208 research outputs found


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    As a result of the Project "Medicalization in Goiás: critical investigations in the history and contemporaneity of biopsychosocial practices and discourses", this paper reports a research on the drama of teacher’s psychiatrization in the teacher-student relationship in the municipal educational system of Goiania, Brazil. The sickness absenteeism of teachers from elementary education for medical reasons coded with the F index of the ICD-10 envisages a context of precariousness of work in capitalism, with impacts on the social relationship between teachers and students. We discuss the characteristics pointed out in this interaction that reveal the dialectical complexity of the drama of psychiatric illness and the material conditions of the work experience, performing a qualitative analysis of data collected in sheets, synthesized from medical license records made available by the Municipal Medical Board. Our reference was Cultural-Historical Psychology as interpreted by Yves Clot's Clinic of Activity. We considered 35 sheets that refer to the teacher-student relationship during the process of teacher’s psychiatrization. Thereon, we divided categories between complaints and its developments, which reveal a common process in the suffering of these teachers. The results note that the occupational psychopathologies is related to the precariousness and expropriation of the real of the activity from the workers. We conclude our research with emphasis on the intervention of the collective as a resource to face psychiatrization, as well as subsidizing public policies that aim to face the precariousness of work as a socially constituted process at the heart of a dialectical historical-social context.Vinculada al Proyecto "Medicalización en Goiás: investigaciones críticas en la historia y contemporaneidad de las prácticas y discursos biopsicosociales", esta investigación de Iniciación Científica se refiere al análisis del drama de la psiquiatrización docente en la relación docente-alumno en la red municipal de Goiânia. El absentismo de docentes de la educación básica por motivos médicos codificados con el índice F de la CIE-10 avizora un contexto de precariedad del trabajo en el capitalismo, con impactos en la relación social entre docentes y alumnos. Discutimos las características señaladas en esta interacción que revelan la complejidad dialéctica del drama de la enfermedad psíquica y las condiciones materiales de el trabajo, con el análisis cualitativo de fichas de síntesis, elaboradas a partir de actas de licencias médicas puestas a disposición por el Consejo Médico Municipal. Nuestra perspectiva fue la Psicología Histórico-Cultural según la interpretación de la Clínica de la Actividad de Yves Clot. Se consideraron 35 fichas que se refieren a la relación docente-alumno. Creamos categorías, divididas entre quejas y sus desarrollos, que revelan procesos comunes en el sufrimiento de estos docentes. Nuestras conclusiones notan que la presencia de psicopatologías ocupacionales está relacionada con la precariedad y expropiación de lo real de la actividad de los trabajadores. Concluimos nuestra investigación con énfasis en la intervención del colectivo como recurso para enfrentar la psiquiatrización, así como subsidiar políticas públicas que apunten a enfrentar la precariedad del trabajo como un proceso socialmente constituido en el seno de un contexto dialéctico histórico-social.Vinculada ao Projeto "Medicalização em Goiás: investigações críticas na história e contemporaneidade de práticas e discursos biopsicossociais", o presente artigo relata pesquisa referente ao drama da psiquiatrização docente na relação professor-aluno da rede municipal de Goiânia. O absenteísmo-doença de professores da educação básica por razões médicas codificadas com o índice F do CID-10 mostra um contexto de precarização e alienação do trabalho no capitalismo, com impactos na relação social entre docentes e estudantes. Discutimos as características apontadas dessa (e nessa) interação que desvelam a complexidade dialética do drama do adoecimento psíquico e das condições materiais da vivência laboral, com a análise qualitativa de fichas-sínteses elaboradas a partir de prontuários de licenças médicas disponibilizados pela Junta Médica Municipal de Goiânia. Nosso referencial foi a Psicologia Histórico-Cultural tal como interpretada pela Clínica da Atividade de Yves Clot. Consideramos 35 fichas - de 109 analisadas - que se referem à relação professor-aluno no decorrer do processo de psiquiatrização docente. Em seguida, criamos categorias, rotuladas como queixas e desdobramentos, que revelam processos comuns no sofrimento desses docentes. Observamos que a presença de psicopatologias laborais se relaciona à precarização e à desapropriação do real da atividade pelo trabalhador. Consideramos que a doença é um processo socialmente constituído no âmago de um contexto histórico-social dialético, finalizando nossa pesquisa com destaque para a intervenção do coletivo como recurso de enfrentamento à psiquiatrização, bem como subsidiando políticas públicas que visem a enfrentar a precarização laboral

