97 research outputs found


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    This paper implements the conceptual framework sketched by Pyatt (1990) to construct an extended Social Accounting Matrix for Spain in 1995 (ESAM-95) to consider, in addition to the market economy, the production of services provided by households through unpaid work. In doing so, the ESAM-95 integrates the accounts related to market activities (ESA accounts) with non-market activities (non-ESA accounts) in a consistent way. Additional classifications are introduced in both ESA and non-ESA accounts in order to disaggregate the institutional accounts by household type and those of production factors by educational level and gender. The extended SAM is useful to calibrate CGE models in which the distribution of time between paid and unpaid work is a relevant variable. Este trabajo desarrolla la estructura conceptual diseñada por Pyatt (1990) para ampliar la Matriz de Contabilidad Social para 1995 en España (MCSA-95) con el fin de considerar, además de la economía de mercado, la producción de servicios provista por los hogares mediante el trabajo no retribuido. Así pues, en el MCSA-95 se integran, de una manera uniforme, las cuentas relacionadas con actividades de mercado (cuentas SEC) con las de no-mercado (cuentas no-SEC). Se introducen clasificaciones adicionales tanto en las cuentas SEC como no-SEC a fin de desagregar las cuentas institucionales por tipo de hogar y las de factores de producción por sexo y nivel educativo. La Matriz de Contabilidad de Social Ampliada es útil para calibrar los modelos de equilibrio general computable en los que la distribución del tiempo entre el trabajo retribuido y no retribuido es una variable relevante.Matriz de Contabilidad Social; uso del tiempo; producción de los hogares Social accounting matrix; use of time; household production


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    Credit institutions provide financial intermediation services indirectly measured(FISIM). The consideration of those services by national accounts raise many problems.SEC-70 and SEC-95 (chapter 3) decided to include FISIM in a fictitious sector. Thissolution does not seem to be the best one as it implies that the share of the financialsector in the national product will be negative when we consolidate this account withthe fictitious sector. This solution is also problematic when trying to integrate theFISIM in a Social Accounting Matrix. Taking into account the recommendations ofSEC-95 of distributing the FISIM among the users of the FISIM, eliminating theficticious sector this paper proceeds to apply it to the SAM-95. Las instituciones de crédito producen los denominados servicios de intermediación financiera medidos indirectamente (SIFMI). El tratamiento de estos servicios en Contabilidad Nacional plantea numerosos problemas. En el SEC-70, y también en el capítulo 3 del SEC-95, se optó por asignar los SIFMI a un sector ficticio. Esta solución no parece ser la más adecuada, ya que implica que la aportación del sector financiero al PIB sea negativa al realizar su consolidación con el sector ficticio. Además, plantea problemas cuando se diseña una matriz de contabilidad social (MCS). Sin embargo, en un anexo del SEC-95 y en reglamentaciones posteriores se ha adoptado una solución metodológica en la que se procede a la distribución de los SIFMI a sectores usuarios, eliminándose el sector ficticio. En este artículo se procede a la distribución de los SIFMI en el contexto de la MCS-95.SIFMI, intermediación financiera, matriz de contabilidad social FISIM, financial intermediation, social accounting matrix


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    A Social Accounting Matrix for Spain in 1995 (MCS-95) is shown in this paper. This new data base contains some novelties in relation to the earlier MCS-90, both in the methodology applied and in the use of new data sources. As to the methodological innovation, the new input output framework of the European Accounting system (SEC-95) is used in the construction of the MCS-95. Also the estimation procedure and the adjustment of some of the accounts is made applying a method based on minimum entropy. In addition, statistical sources that were not used previously, are exploited in the MCS-95, in particular the ECPH for Spain and the Spanish Survey of Wage Structure. Finally, the SAM-LEG directives have been applied to the classification of households and factors in order to allow international comparisons. En este artículo se presenta la nueva Matriz de Contabilidad Social de 1995 para España (MCS-95) que supone un avance de cinco años con respecto a la anterior MCS-90. La nueva base de datos introduce además importantes novedades metodológicas. En primer lugar, se utiliza como referencia el nuevo marco input output (MIO) del sistema SEC-95. En segundo lugar, se explotan nuevas fuentes de información, como el Panel de Hogares o la Encuesta de Estructura Salarial. En tercer lugar, se mejora el procedimiento de estimación y de ajuste de algunas cuentas mediante la utilización de un método basado en la mínima entropía. Por último, se siguen las directrices marcadas por el SAM-LEG en la clasificación de hogares, lo que facilitará su comparación internacional.Matriz de contabilidad social, Contabilidad Nacional Social Accounting Matrix, National Accounts, Input-output frame


