294 research outputs found

    A deep learning classifier for sentence classification in biomedical and computer science abstracts

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    The automatic classification of abstract sentences into its main elements (background, objectives, methods, results, conclusions) is a key tool to support scientific database querying, to summarize relevant literature works and to assist in the writing of new abstracts. In this paper, we propose a novel deep learning approach based on a convolutional layer and a bidirectional gated recurrent unit to classify sentences of abstracts. First, the proposed neural network was tested on a publicly available repository containing 20 thousand abstracts from the biomedical domain. Competitive results were achieved, with weight-averaged Precision, Recall and F1-score values around 91%, and an area under the ROC curve (AUC) of 99%, which are higher when compared to a state-of-the-art neural network. Then, a crowdsourcing approach using gamification was adopted to create a new comprehensive set of 4111 classified sentences from the computer science domain, focused on social media abstracts. The results of applying the same deep learning modeling technique trained with 3287 (80%) of the available sentences were below the ones obtained for the larger biomedical dataset, with weight-averaged Precision, Recall and F1-score values between 73 and 76%, and an AUC of 91%. Considering the dataset dimension as a likely important factor for such performance decrease, a data augmentation approach was further applied. This involved the use of text mining to translate sentences of the computer science abstract corpus while retaining the same meaning. Such approach resulted in slight improvements (around 2 percentage points) for the weight-averaged Recall and F1-score values.This work was supported by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2019

    Data Science, Machine learning and big data in Digital Journalism: A survey of state-of-the-art, challenges and opportunities

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    Digital journalism has faced a dramatic change and media companies are challenged to use data science algo-rithms to be more competitive in a Big Data era. While this is a relatively new area of study in the media landscape, the use of machine learning and artificial intelligence has increased substantially over the last few years. In particular, the adoption of data science models for personalization and recommendation has attracted the attention of several media publishers. Following this trend, this paper presents a research literature analysis on the role of Data Science (DS) in Digital Journalism (DJ). Specifically, the aim is to present a critical literature review, synthetizing the main application areas of DS in DJ, highlighting research gaps, challenges, and op-portunities for future studies. Through a systematic literature review integrating bibliometric search, text min-ing, and qualitative discussion, the relevant literature was identified and extensively analyzed. The review reveals an increasing use of DS methods in DJ, with almost 47% of the research being published in the last three years. An hierarchical clustering highlighted six main research domains focused on text mining, event extraction, online comment analysis, recommendation systems, automated journalism, and exploratory data analysis along with some machine learning approaches. Future research directions comprise developing models to improve personalization and engagement features, exploring recommendation algorithms, testing new automated jour-nalism solutions, and improving paywall mechanisms.Acknowledgements This work was supported by the FCT-Funda?a ? o para a Ciência e Tecnologia, under the Projects: UIDB/04466/2020, UIDP/04466/2020, and UIDB/00319/2020

    Legislação suspeita?: afastamento da presunção de constitucionalidade da lei

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.Localização na estante: 340.131(81) M867

    Desenvolvimento e efetivação judicial das normas constitucionais

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    Orientador : Clemerson Merlin CleveDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ParanaBusca o presente trabalho conferir nova abordagem ao terna da aplicabilidade das normas constitucionais, partindo-se de visão crítica da teoria exposta na obra "Aplicabilidade das normas constitucionais", de José Afonso da Silva, assimilada pela doutrina e jurisprudência pátrias. Defende-se que a questão da aplicabilidade das normas constitucionais é muito mais um problema de repartição de competência entre Legislativo e Judiciário, especificamente dos limites à atuação deste, do que propriamente de classificação abstraía das normas constitucionais segundo a linguagem empregada no texto respectivo. Chega-se à conclusão de que todas as normas constitucionais podem ser invocadas como razões de decidir em casos concretos, podendo-se delas extrair, conforme argumentação adequada e observados certos limites à atuação judiciária, a regra de direito que determinará o resultado do julgamento. Dentre os limites à atuação judicial, destacam-se a "reserva de consistência", consistente na necessidade de demonstrar, através de argumentos convincentes, o acerto da interpretação judicial de determinada norma constitucional, inclusive sua superioridade em relação a, acaso existente, interpretação legislativa, e a "reserva do possível", limite específico para desenvolvimento e efetivação de direitos cuja viabilização demanda a existência de determinadas condições materiais. Esses limites não são, porém, intransponíveis, ficando sua determinação sujeita à prática judiciária, o que permite avanço no tocante ao desenvolvimento e efetivação judicial das normas constitucionais

    Propiedades diagnósticas do test de flexión-rotación cervical na cefalea cervicoxénica

