77 research outputs found

    Managing the complexities of English Language teaching in engineering

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    In this 21st century, engineering employers seek professional engineers who have excellent scientific knowledge and are able to demonstrate good communication and problem solving skills. With this focus on job demands, engineering education has been restructured, balancing the emphasis between scientific knowledge and soft skills. This shift in focus has not only affected the teaching and learning in engineering education, but also English Language (EL) educators who are involved in teaching non-technical components within an engineering education curriculum. This shift in focus has raised the demand for ESP which include teaching communication skills in English language discourse used in engineering, and teaching problem solving skills in English language teaching. With this demand, challenges are inevitable among EL educators who are generally prepared for teaching English for generic purposes in school settings and who bring with them pedagogical knowledge and beliefs in English language teaching, as well as identities they have developed from their previous to their new workplace. This shift also raises questions about the ways in which English language teaching is positioned, the role of English language courses within an engineering-specific context and the implications of this positioning on the design of the English language courses. The main aim of this study was to investigate how EL educators managed the complexities in teaching English at one technical university in Malaysia. In addressing the research questions, a case study design was developed to highlight the complexities within that context and the ways in \ud which EL educators managed these complexities. The data for this study were collected through qualitative and quantitative methods to unpack the complex process of teaching English for engineering which included teaching problem solving and communication skills. These methods obtained insights into the ways in which EL educators conceptualised English language teaching, positioned themselves and framed their teaching in an engineering context. The quantitative data were collected through a questionnaire involving 12 EL educators. The data from the questionnaire were used to profile the EL educators at the English Language Department of this university. Based on the profiling, four EL educators teaching undergraduate engineering students were selected for the main study. The qualitative data were collected through document study, individual semi�structured interviews, classroom observations, video recording of classroom observations and stimulated recall protocols. This study found that there were disconnections between English language teaching and the engineering discipline at this university. These disconnections were due to the dissemination process of the engineering accreditation requirements whereby these requirements went through ii multiple layers of interpretation, adaptation and translation before they reached the EL educators, causing ambiguities in positioning English language teaching and misalignments in the role of the English language courses within the engineering academic curriculum. As a result, tensions occurred in determining the emphasis of English language teaching. The ambiguities in positioning English language teaching and the misalignments of the English language courses presented the EL educators with challenges in managing their pedagogies and framing their teaching within the context of an engineering university. The study found that the strategies that the EL educators exercised in their agency resulted from the interplay between how they positioned English language teaching and the professional identities they developed in their university context. The demand for ESP required these EL educators to teach beyond their expertise, creating challenges for them to establish their professional identities. Complexities emerged when English language teaching involved integration among English language, communication skills, engineering knowledge, and problem solving skills. This study contributed to the field of English language teaching, specifically to English for Specific Purposes (ESP) by providing knowledge and understanding of the complexities of teaching English for the engineering discipline in higher education. It also contributed to research on professional identities by highlighting the tensions, struggles and negotiations that EL educators faced in positioning themselves within this context to determine their professional identities. The findings of this study deepen our knowledge and understanding of professional identities and agency among EL educators in the Malaysian context, particularly in the discipline-specific context of engineering

    Physicochemical Characteristics of Egg White Flour Product of Fermentation of Saccharomyces Cereviceae and Sucrose Addition

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    A research was conducted to investigate the influence of fermentation dose of Saccharomyces cereviceae and sucrose addition on maintaining the physical properties of egg white flour. One hundred and thirty five fresh hen eggs were used in the research which were randomly arranged in a factorial experiment of 3 x 3 according to completely randomized design with 3 replications for each treatment combination. The first factor was the level of Saccharomyces cereviceae, i.e. 0%, 0,2% and 0,4% w/w, the second factor was the level of sucrose addition, i.e. 0%, 2 % and 4% w/w. The parameters measured were physical properties (rendemen, water content, pH, reduction sugar and color score). Data analysis indicated that increased level of Saccharomyces cereviceae decreased water content, pH, rendemen, reduction sugar, and color score. Sucrose addition improved yield, sugar reduction, color score, but decreased pH of white egg fluor. Physical chracteristics of egg white flour was similar to those of fresh egg white at all of combination of level Saccharomyces cereviceae and sucrose, but low of reduction sugar content and the best color score was obtained at treatment combination of both high level of Saccharomyces cereviceae and low level of sucrose addition

