48 research outputs found


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    Neutron activation analysis (NAA) is a nuclear technique that is excellent, multi-elemental, sensitive and has limit detection up to nanogram level. The application of NAA in analysis of Standard Reference Material (SRM) National Institute of Standard Technology (NIST) 1633b Coal Fly Ash and SRM NIST 1646a Estuarine Sediment was carried out for NAA laboratory inter-comparison program. The samples were distributed by Technology Centre for Nuclear Industry Material, National Nuclear Energy Agency as a coordinator of the inter-comparison program. The samples were irradiated in rabbit facility of G.A. Siwabessy reactor with neutron flux ~ 1013 n.cm-2.s-1, and counted with HPGe spectrometry gamma detector. Several trace elements in these samples were detected. The concentration of Al, Mg, K, Na and Ti in SRM NIST 1633b were 15.11, 7.35, 2.09, 0.192 and 0.756% respectively and the concentration of As, Cr, Mn, Se, V, Sb, Co, Cs, La, Sc and Sm were 137.0, 195.6, 129.4, 9.61, 305.8, 5.45, 56.2, 11.18, 83.73, 41.1 and 19.13 mg/kg respectively. The analysis result in SRM NIST 1646a of the concentration of Al and Na were 2.15 and 0.70% and the concentration of As, Cr, Co, La and Sc were 5.75, 36.3, 4.58, 15.67 and 4.00 mg/kg respectively. These results analysis had relative bias and u-test ranged from 0.4-11.3% and 0.15-2.25. The accuracy and precision evaluation based on International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) criteria was also applied. The result showed that NAA technique is applicable for the environmental samples analysis, and it also showed that the NAA laboratory in BATAN Bandung has a good performance.   Keywords: NAA, inter-comparison, estuarine sediment, coal fly ash, environmental sample

    Identification of Pollutant Sources of PM2,5 and PM10 in Waru, Sidoarjo, East Java

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    Air pollution have a very detrimental effect, not only for humans but also impact on the ecosystem of animals and plants. In this study, we will examine air pollution in March 2019 around Waru, Sidoarjo, East Java through research on air particulate concentrations with the size of PM2.5 and PM10. This study aims to determine the estimation of the origin of pollution around the Waru, Sidoarjo, East Java so that can be used as a scientific reference as a step to make the right decisions and policies in overcoming the effects of pollution. The data processing method in this study is with use the Conditional Probability Function (CPF) method to find out the estimated source the origin of pollution is based on meteorological data (speed and wind direction). The highest measurement results obtained at PM2.5 concentration was 24.13 μg/m3 still fulfilling the daily quality standards set by Goverment Regulations No. 41/1999 and WHO, whereas at PM10 concentration was 66.53 μg/m3 still met the daily quality standards has been established Goverment Regulations No. 41/1999 but has exceeded the quality standards set by WHO. While the results of the analysis of the CPF Method are obtained from the original source pollutants for PM2.5 come from vehicle activities on the highway, while the source of pollutants for PM10 comes from industrial activities


