137 research outputs found

    Producción de poliácidoláctico por ROP

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    En el trabajo se exponen las características técnicas y económico-financieras de la instalación de una planta productiva de PLA (Poliácido láctico) por medio del método de Rompimiento de Anillo del monómero (lacturo). Entre las aplicaciones más importantes del petróleo encontramos la producción de los polímeros, pero dichos polímeros no son biodegradables y se producen a partir de un recurso no renovable. Como solución a estas problemáticas surgen los biopolímeros, los cuales se obtiene a partir de recursos renovables y son biodegradables. El ácido poliláctico (PLA) es uno de estos.La materia principal para la producción del PLA es el ácido láctico de elevada concentración, que puede ser producido a partir de la fermentación de la caña de azúcar o el almidón de maíz. Luego por medio de los procesos unitarios correspondientes se obtiene el PLA, el cual es un biopolímero compostable. Este material es comparable, en propiedades, a los polímeros commodities aunque los supera debido a su elevada degradación en poco tiempo, dejando residuos inocuos como dióxido de carbono, agua, y humus.The following report shows all the technical, economics and financial characteristics of the installation of a PLA (polylactide) manufacturing facility, by the Breaking Ring monomer (lactide) method. One of the most important uses of petroleum is the production of polymers, but this polymers are not biodegradables and are made of a nonrenewable resource. So, as a solution to this problem, biopolymers are used instead, which are obtained from renewable resources and are biodegradable. The PLA is one of them. The raw material of the PLA production is high concentrate lactide acid, which it can be obtained from the fermentation of sugar cane or corn starch. Then, through accurates processes, the PLA is created as a compostable biopolymer. This material can be compared with the commodity polymers, although the PLA has higher properties because of the high degradation in short periods, leaving harmless remains such as carbon dioxide, water and humus.Fil: Giaroli, Gisela Natali. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Aplicadas a la Industria.Fil: Maggioni, Alfredo Abrahan. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Aplicadas a la Industria

    A Brincadeira no desenvolvimento infantil

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    Anais do 35º Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul - Área temática: Direitos HumanosO presente texto tem como objetivo dialogar a relação das brincadeiras infantis com a produção cultural construída entre pares e destes com os adultos. A metodologia utilizada pauta-se num estudo bibliográfico tendo como base teórica os seguintes autores: SPOLIN (2001), COURTNEY (2010), MAGER et. al (2011), MÜLLER (2002), SARMENTO (2003) e CORSARO (2011). Ao Pensar a criança a partir de uma visão sociológica que defende-a com produtora de cultura no ambiente em que está inserida, apontamos que suas contribuições podem ser utilizadas como uma possível ferramenta para reflexão acerca do papel da criança como categoria geracional na sociedad

    Interstitial lung disease: silicosis, a case report

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    A 51-year-old male had dry cough and chest pain for more than 10 years. He has a history of exposure to biomass. He worked as supervisor of tunnel construction. Twelve years ago he had hemoptysis, for which he received anti-tuberculosis therapy despite not having smear-positive. The physical examination was normal except that fine crackles were found in both bases. He had an obstructive pattern in spirometry. And, there was great interstitial involvement in the lung parenchyma in tomography studies. A biopsy was performed by video thoracoscopy, which confirmed the diagnosis of silicosis

    bioactive nanocomposites for dental application obtained by reactive suspension method

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    AbstractHydroxyapatite (HA) filled poly(methyl methacrylate)/poly(hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PMMA/PHEMA) blends were prepared by reactive suspension method: HA was synthesized by co-precipitation process directly within a HEMA solution and the so-obtained suspension was polymerized in the presence of PMMA. HA particles were obtained in form of nanorods with a length of 50–200 nm and a diameter of 10–30 nm. A significant increase in glass transition temperature was observed in the nanocomposites with respect to the unfilled polymer blends. Dynamic-mechanical thermal analysis showed a significant increase in the storage modulus in the nanocomposites measured in the rubbery region. This increase was unpredicted by Mooney's predictive equation and was attributed to the presence of cross-linking points due to the in situ generated HA particles. An increase in the elastic modulus was also observed at room temperature in compression and three-point bending tests. The presence of HA in the polymer blends resulte..

