556 research outputs found

    E-government services and citizens' satisfaction in the United Arab Emirates: a research agenda

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    This paper attempts to identify factors effecting the relationships between the egovernment services, namely DeG Synergetic Services, and citizens’ satisfaction in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Evaluation of UAE e-government services is very crucial; nevertheless, theory on assessment of e-government is still nascent in terms of development and execution. Previous studies have demonstrated that the objective sought by United Arab Emirates is to achieve utilization of ICT to empower the services to enhance accountability and effectiveness (Alalwany and Alahmari, 2007; Alshawi and Alalwany, 2009). Adoption of e-government initiatives will definitely benefit the government including cost savings and overall citizens’ satisfaction. Hence, analysing the effect of egovernment on citizen’s satisfaction perspective is crucial in justifying investment in egovernment projects. Thus this will help in addressing the e-government mismatched budgetary constraints. This evaluation will furthermore help in uncovering the effectiveness of the current e-government initiatives in the UAE. Hence, the problem researcher deals in this study comprises in assessing relevant factors affecting the citizens’ satisfaction with a variety of e-Government services in the United Arab Emirates, namely DeG synergetic services (DeG). An extensive review of literature has been conducted and a theoretical framework is proposed. This study will be utilizing a quantitative survey design as the basis of analysis

    Study of the Cutter Design of PDC Drill Bits on Effect of Back Rake Angle and Size of the Cutter on Wear Rate

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    In the oil and gas industry, drilling is one of the most important aspects due to the economics and high demand. Reduction in drilling time is required to minimize the cost of operations. This study focuses on the Polycrystalline Diamond Compact (PDC) drill bit which is categorized as fixed cutter of drilling bit. Problem such as wear and tear of PDC cutter is one of the main factors in drilling process failure and this would affect the rate of penetration. Thus, an intensive study in drill bit design would save a lot of money if the efficiency of drill bit can be improved. The objective of this project is to finding optimal design of PDC cutter and study the effect of design improvement to the wear rate. Derive an analytical model of PDC Cutter. Developing simulation modelling the PDC cutter and to determine the optimal characteristic of PDC cutter. The analytical model will be developed to collect the required results. Author will proceed with the simulation modeling using Autodesk Inventor for 3D drawing, which is based on the results of the analytical model. The modeling varies based on the back rake angle and the size of cutter. Subsequently, the experiment modeling will be conducted using ANSYS Explicit Dynamic by certain parameters and constant for the drilling simulation based on the cutter parameters. After that, the result from the experiment will be analyzed, in which the optimal characteristic of the cutter is obtained

    Registering Course thru Short Messaging System

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    The project, Register Course thru short messaging system, is to enhance the registering process. Mostly the users of this application are students. The student can register courses anywhere, independent of mobile operator or phone model. The current online registering systems that are used in UTP are tedious and time consuming. Sometime UTP website cannot be accessed by the student when network down. Looking at this problem, the short messaging application is an alternative tool to handle this problem. The objective of this project is to develop a short messaging system application that manages course registration. The student can use this application on their mobile phone. They need to submit some parameters that include their details and course code that they want to register to a SMS provider such as 39777, and then they will get the response that shows their registration status whether have been accepted or not. The methodology used is System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). It includes project definition and planning, project analysis, project design, and project implementation. The tools used are Active Server Pages, Microsoft Access, hand phone and web server (www.utp.teksi.net). The short messaging system is very important as it gives lots of benefits and opportunities to many industries use this new technology. For this project, registering courses thru SMS is used to provide an alternative solution for course registration and it will benefit this institution

    Perumahan Kos Rendah: Satu Permasalahan Kajian Kes Rumah Pangsa Desa Riang Batu Uban, Pulau Pinang