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    Abstrak:  Tahu merupakan salah satu makanan populer yang sering dikonsumsi masyarakat Indonesia. Proses pengolahan tahu melibatkan banyak alat dan bahan sehingga dibutuhkan suatu sistem penjaminan keamanan pangan, yaitu dengan aplikasi konsep HACCP yang berdasarkan pada sistem pencegahan. Dalam penelitian ini, ditentukan critical control point (CCP) pada setiap tahapan produksi, yaitu pada bahan baku, pengolahan, dan produk akhir dengan  menganalisis potensi bahaya melalui pengamatan langsung di lapangan serta pengujian di laboratorium, terutama terhadap kemungkinan kontaminasi logam berat, yaitu tembaga (Cu) dan seng (Zn). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada suatu industri tahu di Kecamatan Lembang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat yang memakai susu sebagai campuran bahan bakunya. Adapun yang menjadi titik uji adalah air baku, kacang kedelai, kedelai giling, susu sapi segar, sari kedelai, serta produk akhir berupa tahu susu putih dan tahu susu kuning. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan konsentrasi rata-rata Cu dalam kacang kedelai dan kedelai giling melebihi kontrol atau batas kritis (baku mutu yang ditetapkan pemerintah), sedangkan konsentrasi rata-rata Zn melebihi kontrol pada kedelai giling, tahu susu putih, dan tahu susu kuning. Dari hasil analisis bahaya tersebut, ditetapkan pemilihan bahan baku dan produk akhir sebagai critical control point (CCP). Oleh karena itu, diperlukan evaluasi dan tindakan koreksi untuk menanggulangi titik kritis yang melebihi kontrol tersebut, antara lain dengan perawatan peralatan dan pemilihan bahan baku berkualitas baikAbstract : Tofu is one of popular foods which frequently consumed by Indonesian people. Tofu production process involves a lot of equipments and ingredients so that required a food safety assurance system through the application of HACCP concept which based on the prevention system. In this study, determined critical control points (CCPs) at each production stage, like in the raw materials, processing, and in the final product by analyzing the potential hazards through field observation and testing in laboratory, especially to the possibility of heavy metals contamination, such as copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn). The research was carried out at a tofu industry in Kecamatan Lembang, Kabupaten Bandung Barat who use milk as the mixture of raw material. Meanwhile, the test points are raw water, soybeans, milled soy, fresh cow's milk, soymilk, and the white milk-tofu and yellow milk-tofu as the final products. Test results show the average of Cu concentration in soybeans and milled soy exceed the critical limit or the control (the quality standard determined by government), whereas the average concentration of Zn exceed the control in milled soy, in the white milk-tofu, and in the yellow milk-tofu. From the results of the hazard analysis, determined the selection of raw materials and the final product  as the critical control points (CCPs). Therefore, evaluation and corrective action needed to tackle the critical points that exceed the control, among others, by equipment maintenance and selection of good quality raw materials

    Analisis Karaterisasi Konsentrasi Dan Komposisi Partikulat Udara (Studi Case : Surabaya)

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    Air pollution is a very adverse impact, not only for humans but also the ecosystem of plants and animals. This research examine air pollution from October 2012 until February 2014 through the research of concentration and composition of airborne particulates with a size of PM 2.5 μm. This study aims to determine the origin and location of pollution sources in Surabaya so that it can be used as scientific reference as a step to make the right decisions and policies in tackling the impact of pollution. Data processing method in this research used analysis of receptor modeling that is Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) to determine the source of the pollution. Results obtained at a concentration of PM 2.5 was 15.05 μg/m3 so PM 2.5 has exceeded the quality standard yearly, based on PP 41 1999, USEPA and WHO. There are 3.20 μg/m3 concentration of black carbon (BC), element Pb in particulate matter with a concentration of 0.28 μg/m3 which has exceeded the value of the quality standard USEPA. The source of the pollutants come from biomass, vehicle, soil, industrial Pb, Zn and industries Fe industry


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    Over 50 percent of the world's population consumes rice as a staple food. However, due to natural and anthropogenic activity, heavy metals, particularly arsenic (As), can be found in rice. This has become a worldwide concern because of the high level of consumption of rice and its processed products, as well as the long-term consequences. Information on dietary arsenic exposure in raw and cooked rice and its content quality in Indonesia is limited; however, its availability is essential for estimating toxicity level intake. Therefore, an advanced, accurate, fast, relatively easy, and environmentally friendly arsenic analysis method, such as total X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) and a line equation approach, is needed. It is necessary to evaluate arsenic content and inorganic arsenic (i-As) in rice. The research aimed to assess preliminary dietary arsenic exposure, evaluate rice's inorganic arsenic concentration, and assess toxicity levels. Toxicity level estimation of arsenic exposure was done by determining the hazard quotient (HQ). The results showed that t-As and i-As in rice were 0.071-0.104 mg/kg and 0.050-0.073 mg/kg (wet base), respectively. The mean percentage of i-As reached 70% from the t-As, and the toxicity level of arsenic in cooked rice is low, as shown by the value of HQ < 1. The estimated result indicates no chronic non-carcinogenic effect caused by these samples