    Organoleptic Quality of Egg Chips at Various Types and Levels of Fillers

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    Egg chips are not yet common in society; therefore it is necessary to require attention for consumer assessments. Consumer ratings of egg chips indicate that consumers can accept egg chip products. The study aims to determine the effect of adding the types and levels of filler on the organoleptic quality of egg chips. Eighty-one eggs were used in the research. The studies were arranged based on a completely randomized design with a 3 x 3 factorial pattern with 3 replications. The first factor consisted of 3 types of fillers; there are tapioca powder, soybean protein isolate, and porang powder. The second factor was the level of filler (%) 3, 6, and 9 respectively. The parameters measured were egg chips' organoleptic quality (aroma, color, texture, and fondness). The results data indicated that the types and levels of fillers had a highly significant effect (P<0.01) on aroma egg chips. There was an interaction between types and levels of filler on the aroma. There was no significant difference (P>0.05) in color, texture, and fondness for egg chips. Adding the type and level of filler material could improve the organoleptic quality of egg chips. The addition of 9% of tapioca powder can increase the aroma of egg chips. Keywords: Egg powder, egg chips, organolepti


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    Produk makanan halal yang bersertifikasi sudah menjadi kebutuhan mendesak bagi masyarakat, tidak hanya bagi masyarakat muslim tetapi juga bagi non-muslim. Hal ini disebabkan produk-produk makanan yang sudah memiliki sertifikat halal, memiliki jaminan kesehatan dan kualitas produk. Hal ini mendorong beberapa pemerintah daerah semakin menggenjot para pelaku usaha untuk mengurus sertifikat halal bagi produk yang dihasilkan. Pemerintah Kota Parepare salah satu yang tidak mau ketinggalan dalam menggenjot terwujudnya program kota destinasi wisata kuliner halal. Selain itu, tingkat pengetahuan terkait produk halal di kalangan pelaku usaha, restoran, café dan lainnya saat ini masih kurang dan umumnya menganggap makanan halal itu hanya dari bahannya saja. Masalah-masalah ini menjadi dasar pelaksanaan pengabdian masyarakat melalui program Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Pemberdayaan dan Pembelajaran Masyarakat (PPM) melalui program: (1) Sosialisasi penerapan halal dan Pemetaan pelaku UMKM; (2) Identifikasi bahan-bahan Produk Olahan dan Proses Pembuatan Produk; (3) Penyuluhan Keamanan Pangan; (4) Sosialisasi Penyelia; (5) Sosialisasi Hukum Sertifikasi Halal. Program dilaksanakan melalui kemitraan KKN PPM Universitas Hasanuddin Pemerintah Kota dengan metode Participatory Rural Appraisal yang melibatkan masyarakat. Hasil yang diperoleh berupa peta sebaran pelaku UMKM. Selain itu, bahan-bahan produk olahan dan proses pembuatan dapat diidentifikasi melalui Manual Sistem Jaminan Produk Halal (SJPH) yang dihasilkan. Jaminan produk dan proses produksi memacu pelaku usaha untuk meningkatkan daya saing kualitas produk, peningkatan penerapan iptek, peningkatan pengetahuan manajemen neraca keuangan usaha, nilai keamanan dan kesehatan produk serta peningkatan partisipasi mahasiswa dengan berbagai luaran yang dihasilkan. Kata kunci: Sertifikasi, Penerapan halal, UMKM. ABSTRACT Certified halal food products have become an urgent need for the community, not only for the Muslim community but also for non-Muslims. This is due to food products that already have a halal certificate, have health and quality guarantees for a product. This has encouraged several local governments to encourage business actors to take care of halal certificates for their products. The Parepare City Government is one that does not want to be left behind in boosting the realization of the city program for halal culinary tourism destinations. In addition, the level of knowledge related to halal products among business actors, restaurants, cafes and others is currently still lacking. Generally, they consider halal food only from the ingredients. These problems become the basis for implementing community service through the Community Empowerment and Learning (KKN PPM) program through the following programs: (1) Socialization of halal application and Mapping of MSME actors; (2) Socialization of the Halal Supervisor; (3) Food Safety Counseling; (4) Identification of Processed Product ingredients and Product Manufacturing Process; (5) Socialization of Halal Certification Law. The program is implemented through a partnership with the Parepare City Government using the Participatory Rural Appraisal method that involves the community. The results obtained are in the form of a map of the distribution of MSME actors. In addition, processed product ingredients and manufacturing processes can be identified through the resulting Halal Product Assurance System Manual (SJPH). Product assurance and production processes encourage business actors to improve product quality competitiveness, increase the application of science and technology, increase knowledge of business balance sheet management, value product safety and health as well as increase student participation with various outputs produced. Keywords: Certification, Halal application, MSME

    Growth Ability of Lactobacillus plantarum Bacteria on the Chicken Egg White at Different Fermentation Time

