1,176 research outputs found


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    This article considers an actual problem of modern lingvomethodics which is the formation of lingvoregional knowledge and skills of foreign student-philologists. The main goal of this article is grounding and development of teaching materials which will form the lingvoregional knowledge and skills of the foreign students basing on the Pskov regional material.The article describes the following issues: students learn the peculiarities of local Pskov dialects, folk holidays of Pskov region, works of philologists and ethnographers devoted to the language and culture of Pskov. Main textual and lexicographical resources of the teaching materials are also covered, as well as the description of the introducing lingvoregional information methods. We also present the results of ascertaining and control experiment stages, during which the foreign students of the department of Russian Philology and Foreign languages were educated according to the introductory lingvoregional training program. During the experiment, we used the methods of linguistic-cultural analysis of words and text, the method of pedagogical experiment, mathematical method of processing the results obtained.The results of the tests showed that foreign students had significantly increased the level of linguistic and lingvoregional knowledge and skills, formed on the Pskov regional material.


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    In our opinion, the stages of production development: craft, manufacture, machine production are the historical phases of technology formation and the corresponding division of labor. Social interaction and organization of relations between people in society depend on these factors. The stages of genesis of knowledge and cognition from the pre-scientific level to science, from spontaneous empirical to the conscious theoretical knowledge and its practical application also correspond to the stages of production development. This study reveals the technology as a universal principle of human activity unites production and science, practice and theory. Technology connects with each other not only the goal, means and result of activity into single process, but also unites people in certain social groups, communities, collectives. And because of that, the achieved result is an implemented goal. If a person itself, personality and society become a goal of technological progress, then technology serves social self-developmen

    Formation of Skills for Independent Research and Analysis of Information in Future Teachers as A Pedagogical Problem

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    This article describes the results of research on the formation of independent research and analysis of information in higher education students, the direction of the formation of independent thinking of students on the basis of experience and the content and essence of systematic work on its implementation

    Introduction of Credit-Module Technology in the Process of Education of Students in the Discipline of “Physical Education”

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    To date, the main problem in the system of physical education of students of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the practice of teaching the discipline “Physical Culture”. This is expressed in the unwillingness or inability of the majority of teachers at a high level of quality to solve the problems provided for in the standard curriculum of the discipline “Physical Education” and presenting certain requirements for technologies - ways to solve these problems in practice. This problem, in turn, led to a decrease in students' interest in physical education, and as a result, insufficient physical fitness of students

    Mobility coefficients in the systems of magnetic dipolar particles

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    In this paper, we present our first results on the mobility coefficients in the systems of magnetic dipolar particles. In our study, we investigate the influence of chain formation and polydispersity of particles on self-diffusion. The work is purely theoretical and combines direct calculations with the density functional approach to calculate equilibrium densities of chains. We study mainly bulk systems. It is shown that the formation of chains leads to the average decrease of mobility in monodisperse systems, but in the case of bidisperse particle size distribution, the particle mobility becomes a function of the fractional composition. The mobility coefficients obtained here are important for calculating the diffusion coefficients in case of gradient-induced diffusion (be that of the field or density gradient) in magnetic fluids with chain aggregates

    Behavioral disturbances induced in rats via the intranigral injection of leptin

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    Introduction: Leptin action on brain structures might be helpful for better understanding of mechanism of this hormone neurotropic effects realization. Experiments have been carried out on Wistar rats (250-320 g) with the help of the EEG-, actometry recording and "open field" indices registration after microinjection of leptin (5-50 ng) into reticular part of substantia nigra (SNR). Besides, severity of picrtoxon-induced generalized seizures (2 mg/kg, i.p.) have been estimated after intra-SNR leptin administration. It was shown that bilateral intraSNR leptin injection (50 ng) resulted in oligo-akinesia, muscle tonus enhancement, decrease of wakefulness period and increase of deep slow-wave sleep and paradoxal sleep. Unilateral leptin administration (5; 25 and 50 ng) into SNR resulted in the appearance of dosedependent contralateral circlings, which were blocked by naloxone (1.0 mg/kg). Haloperidol (1.0 mg/kg) caused the potentiation on keeping of uncomfortable position in animals with bilateral intraSNR leptin administration, while naloxone (1.0 mg/kg) markedly reduced this index. Analogous leptin intrastriatal injection failed to induce the same behavioral disturbances. Intranigral leptin administration was followed by decreasing of seizure susceptibility to i.p. picrotoxin administration (2,0 mg/kg)

