1,024 research outputs found

    Dogmatic and social scientific activism in the Lochner era

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    The Lochner era has much to say about conceptions of judicial role and judicial activism, and can be used as an analytical example. I examine the era from the aspect of judicial reasoning. The analysis is composed of three main units. First, I point out a distinction between judicial and constitutional, as well as between single activist decisions and tendencies. Second, I sketch a theoretical framework that concerns the inclusion of social sciences into judicial reasoning. “Social scientific passivistic” reasoning features references to exact data from social sciences, and tends to uphold the legislative action in question. On the other hand, “social scientific activistic” reasoning refers to social scientific data and aims to strike down the legislative action in question. In a similar vein, “dogmatic activistic” reasoning is grounded on precedents and methods of legal interpretation, tending to strike down a legislative act, while “dogmatic passivistic” reasoning aims at upholding such an act. These categories are not mutually exclusive; however, they help to analyze constitutional decisions with directing attention to their nature behind their prima facie content. Finally, I apply the scheme to the Supreme Court’s Lochner era constitutional adjudication

    Csány László reformkori leveleiből (1834-1845)

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    Rapid adiabatic preparation of injective PEPS and Gibbs states

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    We propose a quantum algorithm for many-body state preparation. It is especially suited for injective PEPS and thermal states of local commuting Hamiltonians on a lattice. We show that for a uniform gap and sufficiently smooth paths, an adiabatic runtime and circuit depth of O(polylogN)O(\operatorname{polylog}N) can be achieved for O(N)O(N) spins. This is an almost exponential improvement over previous bounds. The total number of elementary gates scales as O(NpolylogN)O(N\operatorname{polylog}N). This is also faster than the best known upper bound of O(N2)O(N^2) on the mixing times of Monte Carlo Markov chain algorithms for sampling classical systems in thermal equilibrium.Comment: 5 (+12) pages, 2 figure

    Dogmatic and social scientific activism in the Lochner

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    Formal approach to modeling of modern Information Systems

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    Most recently, the concept of business documents has started to play double role. On one hand, a business document (word processing text or calculation sheet) can be used as specification tool, on the other hand the business document is an immanent constituent of business processes, thereby essential component of business Information Systems. The recent tendency is that the majority of documents and their contents within business Information Systems remain in semi-structured format and a lesser part of documents is transformed into schemas of structured databases. In order to keep the emerging situation in hand, we suggest the creation (1) a theoretical framework for modeling business Information Systems; (2) and a design method for practical application based on the theoretical model that provides the structuring principles. The modeling approach that focuses on documents and their interrelationships with business processes assists in perceiving the activities of modern Information Systems

    The fat and protein content of the sheep milk under different conditions

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    In Hungary the Hungarian Combing Merino has been and still is the most common sheep breed. In order to increase the milk production traits, especially the milk components, several crossings were made. In an experiment lasting three years the fat, protein and dry matter contents of the milk produced by ewes belonging to different genotypes: Merino, (Merino x East-Friesian) F1, (Merino x Langhe) F1, (Merino x Sarda) F1, (Merino x Pleven) F1 and (Merino x Awassi) F1 were studied. The test milkings of the ewes were carried out fortnightly, twice a day. From the study the following conclusions could be drawn: (i) the East-Friesian F1 ewes produced the largest amount of fat, protein and dry matter in their milk; followed by Langhe F1, Sarda F1, Pleven F1, Awassi F1 and Merinos in the ranking; (ii) the improvement in conditions gave an increased yield of the studied traits; and (iii) the pre-selection of Merinos on the basis of milk production should be made prior to the start of crossbreeding considering to increase the milk production traits

    Economic necessity for developing the milk sector

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    The Merinos dominating in the Hungarian sheep industry and the profitability of sheep production is not as high as would be necessary. Economic analysis was made to find out the possible break-even points. According to the results, the increase of milk production might be the key to solve this problem, but some conditions should be considered. Regarding the data presented the possible conclusions might be summarized as follows: Enlarging the stock without improving the phenotypic background is not profitable. This method will lead to a deadlock. The utilization of milk breeds under the present conditions could be realized: (i) if the costs of changing the breeding animals could be covered from other sources, since national sources are not available; (ii) if the attitude of the managers and employees of milk sheep farms could change; and (iii) if the price of milk was reasonable and the state purchase prices could reach the average prices of the EU (1 Euro/litre)

    A Tesztüzemi Információs Rendszer eredményei 2012=Results of Hungarian FADN Farms 2012

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    A kiadvány 1599 egyéni gazdaság és 385 társas vállalkozás feldolgozott adatát tartalmazza. A mintavételre kijelölt gazdaságok üzemtípus, méret és gazdasági forma szerint reprezentálják a magyarországi árutermelő mezőgazdasági vállalkozásokat (106 ezer gazdaságot). A 2009-es pénzügyi válság óta folyamatosan növekszik a mezőgazdaság jövedelmezősége, bár 2012-ben a növekedés üteme jelentősen lassult. Az egyéni gazdaságok adózás előtti eredménye 6 százalékkal, a társas gazdaságoké 7 százalékkal növekedett. A növénytermesztés átlag alatti hozamait a kedvező árváltozás kompenzálta, illetve éves szinten az állati termékek árai is meghaladták az előző évit. A nettó hozzáadott érték alapján a legnagyobb mértékben – 48 százalékkal – a sertéstartó gazdaságok növelték a jövedelmüket. Jelentős mértékben – 25 százalékkal – bővült a zöldséghajtató gazdaságok jövedelme, továbbá 10 százalék körül bővült a baromfitartó és a szabadföldi zöldségtermesztő gazdaságok jövedelme. A szántóföldi növénytermesztők és a tejelő tehenészetek jövedelme stagnált, a húsmarha- és juhtartók, valamint a gyümölcstermesztő gazdaságok jövedelme 10 százalék körüli értékben csökkent, ugyanakkor a jövedelem jelentősen visszaesett a vegyes gazdaságoknál (25 százalékkal) és a szőlőtermesztőknél (32 százalék)