14 research outputs found
GM2-GM3 gangliosides ratio is dependent on GRP94 through down-regulation of GM2-AP cofactor in brain metastasis cells
GRP94 is an ATP-dependent chaperone able to regulate pro-oncogenic signaling pathways. Previous studies have shown a critical role of GRP94 in brain metastasis (BrM) pathogenesis and progression. In this work, an untargeted lipidomic analysis revealed that some lipid species were altered in GRP94-deficient cells, specially GM2 and GM3 gangliosides. The catalytic pathway of GM2 is affected by the low enzymatic activity of beta-Hexosaminidase (HexA), responsible for the hydrolysis of GM2 to GM3. Moreover, a deficiency of the GM2-activator protein (GM2-AP), the cofactor of HexA, is observed without alteration of gene expression, indicating a post-transcriptional alteration of GM2-AP in the GRP94-ablated cells. One plausible explanation of these observations is that GM2-AP is a client of GRP94, resulting in defective GM2 catabolic processing and lysosomal accumulation of GM2 in GRP94-ablated cells. Overall, given the role of gangliosides in cell surface dynamics and signaling, their imbalance might be linked to modifications of cell behaviour acquired in BrM progression. This work indicates that GM2-AP could be an important factor in ganglioside balance maintenance. These findings highlight the relevance of GM3 and GM2 gangliosides in BrM and reveal GM2-AP as a promising diagnosis and therapeutic target in BrM research
GRP94 Is Involved in the Lipid Phenotype of Brain Metastatic Cells
Metabolic adaptation may happen in response to the pressure exerted by the microenvironment and is a key step in survival of metastatic cells. Brain metastasis occurs as a consequence of the systemic dissemination of tumor cells, a fact that correlates with poor prognosis and high morbidity due to the difficulty in identifying biomarkers that allow a more targeted therapy. Previously, we performed transcriptomic analysis of human breast cancer patient samples and evaluated the differential expression of genes in brain metastasis (BrM) compared to lung, bone and liver metastasis. Our network approach identified upregulation of glucose-regulated protein 94 (GRP94) as well as proteins related to synthesis of fatty acids (FA) in BrM. Here we report that BrM cells show an increase in FA content and decreased saturation with regard to parental cells measured by Raman spectroscopy that differentiate BrM from other metastases. Moreover, BrM cells exerted a high ability to oxidize FA and compensate hypoglycemic stress due to an overexpression of proteins involved in FA synthesis and degradation (SREBP-1, LXR alpha, ACOT7). GRP94 ablation restored glucose dependence, down-regulated ACOT7 and SREBP-1 and decreased tumorigenicity in vivo. In conclusion, GRP94 is required for the metabolic stress survival of BrM cells, and it might act as a modulator of lipid metabolism to favor BrM progression
GM2-GM3 gangliosides ratio is dependent on GRP94 through down-regulation of GM2-AP cofactor in brain metastasis cells
GRP94 is an ATP-dependent chaperone able to regulate pro-oncogenic signaling pathways. Previous studies have shown a critical role of GRP94 in brain metastasis (BrM) pathogenesis and progression. In this work, an untargeted lipidomic analysis revealed that some lipid species were altered in GRP94-deficient cells, specially GM2 and GM3 gangliosides. The catalytic pathway of GM2 is affected by the low enzymatic activity of β-Hexosaminidase (HexA), responsible for the hydrolysis of GM2 to GM3. Moreover, a deficiency of the GM2-activator protein (GM2-AP), the cofactor of HexA, is observed without alteration of gene expression, indicating a post-transcriptional alteration of GM2-AP in the GRP94-ablated cells. One plausible explanation of these observations is that GM2-AP is a client of GRP94, resulting in defective GM2 catabolic processing and lysosomal accumulation of GM2 in GRP94-ablated cells. Overall, given the role of gangliosides in cell surface dynamics and signaling, their imbalance might be linked to modifications of cell behaviour acquired in BrM progression. This work indicates that GM2-AP could be an important factor in ganglioside balance maintenance. These findings highlight the relevance of GM3 and GM2 gangliosides in BrM and reveal GM2-AP as a promising diagnosis and therapeutic target in BrM research. © 2019, The Author(s).This work was supported by the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP/2007-2013)/ERC Grant Agreement 35 no. 320737, Generalitat de Catalunya (Suport a les activitats de Grups de Recerca, 2017 SGR 753), and Spanish Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs FIS-PI14/00336 and FIS-PI18/00916 grants from the I + D + I National Plan with the financial support from ISCIII-Subdirección General de Evaluación and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER). The authors also thank Joan Meléndez for illustration and infographic support.Peer reviewe
Anà lisi dels pèptids associats a HLA-DR en teixit humà autoimmune