    Elementos básicos del San Juanito en el desarrollo de la motricidad gruesa en los escolares de educación general básica elemental

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    Introduction:  motor skills are a relevant aspect of the dance activity of San Juanito, there are two types of motor skills, fine and gross, with gross motor skills being the first to be developed by human beings from birth, in addition, this type of activities allows the acquisition of coordination among other skills that are perfected in daily life. The objective of the dance is to enhance the control and mastery of the student's motor and body movements. Dance promotes motor actions of various manifestations, that is, it originates the control that the human being exercises over his own body. In the present analysis, the universe of study was made up of 61 students. In which, a qualitative-quantitative methodology was proposed, carried out through a dance training program with the rhythm of the San Juanito, this style of dance denotes the feeling of the indigenous people and that in turn is of great contribution in the development of motor coordination, likewise, it will be trained 3 days a week. The program lasted 10 months. A coordination test was applied, in which the motor skills of the upper and lower extremities were assessed. Likewise, it favors cognitive development and sequential displacements that are applied in the choreographic sequence. In the results obtained, it is perceived that dance and motor skills are related in the educational environment for the acquisition of skills and abilities that will enhance control and formative mastery in the teaching-learning process around physical education. Finally, it is concluded that the rhythm of San Juanito contributes to the acquisition of basic motor skills, therefore, dancing strengthens the muscles of children, improves their coordination and flexibility, contributing to the integral formation of the student. General Area of Study: Education. Specific area of study: Physical Education.Introducción: la motricidad constituye un aspecto relevante dentro de la actividad dancística del San Juanito, existe dos tipos de motricidad, fina y gruesa, siendo la motricidad gruesa la que primero desarrolla el ser humano desde su nacimiento, además, este tipo de actividades permiten adquirir la coordinación entre otras habilidades que se perfecciona en el vivir diario. El objetivo de la danza es potenciar el control y dominio de los movimientos motrices y corporales del alumno. La danza promueve acciones motrices de diversas manifestaciones, es decir, origina el mando que el ser humano ejerce sobre su propio cuerpo En el presente análisis, el universo de estudio estuvo conformado por 61 estudiantes. En la cual, se propuso una metodología cuali-cuantitativa, realizado mediante un programa de entrenamiento de danza con el ritmo del San Juanito, este estilo de baile denota el sentimiento del pueblo indígena y que a su vez es de gran aporte en el desarrollo de la coordinación motriz, igualmente, se entrenara 3 días por semana. El programa tuvo una duración de 10 meses. Se aplicó un test de coordinación, en la cual, se valoró la motricidad de las extremidades superiores e inferiores. Igualmente, favorece al desarrollo cognitivo y desplazamientos secuenciales que se aplica en la secuencia coreográfica. En los resultados obtenidos se percibe que, la danza y la motricidad se relacionan en el medio educativo para la adquisición de habilidades y destrezas que potenciaran el control y dominio formativo en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje en el área de educación física. Finalmente, se concluye que, el ritmo del San Juanito contribuye a la obtención de habilidades motrices básicas, por lo tanto, bailar fortifica los músculos de los niños, mejora su coordinación y su flexibilidad, contribuyendo a la formación integral del alumno. Área de estudio general: Educación. Área de estudio especifico: Educación Física

    Enfermedad pulmonar intersticial: silicosis, reporte de un caso

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    Varón de 51 años de edad que acudió por presentar tos seca y dolor torácico desde hace más de 10 años. Tiene antecedentes de exposición a biomasa, ha trabajado como supervisor de construcción de túneles. Hace 12 años presentó cuadro de hemoptisis por el cual recibió tratamiento antituberculoso a pesar de no contar con baciloscopía positiva. El examen físico fue normal excepto que se encontraron crepitantes finos en ambas bases. Presentó patrón obstructivo en la espirometría. Y se evidenció gran compromiso intersticial en el parénquima pulmonar en los estudios de tomografía. Se le practicó una biopsia por video toracoscopía, la cual confirmó del diagnóstico de silicosis