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    [Resumen] INTRODUCCIÓN. Dada la gran repercusión mundial que tiene la cefalea en general y la tensional y cervicogénica en particular tanto a nivel social y de salud en todas las personas que lo sufren, como a nivel económico, resulta muy relevante tener herramientas para su diagnóstico, y entre ellas destaca el test de Flexión-Rotación cervical. Por ello el objetivo de este trabajo es valorar la relación entre este test y la cefalea cervicogénica así como su validez y fiabilidad. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS. En esta revisión bibliográfica se ha realizado una búsqueda de artículos siguiendo las recomendaciones PRISMA en cinco bases de datos (Pubmed, PEDro, Scopus, WOS y Cochrane). Para llevar a cabo dicha búsqueda se han utilizado las palabras clave “cefalea cervicogénica” y “test de Flexión-Rotación”, y los criterios de inclusión han sido estudios publicados en los últimos 15 años, realizados en humanos, cuyo idioma sea inglés o castellano y cuyos tipos de estudio sean observacionales y comparativos revisiones sistemáticas, metaanálisis. RESULTADOS. Tras llevar a cabo la búsqueda en las bases de datos mencionadas se seleccionaron un total de 9 artículos que trataban sobre el test de Flexión-Rotación en la cefalea cervicogénica y sobre la validez del test. 8 fueron estudios comparativos observacionales y 1 una revisión sistemática, obteniéndose de ellos resultados muy positivos sobre el test. CONCLUSIÓN. Con la información obtenida en los artículos se concluye que el Test de Flexión-Rotación cervical presenta unas altas sensibilidad y especificidad, así como una demostrada validez para el diagnóstico de la cefalea cervicogénica. Igualmente se considera necesario que en el futuro se continúe investigando en esta línea reduciendo las limitaciones presentes hasta la fecha en los estudios que se han llevado a cabo.[Abstract] INTRODUCTION. Due to the global repercussion of headache in general and tension-type and cervicogenic-type headaches, particularly at a social and health level in all people who suffer it and also at an economic level, it is very important to have tools for its diagnosis, and among them the cervical flexion-rotation test stands out. Therefore, the objective of this study is to assess the relationship between this test and cervicogenic headache as well as its validity and reliability MEHODS. In this literature review, an article search has been carried out following the PRISMA recommendations in five databases (Pubmed, PEDro, Scopus, WOS and Cochrane). To carry out this search, the keywords "cervicogenic headache" and "Flexion-Rotation test" have been used, and the inclusion criteria have been studies published in the last 15 years, carried out in humans, whose language is English or Spanish. and whose types of studies are observational and comparatives, systematic reviews, meta-analysis. RESULTS. After carrying out the search in the databases, a total of 9 articles who speaks about the Flexion-Rotation test in cervicogenic headache and the validity of the test were selected. 8 were observational comparative studies and 1 a systematic review, obtaining very positive results in the test. CONCLUSION. With the information obtained in the articles, it is concluded that the cervical flexion-rotation test presents high sensitivity and specificity, as well as a proven validity for the diagnosis of cervicogenic headache. It is also considered necessary that in the future research be continued in this line, reducing the limitations that have been present up to now in the studies that have been carried out.[Resumo] INTRODUCIÓN Dada a grande repercusión mundial que ten a forma xeral da cefalea, e a tensional e a cervicoxénica en particular tanto a nivel social e de saúde en todas as persoas que a sofren, como a nivel económico, tórnase moi relevante ter ferramentas para o seu diagnóstico, e entre elas destaca o test de Flexión-Rotación cervical. Por conseguinte o obxectivo desde test é valorar a relación entre este test e a cefalea cervicoxénica así como como a súa validez e fiabilidade. MATERIAL E MÉTODO Nesta revisión bibliográfica realizouse unha búsqueda de artigos, seguindo as recomendacións de PRISMA, en cinco bases de datos (Pubmed, PEDro, Scopus, WOS e Cochrane). Para levala a cabo empregáronse as palabras clave “cefalea cervicogénica” e “test de Flexión-Rotación”, e os criterios de inclusión foron estudos publicados nos derradeiros 15 anos, realizados en humanos, cuxo idioma sexa inglés ou castelán e cuxos tipos de estudo sean observacionais e comparativos, revisións sistemáticas, metaanálise. RESULTADOS Despois de realizar a búsqueda nas bases de datos mencionadas seleccionáronse un total de 9 artigos que trataban sobre o test de Rotación-Flexión na cefalea cervicoxénica e sobre a validez do test. 8 foron estudos comparativos observacionales e 1 unha revisión sistemática, obtendo resultados moi positivos na proba. CONCLUSIÓN Coa información obtida nos artigos conclúese que o Test de Flexión-Rotación cervical presenta unhas altas sensibilidade e especificidade, así como unha demostrada validez para o diagnóstico da cefalea cervicoxénica. Igualmente considérase necesario que no futuro se continúe investigando nesta liña reducindo as limitacións presentes ata a data de hoxe nos estudos que se levaron a cabo.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.FCS). Fisioterapia. Curso 2018/201

