10 research outputs found


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    Abstract: Written corrective feedback in the realm of ESL/EFL has gained more attention from researchers in the last 10 years, and the latest innovation in the practice is the integration of video in the delivery of written corrective feedback (Stannard, 2008). However, research on video-based written corrective feedback (VWCF) in EFL/ESL writing instructions so far has only revealed its qualitative strengths (Stannard, 2008; Mathisen, 2012)—that is, in terms of students’ responses towards its application, a gap that the current paper intends to address. The present study reported in this paper is a classroom action research (CAR) aiming at increasing the writing accuracy of a group of students of a state university in Bali, Indonesia through the integration of video in the corrective feedback practice. The writing instruction in the study is carried out in a blended learning fashion combining the traditional learning mode with an email-based correspondence between the tutor and the students. The findings seem to indicate that video-taped orally-delivered direct corrective feedback has a relatively small impact on student accuracy improvement percentage. However, the integration of video in the feedback provision appears to have a potential in terms of increasing students’ motivation in their learning of writing. The research results can provide some interesting insight to teachers who want to implement video-based feedback and future research on this type of feedback. Keywords: corrective feedback, video integration, accuracy improvement, writin


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    The present study aimed to investigate the correlation between learner autonomy psychologically defined in the study as a composite of behavioral intentions to do autonomous learning and self-efficacy in relation to autonomous learning, and English proficiency. The sample comprised 120 first semester English-majored students of a state university in Bali, Indonesia. The data were collected from documents and by administering two questionnaires. Multiple linear regression analysis conducted revealed that learner autonomy and English proficiency as defined in the study had a significant, strong, positive relationship. Some suggestions related to the results of the study, especially in the EFL context, are discussed

    Developing TBLT-Based Digital Storybook For 9th-Grade Students at SMP Negeri 4 Singaraja

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    This study aims to develop TBLT-based digital storybook to facilitate students’ literacy activities for 9th-grade students at SMP Negeri 4 Singaraja. This research uses the Design and Development model by Richey and Klein (2014) as the basis of the methodology. Design and Development model has four stages, namely analysis, design, development, and evaluation. The data obtained from this study used instruments in the form of questionnaires, interviews, observations, and document analysis. The quality of TBLT-based digital storybook product received excellent product from two experts, and this product is valid to be applied in learning activities to facilitate literacy activities for 9th-grade students. The application of TBLT-based digital storybook was carried out through trial by small group as a formative assessment and get good responses from the teacher and students. The results of this study concluded that digital storybook-based TBLT with "Narrative Text" material for grade 9 students can help students to facilitate their English skills because it contains tasks according to the stages of TBLT which focus on developing students’ English skills. In addition, this digital storybook also helps the teacher in determining learning media that are innovative and can motivate students in learning activities

    An Analysis Of 10th Grade High School Students’ Learning Approaches in the Context of EFL Online Learning

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     The globalization and 21st century learning needs students to adopt a better approach to learning. As there are two types of approaches namely surface approach and deep approach, it is needed to investigate which are students leaning towards to, including the supporting and inhibiting factors that influence them especially in the sudden transition of online learning in pandemic situation. Using the modified R-SPQ-2F and a semi-guided interview, the study was conducted in one high school in North Bali. Using Slovin formula, there are 200 respondents who participated in the study. The modified R-SPQ-2F were analyzed using the mean score analysis and the results are students leaning towards the surface approach in the context of EFL Online learning. The interview analyzed with interactive model analysis gives comprehensive view of the supporting and inhibiting factors of the deeper approach. Turns out personal motivation, teachers’ style of teaching, and environmental factors directs their approach. These findings showed that the student learning approach is one way to evaluate the learning process. Teachers, students, and government should consider this to re-adjust the current learning situation to improve the quality of education


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    The new learning system that is published by the Indonesian government as a prevention due to Covid-19 brings a new challenge for the teachers particularly in implementing 21st century learning. Teachers are suggested to do a reflection toward the online learning that has been conducted to find out the teaching and learning process quality. This study is aimed at investigating the level of teachers’ reflective thinking in which it was conducted in SMAN 2 Singaraja. There were two teachers involved in this study and the data were collected through the spreading of questionnaire and interview. The data were analyzed by using interactive data analysis to check the validity and reliability. The results showed that the awareness of the teacher in carrying out a process of reflection on learning during the online learning period. The efforts made by the English teacher at SMA N 2 Singaraja in improving the quality of learning both by discussing and innovating need to be used as an example for other teachers. In the future, of course, it is hoped that a better online learning process and learning objectives can be maximally achieve

    Development of innovative digital story book to increase high school student’s English learning motivation