    Karakteristik Kimia Paparan Partikulat Terespirasi

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    Partikulat terespirasiadalah partikulat dengan ukuran 2-5μm yang karena sifat aerodinamiknya dapat masuk kedalam saluran pernafasan dan terdeposit dalam paru-paru serta merusak alveoli sehinggamembahayakan kesehatan manusia. Dinas Kesehatan kota Bandung mencatat bahwa adakecenderungan peningkatan angka kejadian penyakit infeksi saluran pernafasan akut (ISPA)setiap tahun di kota Bandung. Pengukuran PM10 pada periode tahun 2002-2005 yang dilakukanoleh BPLH Kota Bandung menunjukkan bahwa di beberapa lokasi ambang batas baku mutuharian untuk PM10 telah dilampaui. Penelitian ini mencoba untuk mengetahui paparan partikulatterespirasi pada masyarakat dengan melakukan karakterisasi unsur-unsur kimia yangterkandung di dalamnya sebagai bentuk identifikasi bahaya. Penelitian dilakukan di empatkawasan di kota Bandung. Pengambilan sampel partikulat terespirasi dilakukan menggunakanpersonal sampler. Karakterisasi kimia dilakukan menggunakan metode analisis aktivasi neutron,spektrometri serapan atom dan reflektansi. Hasil identifikasi dan karakterisasi tersebutdigunakan untuk menghitung nilai IEC(Inhalation Exposure Concentration) sebagai estimasipaparan partikulat terespirasi yang terhirup selama kurun waktu tertentu. Tahap tersebutmerupakan tahap awal dari studi epidemiologi yang mengkaitkan kejadian penyakit saluranpernafasan dengan hasil identifikasi dan karakterisasi partikulat terespirasi. Unsur-unsur kimiayang diidentifikasi adalah unsur Br, Mn, Al, I, V, Cl, Ti, Na, Hg, Pb, dan black carbon (BC). Hasilpenelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa partikulat terespirasi yang dihirup oleh penduduk sebagaireseptor di kawasan Tegalega, Aria Graha, Dago Pakar, dan Cisaranten Wetan relatif lebihtinggi dibandingkan dengan konsentrasi PM2,5 udara ambien di lokasi yang sama. Kawasanindustri Cisaranten Wetan mempunyai konsentrasi tertinggi untuk sebagian besar unsur-unsuryang terkandung dalam partikulat terespirasi

    Karakteristik Unsur pada Abu Dasar dan Abu Terbang Batu Bara Menggunakan Analisis Aktivasi Neutron Instrumental

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    Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap (PLTU) dan cerobong-cerobong industri yang menggunakan batu bara menghasilkan sisa pembakaran berupa limbah padat abu dasar (bottom ash) dan abu terbang (fly ash). Penentuan unsur pada limbah tersebut secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif merupakan langkah awal untuk mengevaluasi dampak terhadap lingkungan terkait dengan risiko kontaminasi lingkungan dan biologis. Pada kegiatan ini, dilakukan analisis unsur pada sampel abu dasar dan abu terbang batubara menggunakan teknik analisis aktivasi neutron instrumental(AANI). Sampel diiradiasi pada fasilitas rabbit sistem di reaktor G.A Siwabessy, dengan neutron fluks ~ 1013 n.cm-2.s-1, selanjutnya dicacah menggunakan detektor spektrometri gamma HPGe. Validasi metode dilakukan dengan menganalisis standard reference material (SRM) 1633b coal fly ash. dari National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Beberapa unsur seperti Al, As, Ce, Co, Cr, Fe, K, La, Mn, Na, Sc, Sm, Ti dan V terdeteksi pada kedua sampel. Konsentrasi unsur toksik yang berdampak pada lingkungan seperti As dan Cr pada sampel abu dasar masing-masing sebesar 6,24 dan 137,4 mg/kg, adapun pada abu terbang masing-masing sebesar 6,37 dan 39,0 mg/kg. Konsentrasi As pada kedua sampel tersebut telah melebihi batas baku mutu yang ditetapkan dalam PP no.85 tahun 1999


