971 research outputs found

    Analysis of a MEMS-based ring oscillator

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    International audienceThis work introduces a MEMS oscillator composed exclusively of mechanical switches as logic components. The electromechanical model of the system is developed and the conditions for a periodic response are established

    The impact on the marine recreational fisheries of longliner operations in the Caribbean

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    Campos, J.L.; Muñoz-Roure, O

    Spatial and time evolution of non linear waves in falling liquid films by the harmonic expansion method with predictor-corrector integration

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    Falling film flows in vertical or inclined planes, and pipes, are present in the energy and chemical industry (Chemical reactors, evaporators, condensers…). The occurrence of waves in these falling films is of relevance because it enhances the heat and mass transfer in comparison with a flat film. Perturbation theory can be applied to the Navier-Stokes (NS) equations expressing the velocity and the pressure in terms of an order formal parameter representing the smallness of the stream wise spatial derivative. Normally good results are obtained for this kind of problems solving the first order NS equations. In the present work we use the integral approach method and we expand the velocity profile of the falling liquid in a complete orthogonal set of harmonic functions satisfying the boundary conditions of the NS problem in first order approximation of the formal expansion. The present model does not assume self-similar profile of the velocity and its convergence to the solution is good with few harmonics. The problem is discretized by means of a uniform grid. Then the partial differential equations are integrated over the length of an arbitrary node. Proceeding in this way we have obtained a set of coupled ordinary differential equation system (ODES) for the harmonics of the flow rate and the film thickness at each grid node The resulting coupled ODES is integrated by a semi-implicit predictor-corrector method of the Adams-Moulton type that converges, with one iteration, at each time step. The method predicts well the experimental data on the evolution of the waves with time, the height of the waves, the wave separation, and the wave profiles for different experimental conditions. Providing a physical understanding of the non-linear wave phenomena produced in falling films.Papers presented to the 12th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, Costa de Sol, Spain on 11-13 July 2016

    Non iterative model for steam condensation in presence of non-condensable gases inside passive containment cooling vertical tubes

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    Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, South Africa, 1-4 July, 2007.The modelling of condensation in presence of non-condensable gases is of relevance for the design of passive containment cooling condenser of the third generation of Passive Nuclear Power Plants. Fast and accurate methods of predictions for condensation in presence of non-condensable gases are necessary in order to be implemented in the thermal-hydraulic codes without slowing down the computational speed of these codes. In this paper we present a mechanistic model for condensation in presence of non-condensable gases inside vertical tubes. In this model we take into account the influence of the non-condensable gases over the liquid side heat transfer without any iteration to calculate the liquid-steam interfacial temperature. The trick is to perform a set of Taylor expansions for the main physical magnitudes as viscosity, steam mass fraction and so on. We also consider the interfacial shear stress exerted by the steam-non-condensable mixture flow over the condensate layer thickness. The calculation of the condensate layer thickness can be performed with the help of the mass, energy and momentum conservation equations and can be achieved without any iteration following the method of Munoz-Cobo et al [1,2]. The new proposed mechanistic model solves explicitly the real interfacial temperature by means of a cubic or a quartic equation depending on the degree of approximation that has been chosen. Moreover, as the main non-condensable effects can be accounted for in the heat and mass transfer processes, the new model will be more realistic. The model has been validated with the Vierow experimental data, obtaining a total average relative error, for the fourth order equation method model, of 21% with 268 experimental points at different conditionscs201

    Partial Activation of SA- and JA-Defensive Pathways in Strawberry upon Colletotrichum acutatum Interaction

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    [EN] Understanding the nature of pathogen host interaction may help improve strawberry (Fragaria x anahassa) cultivars. Plant resistance to pathogenic agents usually operates through a complex network of defense mechanisms mediated by a diverse array of signaling molecules. In strawberry, resistance to a variety of pathogens has been reported to be mostly polygenic and quantitatively inherited, making it difficult to associate molecular markers with disease resistance genes. Colletotrichum acutaturn spp. is a major strawberry pathogen, and completely resistant cultivars have not been reported. Moreover, strawberry defense network components and mechanisms remain largely unknown and poorly understood. Assessment of the strawberry response to C. acutatum included a global transcript analysis, and acidic hormones SA and JA measurements were analyzed after challenge with the pathogen. Induction of transcripts corresponding to the SA and JA signaling pathways and key genes controlling major steps within these defense pathways was detected. Accordingly, SA and JA accumulated in strawberry after infection. Contrastingly, induction of several important SA, JA, and oxidative stress-responsive defense genes, including FaPR1-1, FaLOX2, FaJAR1, FaPDF1, and FaGST1, was not detected, which suggests that specific branches in these defense pathways (those leading to FaPR1-2, FaPR2-1, FaPR2-2, FaAOS, FaPR5, and FaPR10) were activated. Our results reveal that specific aspects in SA and JA dependent signaling pathways are activated in strawberry upon interaction with C. acutatum. Certain described defense-associated transcripts related to these two known signaling pathways do not increase in abundance following infection. This finding suggests new insight into a specific putative molecular strategy for defense against this pathogen.Authors are grateful to Dr. JM Lopez-Aranda (IFAPA-Centro de Churriana) for providing micropropagated strawberry plants and to Nicolas Garcia-Caparros for technical assistance. Authors also want to thank Kevin M. Folta for his insightful comments on the paper. This work was supported by Junta de Andalucia, Spain [Proyectos de Excelencia P07-AGR-02482/P12-AGR-2174, and grants to Grupo-BIO278].Amil-Ruiz, F.; Garrido-Gala, J.; Gadea Vacas, J.; Blanco-Portales, R.; Munoz-Merida, A.; Trelles, O.; De Los Santos, B.... (2016). Partial Activation of SA- and JA-Defensive Pathways in Strawberry upon Colletotrichum acutatum Interaction. Frontiers in Plant Science. 7(1036). https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2016.01036S71036Acosta, I. F., & Farmer, E. E. (2010). Jasmonates. The Arabidopsis Book, 8, e0129. doi:10.1199/tab.0129Al-Shahrour, F., Diaz-Uriarte, R., & Dopazo, J. (2004). 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    Constrained Supersymmetric Flipped SU(5) GUT Phenomenology