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    Credit institutions provide financial intermediation services indirectly measured(FISIM). The consideration of those services by national accounts raise many problems.SEC-70 and SEC-95 (chapter 3) decided to include FISIM in a fictitious sector. Thissolution does not seem to be the best one as it implies that the share of the financialsector in the national product will be negative when we consolidate this account withthe fictitious sector. A more reasonable solution was to allocate FISIM to user sectors.This solution has been adopted in annex I SEC-95 and, later on, in regulations of theEuropean Union. Consequently this will be applied in the EU countries in the nearfuture. In this paper the methodological issues related to the integration of FISIM innational accounts are discussed first. On the other hand, FISIM are distributed withininstitutional sectors in the period 1995-2000 and by activity branch in 1995. Las instituciones de crédito producen los denominados servicios de intermediación financiera medidos indirectamente (SIFMI). El tratamiento de estos servicios en Contabilidad Nacional plantea numerosos problemas. En el SEC-70, y también en el capítulo 3 del SEC-95, se optó por asignar los SIFMI a un sector ficticio. Esta solución no parece que sea la más adecuada, ya que implica que la aportación del sector financiero al PIB sea negativa al realizar su consolidación con el sector ficticio. En el anexo I del SEC-95, y en reglamentaciones posteriores de la Unión Europea, se ha adoptado la solución más razonable de asignar los SIFMI a sectores usuarios. Esta solución se aplicará en los países de la Unión Europea en los próximos años. En este trabajo se discuten los problemas metodológicos que plantean los SIFMI y se lleva a cabo su distribución por sectores institucionales (período 1995-2000) y por ramas de actividad (año 1995).SIFMI, intermediación financiera, cuentas nacionales FISIM, financial intermediation, national accounts

    Desajuste educativo y formación laboral especializada: efectos sobre los rendimientos salariales

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    Evidence of the existence of overeducation in the Spanish labour market has drawn the attention of research on the transitory character of overeducation (Alba-Ramirez, 1993 and García and Malo, 1995). Our main interest lies on whether overeducation is a source of inefficiency in the allocation of resources or it is a substitute for on-the-job training in the Spanish case. The theoretical framework for interpreting the results of our empirical exercise is contained in Thurow (1975). Accordinding to the competitive model, employers will preferably hire overeducated workers in relation to the requirements for a job, because overeducation is a substitute for more specific training and experience. Survey data provided by the Encuesta de Estructura, Conciencia y Biografía de Clase (ECBC) are used to test the substitution hypothesis. A sample of approximately two thousand individuals currently working as employees is available with information on personal characteristics (gender, age), labour market variables (experience, labour income, labour contract type, occupation and industry) and educationall training circumstances (participation in on-the-job training, and subjective and objective degree of overlunder qualification). Descriptive statistics on the objective degree of qualification for the job show that the majority) of the employees of our sample are adjusted to the qualification requirements (58%). 25.6% are overqualified and 16.5% are underqualified. An endogenous switching model is used to estimate the returns from overeducation and to determine their effect on participation on-the-the-job training and their returns. La existencia de evidencia de sobreeducación en el mercado de trabajo español ha atraído la atención de los investigadores sobre el carácter transitorio ó no del fenómeno de la sobreeducación (Alba-Ramirez, 1993 Y García y Malo, 1995). Nuestro principal interés radica en averiguar si la sobreeducación es una fuente de ineficiencia o un sustitutivo a la formación especializada. El marco teórico para la interpretación de los resultados del ejercicio empírico está contenido en Thurow (J 995). De acuerdo con el modelo competitivo, los empresarios contratarán preferentemente trabajadores sobreeducados en relación con los requerimientos educativos del puesto ocupado, ya que la sobreeducación es un sustititivo de la formación específica y la experiencia. La información proporcionada por la Encuesta de Estructura, Conciencia y Biografía de Clase (ECBC) se utiliza para contrastar la hipótesis de sustituibilidad. Se dispone de información sobre las características personales (género, edad), variables del mercado laboral (experiencia, ingresos, tipo de contrato, ocupación, rama de actividad, etc.), así como información sobre educación y formación (participación en formación especializada, grado subjetivo y objetivo de sobre o infraeducación), acerca de una muestra de aproximadamente dos mil individuos. Un modelo de regresión switching endógeno sirve para estimar los rendimientos de la sobreeducación y para determinar su efecto sobre la participación en programas de formación.Sobreeducación, formación especializada, regresión "switching" endógena Overeducation. specific training. endogeneous switching regression

    Analysis of the verification of weather warnings by maximum temperatures in the Region of Murcia (2010–2017)