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    Bacterial decomposition on meat, dairy and fish protein have been carried out extensively but has not been done on egg white. In order to break the proteins down, the bacteria need to grow well on the medium. This study aims to become preliminary information to determine the growth ability of L. plantarum bacteria in the egg whites with indicators: total bacteria, pH, and, total acids formed by different fermentation treatments. The study was conducted according to completely randomized design using different time of fermentation as treatments (18: 24: 30 hours) on 150 eggs from the same chicken farm, bacteria L. plantarum 0027 FNCC isolated from milk. Replication for each treatment was five. The results showed that fermentation time significantly increased the total bacteria, total acid and decreased pH during the fermentation process. The difference between total bacteria increase was significant between the 18-hour fermentation time and both the 24 and the 30 h fermentation time, namely 5.884 ?? 0.157 log CFU/g, 6.035 ?? 0.024 log CFU/g, and 6.131 ?? 0.095 log CFU/g respectively, although the difference between the 24 and 30 h fermentation time was insignificant. The difference of total acid production was significant between the 18 and the 24 and the 30-hour fermentation time, i.e. 0.077??0.014%, 0.014%??0.167 and 0.171 ??0.017% respectively, altohough once again the difference between the 24 and 30 hour fermentation time. pH decrease during the fermentation time process showed a significant difference between the 18-hour fermentation time and the others, namely 7.689??0.035, 6.434??0.501 respectively 6.353??0.65, and again the difference between the 24- and the 30-hour fermentation time was not significant. The 24-hour fermentation time may incrase growth ability ofbacteria L. plantarum on egg whit

    Antioxidant and Antihypertensive Activity Egg White Powder Produced by Pan Drying at Different Temperature and Drying TIME

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    Antioxidant and antihypertensive (ACE-Inhibitors) are commonly known as bioactive molecules in foodstuff. Both molecules can be obtained naturally or through processing and preservation of egg white of poultry eggs. One way of preserving the egg white with drying method is by pan drying method. The objective of this study was to determine an appropriate temperature and drying time to produce high yield of antioxidant and antihypertensive activity. The materials used for this study were 900 eggs which were obtained from the same farm. That amount was calculated based on the number of experimental units required to run the experiment with the total number of treatment (3 x 3) with 4 replications for each treatment combination giving 25 chicken eggs for each treatment. The experiment was carried out using a 3x3 factorial arrangement according to completely randomized design. The first factor was drying temperature, i.e. 45oC, 50oC, and 55oC and the second factor was drying time, i.e. 30h, 39h, and 48h. The results showed that high antioxidant activity was found on egg white which was dried at temperature of 45oC for 39 hours which reached 26.85%. However, antihypertensive activity was optimum at 50oC and drying for 48 hours, which was up to 75.06%. Drying the egg white using appropriate temperature and time may improve the antioxidant and antihypertensive activities

    Effects of Ability to Assess Fraud Risk, Fraud Risk Level and Personality Factors on the Ability to Detect the Likelihood of Fraud

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    The Malaysian Approved Standards on Auditing, A1 700 on "The Auditor's Report on Financial Statements" (MIA, 1997) states that the responsibility of the auditor is to provide assurance that the financial statements are free from material misstatements. Misstatement may be due to error or fraud. Error is unintentional misstatement while fraud is intentional misstatement. Fraud, which can be divided into two types i.e. fraudulent financial reporting and misappropriation of assets, may both cause materially misleading financial statements (Elliot & Willingham, 1980). In Malaysia, although standards and guidelines have been issued, yet fraudulent financial reporting still occurs in this country as reported by the KPMG Malaysia's (2003) survey. Although the issue of fraud may not be well documented in Malaysia, this issue cannot be taken for granted since what happens in other countries, for instance in the US, may also happen elsewhere. Even though guidance has already been provided by the Malaysian standards, KPMG Malaysia's (2003) survey reports that external auditors discover only 4% of fraud incidences in Malaysian companies. Due to this, the public may question why external auditors are not able to detect fraud during the conduct of the annual audit. Therefore, it is important to know the ability of the external auditor to detect fraud because fraudulent financial reporting is false representation to society. The A1 240 on "Fraud and Error" (MIA, 1997) requires the external auditor to appropriately assess fraud risk during the planning of the audit work so that helshe can provide reasonable assurance that any material misstatement in the financial statements has been detected. The ability of the external auditor to detect the likelihood of fraud may be influenced by hislher ability to appropriately assess the fraud risk. Meanwhile, the concept of fraud risk underlying the audit risk model would be fundamental in influencing the external auditors' ability to detect the likelihood of fraud. In addition, literature has shown that personality moderates the relationship between a construct and job performance. Therefore, the objective of the present study is to examine the effect of the external auditors' ability to assess fraud risk on their ability to detect the likelihood of fraud. In addition, the present study examines the moderating effects of fraud risk level and personality factors on the relationship between the external auditors' ability to assess fraud risk and their ability to detect the likelihood of fraud

    Evaluasi Metode Pengeringan Vakum-Freeze Drying pada Tekanan Pengeringan dan Ketebalan Cairan Sample yang Berbeda terhadap Karakteristik Fungsional Tepung Putih Telur.

