1,049 research outputs found

    Characteristic of Triplen Harmonics in Low Voltage Network

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    Triplen harmonics study for harmonics produced by non-linear loads and salient pole synchronous generator is very important because their presence have caused communication line interference, damage to neutral earthing resistor etc. The purpose of this project is to study the characteristics of triplen harmonics under balanced/unbalanced resistive/inductive/capacitive loads, different generator neutral earthing resistor values and various transformer winding configurations. Lab scale non-linear load and salient pole synchronous generator is used for the experiment and third harmonic currents are recorded for analysis to represent triplen harmonics currents characteristics. Results from the under balanced load experiment shows that third harmonic current is inversely proportional to load impedance and neutral current is three times the phase current. During unbalanced load condition, the magnitude current is different for each phase and the neutral current is lower than arithmetic sum of phase current due to different phase current magnitude and angle. The phase and neutral third harmonic currents magnitude is inversely proportional to generator NER resistance under balanced load. Transformer winding configurations under balanced load permit third harmonic current flowing through them in accordance to zero sequence network for the transformer apart from higher transformer reactive impedance at third harmonic

    Protecting Forested Areas in Non-Forest Zone through The Ecological Fiscal Transfer Scheme in Indonesia: A case study from Kutai Timur district

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    Ecological fiscal transfer (EFT) is an incentive scheme of budgetary transfers from different levels of a government (central and regional) to reward performances in environmental management. In Indonesia, EFT is mainly intended to protect forest zones or protected areas but does not include forested areas in the non-forest zone. This article investigates the opportunities and challenges of adopting the EFT scheme as a policy instrument to maintain the forested areas in Kutai Timur, a district in East Kalimantan province with the largest forested areas in its non-forest zone. This study applies a socio-legal approach along with a regulatory simplification instrument to examine the laws and regulations surrounding the adoption of an EFT scheme in Kutai Timur district.  It demonstrates that the Kutai Timur district government can adopt the EFT scheme, given that they have the authority to manage the APL and village funds allocation. The scheme has no specific requirements or standards, identifying priority issues in the environmental sector. To adopt the scheme, the district government should develop criteria and indicators by considering the goals and priorities of district development, the data availability, and the opportunity for every village to implement it. The preparation of these criteria and indicators must be carried out in a participatory and accountable process to be well accepted by the stakeholders. Further, the district government requires integrating the EFT scheme in district policies on village funds allocation. By implementing the EFT scheme, the district government can encourage village governments and villagers to protect and manage forested areas in their village

    The Implication of Law No. 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation towards Regulation on the Permit to Open Land State in East Kalimantan

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    Four regions in East Kalimantan province, including Balikpapan, Kutai Kartanegara, Penajam Paser Utara, and Samarinda, have local regulations known as Perda concerning the permission to open land state (IMTN). As a licensing instrument, IMTN has closely related to other sectors, such as investment, public services, and regional government. The policy's dynamics and changes in those sectors will impact the land sector, including the IMTN regulation. This article aims to examine two issues. First, the status of IMTN norms in licensing law regimes. Second, the conformity of the Perda along with the development of the higher regulations. In particular, the implication of Law No. 11/2020 to Perda IMTN in East Kalimantan and formulate alternative solutions to address the dynamics of land policy at the national level. This research applies normative legal analysis (doctrinal) to examine the relationship between norms within related regulations. This paper reveals that IMTN norms in licensing law regimes are unclear. De jure is a permit, and it means that IMTN should be given before the activities to open state land are conducted (constitutive). De facto, IMTN has more value as an instrument to reaffirms the existing land (declarative). Thus, for its relation to higher regulations, the Perda has not accommodated some provisions on administrative efforts as stipulated in Law No. 30/2014, complaint management as mandated by Law No. 25/2010, and the risk-based approach in business licensing as introduced by Law No. 11/2020. Therefore, Perda on IMTN should be amended or replaced to adjust to higher regulations' norms

    Network device ad-blocker

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    While surfing the web, users are frequently bombarded with the abundance of digital advertisements, or simply called ads, in the form of images and videos. These often unwanted and sometimes obnoxious ads can be blocked by installing an often lagging ad-blocker in the web browser on your computer. This becomes even complicated in smartphones and tablets, as ads can also appear in other apps. Therefore, this project introduces the Network Device Ad-Blocker hardware to overcome the mentioned problems. The Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodology is used to realize this project. Subsequent testing shows that no ads appear after the deployment this hardware with significant improvements in the download speed

    Reflection on compassion in Islam and Malay Sufi identity

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    Malays constitute around 300 million people in the Southeast Asian region. Historically many Malay Muslim scholar had practiced Sufism or tasawwuf in the past resulting in a rich heritage of writings on aspects of Sufism where many are still in Manuscript form. The lutfiyya (grace) of God or God’s breath (nafas al-rahman) is a constant feature in the worldview of the Sufis. God is seen to be an active principle in the world and human beings journey in this terrestrial world is in constant contact with God. Early formulation of Malay identity is forged with this in mind i.e. the everyday contact with God with the aim of reaching close to him. With the onslaught of colonialism such an identity is deviated from its original path. Instead various new needs are imposed upon that identity including the needs of the nation state. This has led to various results and growth of that identity. For better or for worse this paper argues that a return and an evolution to that early Sufi/inner-based identity with emphasis on compassion (al-rahman) is required for positive growth and development in the region

    Revisiting the Javanese Muslim Slametan: Islam, Local Tradition, Honor and Symbolic Communication

