24 research outputs found

    Lubiprostone Stimulates Duodenal Bicarbonate Secretion in Rats

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    Lubiprostone, a bicyclic fatty acid, is used for the treatment of chronic constipation. No published study has addressed the effect of lubiprostone on intestinal ion secretion in vivo. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that lubiprostone augments duodenal HCO3 − secretion (DBS). Rat proximal duodenal loops were perfused with pH 7.0 Krebs, control vehicle (medium-chain triglycerides), or lubiprostone (0.1–10 μM). We measured DBS with flow-through pH and CO2 electrodes, perfusate [Cl−] with a Cl− electrode, and water flux using a non-absorbable ferrocyanide marker. Some rats were pretreated with a potent, selective CFTR antagonist, CFTRinh-172 (1 mg/kg, ip), 1 h before experiments. Perfusion of lubiprostone concentration dependently increased DBS, whereas net Cl− output and net water output were only increased at 0.1 μM, compared with vehicle. CFTRinh-172 reduced lubiprostone (10 μM)-induced DBS increase, whereas net Cl− output was also unchanged. Nevertheless, CFTRinh-172 reduced basal net water output, which was reversed by lubiprostone. Furthermore, lubiprostone-induced DBS was inhibited by EP4 receptor antagonist, not by an EP1/2 receptor antagonist or by indomethacin pretreatment. In this first study of the effect of lubiprostone on intestinal ion secretion in vivo, lubiprostone stimulated CFTR-dependent DBS without changing net Cl− secretion. This effect supports the hypothesis that Cl− secreted by CFTR is recycled across the apical membrane by anion exchangers. Recovery of water output during CFTR inhibition suggests that lubiprostone may improve the intestinal phenotype in CF patients. Furthermore, increased DBS suggests that lubiprostone may protect the duodenum from acid-induced injury via EP4 receptor activation

    Effective methods for bulk RNA-seq deconvolution using scnRNA-seq transcriptomes

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    Background: RNA profiling technologies at single-cell resolutions, including single-cell and single-nuclei RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq and snRNA-seq, scnRNA-seq for short), can help characterize the composition of tissues and reveal cells that influence key functions in both healthy and disease tissues. However, the use of these technologies is operationally challenging because of high costs and stringent sample-collection requirements. Computational deconvolution methods that infer the composition of bulk-profiled samples using scnRNA-seq-characterized cell types can broaden scnRNA-seq applications, but their effectiveness remains controversial. Results: We produced the first systematic evaluation of deconvolution methods on datasets with either known or scnRNA-seq-estimated compositions. Our analyses revealed biases that are common to scnRNA-seq 10X Genomics assays and illustrated the importance of accurate and properly controlled data preprocessing and method selection and optimization. Moreover, our results suggested that concurrent RNA-seq and scnRNA-seq profiles can help improve the accuracy of both scnRNA-seq preprocessing and the deconvolution methods that employ them. Indeed, our proposed method, Single-cell RNA Quantity Informed Deconvolution (SQUID), which combines RNA-seq transformation and dampened weighted least-squares deconvolution approaches, consistently outperformed other methods in predicting the composition of cell mixtures and tissue samples. Conclusions: We showed that analysis of concurrent RNA-seq and scnRNA-seq profiles with SQUID can produce accurate cell-type abundance estimates and that this accuracy improvement was necessary for identifying outcomes-predictive cancer cell subclones in pediatric acute myeloid leukemia and neuroblastoma datasets. These results suggest that deconvolution accuracy improvements are vital to enabling its applications in the life sciences

    Expression of the chloride channel CLC-K in human airway epithelial cells

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    Airway submucosal gland function is severely disrupted in cystic fibrosis (CF), as a result of genetic mutation of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), an apical membrane Cl– channel. To identify other Cl– channel types that could potentially substitute for lost CFTR function in these cells, we investigated the functional and molecular expression of Cl– channels in Calu-3 cells, a human cell line model of the submucosal gland serous cell. Whole cell patch clamp recording from these cells identified outwardly rectified, pH- and calcium-sensitive Cl– currents that resemble those previously ascribed to ClC-K type chloride channels. Using reverse transcription – polymerase chain reaction, we identified expression of mRNA for ClC-2, ClC-3, ClC-4, ClC-5, ClC-6, ClC-7, ClC-Ka, and ClC-Kb, as well as the common ClC-K channel b subunit barttin. Western blotting confirmed that Calu-3 cells express both ClC-K and barttin protein. Thus, Calu-3 cells express multiple members of the ClC family of Cl– channels that, if also expressed in native submucosal gland serous cells within the CF lung, could perhaps act to partially substitute lost CFTR function. Furthermore, this work represents the first evidence for functional ClC-K chloride channel expression within the lung

    Mutations in a dominant-negative isoform correlate with phenotype in inherited cardiac arrhythmias.

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    The long QT syndrome is characterized by prolonged cardiac repolarization and a high risk of sudden death. Mutations in the KCNQ1 gene, which encodes the cardiac KvLQT1 potassium ion (K+) channel, cause both the autosomal dominant Romano-Ward (RW) syndrome and the recessive Jervell and Lange-Nielsen (JLN) syndrome. JLN presents with cardiac arrhythmias and congenital deafness, and heterozygous carriers of JLN mutations exhibit a very mild cardiac phenotype. Despite the phenotypic differences between heterozygotes with RW and those with JLN mutations, both classes of variant protein fail to produce K+ currents in cultured cells. We have shown that an N-terminus-truncated KvLQT1 isoform endogenously expressed in the human heart exerts strong dominant-negative effects on the full-length KvLQT1 protein. Because RW and JLN mutations concern both truncated and full-length KvLQT1 isoforms, we investigated whether RW or JLN mutations would have different impacts on the dominant-negative properties of the truncated KvLQT1 splice variant. In a mammalian expression system, we found that JLN, but not RW, mutations suppress the dominant-negative effects of the truncated KvLQT1. Thus, in JLN heterozygous carriers, the full-length KvLQT1 protein encoded by the unaffected allele should not be subject to the negative influence of the mutated truncated isoform, leaving some cardiac K+ current available for repolarization. This is the first report of a genetic disease in which the impact of a mutation on a dominant-negative isoform correlates with the phenotype

    A dominant negative isoform of the long QT syndrome 1 gene product

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    Mutations in the KvLQT1 gene are the cause of the long QT syndrome 1. KvLQT1 gene product is associated with the regulator protein IsK to produce a component of the delayed rectifier K+ current in cardiac myocytes. We identified an N-terminal truncated isoform of the KvLQT1 gene product, referred to as isoform 2. In RNase protection assays, isoform 2 represented 28.1 +/- 0.6% of the total KvLQT1 expression in the human adult ventricle. COS-7 cells injected intranuclearly with KvLQT1 isoform 1 cDNA exhibited a fast-activating K+ current, whereas those injected with a KvLQT1 isoform 1 plus IsK cDNA showed a slow-activating K+ current. Cells injected with KvLQT1 isoform 2 plasmid showed no detectable K+ current. Those injected with a 1/1 isoform 2/isoform 1 ratio showed no detectable K+ current. Those injected with 1/5 and 2/5 ratios showed a K+ current with markedly reduced amplitude. Coexpression of the IsK regulator consistently reduced the dominant negative effects of isoform 2. Our results indicate that KvLQT1 isoform 2 exerts a pronounced negative dominance on isoform 1 channels and that the cardiac KvLQT1 K+ channel complex is composed of at least three different proteins as follows: isoform 1, isoform 2, and Is