104 research outputs found

    Histoires de langues : Montréal, a once-divided city ; La logeuse d'Eric Dupont ; et Heroine de Gail Scott

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    [À l'origine dans / Was originally part of : ThĂšses et mĂ©moires - FAS - DĂ©partement de littĂ©rature comparĂ©e]Ayant recours aux thĂ©ories de la «surconscience linguistique», du «choc des langues» et des «zones de contact» telles que dĂ©veloppĂ©es par Lise Gauvin, Sherry Simon et Catherine Leclerc, ce mĂ©moire a pour objectif de dĂ©velopper une littĂ©rature montrĂ©alaise activĂ©e par la langue et les langues dans un contexte contemporain. S'inspirant des dĂ©bats entourant la littĂ©rature anglo-quĂ©bĂ©coise, et la place accordĂ©e Ă  l'imaginaire anglo-montrĂ©alais et Ă  ses reprĂ©sentants dans l'histoire, deux romans sont analysĂ©s du point de vue des langues : La logeuse d'Eric Dupont et Heroine de Gail Scott. À la lumiĂšre d'une interdiction formulĂ©e par Gilles Marcotte dans « Neil Bissoondath disait
 », cĂ©lĂšbre brĂ»lot qui prohibe l’analyse conjointe des littĂ©ratures de langue française et anglaise, l'approche adoptĂ©e dans ce mĂ©moire vise par l'intermĂ©diaire des romans Ă  dĂ©passer les propos de Marcotte afin de crĂ©er une spĂ©cificitĂ© montrĂ©alaise orientĂ©e par des prĂ©occupations linguistiques. Ce mĂ©moire dĂ©montre que les propos de Gilles Marcotte sont intenables dans le contexte actuel oĂč les langues ne sont plus une source de division, mais bien un prĂ©texte Ă  joindre dans un propos qui les englobe et les dĂ©passe les corpus de langue anglaise et française dans le contexte montrĂ©alais. La logeuse et Heroine tĂ©moignent d'un imaginaire et de prĂ©occupations linguistiques comparables et de ce fait, permettent de dĂ©finir les contours d'une littĂ©rature montrĂ©alaise activĂ©e par les langues. Enfin, ce mĂ©moire se questionne sur l'Ă©quation entre langue et culture, mais Ă©galement entre littĂ©rature et culture afin qu'une langue montrĂ©alaise, Ă  l'instar d'une littĂ©rature montrĂ©alaise, prenne forme.Refering to the theories of Lise Gauvin, Sherry Simon and Catherine Leclerc on «linguistic superconsciousness» (surconscience linguistique), «impact of languages» (choc des langues), and « contact zones» (zones de contact), this thesis produces a Montreal literature which is based on languages, French and English, in a contemporary context. Motivated by the debates around anglo-quebec literature and anglo-quebec writers, this thesis analyses two novels from the points of view of languages : Eric Dupont's La logeuse and Gail Scott's Heroine. The main objective of this study is to show that the concept developed by Gilles Marcotte in « Neil Bissoondath disait » which forbids comparisons between French an English texts, is obsolescent following the reading of the two novels. This thesis shows that in the context of Montreal, languages can create a specificity when they are not anymore a pretext to division, but the sign of a reconciliation

    Genomic analysis of European Drosophila melanogaster populations reveals longitudinal structure, continent-wide selection, and previously unknown DNA viruses

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    Genetic variation is the fuel of evolution, with standing genetic variation especially important for short-term evolution and local adaptation. To date, studies of spatiotemporal patterns of genetic variation in natural populations have been challenging, as comprehensive sampling is logistically difficult, and sequencing of entire populations costly. Here, we address these issues using a collaborative approach, sequencing 48 pooled population samples from 32 locations, and perform the first continent-wide genomic analysis of genetic variation in European Drosophila melanogaster. Our analyses uncover longitudinal population structure, provide evidence for continent-wide selective sweeps, identify candidate genes for local climate adaptation, and document clines in chromosomal inversion and transposable element frequencies. We also characterize variation among populations in the composition of the fly microbiome, and identify five new DNA viruses in our samples.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    NAD deficiency, congenital malformations, and niacin supplementation

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    BACKGROUND: Congenital malformations can be manifested as combinations of phenotypes that co-occur more often than expected by chance. In many such cases, it has proved difficult to identify a genetic cause. We sought the genetic cause of cardiac, vertebral, and renal defects, among others, in unrelated patients. METHODS: We used genomic sequencing to identify potentially pathogenic gene variants in families in which a person had multiple congenital malformations. We tested the function of the variant by using assays of in vitro enzyme activity and by quantifying metabolites in patient plasma. We engineered mouse models with similar variants using the CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats)–Cas9 system. RESULTS: Variants were identified in two genes that encode enzymes of the kynurenine pathway, 3-hydroxyanthranilic acid 3,4-dioxygenase (HAAO) and kynureninase (KYNU). Three patients carried homozygous variants predicting loss-of-function changes in the HAAO or KYNU proteins (HAAO p.D162*, HAAO p.W186*, or KYNU p.V57Efs*21). Another patient carried heterozygous KYNU variants (p.Y156* and p.F349Kfs*4). The mutant enzymes had greatly reduced activity in vitro. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is synthesized de novo from tryptophan through the kynurenine pathway. The patients had reduced levels of circulating NAD. Defects similar to those in the patients developed in the embryos of Haao-null or Kynu-null mice owing to NAD deficiency. In null mice, the prevention of NAD deficiency during gestation averted defects. CONCLUSIONS: Disruption of NAD synthesis caused a deficiency of NAD and congenital malformations in humans and mice. Niacin supplementation during gestation prevented the malformations in mice

    Elizabeth Haye

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    Je suis venue vous dire que je m’en vais

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    Emmanuel Desrosiers, Yves Meynard

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    Regarder le monde qui regarde le monde brûler

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    Marie-Louise Monast, Francine Ouellette, Anne-Marie Sicotte

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    « Du purell sur la langue »

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