    Aplicação multimédia sobre a Ria Formosa e seus fins educacionais (ForDid)

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    Na atualidade torna-se inquestionável a necessidade de integrar a aprendizagem com as novas tecnologias de modo a cativar e facilitar a compreensão dos temas abordados através de aplicações didáticas. Durante a última década o Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental (CIMA) assumiu a responsabilidade de criar meios eficazes de comunicação entre o público em geral e a comunidade científica, através de plataformas multimédia interativas. Foram objecto destas aplicações didáticas as várias vertentes do património natural do Algarve. Após o sucesso das primeiras aplicações GuaDid e MonDid visando o Estuário do Rio Guadiana e a Serra de Monchique respectivamente, o desafio de criar e inovar foi acrescido, resultando numa nova aplicação – ForDid, visando a divulgação do importante sistema lagunar Ria Formosa.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    O objetivo do presente estudo consiste na análise do tratamento dos dados pessoais de crianças e adolescentes, o papel da família e a problemática dos brinquedos conectados. Por meio do método dedutivo, analisa-se de forma documental e bibliográfica, a Lei nº 13.709/2018. Essa análise propõe um maior resguardo à privacidade das crianças e adolescentes. O crescimento das interações eletrônicas, principalmente em momentos de pandemia, deve se desenvolver em um ambiente Seguro com adoção de mecanismos que propiciem o acesso dos usuários a sites e plataformas seguras, sem abusos

    Mudança do nível do mar no golfo de Cádiz durante o Plistocénico tardio e Holocénico

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    The multiproxy information data set obtained from borehole sequences permitted to establish a robust chronology of events, which led to the post glacial infilling of the terminal stretches of regional river palleovaleys. The paleoecological reconstructions combined with 14C age model of Guadiana Estuary sedimentary record revealed the fast sea level rise period since ca 13.5 kyr cal BP, halted during the Younger Dryas and resuming at ca 11500 yr cal BP. The Holocene history of coastal evolution is also well documented in the Estuary of Arade and in Ria Formoza, pointing to the sea level stabilization at ca 7500 cal BP after a last jump of up to 8 meters in 700 years which corresponds to the Meltwater pulse 1c. Since then, the upwards movement of the sea surface continued at much slower pace, ie with the 1.2 mm yr-1 rate. The integration of the data embracing the period from since ca 13.5 ka cal BP, to the actuality enabled us to propose the sea-level rise curve for the SW Iberian Atlantic margin. When confronted with the current altimetric data from TOPEX/POSEIDON, Jason I and Jason II satellites, the millennial time-scale natural trend enables to estimate the anthropogenic forcing of SLR to be in order of 1.2 – 1.8 mm year.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Evolution of anthocyanin content during grape ripening and characterization of the phenolic profile of the resulting wine by comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography

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    The typical phenolic profile in grapes is characterized by its complexity both in terms of number of diverse chemical structures and their variation during ripening. Besides, the specific phenolic composition of grapes directly influences the presence of those components in the resulting wine. In this contribution, a new method based on the application of comprehensive two-dimensional liquid chromatography coupled to a diode array detector and tandem mass spectrometry has been developed to obtain the typical phenolic profile of Malbec grapes cultivated in Brazil. Moreover, the method has been demonstrated to be useful to study how the phenolic composition in grapes evolved during a 10-week ripening period. Main detected compounds in grapes and in the wine derived from them were anthocyanins, although a good number of polymeric flavan-3-ols were also tentatively identified, among other compounds. Results show how the amount of anthocyanins present in grapes was increased during ripening up to 5–6 weeks and then decreased towards week 9. The two-dimensional approach applied was demonstrated to be useful for the characterization of the complex phenolic profile of these samples, involving more than 40 different structures and has the potential to be further applied to the study of this important fraction is different grapes and wines systematically

