13,258 research outputs found

    Influenza and memory T cells : how to awake the force

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    Annual influenza vaccination is an effective way to prevent human influenza. Current vaccines are mainly focused on eliciting a strain-matched humoral immune response, requiring yearly updates, and do not provide protection for all vaccinated individuals. The past few years, the importance of cellular immunity, and especially memory T cells, in long-lived protection against influenza virus has become clear. To overcome the shortcomings of current influenza vaccines, eliciting both humoral and cellular immunity is imperative. Today, several new vaccines such as infection-permissive and recombinant T cell inducing vaccines, are being developed and show promising results. These vaccines will allow us to stay several steps ahead of the constantly evolving influenza virus

    Perfil Discriminante de Jovens Dependentes de Internet: O Papel das Relações Familiares

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    International studies have shown effects of family relations on Internet addiction in young people. This research aimed to outline a discriminant profile of young people classified as dependent and not dependent on the Internet regarding to socio-biodemographic variables to parenting practices, parent-child conflict and interparental conflict. The sample consisted of 200 students (152 girls and 48 boys), between 15 and 24 years of age, 85.5% reside in Rio Grande do Sul and 14.5% in other Brazilian states. Participants responded individually to the protocol available online. The results showed that interparental conflict, parent-child conflict and the educational practice of supervision of paternal behavior discriminate dependents on Internet. The educational practice of maternal emotional support was the only discriminating variable for non-dependents. These national findings corroborate the international context studies and reinforce the importance of including the family in promotion and prevention of mental health of young people.Estudios internacionales señalan las repercusiones de las relaciones familiares en la dependencia de Internet en jóvenes. Esta investigación trazó un perfil discriminante de jóvenes clasificados como dependientes de Internet en relación a variables socio-biodemográficas, prácticas educativas parentales, conflicto padres-hijos y el conflicto interparental. La muestra fue compuesta por 200 jóvenes (152 niñas y 48 niños), con edad de 15 a 24 años, 85,5% con domicilio en Rio Grande Del Sur y 14,5% en otras provincias brasileñas. Los participantes respondieron individualmente al protocolo disponible online. Los resultados mostraron que el conflicto interparental, el conflicto padres-hijos y la práctica educativa de supervisión de comportamiento paterno discriminan los dependientes de Internet. La práctica educativa de apoyo emocional materno fue la única variable discriminante para los dependientes. Estos hallazgos del contexto nacional corroboran estudios internacionales y refuerzan la inclusión de la familia en las acciones de promoción y prevención de la salud mental en jóvenes.Estudos internacionais têm apontado repercussões das relações familiares na dependência de internet em jovens. Esta pesquisa buscou traçar um perfil discriminante de jovens classificados como dependentes e não dependentes de internet em relação às variáveis sociobiodemográficas, práticas educativas parentais, conflito pais-filho e conflito interparental. A amostra foi constituída por 200 jovens, com idades de 15 a 24 anos, 85,5% residentes no Rio Grande do Sul e 14,5% em outros estados brasileiros. Os participantes responderam individualmente ao protocolo disponível on-line. Os resultados mostraram que o conflito interparental, o conflito pais-filhos e a prática educativa de supervisão de comportamento paterno discriminam os dependentes de internet. A prática educativa de apoio emocional materno foi a única variável discriminante para os não dependentes. Esses achados do contexto nacional corroboram estudos internacionais e reforçam a importância da inclusão da família nas ações de promoção e prevenção à saúde mental dos jovens

    Conflito e Triangulação Coparental, Regulação Emocional e Problemas Externalizantes em Adolescentes: Relações diretas e indiretas