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    Air particulate matter concentrations, black carbon as well as elemental concentrations in two semi industrial sites were investigated as a preliminary study for evaluation of air quality in these areas. Sampling of airborne particulate matter was conducted in July 2009 using a Gent stacked filter unit sampler and a total of 18 pairs of samples were collected. Black carbon was determined by reflectance measurement and elemental analysis was performed using particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE). Elements Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn and As were detected. Twenty four hour PM25 concentration at semi industrial sites Kiaracondong and Holis ranged from 4.0 to 22.2 pg m 3, while the PM1,9concentration ranged from 24.5 to 77.1 pg m 3. High concentration of crustal elements, sulphur and zinc were identified in fine and coarse fractions for both sites. The fine fraction data from both sites were analyzed using a multivariate principal component analysis and for Kiaracondong site, identified factors are attributed to sea-salt with soil dust, vehicular emissions and biomass burning, non ferrous smelter, and iron/steel work industry, while for Holis site identified factors are attributed to soil dust, industrial emissions, vehicular emissions with biomass burning, and sea-salt. Although particulate samples were collected from semi industrial sites, vehicular emissions constituted with S, Zn and BC were identified in both sites. Investigasi terkait konsentrasi massa partikulat udara, black carbon dan konsentrasi unsur pada sampel partikulat udara yang disampling di dua daerah semi industri merupakan studi pendahuluan sebagai evaluasi kualitas udara di daerah ini. Sampling sampel partikulat udara dilakukan di bulan Juli 2009 menggunakan sampler Gent stacked filter unit, dan diperoleh sebanyak 18 pasang sampel. Penentuan Black carbon dilakukan menggunakan pengukuran reflektansi dan analisis unsur dilakukan menggunakan particle induced x-ray emission (PIXE). Unsur-unsur Na, Mg, Al, Si. P. S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn dan As dapat dideteksi dengan balk. Konsentrasi 24 jam PM2.5 di daerah semi industri Kiaracondong dan Holis berkisar 4,0 hingga 22,2 pg m-3, sementara konsentrasi PM10 berkisar 24,5 hingga 77,1 pg m 3. Unsur-unsur tanah, sulfur dan seng terdeteksi dalam korrsentrasi tinggi pada sampel partikulat udara halus maupun kasar pada kedua lokasi. Data partikulat halus dari kedua lokasi selanjutnya diolah menggunakan multivariate principal component analysis, untuk daerah Kiaracondong dapat diidentifikasikan faktor yang berasal dari garam laut dan debu tanah, emisi kendaraan bermotor dan pembakaran biomassa, peleburan logam non besi, industri besi/baja, sementara itu untuk daerah Ho/is teridentifikasi faktor yang berasal dari debu tanah, emisi industri, emisi kendaraan bermotor dengan pembakaran biomassa dan garam laut. Sekalipun sampel partikulat udara diambil di lokasi semi industri, cumber pencemaran berupa emisi kendaraan bermotor yang terkait korelasi S, Zn dan BC teridentifikasi pada kedua lokasi