DescripciĂł del recurs: el 24 de novembre de 2010La secreciĂł de les hormones es fa per endocitosis del complex tiroglobulina-hormona per part del tiròcit, per micropinocitosi o per macropinocitosi, quan la glĂ ndula Ă©s estimulada per la TSH. Les vesĂcules macro o micropinocĂtiques es fusionen amb lisosomes i els enzims hidrolĂtics alliberen la T3 i T4 de la tiroglobulina. En tot aquest procĂ©s proteolĂtic de degradaciĂł de la Tg intervenen diferents cistein-proteases, com les catepsines B, K i L, i cadascuna intervĂ© en uns passos determinats. Les hormones sĂłn transportades per via sanguĂnia per on circulen unides a una proteĂŻna transportadora, la majoria unides a una globulina (TBG) i una petita part a l'albĂşmina, i una fracciĂł molt petita circula de forma lliure. La glĂ ndula tiroide forma part de l'eix hipotĂ lem-hipofisari i estĂ regulada per un feedback negatiu. Quan el nivell d'hormones tiroĂŻdals en sang Ă©s baix, l'hipotĂ lem estimula la hipòfisi a travĂ©s de la TRH (tirotropin releasing hormone) i aquesta augmenta la producciĂł de TSH que estimula la tiroide perquè produeixi i alliberi mĂ©s hormones tiroĂŻdals. La TSH secretada per la pituĂŻtĂ ria estimula l'entrada de iode, la sĂntesi de tiroglobulina (Scherberg, Vassart et al. 1981) i peroxidases, la secreciĂł de la Tg dins el lumen dels fol·licles (Ekholm, Engstrom et al. 1975), l'endocitosi del col·loide i el pas als lisosomes (Bernier-Valentin, Kostrouch et al. 1991) per la seva degradaciĂł i, com a conseqüència, l'alliberament de T3 i T4
GRP94 Is Involved in the Lipid Phenotype of Brain Metastatic Cells
Metabolic adaptation may happen in response to the pressure exerted by the microenvironment and is a key step in survival of metastatic cells. Brain metastasis occurs as a consequence of the systemic dissemination of tumor cells, a fact that correlates with poor prognosis and high morbidity due to the difficulty in identifying biomarkers that allow a more targeted therapy. Previously, we performed transcriptomic analysis of human breast cancer patient samples and evaluated the differential expression of genes in brain metastasis (BrM) compared to lung, bone and liver metastasis. Our network approach identified upregulation of glucose-regulated protein 94 (GRP94) as well as proteins related to synthesis of fatty acids (FA) in BrM. Here we report that BrM cells show an increase in FA content and decreased saturation with regard to parental cells measured by Raman spectroscopy that differentiate BrM from other metastases. Moreover, BrM cells exerted a high ability to oxidize FA and compensate hypoglycemic stress due to an overexpression of proteins involved in FA synthesis and degradation (SREBP-1, LXRα, ACOT7). GRP94 ablation restored glucose dependence, down-regulated ACOT7 and SREBP-1 and decreased tumorigenicity in vivo. In conclusion, GRP94 is required for the metabolic stress survival of BrM cells, and it might act as a modulator of lipid metabolism to favor BrM progression
FN14 and GRP94 expression are prognostic/predictive biomarkers of brain metastasis outcome that open up new therapeutic strategies
Brain metastasis is a devastating problem in patients with breast, lung and melanoma tumors. GRP94 and FN14 are predictive biomarkers over-expressed in primary breast carcinomas that metastasized in brain. To further validate these brain metastasis biomarkers, we performed a multicenter study including 318 patients with breast carcinomas. Among these patients, there were 138 patients with metastasis, of whom 84 had brain metastasis. The likelihood of developing brain metastasis increased by 5.24-fold (95%CI 2.83-9.71) and 2.55- (95%CI 1.52-4.3) in the presence of FN14 and GRP94, respectively. Moreover, FN14 was more sensitive than ErbB2 (38.27 vs. 24.68) with similar specificity (89.43 vs. 89.55) to predict brain metastasis and had identical prognostic value than triple negative patients (p < 0.0001). Furthermore, we used GRP94 and FN14 pathways and GUILD, a network-based disease-gene prioritization program, to pinpoint the genes likely to be therapeutic targets, which resulted in FN14 as the main modulator and thalidomide as the best scored drug. The treatment of mice with brain metastasis improves survival decreasing reactive astrocytes and angiogenesis, and down-regulate FN14 and its ligand TWEAK. In conclusion our results indicate that FN14 and GRP94 are prediction/prognosis markers which open up new possibilities for preventing/treating brain metastasis
FN14 and GRP94 expression are prognostic/predictive biomarkers of brain metastasis outcome that open up new therapeutic strategies
Brain metastasis is a devastating problem in patients with breast, lung and melanoma tumors. GRP94 and FN14 are predictive biomarkers over-expressed in primary breast carcinomas that metastasized in brain. To further validate these brain metastasis biomarkers, we performed a multicenter study including 318 patients with breast carcinomas. Among these patients, there were 138 patients with metastasis, of whom 84 had brain metastasis. The likelihood of developing brain metastasis increased by 5.24-fold (95%CI 2.83-9.71) and 2.55- (95%CI 1.52-4.3) in the presence of FN14 and GRP94, respectively. Moreover, FN14 was more sensitive than ErbB2 (38.27 vs. 24.68) with similar specificity (89.43 vs. 89.55) to predict brain metastasis and had identical prognostic value than triple negative patients (p < 0.0001). Furthermore, we used GRP94 and FN14 pathways and GUILD, a network-based disease-gene prioritization program, to pinpoint the genes likely to be therapeutic targets, which resulted in FN14 as the main modulator and thalidomide as the best scored drug. The treatment of mice with brain metastasis improves survival decreasing reactive astrocytes and angiogenesis, and down-regulate FN14 and its ligand TWEAK. In conclusion our results indicate that FN14 and GRP94 are prediction/prognosis markers which open up new possibilities for preventing/treating brain metastasis.This study was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs FIS-PI10/00057 and FIS-PI14/00336, both from the I+D+I National Plan with the financial support from ISCIII-Subdirección General de Evaluación and the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), and by grants from MIIN FIS2008–00114 and BIO2014-57518-R, 2014 SGR 530 and 2009-SGR-159 from the Generalitat de Catalunya, Fundació Privada Cellex Barcelona and the AECC (Spanish Association Against Cancer) Scientific Foundatio