Its Drosophila homolog spineless plays an important role in fly morphogenesis. We have previously shown that during morphogenesis spineless genetically interacts with CG5017 gene, which encodes a nucleosome assembly factor and may affect cognitive function of the fly. We now demonstrate synergistic interactions of spineless and CG5017 in pathways controlling oxidative stress response and long-term memory formation in Drosophila melanogaster. Oxidative stress was induced by low doses of X-ray irradiation of flies carrying hypomorphic mutation of spineless, mutation of CG5017, and their combination. To determine the sensitivity of these mutants to pharmacological modifiers of the irradiation effect, we irradiated flies growing on standard medium supplemented by radiosensitizer furazidin and radioprotector serotonin. The effects of irradiation were investigated by analyzing leg and antenna morphological structures and by using real-time PCR to measure mRNA expression levels for spineless, Cyp6g1 and Gst-theta genes. We also examined long-term memory in these mutants using conditioned courtship suppression paradigm. Our results show that the interaction of spineless and CG5017 is important for regulation of morphogenesis, long-term memory formation, and detoxification during oxidative stress. Since spineless and CG5017 are evolutionary conserved, these results must be considered when evaluating the risk of combining similar mutations in other organisms, including humans

    Спектр возбудителей осложненных абдоминальных инфекций у пациентов хирургического профиля

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    RELEVANCE Treatment of patients with complicated abdominal infections (AI) is still a difficult task, as evidenced by high mortality rates.  THE AIM OF THE STUDY is to analyze the results of microbiological investigations of patients with advanced diffuse peritonitis who were treated in the surgical department of the emergency hospital.  MATERIAL AND METHODS In this study, the main pathogens of advanced peritonitis were identified in 69 patients (the average age of patients was 64±17 years). The cause of peritonitis in the absolute majority of cases (94%) was a perforation of the gastrointestinal tract. A study of various types of clinical material was carried out: blood — 143 samples, urine — 125 samples, bronchoalveolar lavage — 119 samples and 130 samples of wound discharge. 260 strains of microorganisms were isolated.  RESULTS The predominance of the Enterobacteriacea species (K. pneumoniae and E. coli), non-fermenting bacteria (Acinetobacter spp.) as well as the increasing role of Enterococcus spp. and Staphylococcus spp. (S. aureus and CNS) were found. Multidrug-resistant strains dominated among the identified pathogens.  CONCLUSION The obtained data on the structure of pathogens of complicated abdominal infection confirm global trends. In order to develop new treatment methods for complicated AI, one of the possible solutions may be the use of human microbial ecology approaches. АКТУАЛЬНОСТЬ Лечение больных с осложненными абдоминальными инфекциями до сих пор остается сложной задачей, о чем свидетельствуют высокие показатели летальности.  ЦЕЛЬ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ Анализ результатов микробиологического обследования больных с распространенным перитонитом, находившихся на лечении в хирургическом отделении стационара неотложной медицинской помощи.  МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ В настоящей работе проведено изучение основных возбудителей распространенного перитонита у 69 пациентов (cредний возраст пациентов — 64±17 лет). Причиной перитонита в абсолютном большинстве наблюдений (94%) явилась перфорация одного из отделов желудочно-кишечного тракта. Выполнено исследование различных видов клинического материала: кровь — 143 пробы, моча — 125 проб, бронхоальвеолярный лаваж — 119 проб и 130 проб раневого отделяемого. Было выделено 260 штаммов микроорганизмов.  РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ Обнаружено преобладание представителей семейства Enterobacteriaceae (K. pneumoniae и E. сoli), неферментирующих бактерий (Acinetobacter), а также возрастающая роль Enterococcus spp. и Staphylococcus spp. (S. aureus и коагулазоотрицательных стафилококков). Среди выявленных возбудителей доминировали полирезистентные штаммы.  ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ Полученные данные о структуре возбудителей осложненной абдоминальной инфекцией подтверждают общемировые тенденции. Для разработки новых методов лечения осложненной абдоминальной инфекцией одним из возможных решений может являться использование подходов микробной экологии человека.