36 research outputs found

    Neoasterolepisma pallida sp. n. of Lepismatidae (Insecta: Zygentoma from South-Eastern Spain

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    Se describe una nueva especie de Lepismatidae hallado en las provincias de Murcia, Alicante, Valencia y Albacete, perteneciente al género Neoasterolepisma: N. pallida n. sp. Se indican las principales diferencias con especies afines, destacando que en los machos de esta nueva especie las tibias posteriores no están modificadas, lo que sí sucede en todos los Neoasterolepisma ibéricos excepto N. curtiseta. Presenta, como peculiaridad, una notable modificación de la quetotaxia del artejo distal del palpo labial.A new species of Lepismatidae of the genus Neoasterolepisma, N. pallida sp. n., is described from the Murcia, Alicante, Valencia and Albacete provinces in Spain. The main differences between the new species and the most closely related ones are pointed out. The main morphological feature of this new species is the modification of the chaetotaxy of the last article of the lapial palp, and the absence of modifications in the third tibia of the males, whereas the modification of this leg article in males is normal in the species of Neoasterolepisma of the Iberian Peninsula except for N. curtiseta

    Ctenolepisma almeriensis n. sp. of Lepismatidae (Insecta, Zygentoma) from south-eastern Spain

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    Ctenolepisma almeriensis sp. n. de Lepismatidae (Insecta, Zygentoma) de España suroriental.— Se describe Ctenolepisma almeriensis sp. n., distribuida por el sureste de la Península Ibérica. Previamente esta especie se había identificado como Ctenolepisma lineata (Fabricius, 1775), extendida por el Paleártico suroccidental. La principal diferencia entre ambas especies reside en la quetotaxia de los esternitos torácicos: las macroquetas de cada peine de meso– y metasterno forman una sola fila en C. lineata, mientras que se disponen en dos líneas paralelas en C. almeriensis sp. n. En el prosterno, cada peine de C. lineata consta de 1–2 líneas irregulares, por 2–3 filas en la nueva especie. Se ha realizado un análisis discriminante para separar, con base en otros parámetros de la quetotaxia, un grupo de especímenes españoles de C. lineata de otro grupo encuadrable a priori en la nueva especie, demostrándose que la presencia de filas simples o dobles de macroquetas en los esternitos torácicos representa una característica válida para la diferenciación entre ambas especies.Ctenolepisma almeriensis n. sp. of Lepismatidae (Insecta, Zygentoma) from south–eastern Spain.— Ctenolepisma almeriensis n. sp., from the south–eastern part of the Iberian Peninsula is described. This species was determined previously as Ctenolepisma lineata (Fabricius, 1775), which is widespread over the south–western Palaeartic region. The main difference between the two species is the setation of thoracic sternites. In each bristle–comb of the mesosternum and the metasternum, macrosetae are arranged in a single row in C. lineata and in two parallel rows in C. almeriensis n. sp. In the prosternum, the first species shows 1–2 irregular lines of macrosetae per comb, and the new species shows 2–3 lines. Based on other parameters of setation, a discriminant analysis was carried out to separate a group of Spanish specimens of C. lineata from another group of specimens of the new species. This analysis demonstrated the validity of the occurrence of double or single lines of macrosetae in thoracic sternites to distinguish between the two species

    On Neoasterolepisma wasmanni (Moniez, 1894) and the identity of Lepisma iberica Stach, 1930, with a description of two new species of Neoasterolepisma from the Iberian Peninsula (Apterygota: Zygentoma: Lepismatidae

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    En este trabajo se exponen las razones por las que Lepisma iberica sensu Stach, 1930, debe ser sinonimizada con Neoasterolepisma wasmanni (Moniez, 1894) ya que los ejemplares de la especie descrita por Stach se corresponden en realidad con juveniles de la de Moniez. Al mismo tiempo se describen dos nuevas especies del SO de la Península Ibérica, Neoasterolepisma hesperica n. sp. y Neoasterolepisma delator n. sp., basadas en formas que hasta la fecha se habían determinado como Lepisma iberica o Neoasterolepisma iberica. Se discuten las diferencias de estas nuevas especies entre sí y con otras especies próximasReasons why Lepisma iberica sensu Stach, 1930 must be treated as a synonym of Neoasterolepisma wasmanni (Moniez, 1894) are discussed, emphasizing that the insects described by Stach as a new species are, in fact, young specimens belonging to the species described by Moniez. At the same time, two new species found in the Southwestern regions of the Iberian Peninsula are described: Neoasterolepisma hesperica sp. n. and N. delator sp. n. These two taxa had been determined until now as Lepisma iberica or Neoasterolepisma iberica; they are compared between themselves and with other similar Neoasterolepisma

    Chemical and behavioural strategies along the spectrum of host specificity in ant-associated silverfish

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    BACKGROUND: Host range is a fundamental trait to understand the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of symbionts. Increasing host specificity is expected to be accompanied with specialization in different symbiont traits. We tested this specificity-specialization association in a large group of 16 ant-associated silverfish species by linking their level of host specificity to their degree of behavioural integration into the colony and to their accuracy of chemically imitating the host's recognition system, i.e. the cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) profile. RESULTS: As expected, facultative associates and host generalists (targeting multiple unrelated ants) tend to avoid the host, whereas host-specialists (typically restricted to Messor ants) were bolder, approached the host and allowed inspection. Generalists and host specialists regularly followed a host worker, unlike the other silverfish. Host aggression was extremely high toward non-ant-associated silverfish and modest to low in ant-associated groups. Surprisingly, the degree of chemical deception was not linked to host specificity as most silverfish, including facultative ant associates, imitated the host's CHC profile. Messor specialists retained the same CHC profile as the host after moulting, in contrast to a host generalist, suggesting an active production of the cues (chemical mimicry). Host generalist and facultative associates flexibly copied the highly different CHC profiles of alternative host species, pointing at passive acquisition (chemical camouflage) of the host's odour. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, we found that behaviour that seems to facilitate the integration in the host colony was more pronounced in host specialist silverfish. Chemical deception, however, was employed by all ant-associated species, irrespective of their degree of host specificity.status: publishe