    Crime de lavagem de dinheiro

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra. STJ00084421 343.72(81) M867

    Jurisdiçao constitucional como democracia

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    Orientador : Marçal Justen FilhoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciencias JurídicasO século XX assiste o triunfo da democracia. Não deixa de ser paradoxal a expansão e o fortalecimento, também nesse século, da jurisdição constitucional. Entre democracia e jurisdição constitucional há uma complexa relação de complementação e de tensão. O objetivo deste trabalho é defender a jurisdição constitucional como instituição compatível com o regime democrático. Não se defende que ela é absolutamente compatível com a democracia. Nem se defende o contrário, ou seja, que é absolutamente incompatível. A jurisdição constitucional pode ou não mostrar-se compatível com a democracia, o que depende da forma de atuação do juiz constitucional. Pode ele agir como um obstáculo à democracia, mas pode também contribuir para o seu aprofundamento. Sem prescindir da experiência histórica e do exame das várias teorias acerca da legitimidade da jurisdição constitucional, conclui-se que o juiz constitucional deverá, a fim de adequar sua atividade às exigências democráticas, alternar, não arbitrariamente, a autocontenção judicial com o ativismo judicial, o que implica a adoção de padrões de controle de constitucionalidade de intensidade diversa

    Kinetics of the thermal response of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide co methacrylic acid) hydrogel microparticles under different environmental stimuli: a time-lapse NMR study

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    Hypothesis: Hydrogels of N-isopropylacrylamide and methacrylic acid (P(NIPAm-co-MAA)) display pH sensitivity and complex positively charged molecules through carboxylate groups, while having a critical solution temperature at which they reduce in volume and dehydrate. We aimed to elucidate how the responsiveness of MAA to environmental changes alters PNIPAm hydrogels at the molecular level using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Time-lapse NMR allows us to follow the evolution of NMR signal under a temperature stimulus, providing unique information on conformational freedom of the hydrogel polymers. Experiments: We used time-lapse NMR to follow the evolution of the NMR signal with time over a temperature change from 25 to 40 °C and to study the swelling/deswelling kinetics of P(NIPAm-co-MAA) microgels at different pH values and ionic strengths, and in the presence of positively charged molecules complexing carboxylate groups. Findings: At acid pH, hydrogel collapse is favored over neutral pH, and at basic pH the carboxylates remain steadily hydrated during temperature increase. Increasing ionic strength results in a faster, more effective collapse than decreasing pH. Complexation of medium-sized molecules with several charges (spermine, spermidine) causes a faster collapse than complexation with large molecular weight poly(allylamine) hydrochloride, but similar to the collapse effected by large poly(diallyldimethylammonium) chloride. This work opens new perspectives to using time-lapse NMR to study thermoresponsive systems that respond to multiple stimuli, with particular relevance in designing hydrogels for drug delivery.Fil: Martinez Moro, Marta. Basque Research and Technology Alliance; EspañaFil: Jenczyk, Jacek. Adam Mickiewicz University; PoloniaFil: Giussi, Juan Martín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicadas; ArgentinaFil: Jurga, Stefan. Adam Mickiewicz University; PoloniaFil: Moya, Sergio E.. Basque Research and Technology Alliance; Españ

    Enhanced antiadhesive properties of chitosan/hyaluronic acid polyelectrolyte multilayers driven by thermal annealing : Low adherence for mammalian cells and selective decrease in adhesion for Gram-positive bacteria

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    The development of antifouling coatings with restricted cell and bacteria adherence is fundamental for many biomedical applications. A strategy for the fabrication of antifouling coatings based on the layer-by-layer assembly and thermal annealing is presented. Polyelectrolyte multilayers (PEMs) assembled from chitosan and hyaluronic acid were thermally annealed in an oven at 37 °C for 72 h. The effect of annealing on the PEM properties and topography was studied by atomic force microscopy, ζ-potential, circular dichroism and contact angle measurements. Cell adherence on PEMs before and after annealing was evaluated by measuring the cell spreading area and aspect ratio for the A549 epithelial, BHK kidney fibroblast, C2C12 myoblast and MC-3T3-E1 osteoblast cell lines. Chitosan/hyaluronic acid PEMs show a low cell adherence that decreases with the thermal annealing, as observed from the reduction in the average cell spreading area and more rounded cell morphology. The adhesion of S. aureus (Gram-positive) and E. coli (Gram-negative) bacteria strains was quantified by optical microscopy, counting the number of colony-forming units and measuring the light scattering of bacteria suspension after detachment from the PEM surface. A 20% decrease in bacteria adhesion was selectively observed in the S. aureus strain after annealing. The changes in mammalian cell and bacteria adhesion correlate with the changes in topography of the chitosan/hyaluronic PEMs from a rough fibrillar 3D structure to a smoother and planar surface after thermal annealing.Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoquímicas Teóricas y Aplicada