    Social networks in health care for hypertensive elderly people

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    Background: Social Networks are characterized by their dynamism and continuous exchange of information, being fundamental to face acute or chronic health conditions and their related problems. It is therefore believed that elderly hypertensive people are inserted in social networks formed through interactions that help them face chronic disease and that such structures include diverse aspects that affect the care processes that are directly related to the perceptions of these patients on hypertension and its treatment.   Aim: To disclose social networks used by elderly hypertensive patients created through the health care offered by health professionals and/or relatives. Method: descriptive cross sectional study with a qualitative approach developed in two basic care urban units of a Northeastern Brazil municipality during February and March, 2016. The sample was composed of 26 elderly patients of both sexes registered in the selected units. Data collection took place through a semi-structured interview carried out at the patients’ domiciles. Data was processed through the Iramuteq software and analyzed through the Descending Hierarchical Classification (DHC). Results: results were introduced in two axes: Axe 1: hypertension implications in the life of the elderly according to the following classification: Class 5: pharmacological treatment and side effects; Class 4: hypertension signs and symptoms; Axe 2: hypertension-based links formed with the different classes; Class 2: links that strengthen care; Class 1: pharmacological treatment and side effects; Class 3: professionals who promote hypertensive elderly patients’ care.    Conclusion: interactions developed by hypertensive elderly patients reveal the key role that pharmacological treatment plays in the construction of social networks, negatively affecting the elderly perceptions on the right therapy and highlighting health professionals that promote health care

    What is the impact of interventions that prevent fetal mortality on the increase of preterm live births in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil?

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    BACKGROUND: There is a global growing trend of preterm births and a decline trend of fetal deaths. Is there an impact of the decline of fetal mortality on the increase of preterm live births in State of Sao Paulo, Brazil? METHODS: The time trends were evaluated by gestational age through exponential regression analysis. Data analyzed included the fetal mortality ratio, proportion of preterm live births, fertility rate of women 35 years and over, prenatal care, mother's education, multiple births and cesarean section deliveries. A survival analysis was carried out for 2000 and 2010. RESULTS: Preterm births showed the highest annual increase (3.2%) in the less than 28 weeks of gestation group and fetal mortality ratio decreased (7.4%) in the same gestational age group. There was an increase of cesarean section births and it was higher in the < 28 weeks group (6.1%). There was a decreased annual trend of mothers with inadequate prenatal care (6.1%) and low education (8.8%) and an increased trend in multiple births and fertility rates of women of 35 years and over. The variables were highly correlated to which other over time. In 2000, 8.2% of all pregnancies resulted in preterm births (0.9% in fetal deaths and 7.3% in live births). In 2010, the preterm birth increased to 9.4% (0.8% were preterm fetal deaths and 8.6% preterm live births). CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that 45.2% could be the maximum contribution of successful interventions to prevent a fetal death on the increase in preterm live births. This increasing trend is also related to changes of the women reproductive profile with the change of the women reproductive profile and access to prenatal care

    Fatores intervenientes para o cuidado de enfermagem na alimentação da criança hospitalizada em quimioterapia

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    Objective: to describe the intervening factors for nursing care in the feeding of hospitalized children undergoing antineoplastic chemotherapy. Method: qualitative, descriptive study conducted in a public pediatric university hospital in the state of Rio de Janeiro, from October to December 2015. Seventeen nursing professionals were interviewed, and data were subjected to Thematic Analysis. Results: multiprofessional teamwork, understanding of family and interaction, bonding and conversation with the child were considered facilitating factors. In turn, provision of inappropriate food by the family and hospital rules regarding the meal hours of children and caregivers were pointed as difficulties. Conclusion: The feeding of children on chemotherapy, as daily and habitual care, is a challenge for nursing professionals due to the limitations imposed by the hospital setting and treatment. Nursing care can be facilitated through joint actions with the multidisciplinary health team and the family.Objetivo: describir los factores intervinientes en el cuidado de enfermería en la alimentación del niño hospitalizado en quimioterapia antineoplásica. Método: estudio cualitativo, descriptivo, realizado en un hospital universitario pediátrico público en el Estado del Río de Janeiro, de octubre a diciembre de 2015. Fueron entrevistados 17 profesionales de enfermería y los datos sometidos al Análisis Temático. Resultados: trabajo en equipo multiprofesional, entendimiento de la familia y convivencia, vínculo y conversación con el niño fueron considerados factores facilitadores; mientras, la oferta de alimentos inapropiados por la familia y reglas hospitalarias relacionadas a la comida de niños y acompañantes como dificultadores. Conclusión: la alimentación del niño en quimioterapia, bien como el cuidado cotidiano, es un desafío para los profesionales de enfermería debido a los límites impuestos por el escenario hospitalario y del tratamiento. El cuidado de enfermería puede ser facilitado por medio de acciones conjuntas entre el equipo multiprofesional de salud y la familia.Objetivo: descrever os fatores intervenientes para o cuidado de enfermagem na alimentação da criança hospitalizada em quimioterapia antineoplásica. Método: estudo qualitativo, descritivo, realizado em um hospital universitário pediátrico público no Estado do Rio de Janeiro, de outubro a dezembro de 2015. Foram entrevistados 17 profissionais de enfermagem, sendo os dados submetidos à Análise Temática. Resultados: trabalho em equipe multiprofissional, entendimento da família e convívio, vínculo e conversa com a criança foram considerados fatores facilitadores; enquanto, oferta de alimentos inapropriados pela família e regras hospitalares quanto à refeição de crianças e acompanhantes como dificultadores. Conclusão: a alimentação da criança em quimioterapia, enquanto cuidado cotidiano e habitual, é um desafio para os profissionais de enfermagem devido aos limites impostos pelo cenário hospitalar e pelo tratamento. O cuidado de enfermagem pode ser facilitado por meio de ações conjuntas com a equipe multiprofissional de saúde e a família


