4,370 research outputs found

    Are Preferential Agreements Stepping Stones To Other Markets?

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    This paper investigates whether preferential trade agreements (PTA) promote exports to third nations through the expansion of the extensive margin (i.e. larger number of export goods). The analysis covers 11 South- South and South-North PTAs involving 36 countries that exported to 118 different destinations during the 5 years before and after the PTA. Using a conditional logit model, and trade data at the SITC 5-digit level, we estimate the effect of new within-PTA exports on the subsequent exports to thirdnation markets. The results suggest that PTAs have a positive indirect effect, i.e. spillover-effect, on exports to third countries. Previous export experience in a given product in the preferential area is shown to have a positive effect on the probability that the same product is subsequently exported to a nonmember market. The size of the effect, however, varies across PTAs.Trade policy, spillovers, market entry

    The DR-CAFTA and the extensive margin : a firm-level analysis

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    This paperexamines the export behavior of Dominican Republic exporters following the implementation of the Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement in 2007. Using a firm-level dataset for 2002-2009, the authors investigate the effects of a tariff reduction on the extensive margin. The analysis distinguishes the impact on the entry of new firms, exports of new products, and entry into the Agreement’s markets. The paper analyzes whether the agreement prevents incumbent exporters from exiting the market. The results suggest that tariff cuts had a positive although very small effect on the extensive margin. A decline in tariffs also seems to reduce the probability of exit, but the effect is also small. The evidence calls for complementary policies aiming at helping exporters maximize the benefits of the agreement.Free Trade,Markets and Market Access,Debt Markets,Export Competitiveness,Trade Policy

    «Lo personal es político»: Patrones de construcción de género en la Transición española. "Daniela Astor y la caja negra", de Marta Sanz

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    En el marco de los denominados «nuevos realismos», Daniela Astor y la caja negra aborda la particular manera por la que las mujeres hubieron de enfrentarse a las contradicciones del periodo de la transición a la democracia en España. El análisis de la construcción de la identidad de género en el ámbito de lo personal y la transformación de esta identidad individual en conciencia política en la novela permite establecer relaciones entre las dinámicas de la sociedad española de 1978 en cuanto a la redefinición de los derechos de las mujeres a partir de la defensa del cuerp

    La empresa y el abandono del socio en tiempos de crisis...

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    The financial economic crisis that has passed through Spain and the euro zone in general has impacted the business fabric that has caused devastating effects on it with such force. These losses have been expressed in the permanent misunderstandings and difficult internal relationships among the shareholders who have seen sometimes, against the violation of their rights, the abandonment of the company a possible solution to recover your investment. Spanish law with the promulgation of the text revised of the law societies of Capital includes certain cases but these are very limited and partners which adversely affected their interests only can go to statutory provisions of separation that, in most of the cases, tend not to be introduced nor provided for in the bylaws.

    The construction of female body as victimized and his necessary reconstruction facing male violence

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    El cuerpo femenino ha sido construido desde la filosofía, la religión, la medicina, la ficción e incluso, desde la moda como un objeto fácilmente victimizable. Destaco en este proceso de construcción cultural, los caracteres de un cuerpo como “nuda vida”, como objeto de abyección y como sujeto de una deuda ancestral de sometimiento que da como resultado un cuerpo vulnerable, insano y fragilizado. En la lucha contra la violencia, el feminismo ha de interesarse por la (re) construcción- tanto desde el punto de vista físico cuanto desde nuevas narrativa- de cuerpos femeninos en versiones fuertes, autónomas y habitables de manera que no ofrezcan perfiles de víctimas.The female body has been constructed from philosophy, religion, medicine, fiction, even fashion, as an object easy to victimize. In the process of cultural construction I want to remark these female bodies’ characteristics as a “nuda vita”, object of abjection an subject of an ancestral submission debt which offers as a result a vulnerable, insane and fragilized body. In our struggle against sexist violence, feminism has to be interested in (re) constructing these female bodies not only from the physical perspective buy from new narratives in terms of strength, autonomy and habitability so that they do not offer a victim profile

    Are preferential agreements stepping stones to other markets?

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    This paper investigates whether preferential trade agreements (PTA) promote exports to third nations through the expansion of the extensive margin (i.e. larger number of export goods). The analysis covers 11 South-South and South-North PTAs involving 36 countries that exported to 118 different destinations during the 5 years before and after the PTA. Using a conditional logit model, and trade data at the SITC 5-digit level, we estimate the effect of new within-PTA exports on the subsequent exports to thirdnation markets. The results suggest that PTAs have a positive indirect effect, i.e. spillover-effect, on exports to third countries. Previous export experience in a given product in the preferential area is shown to have a positive effect on the probability that the same product is subsequently exported to a nonmember market. The size of the effect, however, varies across PTAs

    Laboratorio Urbano: las voces de la ciudad

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    Hablar de rehabilitación urbana es, necesariamente, hablar de la población que habita el espacio que va a ser rehabilitado. Si la participación ciudadana es importante en cualquier proceso que tenga consecuencias para la sociedad, se hace aún más evidente en los procesos de transformación urbana que afectan a espacios habitados

    El rol del profesor y el software geogebra: experiencia de aula bajo la teoría de la mediación semiótica

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    En este artículo se presenta parte del trabajo de grado que estoy desarrollando para optar por el título de maestría en Docencia de las Matemáticas. Específicamente, se recuentan detalles de una experiencia de aula en la que el objetivo es formular una conjetura en la clase de geometría con estudiantes de grado octavo, y a partir de tal recuento se realiza un análisis parcial del rol del profesor, bajo el modelo de la Mediación Semiótica. Dicha experiencia está centrada en el uso de un software de geometría dinámica como artefacto, y basada en un ciclo didáctico fundamentado en la aproximación metodológica para la enseñanza del grupo Æ · G