27 research outputs found

    Compreensão da morte na música brasileira: Uma fenomenologia

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    Introduction: The taboo of death remains in our society and more and more dies between the hidden and the spectacle, without this inexorable part of life being discussed. Objective: To provide an understanding of the experience of death in the existential-phenomenological perspective. The units of analysis are lyrics of Brazilian songs. Methodology: The phenomenological method is used in the comprehensive analysis of emerging themes (essences), as recommended by Lanigan, who based their studies on Husserl and Merleau-Ponty. Writings of Kierkegaard, Heidegger, and Sartre guided the apprehension of death experience. Twenty lyrics were used, and of these, the following emerging themes were extracted: cruelty, helplessness, heroism, unpredictability, perpetual motion, mutilation and vulnerability. Results and Discussion: By comparison of emerging themes, comes up the permanence of "undying death" as life in human stories and the paradox of death under the consideration of authenticity and inauthenticity. Conclusion: It is hoped that this work can serve to reflect and assist health professionals to approach the theme of death with patients beyond therapeutic possibilities.Introducción: El tabú de la muerte permanece en nuestra sociedad y cada día más se muere entre lo escondido y el espectáculo, sin esa parte inexorable de la vida sea discutida. Objetivo: Presentar una comprensión de la experiencia de la muerte en la perspectiva existencial-fenomenológica. Metodología: Letras musicales son las unidades de análisis y el método fenomenológico es utilizado para el análisis exhaustivo de los temas emergentes (esencias), como en la teoría de Lanigan, que basó sus estudios sobre Husserl y Merleau-Ponty. Kierkegaard, Heidegger y Sartre guían la aprehensión de la experiencia de muerte. Se utilizaron veinte letras y fueran extraídos los siguientes temas emergentes: crueldad, impotencia, heroísmo, imprevisibilidad, movimiento perpetuo, mutilación y vulnerabilidad. Resultados y Discusión: A través de la comparación de los temas emergentes, surgen la permanencia de la "muerte inmortal" como vida en las historias humanas y la paradoja de autenticidad e inautenticidad en la muerte. Conclusión: El texto intenta ser útil para reflexión y ayuda para profesionales de salud abordar el tema muerte junto a pacientes fuera de las posibilidades terapéuticas.Introdução: O tabu da morte permanece em nossa sociedade e a cada dia mais se morre entre o escondido e o espetáculo, sem essa parte inexorável da vida seja discutida. Objetivo: Apresentar uma compreensão da experiência da morte na ótica fenomenológico-existencial, tendo como unidades de análise letras musicais brasileiras. Metodologia: O método fenomenológico é utilizado na análise compreensiva das temáticas emergentes (essências), conforme Lanigan, que baseia seus estudos em Husserl e Merleau-Ponty. Os escritos de Kierkegaard, Heidegger e Sartre norteiam a apreensão da experiência de morte. Vinte letras musicais brasileiras foram selecionadas sendo extraídas as seguintes temáticas emergentes: crueldade, desamparo, heroísmo, imprevisibilidade, moto-perpétuo, mutilação e vulnerabilidade. Resultados e Discussão: Pelo cotejamento das temáticas emergentes, surge a permanência da “morte imorredoura” como vida nas histórias humanas e o paradoxo da morte em visadas de autenticidade e inautenticidade. Conclusão: Espera-se que esse trabalho possa servir como elemento de reflexão que auxilie profissionais de saúde na abordagem da temática da morte junto a pacientes fora de possibilidades terapêuticas