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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan buku cerita digital berbasis Task-Based Learning Teaching (TBLT) untuk memfasilitasi kegiatan literasi siswa kelas 11 SMA N 1 Sawan. Penelitian ini menggunakan model penelitian Design and Development yang memiliki empat tahapan yaitu analisis, desain, pengembangan, dan evaluasi. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan 4 instrumen yaitu: lembar observasi, pedoman wawancara, angket, dan ceklis. Hasil penilaian ahli mengungkapkan bahwa produk final buku cerita digital memperoleh nilai sangat baik dari segi kualitas, dianggap valid untuk digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran, dan diyakini mampu mendorong kegiatan literasi pada siswa kelas 11. Berdasarkan uji coba kelompok kecil kepada 10 orang siswa kelas 11 dan guru, diketahui bahwa buku cerita digital yang berbasis Task-Based Learning Teaching (TBLT) ini dapat menarik minat literasi siswa dan mampu mengembangkan kemampuan siswa dalam berbahasa Inggris. Buku cerita ini juga mendapatkan respons yang sangat baik dari guru maupun siswa. Produk buku cerita digital mampu membuat siswa antusias dalam belajar dan literasi dengan media baru yang dikembangkan. Abstract: This study aimed to develop a digital storybook based on Task-Based Learning Teaching (TBLT) stages to facilitate literacy activities for 11th-grade students of State Senior High School (SMA N) 1 Sawan. This research employed the four stages Design and Development research model, of which steps are analysis, design, development, and evaluation. Research data were collected using four instruments, namely: observation sheet, interview guides, questionnaires, and checklist. The results of the expert's judgment revealed that the digital storybook draft obtained excellent grades in terms of its quality, was considered valid to be used as a learning medium, and was believed to be able to encourage literacy activities in grade 11 students. Based on small group trials on grade 11 students and teachers, it was found that storybooks Task-Based Learning Teaching (TBLT)-based digital media attracted students' literacy interest and was able to develop students' abilities in English. This storybook also received a very good response from teachers and students. This digital storybook product showed that it made students enthusiastic about learning and literacy with the new media developed.

    Exploring the Influence of Blended Learning Method in English Recount Text Writing for Senior High School Students

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    This paper aims to explore the influence of blended learning method on the teaching of English recount text writing and examine students’ perceptions toward the implementation of the method. The design of the study was a mixed-method research designs. The data were collected by using a pre-test, post-test, and an open-ended interview. The quantitative data were analyzed using independent samples t-test, while qualitative data obtained from interviewing students were transcribed, categorized, and interpreted using interactive model analysis. The quantitative data analysis showed there was a significant effect of the blended learning method towards students' English recount text writing with a large effect size (1.03). From the interviews, it was found that the students gave positive responses to the implementation of blended learning methods in teaching writing of recount text. It can be concluded that blended learning is an effective method for teaching writing recount text for senior high school. Other researchers are expected to expand the research variable and explore this method's implementation on different English skills

    Teacher’s problems and solutions in implementing student-centered learning in SMAN Bali Mandara Singaraja

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    This qualitative descriptive study aimed at analyzing teachers’ problems and solutions in implementing Student-centered Learning. This study involved an English teacher in SMA N Bali Mandara Singaraja. The instruments of this study consisted of voice recorder, field notes, interview guide, and researcher as the main instrument. The obtained data were analyzed using Miles and Huberman (1994) theory which consisted of data collection, data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing/verification. The results showed that the teacher's problems included problems caused by students, teacher, and facilities to support learning. The teacher’ solutions to solve the problems were by identifying the students' ability, motivating students personally, doing the class management well, using “stick talking” game to lead students to ask a question, instructed students to find more resources on the internet or library, giving a reward, instructed students to revise their planning when it was not meeting the minimum score before mobilizing them to the other group or permitting them to choose individual task based on their interest, grouping students evenly based on the identification result, scheduling and instructing them to do a discussion with their friend before consulting their project to the teacher and the last borrowing tools from the school facilities section and rotating the tool usage.Keywords: student-centered learning (SCL); teachers’ problem; teachers’ solution; 2013 curriculum

    An Innovative Method to Improve Teachers' Consideration Regarding Quality of Online Learning Using Reflective Thinking

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    Abstrak: Studi deskriptif ini menginvestigasi bagaimana guru bahasa Inggris mempersepsikan diri mereka sebagai praktisi pemikiran reflektif selama pembelajaran online. Dua guru bahasa Inggris di SMAN 1 Sukasada yang telah mengajar selama hampir sepuluh tahun menanggapi kuesioner skala keterampilan mengajar reflektif yang berisi 20 pernyataan. Hasil data menunjukkan bahwa guru bahasa Inggris di SMAN 1 Sukasada mempersepsikan dirinya sebagai guru reflektif tingkat lanjut di kelas online. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru bahasa Inggris berada pada tingkat lanjut dalam berpikir reflektif. Karena studi ini hanya berfokus pada mendeskripsikan bagaimana mereka mempersepsikan diri mereka sendiri, studi lebih lanjut yang menjelaskan bagaimana mereka merefleksikan proses belajar mengajar mereka dalam tindakan nyata diperlukan untuk dilakukan.Abstract: This descriptive study investigated how English teachers perceived themselves as reflective thinking practitioners during online learning. Two English teachers in SMAN 1 Sukasada who have been teaching for almost ten years responded to the reflective teaching skill scale questionnaire containing 20 statements. The data result showed that the English teacher at SMAN 1 Sukasada perceived themselves as advanced reflective teachers in the online classroom. The result indicates that the English teachers in an advanced level of reflective thinking. As this study only focused on describing how they perceived themselves, further study explaining how they reflect on their teaching and learning process in actual action is needed to carry out


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    The switching between conventional learning to online learning during this pandemic quite affected the learning approach adopted by students. This study aims to determine the learning approach of the eighth-grade students at one of public schools in Bali during online learning. The mixed-method was used in this study with two instruments for data collection: the R-SPQ-2F questionnaire and semi-structured interviews. This study involved 168 eighth grade students of one public junior high school in Bali. The analysis of the mean score of R-SPQ-2F was used to evaluate the data from questionnaire, while the interactive model analysis was used to analyze the interview data. Based on the findings, the learning method of the eight-grade students in the context of online learning tends to be of deep approach. The results of the interview revealed that the student learning approach was influenced by several supporting and inhibiting factors. This shows that student learning approaches can adapt and be influenced by various factors faced by students during the learning process. These factors can come from within students and students’ learning environment. Therefore, teachers should have a better understanding of learning approaches adopted by students during online learning situations to assist students in achieving learning success.Keywords: EFL, online learning, students’ learning approac