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    We explore the phenomenology of the minimal supersymmetric flipped SU(5) GUT model (CFSU(5)), whose soft supersymmetry-breaking (SSB) mass parameters are constrained to be universal at some input scale, MinM_{in}, above the GUT scale, MGUTM_{GUT}. We analyze the parameter space of CFSU(5) assuming that the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) provides the cosmological cold dark matter, paying careful attention to the matching of parameters at the GUT scale. We first display some specific examples of the evolutions of the SSB parameters that exhibit some generic features. Specifically, we note that the relationship between the masses of the lightest neutralino and the lighter stau is sensitive to MinM_{in}, as is the relationship between the neutralino mass and the masses of the heavier Higgs bosons. For these reasons, prominent features in generic (m1/2,m0)(m_{1/2}, m_0) planes such as coannihilation strips and rapid-annihilation funnels are also sensitive to MinM_{in}, as we illustrate for several cases with tan(beta)=10 and 55. However, these features do not necessarily disappear at large MinM_{in}, unlike the case in the minimal conventional SU(5) GUT. Our results are relatively insensitive to neutrino masses.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures; (v2) added explanations and corrected typos, version to appear in EPJ

    Relating the CMSSM and SUGRA models with GUT scale and Super-GUT scale Supersymmetry Breaking

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    While the constrained minimal supersymmetric standard model (CMSSM) with universal gaugino masses, m_{1/2}, scalar masses, m_0, and A-terms, A_0, defined at some high energy scale (usually taken to be the GUT scale) is motivated by general features of supergravity models, it does not carry all of the constraints imposed by minimal supergravity (mSUGRA). In particular, the CMSSM does not impose a relation between the trilinear and bilinear soft supersymmetry breaking terms, B_0 = A_0 - m_0, nor does it impose the relation between the soft scalar masses and the gravitino mass, m_0 = m_{3/2}. As a consequence, tan(\beta) is computed given values of the other CMSSM input parameters. By considering a Giudice-Masiero (GM) extension to mSUGRA, one can introduce new parameters to the K\"ahler potential which are associated with the Higgs sector and recover many of the standard CMSSM predictions. However, depending on the value of A_0, one may have a gravitino or a neutralino dark matter candidate. We also consider the consequences of imposing the universality conditions above the GUT scale. This GM extension provides a natural UV completion for the CMSSM.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures; added erratum correcting several equations and results in Sec.2, Sec.3 and 4 remain unaffected and conclusions unchange

    New reynolds equation for line contact based on the carreau model modification by bair

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    This paper presents a new form of the one-dimensional Reynolds equation for lubricants whose rheological behaviour follows a modified Carreau rheological model proposed by Bair. The results of the shear stress and flow rate obtained through a new Reynolds–Carreau equation are shown and compared with the results obtained by other researchers

    Do optional activities matter in virtual learning environments?

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    Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs) provide students with activi-ties to improve their learning (e.g., reading texts, watching videos or solving exercises). But VLEs usually also provide optional activities (e.g., changing an avatar profile or setting goals). Some of these have a connection with the learn-ing process, but are not directly devoted to learning concepts (e.g., setting goals). Few works have dealt with the use of optional activities and the relation-ships between these activities and other metrics in VLEs. This paper analyzes the use of optional activities at different levels in a specific case study with 291 students from three courses (physics, chemistry and mathematics) using the Khan Academy platform. The level of use of the different types of optional ac-tivities is analyzed and compared to that of learning activities. In addition, the relationship between the usage of optional activities and different student be-haviors and learning metrics is presented
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