    Cognitive And Nominative Features Proverbs And Sayings In The Language

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    Language is a social tool as a tool of human interaction. Language has a complex structure, and in scientific literature, its two states - language and speech - are initially distinguished. A language is a set of knowledge consisting of language units and rules for their use in the language memory part of a person's brain, and speech is the process of using this knowledge and a derivative of this process. Language is a set of general knowledge that exists in the language memory part of the human brain. speech is a material phenomenon resulting from the process of using this abstract phenomenon, and we hear it as pronunciation units

    Philosophical and educational aspects of the antique dialogue

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    Серед численних робіт про діалог переважають лінгвістичні, історико-філософські, психологічні, культурологічні, соціологічні, комунікативні, антропологічні, мистецтвознавчі дослідження. Діалог як засіб навчання, як освітній і виховний метод, історичні форми його розвитку розглядаються рідко. Філософське розуміння діалогу як самосвідомості і способу розвитку здатності мислення від одиничного до загального в єдності логіки і чуттєвості дає підставу застосувати його в онтогенезі розвитку творчих здібностей особистості. Розбіжність і боротьба думок, заперечення, суперечність, дискусія, диспут, полеміка, суперечка допомагають виробленню філософського і наукового знання, ведуть до усвідомлення проблеми, розробки та реалізації рішень. Міркування приймає діалогічну форму, в якій різні значення, відносини і позиції інтегруються. Філософський діалог займає особливе місце в історичному становленні навчального діалогу, тому що завдяки філософії людина усвідомлює свої розумові процеси і вчиться керувати своєю думкою в процесі пізнання особистого та соціального життя. Виникнення іронії в протиставленні прямого і переносного смислів висловлювань, промов співрозмовників у формі питань і відповідей у становленні сократівського і платонівського діалогу зумовили перехід від повсякденного мислення до наукового. Платонівський діалог як окремий жанр тісно пов'язаний з пантомімою, епосом, лірикою, драмою, ліричною і драматичної прозою. Його художні прийоми можуть зачіпати почуття, пробуджувати політ уяви і драматизувати переживання в процесі навчання та формування творчої здатності досягати розуміння і вирішувати проблему за допомогою діалогу.Among the numerous works about dialogue linguistic, philosophical, psychological, cultural, sociological, communicative, art history and anthropological researches are dominating. Dialogue as a means of learning, a method of education and teaching process, historical forms of its growth are seldom considered. Philosophical understanding of the dialogue as self-consciousness and a way of development of thinking ability from the individual to the universal in the unity of logic and sensitivity gives a reason to apply a conversation in the ontogeny of the development of creative abilities of the person. Clash and battle of opinions, negation, controversy, discussion, polemics, dispute, and argumentation help to elaborate philosophical and scientific knowledge, to recognize the problem, to elaborate and implement solutions. The reasoning takes the dialogic form in which different meanings, attitudes and viewpoints are integrated. Philosophical dialogue has a special place in the historical growth of educational dialogue, because the person thanks to philosophy is aware of his/her intellectual processes and learns to manage his thought in the process of cognition personal and social life. The origin of irony by the distinction between propositions in direct sense and figurative sense, the speech of interlocutors in the form of questions and answers in the development of the Socratic and Platonic dialogue have determined the transformation from everyday thinking to scientific thought. The Dialogues of Plato as a distinct genre is closely associated with the pantomime, epic, lyric poetry, drama, lyric and dramatic prose. Its artistic devices and techniques can hurt the feelings, evoke a flight of imagination and dramatize the experience in the process of thinking, learning process and forming of creative ability to reach understanding and to settle a problem by dialog