11,891 research outputs found

    A primary survey of aphid species on almond and peach, and natural enemies of Brachycaudus amygdalinus in As-Sweida, Southern Syria

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    Syria is one of the biggest almond producer country in the world. Few arthropdes that live on almond are consider as pests. Aphids are one of the major pests their. In order to change the product to organic we should know more about the pests and their natural enemies in order to use better bio- and organic decisions. A field survey was done to aphids that attack Almond and Peach in Al-Arab mountain at As- Sweida governorate, between 2002 and 2006. Three species of aphids were considered as important pests on both trees. They are Brachycaudus amygdalinus and Brachycaudus helichrysi, which are aphids that feed on the young leaves causing stunted growth; and Pterochloroides persicae which is a species that attack the bark and excretes large quantities of honeydew. A survey of natural enemies of B. amygdalinus has been done in addition to study its population dynamics during the seasons of 2002, 2003 and 2004. 30 species of natural enemies were recorded includes 15 Coccinellidae, 4 of each Anthocoridae and Miridae, 3 of Syrphidae, one species of each of Chrysopidae and Chamaemyiidae, and one beetle, in addition to one parasitoid. Some Arachinids were also mentioned to prey on this aphid. Most numerous predator at the beginning of the season was Coccinella septempunctata followed later with Scymnus (Pullus) subvillosus and Hyppodamia variegate. Most numerous predatory bug was Orius horvathi

    A node-wise analysis of the uterine muscle networks for pregnancy monitoring

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    The recent past years have seen a noticeable increase of interest in the correlation analysis of electrohysterographic (EHG) signals in the perspective of improving the pregnancy monitoring. Here we propose a new approach based on the functional connectivity between multichannel (4x4 matrix) EHG signals recorded from the women abdomen. The proposed pipeline includes i) the computation of the statistical couplings between the multichannel EHG signals, ii) the characterization of the connectivity matrices, computed by using the imaginary part of the coherence, based on the graph-theory analysis and iii) the use of these measures for pregnancy monitoring. The method was evaluated on a dataset of EHGs, in order to track the correlation between EHGs collected by each electrode of the matrix (called node-wise analysis) and follow their evolution along weeks before labor. Results showed that the strength of each node significantly increases from pregnancy to labor. Electrodes located on the median vertical axis of the uterus seemed to be the more discriminant. We speculate that the network-based analysis can be a very promising tool to improve pregnancy monitoring.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted in the IEEE EMBC conferanc

    The Use of Local Mineral Formulas as a Feed Block Supplement for Beef Cattle Fed on Wild Forages

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    The present research was carried out to study the diversity of mineral contents of wild forages and to evaluate the beneficial effect of mineral feed supplement formulated by using locally available materials on the performances of beef cattle. The present research was initiated by analyzing mineral contents of wild forages grown around Limau Manis campus areas. Forage samples were collected at 9 sampling areas scattered at plantation, conservation and idle lands. Samples were then analyzed for macro minerals of Ca, P, Mg, K, Na, and S and micro minerals of Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Se, and Zn. Feeding trial was then conducted to evaluate the beneficial effect of supplementation of local mineral formulas (LMF) produced by using locally available materials on the performances of cattle. Feeding trial was conducted for 6 weeks by using 9 Simmentals cross bred heifers. The trial consisted of 3 treatments, i.e., P1: only grass without supplementation, P2: grass + LMF and P3: grass + mineral premix enriched LMF. Variables measured were: body weight, feed intake, FCR, feed cost and net return. Results showed that the highest macro mineral content of wild forages was Na of about 13.05±2.22 g/kg, varied from 4.1 to 23.8 g/kg, followed by K (11.09±1.43 g/kg) and Ca (6.10±1.09 g/kg DM). Three minerals of Mg, P, and S were found in relatively small concentrations of 1.34±0.30, 0.83±0.23, and 0.17±0.01 g/kg, respectively. Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn were found in relatively high concentrations. The highest concentration of micro minerals was Fe of about 613.8±128.9 mg/kg, followed by Mn of 143.9±23.3 mg/kg, while Zn and Cu were found in relatively small amount of about 31.3±5.5 and 13.2±2.5 mg/kg, respectively. Heifers supplemented with LMF (P2) and mineral premix enriched LMF (P3) showed higher body weight gain, lower FCR and net return than those cattle fed only grass (P1). The most profitable feeding strategy was by supplementation of heifers with mineral premix enriched LMF.Key words: wild forage quality, local mineral formula, ruminant mineral nutritio

    AC/DC: Adaptive Cutoffs and Disputable Cutoffs for robust critical transactions in smart-contracts

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    To guarantee delivery of their intended functionalities in the presence of unresponsive parties, current smart-contracts cut users off from being able to commit their responses after a fixed period of time has elapsed. However, current blockchains have limited transaction processing capacities, so a fixed amount of time will not always be sufficient to receive every (C-TX). This paper presents a mechanism for adaptive cutoffs (ACs) which ensures that users retain the opportunity to commit despite blockchain congestion, and enables early cutoffs when the number of required is low. A non-interactive argument system for setting adaptive cutoffs under the current Ethereum Virtual Machine is described. Additionally, disputable cutoffs (DCs) are presented, which are a more efficient approach used in parallel to ACs based on a bisection-based dispute. Furthermore, it’s empirically demonstrated that an AC/DC-enabled smart-contract can receive a larger number of than its non-adaptive counterparts when user responsiveness is slowed due to denial of service or congestion

    Performance analysis of 802.11ac with frame aggregation using NS3

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    802.11ac is an interesting standard of IEEE bringing multiple advantages than its predecessor 802.11n. 802.11ac is faster and more scalable version of 802.11n offering the capabilities of wireless Gigabit Ethernet. 802.11ac will enable access points (AP) to support more STAs with a better experience for clients and more channel bonding increasing from a maximum of 40 MHz with 802.11n up to 80 or 160 MHz with 802.11ac standard. In this paper, we analyze and evaluate the 802.11ac performance using NS3 simulator (v3.26) relying on several features like channel bonding, modulation and coding schemes, guard interval and frame aggregation. Then, we present the effect of the variation of distance between STAs and AP on the network performance in term of throughput. Finally, we capture the most relevant simulations outcomes and we indicate some research challenges for the future work

    Low scale B-L extension of the Standard Model at the LHC

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    The fact that neutrinos are massive indicates that the Standard Model (SM) requires extension. We propose a low energy (<TeV) B-L extension of the SM, which is based on the gauge group SU(3)_C x SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y x U(1)_{B-L}. We show that this model provides a natural explanation for the presence of three right-handed neutrinos in addition to an extra gauge boson and a new scalar Higgs. Therefore, it can lead to very interesting phenomenological implications different from the SM results which can be tested at the LHC. Also we analyze the muon anomalous magnetic moment in this class of models. We show that one-loop with exchange Z' may give dominant new contribution ~ few x 10^{-11}.Comment: 12 page