389 research outputs found

    The closer the better

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    The Evaluation of the Financial Situation’s Company

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    Táto diplomová práca hodnotí finančnú situáciu spoločnosti RIBE Slovakia k.s. v období rokov 2002 až 2007 zistenej vybranými metódami finančnej analýzy. Práca obsahuje návrhy možných riešení pre zlepšenie finančnej situácie spoločnosti v budúcnosti.This master’s thesis evaluates the financial situation of the company RIBE Slovakia Ltd. in the time period of 2002 to 2007 detected by selected methods of financial analysis. This thesis contains proposals of possible solutions for improvement of financial situation of company in the future.

    Damages for personal injury

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    Náhrada újmy při ublížení na zdraví Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na rozbor a zhodnocení rekodifikované právní úpravy odčiňování nemajetkové újmy při ublížení na zdraví ve světle její komparace s příslušnou právní úpravou v anglickém common law. Na pozadí historického vývoje způsobu stanovování výše peněžité náhrady nemajetkové újmy při ublížení na zdraví v anglickém common law, jakož i prostřednictvím komparace Metodiky Nejvyššího soudu k náhradě nemajetkové újmy na zdraví (bolest a ztížení společenského uplatnění podle § 2958 občanského zákoníku) s Guidelines for the Assessment of General Damages in Personal Injury Cases pak zejména dochází k pozitivnímu závěru ve vztahu k vytvoření a aplikaci výše uvedené metodiky, jež hodnotí jako vhodně zvolené preemptivní řešení, které umožní české právní praxi konzistentní a proporcionální odčiňování nemajetkové újmy při ublížení na zdraví již od počátku aplikace zákona č. 89/2012 Sb., občanského zákoníku, aniž by musela překonávat relativní právní nejistotu po dobu tvorby standardizované výše peněžitých náhrad soudní praxí tak, jako tomu bylo v anglickém common law. V rámci vymezení obecných předpokladů vzniku občanskoprávní povinnosti k náhradě škody a jejich komparace s obecnými předpoklady vzniku odpovědnosti z tort of negligence, který je v anglickém...Damages for personal injury The diploma thesis focuses on the analysis and evaluation of the recodified legal regulation on damages for non-pecuniary loss arising from personal injury in the light of its comparison with the relevant English common law. On the background of the historical evolution of the method for assessing the amount of damages for non-pecuniary loss arising from personal injury, as well as through the comparison of Metodika Nejvyššího soudu k náhradě nemajetkové újmy při ublížení na zdraví (bolest a ztížení společenského uplatnění podle § 2958 občanského zákoníku) with Guidelines for the Assessment of General Damages in Personal Injury Cases, the diploma thesis arrives at a conclusion in favour of the development and application of the former, which it deems to have been a suitably chosen pre-emptive measure that would allow Czech legal practice to approach damages for non-pecuniary loss arising from personal injury in a consistent and proportionate fashion right from the moment of the coming into effect of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, without having to overcome a period of relative legal uncertainty, during which standardised amounts of damages would have been developed through judicial practice, as was the case in the English common law. As regards the...Department of Civil LawKatedra občanského právaPrávnická fakultaFaculty of La

    Optical characterization of colloidal CdSe quantum dots in endothelial progenitor cells

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    We have quantitatively analyzed the confocal spectra of colloidal quantum dots (QDs) in rat endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) by using Leica TCS SP5 Confocal Microscopy System. Comparison of the confocal spectra of QDs located inside and outside EPCs revealed that the interaction between the QDs and EPCs effectively reduces the radius of the exciton confinement inside the QDs so that the excitonic energy increases and the QD fluorescence peak blueshifts. Furthermore, the EPC environment surrounding the QDs shields the QDs so that the excitation of the QDs inside the cells is relatively weak, whereas the QDs outside the cells can be highly excited. At high excitations, the occupation of the ground excitonic state in the QD outside the cells becomes saturated and high-energy states excited, resulting in a large relaxation energy and a broad fluorescence peak. This permits, in concept, to use QD biomarkers to monitor EPCs by characterizing QD fluorescence spectra

    Connectedness of energy markets around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    his paper studies the connectedness among energy equity indices of oil-exporting and oil-importing countries around the world. For each country, we construct time-varying measures of how much shocks this country transmits to other countries and how much shocks this country receives from other countries. We analyze the network of countries and find that, on average, oil-exporting countries are mainly transmitting shocks, and oil-importing countries are mainly receiving shocks. Furthermore, we use panel data regressions to evaluate whether the connectedness among countries is influenced by economic sentiment, uncertainty, and the global COVID-19 pandemic. We find that the connectedness among countries increases significantly in periods of uncertainty, low economic sentiment, and COVID-19 problems. This implies that diversification benefits across countries are severely reduced exactly during crises, that is, during the times when diversification benefits are most important

    Functional compounds of einkorn and emmer genotypes

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    Three einkorn and two emmer genotypes were analysed for concentration of microelements (Fe, Zn and Se) and lipid soluble antioxidants (α-tocopherol, α-tocotrienol and β-carotene). A diversity was observed in micronutrient content, but most of the genotypes have significantly higher trace element and antioxidant contents than the control wheat variety. The emmer genotypes contain lower Fe and β-carotene concentration than einkorn genotypes. The einkorn genotypes have significant higher antioxidant content than the wheat control. On average einkorn has more than three times more β-carotene than the wheat variety. Our results are useful for species/variety choice in functional food production not only for organic but also for conventional farmers, who have/want to operate under low input conditions, especially in Central Europe

    Generic stability of dissipative non-relativistic and relativistic fluids

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    The linear stability of the homogeneous equilibrium of non-relativistic fluids with mass flux and special relativistic fluids with the absolute value of the energy vector as internal energy is investigated. It is proved that the equilibrium is asymptotically stable in both cases due to purely thermodynamic restrictions; the only requirements are the thermodynamic stability and the nonnegativity of the transport coefficients.Comment: 22 page