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    Las dificultades en la coparentalidad reverberan en problemas de externalización en adolescentes. Sin embargo, existe una falta de comprensión sobre los mecanismos que median esta relación. La regulación emocional es un posible vínculo entre estos constructos. El objetivo de este estudio fue probar un modelo estructural en el que la desregulación emocional es mediadora entre la coparentalidad y los problemas de externalización en adolescentes. Este es un estudio cuantitativo, transversal y explicativo. Cuenta con una muestra de 229 adolescentes entre 11 y 18 años que viven en el interior de Rio Grande do Sul. Se utilizó el modelo de ecuaciones estructurales para probar la validez empírica del modelo teórico propuesto. Los resultados proporcionaron evidencia para el avance del estudio de las relaciones familiares y los mecanismos explicativos en el desarrollo de problemas de externalización. Algunos dominios de desregulación emocional median la asociación entre las dimensiones negativas de los problemas de coparentalidad y problemas de externalización. Se analizan y discuten las relaciones directas e indirectas entre las variables del modelo.Dificuldades no exercício da coparentalidade reverberam em problemas externalizantes em adolescentes. Entretanto, há escassez no entendimento sobre mecanismos que medeiam essa relação. A regulação emocional apresenta-se como possível ligação entre esses construtos. O objetivo deste estudo foi testar um modelo estrutural no qual a desregulação emocional é mediadora entre coparentalidade e problemas externalizantes em adolescentes. Trata-se de estudo com delineamento quantitativo, transversal, explicativo. Contou com uma amostra de 229 adolescentes entre 11 a 18 anos, residentes no interior do Rio Grande do Sul. Foi utilizada modelagem de equações estruturais para testar a validade empírica do modelo teórico proposto. Os resultados forneceram evidências para o avanço do estudo das relações familiares e mecanismos explicativos no desenvolvimento de problemas externalizantes. Alguns domínios de desregulação emocional são mediadores da associação entre dimensões negativas de coparentalidade e problemas externalizantes. As relações diretas e indiretas entre as variáveis do modelo são analisadas e discutidas.Difficulties in coparenting performance reverberate in externalizing problems in adolescents. However, understanding on the mechanisms mediating this relationship is scarce. Emotion regulation is a possible link between these constructs. This study aims to test a structural model in which emotional dysregulation mediates coparenting and externalizing problems in adolescents. This is a quantitative, cross-sectional, and explanatory study. The sample consisted of 229 adolescents aged between 11 and 18, living in inland cities of Rio Grande do Sul. Structural equation modeling was used to test the empirical validity of the proposed theoretical model. Results provided evidence for the advance of the study on family relationships and explanatory mechanisms in the development of externalizing problems. Some domains of emotion deregulation mediate the association between coparenting negative dimensions and externalizing problems. Direct and indirect relationships between the model variables are analyzed and discussed

    The Interface Between Quality and Violence in Marital Relationships

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    La violencia marital ha sido asociada a la reducción de niveles de calidad marital, pero otros estudios identifican independencia entre esas variables. Se objetivó mensurar niveles de calidad y violencia marital, la relación con características sociodemográficas y el poder predictivo de diferentes tipos de violencia en la calidad marital. En este estudio cuantitativo participaron 186 parejas heterosexuales ( N = 372). Los instrumentos fueron: cuestionario sociodemográfico, GRIMS (GolombokRustInventory of Marital State) y CTS2 (RevisedConflictTacticsScales). De los participantes, 66,5 % valoró la calidad marital entre media y muy buena y el 33,5% desde pobre a problemas muy graves. Aunque han preponderado buenos niveles de calidad marital, las tasas de violencia psicológica han alcanzado el 86,6 %. Fue encontrada correlación negativa entre violencia y calidad marital. Hay una posible naturalización de la violencia en las relaciones, especialmente la psicológica, que ha tenido un mayor poder predictivo de problemas matrimoniales.Domestic violence has been considered accountable for a reduction inthe level of marital quality, although no relationship has been identified between these variables. This study aimed to measure the levels of marital quality and domestic violence, as well as their relationship with sociodemographic characteristics and the predictive power of the different types of violence on martial quality. This quantitative study included 186 heterosexual couples (N = 372), who answered a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Golombok Rust Inventory of Marital State (GRIMS), and the Revised Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS2). The respondents assessed their marital quality as being average or very good (66.5%), and poor or with very severe problems (33.5%). Although good levels of marital quality prevailed, the rates of psychological violence reached 86.6%. A negative correlation was found between violence and marital quality. A possible naturalization of violence was found, especially psychological, which was the dimension with the highest predictive power for marital problems.A violência conjugal tem sido apontada como responsável pela redução dos níveis de qualidade conjugal, porém outros estudos identificam independência entre essas variáveis. O objetivo deste estudo foi mensurar os níveis de qualidade e violência conjugal, bem como a relação com características sociodemográficas e o poder preditivo dos diferentes tipos de violência na qualidade conjugal. Participaram deste estudo quantitativo, 186 casais heterossexuais (N = 372) que responderam um questionário sociodemográfico, o Golombok Rust Inventory of Marital State (GRIMS)e o Revised Conflict Tactics Scales(CTS2). Dos participantes, 66,5% avaliaram a qualidade conjugal entre média e muito boa e 33,5% entre pobre a problemas muito severos. Ainda que tenham preponderado bons níveis de qualidade conjugal, os índices de violência psicológica chegaram a 86,6%. Houve correlação negativa entre violência e qualidade conjugal. Verifica-se uma possível naturalização da violência nos relacionamentos, especialmente a psicológica, que foi a dimensão com maior poder preditivo de problemas na conjugalidade

