306 research outputs found

    Explotació dels mamífers i economia de les darreres comunitats caçadores-recol·lectores del vessant mediterrani ibèric durant la transició Tardiglacial-Holocé

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    En el presente trabajo se realiza el estudio zooarqueológico de los vertebrados terrestres explotados por los grupos humanos de los niveles tardiglaciares de los yacimientos de Santa Maira (boca Oeste) y Nerja (sala del Vestíbulo). A partir de los datos obtenidos para las facies culturales Magdaleniense / Epipaleolítico / Mesolítico se caracterizan las tendencias de cambio en los modelos económicos de las últimas comunidades cazadoras-recolectoras de la península ibérica. Estas secuencias se contextualizan así mismo en la zona biogeográfica mediterránea peninsular. Entre los resultados obtenidos cabe destacar la definición y caracterización de un modelo económico "tardiglaciar", donde el modelo definido para buena parte del Paleolítico superior mediterráneo peninsular (caza centrada en una taxón principal -la cabra montés o el ciervo, la preeminencia en los recuentos del conejo, y la presencia esporádica de otros taxones) empieza a sufrir una serie de transformaciones tendentes a la diversificación de los recursos. Así mismo, se define un modelo de gestión diferente que irrumpe con la facies cultural del Mesolítico, y que supone ahora sí, una solución de continuidad respecto a los modelos anteriores y que coincide con toda una serie de cambios que afectan de forma global a aspectos sociales y territoriales de estas últimas comunidades

    Editorial: New insights into adult neurogenesis and neurodegeneration: challenges for brain repair

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    The formation of new neurons in the brain is probably one of the most controversial topics in the scientific community since in the 1960's Joseph Altman described for the first time that proliferating cells give rise to new neurons in the adult brain of rats and other mammals. This Research Topic includes 1 brief research report, 3 mini review, 4 review and 9 original research papers gathering different contributions highlighting new developments in the field of neurogenesis

    Ultrastructural characterization of human oligodendrocytes and their progenitor cells by pre-embedding immunogold.

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    Oligodendrocytes are the myelinating cells of the central nervous system. They provide trophic, metabolic, and structural support to neurons. In several pathologies such as multiple sclerosis (MS), these cells are severely affected and fail to remyelinate, thereby leading to neuronal death. The gold standard for studying remyelination is the g-ratio, which is measured by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Therefore, studying the fine structure of the oligodendrocyte population in the human brain at different stages through TEM is a key feature in this field of study. Here we study the ultrastructure of oligodendrocytes, its progenitors, and myelin in 10 samples of human white matter using nine different markers of the oligodendrocyte lineage (NG2, PDGFRα, A2B5, Sox10, Olig2, BCAS1, APC-(CC1), MAG, and MBP). Our findings show that human oligodendrocytes constitute a very heterogeneous population within the human white matter and that its stages of differentiation present characteristic features that can be used to identify them by TEM. This study sheds light on how these cells interact with other cells within the human brain and clarify their fine characteristics from other glial cell types

    Evidences of Interaction Homo-Cuon in three Upper Pleistocene Sites of the Iberian Mediterranean Central Region

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    Several cuon bones were discovered recently in three Upper Pleistocene archeological sites in the central area of the Iberian Mediterranean. This has proved that there were different types of interactions between dholes and prehistoric human groups. Firstly, evidence found in the archeological sites of Cova Negra and Coves de Santa Maira shows the use of carcasses of dholes by human hunter-gatherers. Secondly, the dhole remains recovered in Cova del Parpalló shows the dholes and humans could occupy the same habitat. In this case, the dhole died by natural causes in a small and isolated gallery before the human groups occupied the cave during the gravettian period. Associated with the dhole bones, there were also many ungulate mammal remains found. Some of these bones shows carnivore tooth marks. Due to these findings, we can presume that the dhole might have been the predator responsible for the bones discovered within the chamber. With the data provided we can come to the conclusion that this species had a more prominent role than we originally thought

    Aprendizaje progresivo basado en proyectos en el ámbito de la Ingeniería Biomédica: diseño, construcción y programación de un ECG basado en un microcontrolador de bajo coste