    Quando ela olhou a pandemia: uma fotografia, incontáveis filmes

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    The sensory and affective impact of a photograph in a journalistic story can mitigate the headline's message and even the content of the report as a whole, with the potential to lead the reader to countless parallel stories. These stories can overlap with the theme explored by the media, but they can also expand to various other issues, memories, events, authors unveiling to the reader other situational layers that transcend the sphere of simple reading, conducting to reflexivity. This text, therefore, intends to reflect carefully on health inequities, especially in relation to the distribution of vaccines against COVID-19 on the planet, based on an image published by France Presse in an article about a day with a huge amount of application of doses of vaccine against COVID-19 in India.El impacto sensorial y afectivo de una fotografía en una historia periodística puede mitigar el mensaje principal de la notícia e incluso todo el contenido del informe en su conjunto, con el potencial de conducir al lector a innumerables historias paralelas. Estas historias pueden superponerse con el tema explorado por los medios de comunicación, pero también pueden expandirse a varios otros temas, recuerdos, eventos, autores que develan al lector otras capas situacionales que trascienden la esfera de la lectura simple, lo que promoviendo a la reflexividad. Este texto, por tanto, pretende reflexionar detenidamente sobre las inequidades en salud, especialmente en relación a la distribución de vacunas contra COVID-19 en el planeta, a partir de una imagen publicada por France Presse en un artículo sobre un día con un registro de aplicación de dosis de vacuna contra COVID-19 en India.O impacto sensorial e afetivo de uma fotografia em uma matéria jornalística pode mitigar a mensagem da lide e até mesmo o conteúdo da reportagem como um todo, com potencial para conduzir o leitor a um sem-número de histórias paralelas. Essas histórias podem se imbricar ao tema explorado pela mídia, mas também podem se expandir para várias outras questões, memórias, eventos, autores desvelando para o leitor outras camadas situacionais que transcendem a esfera da simples leitura conduzindo à reflexividade. Este texto tem, portanto, a pretensão de refletir detidamente acerca das iniquidades em saúde, em especial em relação à distribuição de vacinas contra a COVID-19 no planeta, a partir de uma imagem publicada pela France Presse numa matéria sobre um dia com recorde de aplicação de doses da vacina contra a COVID-19 na Índia

    1,000 Times Good Night

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    Director: Erik Poppe Production: Ahmed Abounouom, Geir Eikeland Henning, Peter Garde, Finn Gjerdrum, Stig Hjerkinn Haug, Stein B. Kvae, Jackie Larkin, Lesley McKimm, Kaare Storemyr Screenplay: Erik Poppe, Harald Rosenløw-Eeg Original title: Tusen ganger god natt Year: 2013 Country of Origin: Norway / Ireland / Sweden Genre: Drama Color: Color Duration: 117 min Rebecca (Juliette Binoche) is one of world’s top war photojournalists, capturing dangerous and chilling images in the most dire landscapes, all in an effort to shed light on the real cost of modern war. But she’s also a wife and mother, leaving behind a husband and two young daughters every time she travels to a new combat zone. After a near-death experience chronicling the ritual of a female suicide bomber, husband Marcus (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) levels an ultimatum: give up the dangerous profession or lose the family she counts on being there when she returns from each assignment. Yet the conviction that her photos can make a difference keeps pulling at Rebecca’s resolve, making it difficult for her to walk away entirely. With an offer to photograph a refugee camp in Kenya, a place allegedly so safe that daughter Steph (Lauryn Canny) is allowed to join her, Rebecca comes face to face with just how much she risks each time she steps back into the fray

    Movimientos indígenas y respuestas estatales frente a la pandemia en México, Ecuador y Brasil

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    La pandemia de la covid-19 puso de manifiesto el rol del Estado y de los Gobiernos en la gestión de esta situación de emergencia, así como la capacidad de los movimientos sociales para proponer formas de acción colectiva, de autonomía y de solidaridad. Con base en la observación de medios digitales pertenecientes a movimientos indígenas en México, Ecuador y Brasil –entre marzo de 2020 y julio de 2021– se analiza cómo estos movimientos han reorganizado sus formas de resistencia y han llevado a cabo acciones basadas en sus demandas, al visibilizar la ausencia y negligencia del Estado y establecer alianzas o asumir el reto de manera autónoma. Los casos abordados en el presente artículo permiten ampliar la comprensión sobre la potencia e importancia del accionar de los movimientos sociales, y, a la vez, proponer un entendimiento de la pandemia que atraviesa múltiples dimensiones sociales y ambientales, más allá de la cuestión sanitaria.