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    Perumahan merupakan satu keperluan asas kepada manusia Keupayaan memiliki rumah bergantung kepada keupayaan membeli atau membinanya. Bagi golongan yang berpendapatan rendah, keupayaan memiliki rumah adalah terbatas. Justeru itu campur tangan kerajaan telah mengembalikan keupayaan golongan ini untuk memiliki rumah. Umpama 'rela dalam paksa' pemaju swasta terpaksa membina rumah kos rendah berdasarkan syarat-syarat yang tertentu. Namun penyediaan ini sekadar satu pelepasan kepada mendapat kelulusan projek yang lain. Apa yang menjadi persoalan ialah adakah rumah-rumah kos rendah yang disediakan betul-betul memberikan keselesan kepada penghuninya clan bagaimanakah pula dengan kualitinya

    Design of Mm-wave Hairpin Filter

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    The scope of this project presented analyze, simulation, fabricate for the MM-wave hairpin filter. Hairpin filter is one of the most popular microwave frequency filter because it is compact and does not required grounding. The design of the filter is to operate at 60 GHz of center frequency with 5% of the bandwidth which is at 58.5 GHz and 61.5 GHz frequency band respectively. This frequency band fall under the MM-wave which is ranging from 30 to 300 GHz. To design hairpin filter, a few steps are considered which including determine the order of the filter, transformation from low pass filter to band pass filter and calculation of the width, length and the spacing between the resonators. All the simulation were doing with Advance Design System (ADS) software. The Rogers RO5880 substrate with dielectric constant 2.2 and 787 um thickness of the substrate will be used to fabricate by using etching technique

    Penghasilan buku panduan keselamatan di makmal teknologi pembinaan (kerja kayu) KUiTTHO

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    Kajian ini dijalankan bertujuan untuk melihat sejauhmana pelajar mengamalkan cara keija yang selamat di Makmal Teknologi Pembinaan (Keija Kayu), Kolej Universiti Teknologi Tun Hussien Onn (KUiTTHO) dan sejauh mana tahap pengetahuan pelajar mengenai keselamatan di dalam makmal sama ada ia memenuhi kehendak keselamatan seperti yang telah ditetapkan. Selain dari itu, kajian ini juga dibuat untuk menghasilkan Buku Panduan Keselamatan untuk Makmal Teknologi Pembinaan (Keija Kayu). Instrumen yang digunakan untuk kajian ini adalah tinjauan dan soal selidik. Responden bagi kajian ini adalah pelajar Diploma Kejuruteraan Awam yang sedang menjalankan latihan amali di makmal ini. Hasil dari kajian ini mendapati bahawa pelajar mematuhi peraturan di dalam makmal dan mereka juga menyedari bahawa kefahaman dan pengetahuan mengenai keselamatan memberi kesan terhadap amalan keselamatan di dalam makmal. Memandangkan Makmal Teknologi Pembinaan (Kerja Kayu) sebelum ini tidak mempunyai buku panduan keselamatan makmal yang khusus, maka dengan terhasilnya Buku Panduan Keselamatan Makmal ini, pelajar dapat menjadikannya panduan supaya budaya kerja selamat dapat diamalkan di makmal ini

    The effect of moderate exercise on serum immunoglobulin levels among secondary schoolchildren

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    Recent studies have reported that enhancement in immunity occur following a moderate exercise bout, acommpanied by an increase in neutrophils, lymphocytes, augmented NK cells activity, and an increase in serum immunoglobulins levels. However, limited empirical evidence exists on the influence of moderate exercise training on humoral immunity, particularly among the youth. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between moderate exercise training and changes in serum immunoglobulin levels in adolescents. Thirty-five (n=35), physically inactive male residential school-going students aged 16 years, matched for BMI and fitness level were recruited and subjected to three 45-minute jogging sessions per week at 60% to 75% of heart rate reserve. A lO-ml blood sample was collected from each subject prior to and after the implementation of exercise programme for the determination of serum immunoglobulins using single radial immunodiffusion technique. Results were analyzed using Student's paired-t test. Serum IgG and IgM levels were found to be significantly (p<0.001) increased (13.79 ± 0.27 gil and 1.34 ± 0.02 gil respectively) after eight weeks of exercise training relatively to baseline values. A significant (p<O.05) increases in erythrocyte, hemoglobin, and haematocrit levels were also observed. No differences were observed in IgA levels, leukocyte, and platelet counts. The eight weeks of moderate exercise training also resulted in a significant (p<O.OO I) decrease in resting heart rate and improved I-Mile run performance. This study indicates that eight weeks of moderate exercise training produced significant increases in serum IgG and IgM levels as well as other hematological parameters in previously physically inactive adolescents