    Personality traits and marital adjustment: interaction between intra and interpersonal aspects

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    Las características de la personalidad se han evaluado debido a los reflejos en la satisfacción y ajuste marital. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar los efectos actor-pareja de los rasgos de personalidad en el ajuste marital de las parejas heterosexuales. El estudio, cuantitativo y explicativo, evaluó 231 parejas de diferentes ciudades del Rio Grande do Sul. Los entrevistados completaron un cuestionario sociodemográfico, el Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale y la escala de Adjetivos Marcadores de la Personalidad. Los datos fueron analizados por el Modelo de Rasgos Latentes. Los resultados indicaron que los fatores socialización, neuroticismo y realización tuvieran un efecto en el ajuste marital de los maridos y las esposas. El neuroticismo de las esposas y el factor de realización de los maridos tuvieran un efecto en la pareja. Los factores extroversión y apertura no provocaron efectos de actor-pareja en el ajuste marital de las parejas. Los resultados se examinan a la luz de otros estudios y se sugieren agendas de investigación.Personality characteristics have been evaluated due to the reflexes that they provoke in the conjugal satisfaction and adjustment. The objective of this study was to evaluate the actor-partner effects of personality traits on the conjugal adjustment of heterosexual couples. The study, quantitative and explanatory, evaluated 231 couples from different cities of Rio Grande do Sul. Respondents completed the Socio-demographic questionnaire, the Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale and the Personality Adjectives Marker scale. The data was analyzed using the Latent Traits Model. The results indicate that socialization, neuroticism and achievement factors have an effect on the marital adjustment of husbands and wives. There is a partner effect on the wives’ neuroticism factor and on the husbands’ achievement factor. The extroversion and openness factors do not provoke actor-partner effects on the adjustment of the couples. The results are discussed in the light of other studies and research agendas are suggested.As características de personalidade têm sido avaliadas devido aos reflexos que provocam na satisfação e no ajustamento conjugal. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos ator-parceiro dos traços de personalidade sobre o ajustamento conjugal de casais heterossexuais. O estudo, quantitativo e explicativo, avaliou 231 casais provenientes de diferentes cidades do Rio Grande do Sul. Os respondentes preencheram questionário sócio demográfico, o Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale e a escala de Adjetivos Marcadores da Personalidade. Os dados foram analisados por meio do Modelo de Traços Latentes. Os resultados indicam que os fatores socialização, neuroticismo e realização provocam efeito ator sobre o ajustamento conjugal de maridos e esposas. Ocorre efeito parceiro no fator neuroticismo das esposas e no fator realização dos maridos. Os fatores extroversão e abertura não provocam efeitos ator-parceiro sobre o ajustamento dos casais. Os resultados são discutidos à luz de outros estudos e agendas de pesquisa são sugeridas

    New simplified molecular design for functional T cell receptor

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    We have produced a chimeric single-chain T cell receptor (TcR) that combines the specific antibody recognition function and TcR/CD3 signaling properties within the same polypeptide chain. This hybrid molecule consisted of a single-chain antibody combining site that was connected over a short spacer to the transmembrane and cytoplasmic region of CD3. When expressed on TcR- or TcR+ T cell hybridomas it could mediate recognition of relevent target cells and subsequent production of lymphokines; i.e. it could functionally replace the TcR/CD3 complex. Therefore, the single-chain TcR model presented here represents an interesting and useful means for the creation of T cells with new specificities

    Immunological Changes after Cancer Treatment and Participation in an Exercise Program