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    ABSTRAK PENENTUAN KONSENTRASI URANIUM DALAM SAMPEL SERBUK UO2 DAN U3O8 MENGGUNAKAN ANALISIS AKTIVASI NEUTRON INSTRUMENTAL PADA UJI PROFISIENSI LABORATORIUM BATAN. Teknik analisis aktivasi neutron (AAN) merupakan salah satu teknik analisis nuklir yang telah banyak dimanfaatkan untuk analisis unsur pada berbagai matriks sampel. Pada kegiatan ini, telah dilakukan aplikasi teknik analisis aktivasi neutron instrumental dalam penentuan uranium pada serbuk UO2 dan U3O8 dalam rangka program uji profisiensi di bidang bahan bakar nuklir BATAN. Sampel diiradiasi selama 1 menit pada fasilitas iradiasi rabbit reaktor TRIGA 2000 Bandung dengan fluks neutron ~ 1013 n.cm-2.s-1, selanjutnya dicacah menggunakan spektrometri gamma detektor HPGe. Konsentrasi uranium diidentifikasi dengan radionuklida 239Np pada energi 106,3 keV yang terbentuk berdasarkan reaksi 238U(n, g)239U (waktu paruh 23,47 menit) setelah terjadi peluruhan beta. Hasil analisis menunjukkan konsentrasi uranium pada sampel A1, A2, B1 dan B2 masing-masing 78,03; 74,79; 71,13 dan 71,48%. Nilai Z-score untuk sampel A adalah -1,59 sedangkan untuk sampel B, Z-score antar lab dan intra lab masing-masing -0,51 dan -0,92. Komparasi metode AAN dengan metode lain seperti UV-Vis juga dilakukan, dimana keduanya memberikan hasil yang memuaskan. Dari hasil tersebut, menunjukkan bahwa NAA dapat diaplikasikan dalam penentuan kadar uranium dalam serbuk UO2 dan U3O8 dengan akurasi dan presisi yang baik. Kata kunci: analisis aktivasi neutron, uranium, UO2, U3O8, Z-score, uji profisiensi. ABSTRACT DETERMINATION OF URANIUM CONCENTRATION IN UO2 AND U3O8 POWDER BY INSTRUMENTAL NEUTRON ACTIVATION ANALYSIS IN BATAN LABORATORY  PROFICIENCY TEST. Neutron activation analysis (NAA) is one of nuclear analytical techniques that has been applied in several matrix samples. In this activity, the application of Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis for determination of uranium in UO2 and U3O8 powder was carried out for proficiency test program in BATAN. Samples were irradiated in rabbit facility of TRIGA 2000 Bandung reactor with neutron flux ~ 1013 n.cm-2.s-1 for 1 minute and counted with HPGe detector of gamma spectrometry. The concentration of uranium in these samples were identified at 106.3 keV energy peak of 239Np, according to reaction of 238U(n, g)239U (23,47 minute half-life) after beta particle decay. The result gave the concentration of uranium in A1, A2, B1 and B2 samples were 78.03; 74.79; 71.13 and 71.48% respectively. The Z-score value for A samples was -1.59, meanwhile the Z score values of between laboratory and intra laboratory were -0.51 and -0.92 for B1 dan B2 samples respectively. The comparison of NAA method with other method such as UV-Vis was also carried out and both methods gave satisfactory results. It can be concluded that NAA is applicable in determination of uranium concentration in UO2 and U3O8 with good accuracy and precision. Keywords: neutron activation analysis, uranium, UO2, U3O8, Z-score, proficiency test

    Analisis Kelancaran Prosedural Matematis Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Program Linear

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    ABSTRAK Matematika merupakan pelajaran yang sangat berperan penting dalam aspek kehidupan, oleh karena itu pelajaran matematika diberikan kepada peserta didik di setiap jenjang pendidikan agar mereka mampu menguasai kecakapan matematis. Salah satu di antara kemampuan yang sangat penting dalam pembelajaran matematika adalah kemampuan kelancaran prosedural. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kelancaran prosedural siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal program linear di kelas XI SMA Bidayatul Hidayah. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan berupa lembar tes dan pedoman wawancara. Hasil penelitian diperoleh siswa yang memiliki kemampuan prosedural matematis yang tinggi ialah sebanyak satu orang siswa karena memenuhi ketiga indikator yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, sedangkan sebanyak dua orang siswa hanya memenuhi indikator kedua dari kemampuan kelancaran prosedural matematis siswa, selain itu dua siswa lainnya memiliki kemampuan kelancaran prosedural matematis yang rendah karena tidak memenuhi semua indikator yang digunakan dalam penelitian. ABSTRACTMathematics is a subject that plays an important role in aspects of life, therefore mathematics lessons are given to students at every level of education so that they are able to master mathematical skills. One of the most important abilities in learning mathematics is the ability to fluency in procedures. This study aims to analyze students' procedural fluency in solving linear program questions in class XI SMA Bidayatul Hidayah. This research uses a qualitative approach that is descriptive. The research instrument used was in the form of test sheets and interview guidelines. The results showed that students who have high mathematical procedural skills are as many as one student because they meet the three indicators used in this study, while as many as two students only meet the second indicator of students' mathematical procedural fluency skills, besides that the other two students have fluency skills. low mathematical procedural because it does not meet all the indicators used in study