76 research outputs found

    Asia Sudoriental y el desencanto con el reasentamiento

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    Aunque en la actualidad se considera el reasentamiento como una solución a la que solo debería recurrirse en circunstancias excepcionales, en Asia Sudoriental es —y lo ha sido desde siempre— la solución duradera más importante para los refugiados

    gcodeml: A Grid-enabled Tool for Detecting Positive Selection in Biological Evolution

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    One of the important questions in biological evolution is to know if certain changes along protein coding genes have contributed to the adaptation of species. This problem is known to be biologically complex and computationally very expensive. It, therefore, requires efficient Grid or cluster solutions to overcome the computational challenge. We have developed a Grid-enabled tool (gcodeml) that relies on the PAML (codeml) package to help analyse large phylogenetic datasets on both Grids and computational clusters. Although we report on results for gcodeml, our approach is applicable and customisable to related problems in biology or other scientific domains.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. To appear in the HealthGrid 2012 con

    MetaNetX.org: a website and repository for accessing, analysing and manipulating metabolic networks

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    Summary: MetaNetX.org is a website for accessing, analysing and manipulating genome-scale metabolic networks (GSMs) as well as biochemical pathways. It consistently integrates data from various public resources and makes the data accessible in a standardized format using a common namespace. Currently, it provides access to hundreds of GSMs and pathways that can be interactively compared (two or more), analysed (e.g. detection of dead-end metabolites and reactions, flux balance analysis or simulation of reaction and gene knockouts), manipulated and exported. Users can also upload their own metabolic models, choose to automatically map them into the common namespace and subsequently make use of the website's functionality. Availability and implementation: MetaNetX.org is available at http://metanetx.org. Contact: [email protected]

    Selectome: a database of positive selection

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    Genome wide scans have shown that positive selection is relatively frequent at the molecular level. It is of special interest to identify which protein sites and which phylogenetic branches are affected. We present Selectome, a database which provides the results of a rigorous branch-site specific likelihood test for positive selection. The Web interface presents test results mapped both onto phylogenetic trees and onto protein alignments. It allows rapid access to results by keyword, gene name, or taxonomy based queries. Selectome is freely available at http://bioinfo.unil.ch/selectom

    R-Coffee: a web server for accurately aligning noncoding RNA sequences

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    The R-Coffee web server produces highly accurate multiple alignments of noncoding RNA (ncRNA) sequences, taking into account predicted secondary structures. R-Coffee uses a novel algorithm recently incorporated in the T-Coffee package. R-Coffee works along the same lines as T-Coffee: it uses pairwise or multiple sequence alignment (MSA) methods to compute a primary library of input alignments. The program then computes an MSA highly consistent with both the alignments contained in the library and the secondary structures associated with the sequences. The secondary structures are predicted using RNAplfold. The server provides two modes. The slow/accurate mode is restricted to small datasets (less than 5 sequences less than 150 nucleotides) and combines R-Coffee with Consan, a very accurate pairwise RNA alignment method. For larger datasets a fast method can be used (RM-Coffee mode), that uses R-Coffee to combine the output of the three packages which combines the outputs from programs found to perform best on RNA (MUSCLE, MAFFT and ProbConsRNA). Our BRAliBase benchmarks indicate that the R-Coffee/Consan combination is one of the best ncRNA alignment methods for short sequences, while the RM-Coffee gives comparable results on longer sequences. The R-Coffee web server is available at http://www.tcoffee.or

    PROTOGENE: turning amino acid alignments into bona fide CDS nucleotide alignments

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    We describe Protogene, a server that can turn a protein multiple sequence alignment into the equivalent alignment of the original gene coding DNA. Protogene relies on a pipeline where every initial protein sequence is BLASTed against RefSeq or NR. The annotation associated with potential matches is used to identify the gene sequence. This gene sequence is then aligned with the query protein using Exonerate in order to extract a coding nucleotide sequence matching the original protein. Protogene can handle protein fragments and will return every CDS coding for a given protein, even if they occur in different genomes. Protogene is available from

    Expresso: automatic incorporation of structural information in multiple sequence alignments using 3D-Coffee

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    Expresso is a multiple sequence alignment server that aligns sequences using structural information. The user only needs to provide sequences. The server runs BLAST to identify close homologues of the sequences within the PDB database. These PDB structures are used as templates to guide the alignment of the original sequences using structure-based sequence alignment methods like SAP or Fugue. The final result is a multiple sequence alignment of the original sequences based on the structural information of the templates. An advanced mode makes it possible to either upload private structures or specify which PDB templates should be used to model each sequence. Providing the suitable structural information is available, Expresso delivers sequence alignments with accuracy comparable with structure-based alignments. The server is available on

    ExPASy: SIB bioinformatics resource portal

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    ExPASy (http://www.expasy.org) has worldwide reputation as one of the main bioinformatics resources for proteomics. It has now evolved, becoming an extensible and integrative portal accessing many scientific resources, databases and software tools in different areas of life sciences. Scientists can henceforth access seamlessly a wide range of resources in many different domains, such as proteomics, genomics, phylogeny/evolution, systems biology, population genetics, transcriptomics, etc. The individual resources (databases, web-based and downloadable software tools) are hosted in a ‘decentralized' way by different groups of the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics and partner institutions. Specifically, a single web portal provides a common entry point to a wide range of resources developed and operated by different SIB groups and external institutions. The portal features a search function across ‘selected' resources. Additionally, the availability and usage of resources are monitored. The portal is aimed for both expert users and people who are not familiar with a specific domain in life sciences. The new web interface provides, in particular, visual guidance for newcomers to ExPAS

    Research trends in ecosystem services provided by insects

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    Insects play a key role in the regulation and dynamics of many ecosystem services (ES). However, this role is often assumed, with limited or no experimental quantification of its real value. We examined publication trends in the research on ES provided by insects, ascertaining which ES and taxa have been more intensively investigated, and which methodologies have been used, with particular emphasis on experimental approaches. We first performed a systematic literature search to identify which ES have been attributed to insects. Then we classified the references retrieved according to the ES, taxonomic group and ecosystem studied, as well as to the method applied to quantify each ES (in four categories: no quantification, proxies, direct quantification and experiments). Pollination, biological control, food provisioning, and recycling organic matter are the most studied ES. However, the majority of papers do not specify the ES under consideration, and from those that do, most do not quantify the ES provided. From the rest, a large number of publications use proxies as indicators for ES, assuming or inferring their provision through indirect measurements such as species abundances, species density, species richness, diversity indices, or the number of functional groups. Pollinators, predators, parasitoids, herbivores, and decomposers are the most commonly studied functional groups, while Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, and Diptera are the most studied taxa. Experimental studies are relatively scarce and they mainly focus on biological control, pollination, and decomposition performed in agroecosystems. These results suggest that our current knowledge on the ES provided by insects is relatively scarce and biased, and show gaps in the least-studied functional and taxonomic groups. An ambitious research agenda to improve the empirical and experimental evidence of the role played by insects in ES provision is essential to fully assess synergies between functional ecology, community ecology, and biodiversity conservation under current global changes