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    Kualitas bahan dapat dipertahankan dengan pengeringan vakum-freeze drying. Penetitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi tekanan dan ketebalan pengeringan yang berbeda terhadap karakteristik fungsional tepung putih telur. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap pola factorial 3x3 dengan perlakuan tekanan (0,37 : 0,28 : 0,20) mbar dan ketebalan (4: 5: 6) mm. telur sebanyak 540 butir dan peternakan yang sama. Parameter yang diukur adalah karakteristik fungsional meliputi daya busa, stabilitas busa, waktu koagulasi dan daya larut tepung putih telur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ketebalan sample berbeda nyala (P<0,01) pada semua perlakuan terhadap daya busa tepung putih telur namun tekanan pengeringan tidak memberikan pengaruh nyata meskipun ada interaksi yang nyata antara keduanya. Ada perbedaan nyata antara ketebalan 5 dan 6 mm terhadap stabilitas busa, tekanan 0,28 dan 0,2 mbar memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda dan ada interaksi keduanya. Waktu koagulasi menunjukkan perbedaan nyata pada ketebalan 5 dan 6 mm namun tekanan tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nvata meskipun ada interaksi antara keduanva. Ketebalan sample 4 dan 6 mm, tekanan 0,37 dan 0,2 mbar menunjukkan pengaruh yang berbeda nyata (P<0,01) terhadap kelarutan tepung putih telur meskipun tidak menunjukkan interaksi antara keduanva. Pembuatan tepung putih telur hasil pengeringan vakum-freeze drying pada tekanan 0,37 mbar dan ketebalan cairan sample 5 mm menghasilkan karakteristik fungsional yang baik

    Fermentation Ability of Lactobacillus Plantarum on the Infertile Egg at Different Incubation TIME

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    The use of infertile egg can be offset by increasing the quality of product by fermentation to be a highly competitive commodity. Fermented yield can be used as functional food ingredients which are good for health, for facilitating absorption, and for extending the shelf life of the product. The purpose of this research was to determine the fermentation ability of Lactobacillus plantarum on the infertile egg at different incubation time. Infertile egg was broken and sterilized for 15 minutes and then fermented for 0, 2, and 4 days. Parameters measured in this research were the total count of L. plantarum, pH value, lactic acid content, and moisture content. Experimental data were analyzed using analysis of variance of completely randomized design. The results showed that total L. plantarum (Log10 CFU/ml) increased in line with the incubation time, i.e. 8.3, 9.31, 9.73, respectively for day 0, 2, and 4 of the incubation time. The pH decreased as incubation time increased, namely 7.05, 5.67, 5.36, respectively for day 0, 2, and 4. The value of lactic acid content for day 0, 2, and 4 of incubation period was 0.62%, 1.28%, 2.15%, respectively while the water content was 71.3%, 73.21%, and 74.94%, respectively. In conclusion, this research proved the existence of the fermentation ability of L. plantarumtowards the infertile egg which were indicated by the increase of the total count of L. plantarum, lactid acid content and moisture content, even though pH value decreased as the incubation period increased. The optimum time of the incubation period was 4 days

    Wali Nikah Beda Agama dalam Perspektif Mazhab Sunni dan Syi’ah

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    Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa:1) wali dalam pernikahan adalah seseorang yang mempunyai hak untuk menikahkan atau orang yang melakukan janji nikah atas nama mempelai perempuan.2) Menurut Ulama Sunni mengatakan bahwa Wali tidak berhak menikahkan seseorang yang berada dibawa perwaliannya dengan orang yang bukan muslim atau orang Islam tidak boleh menjadi wali perempuan kafir.3) Sistem perwalian beda agama dalam aliran Syi’ah dengan melihat pendapat bahwa laki-laki muslim tidak boleh menikah dengan wanita ahli kitab, berarti membolehkan dari sisi perwalian beda agama.4) Implementasi pernikahan dengan wali beda agama pada kehidupan kontemporer semakin memperlihatkan keunikannya dengan beragam penafsiran yang terjadi dan membuahkan konklusi berbeda. Adapun implikasi dalam skripsi ini adalah: Keberadaan seorang wali dalam akad nikah adalah suatu yang mesti dan tidak sah akad perkawinan yang tidak dilakukan oleh wali, dalam akad perkawinan itu sendiri wali dapat berkedudukan sebagai orang yang bertidak atas nama mempelai perempuan dan dapat pula sebagai orang yang diminta persetujuannya untuk kelangsungan perkawinan tersebut