    In vitro regeneration and callus induction of Oryza sativa L. Var. MRIA 1 / Nor Yasmin Mohamad Fauzi

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    A study was conducted to determine the effects of different plant regulators (PGR) towards in vitro regeneration and callus induction of new Malaysian rice variety of Oryza sativa L. var. MRIA 1. Intemode explants of 4-week old of aseptic seedlings were selected for in vitro regeneration and a total of 16 types of different combinations of NAA, IBA, BAP, and Kn were utilised. The most suitable plant growth regulators (PGR) for regeneration of Oryza sativa L. var. MRIA 1 was obtained from MS (Murashige and Skoog) media supplemented with 1.0 mg/L NAA and 0.5 mg/L Kn with an average of 8.90 ± 1.79 number of shoots per explant, 114.00 ± 18.90 number of roots per explant, 10.70 ± 2.62 cm length of shoots per explant and 8.70 ± 1.64 number of leaves per explant. The effect of combination of different plant growth regulators (PGR) supplemented in culture media on dry weight of regenerated Oryza sativa L. var. MRIA 1 were determined. Highest fresh weight (4.35±1.57 g) and dry weight (0.44±0.11 g per explant) recorded on the MS media supplemented with 1.0 mg/L NAA and 0.5 mg/L Kn. The callus inductions were assessed from three different explants including root, internode, and leaf base. The findings showed that the addition of 1.0 mg/L BAP into MS media was the most suitable for callus induction from root explant since it yield the highest fresh weight (1.039 ± 0.935 g per explant) and dry weight (0.093 ± 0.065 g per explant). The findings provided and optimum plant growth regulators (PGR) concentration for the tissue culture sysytem of Oryza sativa L. var. MRIA 1. Acclimatization of regenerated Oryza sativa L. var. MRIA 1 is recommended in order to serve a complete in vitro regeneration protocol of Oryza sativa L. var. MRIA 1