    Effect of Physiological Hyperinsulinemia on Gluconeogenesis in Nondiabetic Subjects and in Type 2 Diabetic Patients

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    Gluconeogenesis (GNG) is enhanced in type 2 diabetes. In experimental animals, insulin at high doses decreases the incorporation of labeled GNG precursors into plasma glucose. Whether physiological hyperinsulinemia has any effect on total GNG in humans has not been determined. We combined the insulin clamp with the 2H2O technique to measure total GNG in 33 subjects with type 2 diabetes (BMI 29.0 ± 0.6 kg/m2, fasting plasma glucose 8.1 ± 0.3 mmol/l) and in 9 nondiabetic BMI-matched subjects after 16 h of fasting and after euglycemic hyperinsulinemia. A primed-constant infusion of 6,6-2H-glucose was used to monitor endogenous glucose output (EGO); insulin (40 mU · min−1 · m−2) was then infused while clamping plasma glucose for 2 h (at 5.8 ± 0.1 and 4.9 ± 0.2 mmol/l for diabetic and control subjects, respectively). In the fasting state, EGO averaged 15.2 ± 0.4 μmol · min−1 · kgffm−1 (62% from GNG) in diabetic subjects and 12.2 ± 0.7 μmol · min−1 · kgffm−1 (55% from GNG) in control subjects (P < 0.05 or less for both fluxes). Glycogenolysis (EGO – GNG) was similar in the two groups (P = NS). During the last 40 min of the clamp, both EGO and GNG were significantly (P < 0.01 or less, compared with fasting) inhibited (EGO 7.1 ± 0.9 and 3.6 ± 0.5 and GNG 7.9 ± 0.5 and 4.5 ± 1.0 μmol · min−1 · kgffm−1 in diabetic and control subjects, respectively) but remained significantly (P < 0.05) higher in diabetic subjects, whereas glycogenolysis was suppressed completely and equally in both groups. During hyperinsulinemia, GNG was reciprocally related to plasma glucose clearance. In conclusion, physiological hyperinsulinemia suppresses GNG by ∼20%, while completely blocking glycogenolysis. Resistance of GNG (to insulin suppression) and resistance of glucose uptake (to insulin stimulation) are coupled phenomena. In type 2 diabetes, the excess GNG of the fasting state is carried over to the insulinized state, thereby contributing to glucose overproduction under both conditions

    Long-term short implants performance: Systematic review and meta - Analysisofthe essential assessment parameters

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    Lack of standard criteria in the outcome assessment makes it difficult to draw conclusions on the clinical performance of short implants and, under these circumstances, determine the reasons for implant failure. This study evaluated, through a systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis, the essential parameters required to assess the long-term clinical performance of short and extra-short implants. Electronic databases (Pubmed- MEDLINE, Cochrane Library Database, Embase, and Lilacs) were searched by two independent reviewers, without language limitation, to identify eligible papers. References from the selected articles were also reviewed. The review included clinical trials involving short dental implants placed in humans, published between January 2000 and March 2014, which described the parameters applied for outcome\u2019s measurements and provided data on survival rates. Thirteen methodologically acceptable studies were selected and 24 parameters were identified. The most frequent parameters assessed were the marginal bone loss and the cumulative implant survival rate, followed by implant failure rate and biological complications such as bleeding on probing and probing pocket depths. Only cumulative implant survival rate data allows meta-analysis revealing a positive effect size (from 0.052 (fixed) to 0.042 (random)), which means that short implant appears to be a successful treatment option. Mechanical complications and crown-to-implant (C/I) ratio measurement were also commonly described, however, considering the available evidence; no strong conclusions could be drawn since different methods were used to assess each parameter. By means of this literature review, a standard evaluation scheme is proposed, being helpful to regiment further investigations and comparisons on future studies