    A description of a new species of the genus Promesomachilis from Spain (Insecta : Microcoryphia)

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    A new Microcoryphian species is described from southern Spain. The new species belongs to the genus Promesomachilis and is named P. intermedia n. sp. because of the presence of intermediate characteristics in comparison with the other two species of the genus. The main features of the new species are: male maxillary palp with a field of spiralized setae on the ventral side of articles II-V, some setae also on article VI; second article of the male labial palp without a process on its distal part, though a little protuberant; labial palp also lacks a field of specialized setae, which are present in the two other species; each female gonapophysis with only 14-16 annuli, the lowest number ever found in the genus. The main feature that allow us to distinguish the three species is the presence of a sensorial field on femur II and III. In P. intermedia it is on the outer part of the femur, whereas in the other two species it is different.Se describe una nueva especie de Microcoryphia procedente del sur de España a la que denominamos Promesomachilis intermedia n. sp., por presentar caracteres intermedios entre las dos únicas que se conocían del género. La nueva especie puede caracterizarse por las siguientes particularidades: la parte ventral de los artejos II a V del palpo maxilar posee un campo de sedas espiraladas que también se encuentran, aunque en menor número, en el artejo VI; la parte dorsal del segundo artejo del palpo labial del macho no presenta ni la protuberancia (apenas perceptible en la nueva especie), ni el campo de sedas especiales que se hallan en las otras dos; las gonapófisis de la hembra constan de 14-16 divisiones, el menor número entre las tres especies. La principal característica que permite separar la nueva especie de las otras dos es la presencia, en los dos sexos, de un campo sensorial en la cara externa del fémur del segundo y tercer par de patas. En las otras especies, este campo está situado en otros pares de patas

    On the genera Allomachilis Silvestri, 1906, and Kuschelochilis Wygodzinsky, 1951 (Insecta: Microcoryphia)

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    A revisao das espécies nominais (e únicas conhecidas) do género Allomachilis Silvestri, 1906 da Austrália e Kuschelochilis Wygodzinsky, 1951 do Chile (Microcoryphia: Meinertellidae) permitiram considerer o género Neotropical como sinónomo júnior do AustralianoO objetivo deste estudo foi revisar as espécies nominais, e somente descritas, do gênero Allomachilis Silvestri, 1906, da Austrália, e Kuschelochilis Wygodzinsky, 1951, do Chile (Microcoryphia: Meinertellidae). Os espécimens estudados vieram das coleções depositadas no: American Museun of Natural History (EUA); Instituto di Entomologia Agraria dell'Università di Portici (Itália); South Australian Museum (Austrália); Coleção Carmen Bach da Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Espanha); e a coleção entomológica do Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical (Portugal). A revisão das espécies nominais do gênero Allomachilis e Kuschelochilis permite considerar o gênero Neotropical como sinônimo júnior do gênero Australiano.The objective of this study was to revise the nominal, and only described, species of the genera Allomachilis Silvestri, 1906, from Australia, and Kuschelochilis Wygodzinsky, 1951, from Chile (Microcoryphia: Meinertellidae). The studied specimens came from the collections deposited in the: American Museum of Natural History (USA); Instituto di Entomologia Agraria dell'Università di Portici (Italy); South Australian Museum (Australia); Carmen Bach collection of the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Spain); and the entomology collection of the Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical (Portugal). The revision of the nominal species of the genera Allomachilis and Kuschelochilis allows to consider the Neotropical genus a junior synonym of the Australian one

    Sobre os gêneros Allomachilis Silvestri, 1906 e Kuschelochilis Wygodzinsky, 1951 (Insecta: Microcoryphia)

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    The objective of this study was to revise the nominal, and only described, species of the genera Allomachilis Silvestri, 1906, from Australia, and Kuschelochilis Wygodzinsky, 1951, from Chile (Microcoryphia: Meinertellidae). The studied specimens came from the collections deposited in the: American Museum of Natural History (USA); Instituto di Entomologia Agraria dell'Università di Portici (Italy); South Australian Museum (Australia); Carmen Bach collection of the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Spain); and the entomology collection of the Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical (Portugal). The revision of the nominal species of the genera Allomachilis and Kuschelochilis allows to consider the Neotropical genus a junior synonym of the Australian one.A revisao das espécies nominais (e únicas conhecidas) do género Allomachilis Silvestri, 1906 da Austrália e Kuschelochilis Wygodzinsky, 1951 do Chile (Microcoryphia: Meinertellidae) permitiram considerer o género Neotropical como sinónomo júnior do AustralianoO objetivo deste estudo foi revisar as espécies nominais, e somente descritas, do gênero Allomachilis Silvestri, 1906, da Austrália, e Kuschelochilis Wygodzinsky, 1951, do Chile (Microcoryphia: Meinertellidae). Os espécimens estudados vieram das coleções depositadas no: American Museun of Natural History (EUA); Instituto di Entomologia Agraria dell'Università di Portici (Itália); South Australian Museum (Austrália); Coleção Carmen Bach da Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Espanha); e a coleção entomológica do Instituto de Investigação Científica Tropical (Portugal). A revisão das espécies nominais do gênero Allomachilis e Kuschelochilis permite considerar o gênero Neotropical como sinônimo júnior do gênero Australiano