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    En la coyuntura sanitaria y educacional en la que se encuentra la sociedad desde hace unos años, el Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech confeccionó unos planes de estudio para una serie de grados que pretendían cubrir la necesidad del Ingeniero Informático dentro de la rama sanitaria. Estos grados, con un primer ciclo común, se subdividen en el segundo ciclo en tres especialidades. Una de ellas es la denominada Ingeniería Biomédica, que forma a Ingenieros con conocimiento de Informática a nivel de Hardware para el diseño y mantenimiento de maquinaria e instrumentación de aplicación en hospitales y centros sanitarios. Este grado se imparte actualmente en la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad de Sevilla. En este contexto, la asignatura “Instrumentación Biomédica” tiene un papel fundamental para el aprendizaje del funcionamiento y diseño de instrumentos de pequeña y mediana escala dentro del ámbito anteriormente especificado. En este trabajo se plantea un mecanismo escalonado y basado en problemas [1,2] para el aprendizaje de los diversos instrumentos electrónicos de aplicación sanitaria. El objetivo del mecanismo de aprendizaje es aportar al alumnado conocimientos básicos acerca del funcionamiento y diseño de todo tipo de sensores y actuadores electrónicos, a la vez que se les introduce en la programación de un microcontrolador de bajo coste y basado en Arduino para manejar dichos periféricos. De forma progresiva se van integrando los conocimientos de todas las prácticas a lo largo del curso para, finalmente, ser capaces de confeccionar y desarrollar un electrocardiógrafo portátil mediante un microcontrolador, una sonda, un amplificador operacional, un display gráfico, una placa de prototipado y diversos componentes electrónicos básicos tales como potenciómetros, pulsadores y diodos led para el control del funcionamiento del instrumento.SUMMARY -- In the current situation of Health and Education. the Andalusia Tech International Excellence Campus drew up a curriculum for three degrees that are intended to cover the need of Computer Engineer within the healthcare industry. These degrees, with a common first cycle of two years, have three specialties in the second cycle. One of them is the Biomedical Engineering, which trains engineers with knowledge of Computer Hardware level for the design and maintenance of machinery and instrumentation for application in hospitals and health centers. This degree is currently offered at the Technical Superior School of Computer Science at the University of Seville. In this context, the course "Biomedical Instrumentation" has a fundamental role for learning the operation and design of small and medium-scaled instruments. In this paper, a step-by-step and problem-based learning is explained inside the Biomedical Instrumentation course. The main objective of this learning mechanism is to provide basic knowledge about performance and design medical instruments with several types of electronic sensors and actuators, while students are introduced in the programming of a low-cost Arduino-based to handle these peripherals. Progressively they integrate the knowledge of all practices sesions throughout the course to finally be able to prepare and develop a portable electrocardiograph by a microcontroller, a probe, an operational amplifier, a graphical display, a prototyping board and several basic electronic components such as potentiometers, pushbuttons and leds for controlling the operation of the instrument

    A web application for the unspecific detection of differentially expressed DNA regions in strand-specific expression data

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    Genomic technologies allow laboratories to produce large-scale data sets, either through the use of next-generation sequencing or microarray platforms. To explore these data sets and obtain máximum value from the data, researchers view their results alongside all the known features of a given reference genome. To study transcriptional changes that occur under a given condition, researchers search for regions of the genome that are differentially expressed between different experimental conditions. In order to identify these regions several algorithms have been developed over the years, along with some bioinformatic platforms that enable their use. However, currently available applications for comparative microarray analysis exclusively focus on changes in gene expression within known transcribed regions of predicted proteincoding genes, the changes that occur in non-predictable genetic elements, such as non-coding RNAs. Here, we present a web application for the visualization of strand-specific tiling microarray or next-generation sequencing data that allows customized detection of differentially expressed regions all along the genome in an unspecific manner, that allows identification of all RNA sequences, predictable or no

    Ethylene could influence ferric reductase, iron transporter, and H\u3csup\u3e+\u3c/sup\u3e-ATPase gene expression by affecting FER (or FER-like) gene activity

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    In previous works, it has been shown, by using ethylene inhibitors and precursors, that ethylene could participate in the regulation of the enhanced ferric reductase activity of Fe-deficient Strategy I plants. However, it was not known whether ethylene regulates the ferric reductase gene expression or other aspects related to this activity. This paper is a study of the effects of ethylene inhibitors and precursors on the expression of the genes encoding the ferric reductases and iron transporters of Arabidopsis thaliana (FRO2 and IRT1) and Lycopersicon esculentum (= Solanum lycopersicum) (FRO1 and IRT1) plants. The effects of ethylene inhibitors and precursors on the activity of the iron reductase and the iron transporter have been examined in parallel. Also studied were the effects of ethylene inhibitors and precursors on the expression of the H+-ATPase genes of cucumber (CsHA1 and CsHA2) and the transcription factor genes of tomato (LeFER) and Arabidopsis (AtFRU or AtFIT1, an LeFER homologue) that regulate ferric reductase, iron transporter, and H+-ATPse activity. The results obtained suggest that ethylene participates in the regulation of ferric reductase, the iron transporter, and H+-ATPase gene expression by affecting the FER (or FER-like) levels

    El nivel IV del Abrigo de la Quebrada (Chelva, Valencia). Análisis microespacial y valoración del uso del espacio en los yacimientos del Paleolítico medio valenciano

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    Se analiza la distribución espacial de los restos óseos y líticos del nivel IV del abrigo de la Quebrada, fechado en el MIS 3. A pesar de que puede definirse como un palimpsesto, el estudio detallado de los materiales en relación con las estructuras de combustión permite observar unas pautas de uso del espacio que resultan significativas de una ocupación que abarca la mayor parte de la superficie excavada, generando un espacio preferente de actividades de forma más o menos elíptica y una longitud mayor próxima a los 10 m. El detalle de las distribuciones de las materias primas, técnicas de talla y especies menos representadas permite confirmar la superposición de eventos diferenciados de ocupación responsables, al coincidir en unos límites reducidos, de la formación en palimpsesto del nivel. Todo ello en relación con un ritmo lento de sedimentación. Estos datos se comparan con alguno de los yacimientos contemporáneos a nivel regional, buscando valorar las pautas de uso del espacio de los neandertales en el ámbito geográfico de la región central mediterránea ibérica