    Differenze di genere e delinquenza giovanile: risultati dall’“International Self-report delinquency study”

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    Male gender is a well-known risk factor for juvenile delinquency. In recent years several studies have reported a steady increase in the involvement of girls in deviant behavior, suggesting that differences in deviant behavior between males and females might be reducing. To investigate possible gender differences in the development of juvenile delinquency, we analyzed data from the International Self-Report Delinquency Study 2 (ISRD2) and 3 (ISRD-3), from which we selected a sample of young people aged between 12 and 16 years.We focused on the differences between males and females with regard to the type and gravity, the onset of deviant behavior, the probability of being apprehended by the police and the probability of victimization, comparing the two waves of the study.Differences in antisocial behavior between males and females varied among different countries. Nevertheless, male gender proved to be a specific risk factor for juvenile delinquency, particularly for serious crimes. From the chronological standpoint, juvenile delinquency increased with age, while the ratio between male and female delinquency did not change significantly with age. Comparing the two waves of ISRD, we noticed a convergence between males and females.È noto come tradizionalmente il genere maschile venga considerato uno specifico fattore di rischio per la delinquenza giovanile. Negli ultimi anni, tuttavia, alcuni studi hanno mostrato un aumento della manifestazione di comportamenti devianti nel genere femminile, tanto da far ipotizzare che il divario tra i due sessi si stia riducendo.Al fine di indagare il ruolo che le differenze di genere hanno nella devianza giovanile, sono stati analizzati i dati dell’International Self- Report Delinquency Study 2 e 3, selezionando un campione di giovani con età compresa tra i 12 ed i 16 anni.La ricerca si è focalizzata sul comparare le differenze di genere rispetto al tipo di condotta deviante, all’insorgenza della stessa, alle sue conseguenze ed alla probabilità di vittimizzazione.Le differenze nel comportamento antisociale tra maschi e femmine variano da un paese all'altro. Tuttavia, il genere maschile ha ancora dimostrato di essere un fattore di rischio specifico per la delinquenza giovanile, in particolare per i reati gravi. Dal punto di vista cronologico, la delinquenza giovanile aumenta con l'aumentare dell'età, mentre il rapporto tra delinquenza maschile e femminile non cambia significativamente con l'età. Confrontando le due ondate di ISRD, abbiamo notato una convergenza tra i generi

    Propuesta de intervención para minimizar la problemática en salud y bienestar de la población masculina en edades entre los 25 y 55 años del departamento del Guaviare

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    Indagar y conocer sobre la situación en salud en las diversas regiones de Colombia es una tarea fundamental para los profesionales de la salud, ya que ello permite entender y proponer estrategias que desde la participación social comunitaria permitan mitigar y prevenir comorbilidades que resultan letales para la población de no conocerse y tratarse adecuadamente a tiempo; ya que ello influye directamente en la calidad de vida y el bienestar de las personas como señala el objetivo 3 de los ODS, Salud, bienestar y calidad de vida; a partir del cual las instituciones de salud pública a nivel nacional, regional y territorial están obligadas a establecer e implementar acciones y políticas públicas en salud pública para la atención universal en salud desde la prevención y la promoción como principio fundamental.Investigating and knowing about the health situation in the various regions of Colombia is a fundamental task for health professionals, since this allows them to understand and propose strategies that, from community social participation, allow mitigation and prevention of comorbidities that are lethal for the population. of not knowing and treating each other adequately in time; since this directly influences the quality of life and well-being of people, as indicated in objective 3 of the ODS, Health, well-being and quality of life; from which public health institutions at the national, regional and territorial level are obliged to establish and implement public health actions and policies for universal health care based on prevention and promotion as a fundamental principle