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    El uso de los datos climáticos de más de 90 observatorios meteorológicos repartidos en la Región de Murcia, ha permitido tener una muestra muy heterogénea de las temperaturas máximas, teniendo en cuenta distintos entornos, tanto urbanos, como naturales. La relación entre los avisos emitidos por altas temperaturas y su comparativa con los valores finalmente observados ha permitido poder aplicar unos índices de verificación, que en algunos casos han tenido que ser modificados para su correcta aplicación, los cuales reflejan una notable sobreestimación de estas alertas, así como una mejora en el número de aciertos en los últimos años. La realización de la cartografía ha permitido localizar e identificar cuáles son las áreas donde existe, tanto una mayor anomalía térmica, como una menor incidencia de los distintos índices de verificación, pudiendo servir de ayuda para una revisión o mejora de los umbrales y zonificación de los avisos meteorológicos en esta provincia.The use of climatic data from more than 90 meteorological observatories distributed in the Region of Murcia, has allowed me to have a very heterogeneous sample of maximum temperatures, taking into account different environments, both urban and natural. The relationship between warnings issued by high temperatures and their comparison with the values finally observed has allowed us to apply verification indexes, which in some cases have had to be modified for their correct application, which reflect a significant overestimation of these alerts, as well as an improvement in the number of correct answers in recent years. Carrying out the cartography has made it possible to locate and identify the areas where there is a greater thermal anomaly, as well as those areas where there is a lower incidence of the different verification indexes, and may help to review or improve the thresholds and zoning of meteorological warnings in this province

    Facing challenges in differential classical conditioning research: benefits of a hybrid design for simultaneous electrodermal and electroencephalographic recording

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    Several challenges make it difficult to simultaneously investigate central and autonomous nervous system correlates of conditioned stimulus (CS) processing in classical conditioning paradigms. Such challenges include, for example, the discrepant requirements of electroencephalography (EEG) and electrodermal activity (EDA) recordings with regard to multiple repetitions of conditions and sufficient trial duration. Here, we propose a MultiCS conditioning set-up, in which we increased the number of CSs, decreased the number of learning trials, and used trials of short and long durations for meeting requirements of simultaneous EEG–EDA recording in a differential aversive conditioning task. Forty-eight participants underwent MultiCS conditioning, in which four neutral faces (CS+) were paired four times each with aversive electric stimulation (unconditioned stimulus) during acquisition, while four different neutral faces (CS−) remained unpaired. When comparing after relative to before learning measurements, EEG revealed an enhanced centro-posterior positivity to CS+ vs. CS− during 368–600 ms, and subjective ratings indicated CS+ to be less pleasant and more arousing than CS−. Furthermore, changes in CS valence and arousal were strong enough to bias subjective ratings when faces of CS+/CS− identity were displayed with different emotional expression (happy, angry) in a post-experimental behavioral task. In contrast to a persistent neural and evaluative CS+/CS− differentiation that sustained multiple unreinforced CS presentations, electrodermal differentiation was rapidly extinguished. Current results suggest that MultiCS conditioning provides a promising paradigm for investigating pre–post-learning changes under minimal influences of extinction and overlearning of simple stimulus features. Our data also revealed methodological pitfalls, such as the possibility of occurring artifacts when combining different acquisition systems for central and peripheral psychophysiological measures

    Drosophila melanogaster Models of Metal-Related Human Diseases and Metal Toxicity

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    Iron, copper and zinc are transition metals essential for life because they are required in a multitude of biological processes. Organisms have evolved to acquire metals from nutrition and to maintain adequate levels of each metal to avoid damaging effects associated with its deficiency, excess or misplacement. Interestingly, the main components of metal homeostatic pathways are conserved, with many orthologues of the human metal-related genes having been identified and characterized in Drosophila melanogaster. Drosophila has gained appreciation as a useful model for studying human diseases, including those caused by mutations in pathways controlling cellular metal homeostasis. Flies have many advantages in the laboratory, such as a short life cycle, easy handling and inexpensive maintenance. Furthermore, they can be raised in a large number. In addition, flies are greatly appreciated because they offer a considerable number of genetic tools to address some of the unresolved questions concerning disease pathology, which in turn could contribute to our understanding of the metal metabolism and homeostasis. This review recapitulates the metabolism of the principal transition metals, namely iron, zinc and copper, in Drosophila and the utility of this organism as an experimental model to explore the role of metal dyshomeostasis in different human diseases. Finally, a summary of the contribution of Drosophila as a model for testing metal toxicity is provided

    the EMEUNET Peer Review Mentoring Program

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    Although peer review plays a central role in the maintenance of high standards in scientific research, training of reviewing skills is not included in the common education programmes. The Emerging EULAR (European League Against Rheumatism) Network (EMEUNET) developed a programme to address this unmet need. The EMEUNET Peer Review Mentoring Program for Rheumatology Journals promotes a systematic training of reviewing skills by engaging mentees in a 'real world' peer review experience supervised by experienced mentors with support from rheumatology journals. This viewpoint provides an overview of this initiative and its outcomes, and discusses its potential limitations. Over 4 years, 18 mentors and 86 mentees have participated. Among the 33 participants who have completed the programme, 13 (39.3%) have become independent reviewers forAnnals of the Rheumatic Diseasesafter the training. This programme has been recently evaluated by a survey and qualitative interviews, revealing a high interest in this initiative. The main strengths (involvement of a top journal and learning opportunities) and weaknesses of the programme (limited number of places and insufficient dissemination) were identified. Overall, this programme represents an innovative and successful approach to peer review training. Continuous evaluation and improvement are key to its functioning. The EMEUNET Peer Review Mentoring Program may be used as a reference for peer review training in areas outside rheumatology.publishersversionpublishe