4,682 research outputs found

    ¿Podemos integrar matemática, química, computación a partir de una problemática actual?

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    Esta experiencia se realizó en el Colegio Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe. El proceso educativo debe ser continuo, para facilitar la formación de una persona autónoma, trabajamos coordinadamente con vistas a la inserción de los alumnos provenientes del Nivel Medio en forma no traumática en aquellas Facultades de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral, en las cuales Matemática y Química son áreas relevantes en los respectivos planes de estudio. La adquisición de aprendizajes significativos se realiza mediante la claridad informativa y la aplicación sistemática, graduada y diversa de los contenidos a situaciones cotidianas que profundizan la comprensión de los conceptos. La situación seleccionada para esta experiencia es un tema de mucha trascendencia, el tabaquismo, que permitió integrar los contenidos de Matemática, Química y Computación

    Spatial variability of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) yield as related to soil parameters in a small field

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    The harvested biomass of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is generally much lower than its potential; this may be due to several factors including not recovering all the biomass at harvest, weed competition, pests, disease and spatial variation of soil features. The objective of this research was to quantify the yield spatial variation of switchgrass and relate it to soil parameters, in a field of about 5 ha, in 2004 and 2005. Several thematic maps of soil parameters and biomass yield were produced using GIS and geostatistical methods. Soil parameters changed consistently within very short distances and biomass yield varied from 3 to more than 20 Mg ha(-1). This remarkable variation indicates that the potential for increasing switchgrass productivity is a real prospect. Furthermore, spatial variation of yield showed similar patterns in the 2 years (r = 0.38**), and therefore a major influence of site characteristics on switchgrass yield can be assumed to occur. Significant correlations were found between biomass yield and soil N, P, moisture and pH as well as between soil parameters. Some soil parameters such as sand content showed patchy spatial distribution. Conversely, a reliable spatial dependence could not be identified for other parameters such as P. Further research is needed

    Eddy diffusivity derived from drifter data for dispersion model applications

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    Ocean transport and dispersion processes are at the present time simulated using Lagrangian stochastic models coupled with Eulerian circulation models that are supplying analyses and forecasts of the ocean currents at unprecedented time and space resolution. Using the Lagrangian approach, each particle displacement is described by an average motion and a fluctuating part. The first one represents the advection associated with the Eulerian current field of the circulation models while the second one describes the sub-grid scale diffusion. The focus of this study is to quantify the sub-grid scale diffusion of the Lagrangian models written in terms of a horizontal eddy diffusivity. Using a large database of drifters released in different regions of the Mediterranean Sea, the Lagrangian sub-grid scale diffusion has been computed, by considering different regimes when averaging statistical quantities. In addition, the real drifters have been simulated using a trajectory model forced by OGCM currents, focusing on how the Lagrangian properties are reproduced by the simulated trajectories

    Pro-p groups with few normal subgroups

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    Motivated by the study of pro-p groups With finite coclass, we consider the class of pro-p groups with few normal subgroups. This is not a well defined class and we offer several different definitions and study the connections between them. Furthermore, we propose a definition of periodicity for pro-p groups, thus, providing a general framework for some periodic patterns that have already been observed in the existing literature. We then focus oil examples and show that strikingly all the interesting examples not only have few normal Subgroups, but in addition have periodicity in the lattice of normal subgroups. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved


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    ABSTRACT During the last ten years, several studies have been devoted to understanding the behaviour of circular concrete sections confined by FRP. Less studies have dealt with square and rectangular sections, even if the problem is equally important, given the large amount of buildings with such sections that need to be retrofitted due to poor performance under vertical and horizontal actions. A numerical model was already proposed for the prediction of the stress-strain relationship. In order to implement such model in a design code framework, a mechanics-based equation has been developed and preliminary results are presented for the prediction of the ultimate strength of square sections confined by FRP. Since the model considers the corner radius influence, circular sections are automatically included as a particular case. The simplified model has been calibrated by means of a set of experimental values available in the literature
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