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    Purpose: The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the impact of undertaking peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBST) on T-cell number and function, and to determine the role of a mixed type, moderate intensity exercise program in facilitating the recovery of T-cell number and function. Methods: Immunological measures of white blood cell, lymphocyte, CD3+, CD4+, and CD8+ counts, and CD3+ cell function were assessed pretransplant (PI), immediately posttransplant (PII), and 1 month (I1), 2 months (I2) and 3 months (PIII) posttransplant. After PII, 12 patients were divided equally into a control group (CG) or exercise intervention group (EG). Results: Lower total T-cell, helper T-cell, and suppressor T-cell counts (P < 0.01), as well as lower T-cell function (P < 0.01), when compared with normative data, were found at PI. More specifically, 88% of the group had CD3+, CD4+, and CD8+ counts that were more than 40%, 20%, and 50% below normal at PI, respectively. Undertaking a PBST caused further adverse changes to the total leukocyte, lymphocyte, CD3+, CD4+ and CD8+ count, and the helper/suppressor ratio. Although CD8+ counts had returned to normal by PIII, CD3+, CD4+, and the CD4+/CD8+ ratio remained significantly lower than normative data (P < 0.01), with 66%, 100%, and 100% of the subject group reporting counts and ratios, respectively, below the normal range. Conclusion: The PBST patients were immunocompromised before undertaking the transplant, and the transplant procedure imposed further adverse changes to the leukocyte and lymphocyte counts. The leukocyte and CD8+ counts returned to normal within 3 months posttransplant; however, the other immunological parameters assessed demonstrated a delayed recovery. Although participation in the exercise program did not facilitate a faster immune cell recovery, neither did the exercise program hinder or delay recovery

    Modulation of Cox-1, 5-, 12- and 15-Lox by popular herbal remedies used in southern Italy against psoriasis and other skin diseases.

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    Acanthus mollis (Acanthaceae), Achillea ligustica, Artemisia arborescens and Inula viscosa (Asteraceae) are used in Southern Italy against psoriasis and other skin diseases that occur with an imbalanced production of eicosanoids. We here assessed their in vitro effects upon 5-, 12-, 15-LOX and COX-1 enzymes as well as NFκB activation in intact cells as their possible therapeutic targets. All methanol crude extracts inhibited both 5-LOX and COX-1 activities under 200 µg/mL, without significant effects on the 12-LOX pathway or any relevant in vitro free radical scavenging activity. NFκB activation was prevented by all extracts but A. mollis. Interestingly, A. ligustica, A. arborescens and A. mollis increased the biosynthesis of 15(S)-HETE, an anti-inflammatory eicosanoid. A. ligustica (IC50 =49.5 µg/mL) was superior to Silybum marianum (IC50 =147.8 µg/mL), which we used as antipsoriatic herbal medicine of reference. Its n-hexane, dichloromethane and ethyl acetate fractions had also inhibitory effects on the LTB4 biosynthesis (IC50 s=9.6, 20.3 and 68 µg/mL, respectively) evidencing that the apolar extracts of A. ligustica are promising active herbal ingredients for future phytotherapeutical products targeting psoriasis

    Conflicto, Estrategias de Resolución y Calidad Conyugal

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    Son importantes los estudios sobre conflicto y calidad conyugal en la práctica clínica con parejas. Se analizó el poder predictivo de los motivos y estilos de resolución de conflictos sobre la calidad conyugal en una muestra de la región Sur de Brasil. Se aplicó a 750 hombres y a 750 mujeres con un promedio de edad de 40 años (SD = 11.07) la ficha de datos sociodemográficos Marital Conflict Scale, Conflict Resolution Style Inventory y The Golombok Rust Inventory of Marital State. La calidad conyugal se asoció con el modo con el cual las parejas resuelven sus conflictos y con sus motivos de discusión. El uso de estrategias constructivas de resolución de conflictos fue el predictor de la calidad conyugal, así como los motivos relacionados con las cuestiones financieras, las tareas domésticas y el tiempo juntos. Los resultados apuntan la importancia de que los profesionales tengan en cuenta la naturaleza de los conflictos conyugales reportados por las parejas y las estrategias utilizadas para resolverlos como los factores implicados en la evaluación de la calidad conyugal.Studies on conflict and marital quality are important for clinical practice involving couples. We analyzed the predictive power of motives and conflict resolution styles on marital quality in a sample from Southern Brazil. The following were applied to 750 men and 750 women aged 40 years old on average (SD = 11.07): sociodemographic data sheet, Marital Conflict Scale, Conflict Resolution Style Inventory and The Golombok Rust Inventory of Marital State. Marital quality was associated with how the couples solve their conflicts and the reasons for which they discuss. The use of constructive conflict resolution strategies was a predictor of marital quality, as were the motives related to financial issues, household chores, and time spent together. The results reveal the importance of the professionals paying attention to the nature of the marital conflicts reported by the couples and the strategies employed to solve them as factors involved in the evaluation of marital quality
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