    Cross-cultural adaptation of discrimination and vigilance scales in ELSA-Brasil

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the process of cross-cultural adaptation for the use in Brazil of the everyday discrimination scale (EDS) and the heightened vigilance scale (HVS) applied in the Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). METHODS: Conceptual, item and semantic equivalence analyses were conducted by a group of four epidemiologists; evaluation of measurement equivalence (factorial analysis of configural, metric and scalar structures, according to sociodemographic characteristics) and reliability. A total of 11,987 participants responded to the discrimination scale, and a subsample of 260 people participated in the test-retest study. In the case of HVS, 8,916 people responded, while 149 individuals did so in the test-retest study. RESULTS: The scales presented conceptual, item and semantic equivalence pertinent in the Brazilian context, in addition to adequate correspondence of referential/denotative meaning of terms and also of the general/connotative of the items. The confirmatory factor analysis of EDS revealed a unidimensional structure, with residual correlations between two pairs of items, presenting configural and metric invariance among the four subgroups evaluated. Scalar invariance was identified according to sex and age group, but it was not observed for race/color and education. Heightened vigilance showed low loads and high residuals, with inadequate adjustment indicators. For the items of the discrimination scale the weighted kappa coefficient (Kp) ranged from 0.44 to 0.78, and the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was 0.87. For HVS items, the Kp ranged from 0.47 to 0.59 and the ICC was 0.83. CONCLUSIONS: Although there are correlated items, it was concluded that the EDS is a promising scale to evaluate experiences of perceived discrimination in Brazilian daily life. However, the heightened vigilance scale did not present equivalence of measurement in the current format

    Adaptação transcultural de escalas de discriminação e vigilância no ELSA-Brasil

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe the process of cross-cultural adaptation for the use in Brazil of the Everyday Discrimination Scale (EDS) and the Heightened Vigilance Scale (HVS) applied in the Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). METHODS: Conceptual, item and semantic equivalence analyses were conducted by a group of four epidemiologists; evaluation of measurement equivalence (factorial analysis of configural, metric and scalar structures, according to sociodemographic characteristics) and reliability. A total of 11,987 participants responded to the discrimination scale, and a subsample of 260 people participated in the test-retest study. In the case of HVS, 8,916 people responded, while 149 individuals did so in the test-retest study. RESULTS: The scales presented conceptual, item and semantic equivalence pertinent in the Brazilian context, in addition to adequate correspondence of referential/denotative meaning of terms and also of the general/connotative of the items. The confirmatory factor analysis of EDS revealed a unidimensional structure, with residual correlations between two pairs of items, presenting configural and metric invariance among the four subgroups evaluated. Scalar invariance was identified according to sex and age group, but it was not observed for race/color and education. Heightened vigilance showed low loads and high residuals, with inadequate adjustment indicators. For the items of the discrimination scale the weighted kappa coefficient (Kp) ranged from 0.44 to 0.78, and the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was 0.87. For HVS items, the Kp ranged from 0.47 to 0.59 and the ICC was 0.83. CONCLUSIONS: Although there are correlated items, it was concluded that the EDS is a promising scale to evaluate experiences of perceived discrimination in Brazilian daily life. However, the heightened vigilance scale did not present equivalence of measurement in the current format.OBJETIVO: Descrever o processo de adaptação transcultural para o uso no Brasil das escalas de discriminação no dia a dia (EDD) e vigilância intensificada (EVI), aplicadas no Estudo Longitudinal de Saúde do Adulto (ELSA-Brasil). MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas análises das equivalências conceitual, de itens e semântica conduzidas por um grupo de quatro epidemiologistas; avaliação da equivalência de mensuração (análise fatorial das estruturas configural, métrica e escalares, segundo características sociodemográficas) e a confiabilidade. Responderam à escala de escala de discriminação 11.987 participantes e uma subamostra de 260 pessoas participaram do estudo teste-reteste. No caso da EVI, 8.916 pessoas responderam e 149 indivíduos no estudo teste-reteste. RESULTADOS: As escalas apresentaram equivalências conceitual, de itens e semântica pertinentes no contexto brasileiro, além de adequada correspondência de significado referencial/denotativa de termos e também da geral/conotativa dos itens. A análise fatorial confirmatória da EDD revelou estrutura unidimensional, com correlações residuais entre dois pares de itens, apresentando invariância configural e métrica entre os quatro subgrupos avaliados. Identificou-se invariância escalar segundo sexo e faixa etária, mas não foi observada para recortes de raça/cor e escolaridade. A vigilância intensificada apresentou cargas baixas e resíduos altos, com indicadores de ajuste inadequados. Para os itens da escala de discriminação o coeficiente de concordância kappa ponderado (Kp) variou de 0,44 a 0,78, e o Coeficiente de Correlação Intraclasse (CCI) foi 0,87. Para os itens da EVI, o Kp variou de 0,47 a 0,59 e o CCI foi 0,83. CONCLUSÕES: Embora haja itens correlacionados, concluiu-se que a EDD é uma escala promissora para avaliar experiências de discriminação percebidas no cotidiano brasileiro. Entretanto, a escala de vigilância intensificada não apresentou equivalência de mensuração no formato atual