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    Partisipasi politik adalah kegiatan seseorang ataupun sekelompok orang untuk ikut serta secara aktif dalam kehidupan politik dengan jalan memilih pimpinan negara dan kebijakan pemerintah. Rakyat yang melakukan partisipasi politik didasari asumsi bahwa kepentingan dan kebutuhannya akan tersalurkan atau setidaknya dapat diperhatikan. Dewasa ini, partisipasi politik hanya diartikan sebatas pemberian suara pada pemilu, namun sebenarnya bentuk dari partisipasi politik sangatlah beragam dan dapat diwujudkan melalui diskusi politik, kampanye, ikut serta dalam partai politik, protes, demonstrasi, bahkan tindak kekerasan yang ditujukan kepada pemerintah dalam penyampaian aspirasi. Pemberian suara dalam pemilihan umum merupakan partisipasi politik aktif yang paling banyak dilakukan warga negara Dalam suatu negara yang menganut paham demokrasi, rakyat adalah pemegang kedaulatan tertinggi dimana rakyat mempunyai hak untuk ikut serta dalam proses pemerintahan dan berhak menentukan siapa saja yang akan menjadi pemimpin yang nantinya akan menentukan kebijakan umum. Sedangkan Partisipasi Politik yang penulis maksud adalah kegiatan seseorang yang menyangkut serangkaian pembuatan keputusan mengenai memilih atau tidak memilih dalam pemilihan umum, dan kalau memilih maka apakah pilihan tersebut jatuh kepada kandidat. Dalam menganalisa perilaku pemilih dapat dipahami bahwa sebelum memberikan pilihan, seseorang pemilih akan melakukan pertibangan-pertimbangan tertentu. Perbedaan tingkat pendidikan seseorang akan menghasilkan pertimbangan -pertimbangan yang berbeda pula. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji hipotesis yang diajukan penulis yaitu “terdapat pengaruh antara tingkat pendidikan dengan perilaku pemilih” dimana diasumsikan bahwa dengan pendidikan yang tinggi, pemilih akan melakukan pertimbangan-pertimbangan yang rasional sebelum memilih. Penelitian dilakukan terhadap masyarakat Desa Pakemitan Kidul Kecamatan Ciawi Kabupaten Tasikmalaya yang terdaftar didalam DPT dan telah menggunakan hak pilihnya. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data dengan cara penyebaran kuesioner dan wawancara singkat selama masa penyebaran kuesioner. Sampel ditentukan dengan rumus Taro Yamane sehingga didapatkan sampel sebanyak 98 responden dan selanjutnya penarikan sampel dilakukan secara stratified sampling sehingga dihasilkan jumlah responden di tiap-tiap unit elementer tingkat pendidikan. Data yang dihasilkan kemudian dianalisis secara kuantitatif yang disajikan kedalam tabel frekuensi, cross tabulation yang berfungsi untuk menjelaskan pengaruh antara tingkat pendidikan dan perilaku pemilih yang kemudian dirubah menjadi diagram batang untuk melihat sejauh mana perbandingan hasil data melalui gambar. Kata Kunci : Partisipasi Poltik dan Tingkat Pendidikan

    Jenayah Rasuah Di Agensi Penguatkuasaan Undang-undang Di Malaysia : Satu Analisis Persepsi Pegawai Awam Di Unit Pencegah Penyeludupan Negeri Kelantan

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    This research was conducted for purpose of analyzing " Corrupt Practices In The Law Enforcement Agencies In Malaysia. The Analysis Is On The Perception Of The Public Officers Of Kelantan Anti-Smuggling Unit", that is the Special Task Force originated by National Security Council. The subject matter of this research of all staff and officers of the said agency of about 200 respondents. This study was carried out by quantitative method whereby one set of modified questionnaires from Social Economic Research Unit (SERU 1991) were distributed to respondents in two parts. The first part consists of personal particulars and the second part consists of the perceptions and values towards corrupt practices, factors contributing to government officers involved in corrupt practices, level of understanding towards the possibilities to report and give information on corrupt practices and to what extent they agree on steps taken to fight corruption effectively. This research was also conducted for the purpose of determining specifically the connections between various chosen factors namely age, level of education, monthly income, original departments, length of service and reason they were placed in that particular position, among respondents with the perception towards their knowledge, awareness, seriousness, willingness and responsibilities as a government officers towards type of corruption (offences) and punishments for corrupt practices and steps taken in combating corruption. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Chi-square Test and T-Test were used to analysis information obtained during this study. This study conclude that factors such as age, level of education, monthly income, original departments and reasons they were placed in that particular position did not contain any distinct significant with their perceptions regarding knowledge and awareness towards type of offences and punishments for corrupt practices under Prevention Corruption Act 1997. Results from this research that factors such as level of education, original departments and reason they were placed in that particular position had a significant link with factors caused government officers in combating corruption. Results from this research also shows there is a significant link between factors such as monthly income and level of awareness and their responsibilities to report and give information on corrupt practices. Lastly, it is found that there is no significant link between factors such as age, level of education, monthly income, original departments and reasons they were placed in that particular position with the extent of the seriousness and willingness among respondents to fight corruption. On the whole, results from this research shows that knowledge and awareness of the respondents towards the type of offences and punishments for corrupt practices under Prevention Corruption Act 1997 was still lacking. Also, the extent of their seriousness and willingness among respondents to fight corruption, did not show that they are a dedicated government officers. It can be summarized that this study can at least be used as an instrument in prevention of corruption in this country