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    Bacaba (Oenocarpus bacaba Mart.) Belongs to the Arecaceae family, being a native palm tree found in two Brazilian biomes, Amazonia and Cerrado and has its unknown endophytic microbiota, despite its economic importance. Endophytic microorganisms inhabit the interior of the plant being found in plant organs and tissues, such as leaves, branches and roots, and may occupy inter and intracellular spaces and through this interaction of plant and microorganism occurs the production of enzymes such as cellulase, lipase, among others, which by facilitating colonization of plant tissues and help in pest control. Thus, this study aimed to isolate endophytic fungi from bacaba (O. bacaba) in order to detect extracellular enzyme production. Leaf and stem samples were collected from three bacaba individuals in the city of Rio Branco, Acre in September 2018. The samples were disinfected and inoculated in Potato-Dextrose-Agar medium and incubated at 28 ºC. The isolated fungi were identified by macro and micromorphological analysis and evaluated for enzymatic activity. Thirty-seven fungi were isolated, with Aspergillus being the most frequent. Among the isolates analyzed, the fungus with the highest enzymatic index was Phomopsis 2.5932, with IE = 6.5 for amylolytic activity and IE = 6.0 for cellulolytic activity. This is the first report on endophytic fungi description of bacaba (Oenocarpus bacaba), and on its enzymatic production.Keywords: Cellulase, Amylase, Phomopsis, Aspergillus.Bacaba (Oenocarpus bacaba Mart.), pertence à família Arecaceae, sendo uma palmeira nativa encontrada em dois biomas brasileiros, Amazônia e Cerrado e tem sua microbiota endofítica desconhecida, apesar de sua importância econômica. Microrganismos endofíticos habitam o interior da planta sendo encontrados em órgãos e tecidos vegetais, como folhas, ramos e raízes, podendo ocupar espaços inter e intracelulares e através dessa interação de planta com microrganismo ocorre a produção de enzimas como a celulase, lipase, entre outras, que por facilitam a colonização dos tecidos das plantas e ajudam no controle de pragas. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo isolar fungos endofíticos de bacaba (O. bacaba) a fim de detectar a produção de enzimas extracelulares. Foram coletadas amostras de folha e caule de três locais de bacaba na cidade de Rio Branco, Acre em setembro de 2018. As amostras foram desinfectadas e inoculadas em meio Batata-Dextrose-Ágar e incubado a 28 oC. Os fungos isolados foram identificados pela análise macro e micromorfológica e avaliados quanto a atividade enzimática. Foram isolados 37 fungos, sendo Aspergillus o mais frequente. Dentre os isolados analisados, o fungo com maior índice enzimático foi Phomopsis 2.5932, com IE = 6,5 para atividade amilolítica e IE=6,0 para atividade celulolítica. Este é o primeiro relato sobre descrição fungos endofiticos de bacaba (Oenocarpus bacaba), e sobre sua produção enzimática.Palavras-chave: Celulase, Amilase, Phomopsis, Aspergillus