    Association between cognitive performance and self-reported glaucoma in middle-aged and older adults : a cross-sectional analysis of ELSA-Brasil

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    Recent evidence suggests that glaucoma and Alzheimer's disease are neurodegenerative diseases sharing common pathophysiological and etiological features, although findings are inconclusive. We sought to investigate whether self-reported glaucoma patients without dementia present poorer cognitive performance, an issue that has been less investigated. We employed cross-sectional data from the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) and included participants ≥50 years of age without a known diagnosis of dementia and a self-reported glaucoma diagnosis. We excluded those with previous stroke, other eye conditions, and using drugs that could impair cognition. We evaluated cognition using delayed word recall, phonemic verbal fluency, and trail making (version B) tests. We used multinomial linear regression models to investigate associations between self-reported glaucoma with cognition, adjusted by several sociodemographic and clinical variables. Out of 4,331 participants, 139 reported glaucoma. Fully-adjusted models showed that self-reported glaucoma patients presented poorer performance in the verbal fluency test (β=-0.39, 95%CI=-0.64 to -0.14, P=0.002), but not in the other cognitive assessments. Thus, our results support the hypothesis that self-reported glaucoma is associated with poor cognitive performance; however, longitudinal data are necessary to corroborate our findings

    Working from home, work-time control and mental health: results from the brazilian longitudinal study of adult health (ELSA-Brasil)

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    This cross-sectional study investigated the association between work-time control (WTC), independently and in combination with hours worked (HW), and four mental health outcomes among 2,318 participants of the Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil) who worked from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. WTC was assessed by the WTC Scale, and mental health outcomes included depression, anxiety, stress (measured by the Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale, DASS-21), and self-rated mental health. Logistic regression models were used to determine odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Among women, long HW were associated with stress (OR = 1.56; 95% CI = 1.11–2.20) and poor self-rated mental health (OR = 1.64; 95% CI = 1.13–2.38), whereas they were protective against anxiety among men (OR = 0.59; 95% CI = 0.37–0.93). In both sexes, weak WTC was associated with all mental health outcomes. Among women, the long HW/weak WTC combination was associated with all mental health outcomes, and short HW/weak WTC was associated with anxiety and stress. Among men, long HW/strong WTC was protective against depression and stress, while short HW/strong WTC and short HW/weak WTC was associated with all mental health outcomes. In both sexes, weak WTC, independently and in combination with HW, was associated with all mental health outcomes. WTC can improve working conditions, protect against mental distress, and fosterwork-life balance for those who work from home

    A rapid qualitative methods assessment and reporting tool for epidemic response as the outcome of a rapid review and expert consultation

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    During the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Methods Sub-Group of the WHO COVID-19 Social Science Research Roadmap Working Group conducted a rapid evidence review of rapid qualitative methods (RQMs) used during epidemics. The rapid review objectives were to (1) synthesize the development, implementation, and uses of RQMs, including the data collection tools, research questions, research capacities, analytical approaches, and strategies used to speed up data collection and analysis in their specific epidemic and institutional contexts; and (2) propose a tool for assessing and reporting RQMs in epidemics emergencies. The rapid review covered published RQMs used in articles and unpublished reports produced between 2015 and 2021 in five languages (English, Mandarin, French, Portuguese, and Spanish). We searched multiple databases in these five languages between December 2020 and January 31, 2021. Sources employing “rapid” (under 6 months from conception to reporting of results) qualitative methods for research related to epidemic emergencies were included. We included 126 published and unpublished sources, which were reviewed, coded, and classified by the research team. Intercoder reliability was found to be acceptable (Krippendorff’s α = 0.709). We employed thematic analysis to identify categories characterizing RQMs in epidemic emergencies. The review protocol was registered at PROSPERO (no. CRD42020223283) and Research Registry (no. reviewregistry1044). We developed an assessment and reporting tool of 13 criteria in three domains, to document RQMs used in response to epidemic emergencies. These include I. Design and Development (i. time frame, ii. Training, iii. Applicability to other populations, iv. Applicability to low resource settings, v. community engagement, vi. Available resources, vii. Ethical approvals, viii. Vulnerability, ix. Tool selection); II. Data Collection and Analysis (x. concurrent data collection and analysis, xi. Targeted populations and recruitment procedures); III. Restitution and Dissemination (xii. Restitution and dissemination of findings, xiii. Impact). Our rapid review and evaluation found a wide range of feasible and highly effective tools, analytical approaches and timely operational insights and recommendations during epidemic emergencies