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    Slametan, referring to a broad communal prayer, feast, and food-offering to commemorate or celebrate critical live cycles, such as birth, marriage, and death, constitutes an essential ritual for Javanese Muslims. Despite growing Islamization, in which this ritual is often renamed as tahlilan, elements of local beliefs in it remain. This study aims to re-examine the Javanese Muslim death ritual tradition and offers a new interpretation. It explores the elements of local belief and its convergence with the universal Islamic teaching and demonstrates that the Javanese norms fit the fundamental Islamic doctrines, rendering this ritual easily acceptable by the Javanese. This study concurs with the previous studies stating that this ritual paves tolerance and social integration and unites Islam and local tradition. However, this study specifically examines the meanings of the death ritual and argues that the idea of honoring predecessors and maintaining an uninterrupted symbolic communication between the alive, namely descendants, and the dead such as late parents and forebears, constitute common Javanese and Islamic values. [Slametan merupakan salah satu ritus penting bagi muslim Jawa yang berupa doa dan makan bersama serta berbagi makanan untuk memperingati atau merayakan peralihan daur hidup seperti kelahiran, pernikahan dan kematian. Meskipun Islamisasi terus berlanjut, ritus yang sering disebut juga dengan tahlilan ini masih menyisakan unsur-unsur kepercayaan lokal. Dalam artikel ini akan ditinjau kembali ritus tradisi kematian muslim Jawa dan menawarkan sebuah interpretasi baru. Tulisan ini juga mengeksplorasi unsur-unsur lokal yang menemukan titik temu dengan ajaran nilai universal dalam Islam serta menunjukkan kesepahaman norma Jawa dengan doktrin dasar Islam sehingga ritus ini mudah diterima oleh orang Jawa. Tulisan ini juga sependapat dengan kajian-kajian sebelumnya yang menyatakan bahwa ritus ini menguatkan pondasi toleransi, integrasi sosial dan penyatuan Islam dengan tradisi lokal. Meskipun demikian tulisan ini fokus pada pemaknaan ritus kematian dan berpendapat bahwa penghormatan pada leluhur serta menjaga komunikasi simbolik antara yang meninggal dan dan yang hidup, terutama yang ditinggalkan merupakan hal yang umum dalam nilai-nilai Kejawaan dan Keislaman.

    Rights of an arrested person / Nor'Ain Mohamad Nasir

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    Malaysia gained her independence from Britain in 1957.Together with that, Malaysia adopted a form of government by which the supreme law of the land was the written constitution. Part II of this instrument dealt with fundamental liberties. since then, it has been wondered by both lawyers and laymen, to what extent the court would be willing to implement such right. The first case which appeared before the High Court, Chia Khin Sze v. The Menteri Besar of selangor,1 made the legal world hold its breadth with expectation.However, all high hopes were disappointed. A restrictive interpretation to the Constitution was given by the Court and this reduced it to be a mere declaratory function

    A Study on Factors Influencing Brand Loyalty in Mobile Service Providers Among College of Business Students of Universiti Utara Malaysia

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    Mobile phones have become a necessity in human life. This is due to technological advances that allow people to communicate with each other anywhere and at any time. This also contributes to the increase in the telecommunication sector of the country. Leading telecommunication companies are now competing with each other to become a major provider and attract more customers. This situation also will lead the customers often switch from one provider to another provider to get the best service. As competition is increasing among the companies, it is necessary for them to know about the customers’ perception on price, service quality, promotions, and trends that play a vital role in choosing the mobile service providers. This study aims to find out what are critical factors that play an important role to select the telecommunication service provider. This study was conducted among College of Business students of Universiti Utara Malaysia. The data is processed by using quantititave analysis. The method used in analyzed the data are Descriptive Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis as there are four variables involved in this study, which are price, service quality, promotions, and trends. The results provides a comprehensive analysis of the important factors for the customer to select the mobile service providers. The analysis confirms that the significant positive relationship of trends towards brand loyalty. It will be a great challenge for the service providers to prepare their strategic plan in maintaining customer loyalty, and at the same time expending their customer base. In conclusion, the mobile service providers should emphasize the factor such as trends that can maintain customer loyalty as customers today are more intelligent and smart

    Islam in Diaspora: Shari’a Law, Piety and Brotherhood at al-Farooq Mosque, Atlanta

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    This article examines Islamic ritual performance of Eid prayer amongst Muslims in Diaspora at al-Farooq Mosque in Atlanta, the US, whose congregational members come from all around the world. Using textual and ethnographical methods, this study focuses on the implementation of shari’a law concerning Islamic prayer and on the meaning and experience of the ritual that emerge amongst the participants who perform it. This study demonstrates that the Eid ritual performance has created a special meaning and particular experience. The ritual is seen as the medium through which the performers forge their piety and strengthen the spirit of brotherhood. The ritual strengthens the brotherhood of the performers, who hold different ethnical and cultural backgrounds. However, the core ritual of Eid prayer remains Islamic and is built on the Muslim Hanafi School. Shari’a law concerning prayer is upheld to maintain the basic requirement where every ritual must be based on the sound Islamic texts. This suggests that the context, namely diasporic Muslim in America, has (re)shaped the meaning of the ritual but does not change the core of the ritual practice.[Tulisan ini mengkaji praktik ritual shalat hari raya (Eid) di masjid al-Farooq Atlanta, Amerika Serikat pada kalangan muslim perantauan dari berbagai belahan dunia. Kajian ini, dengan menggunakan pendekatan tektual dan etnografi, mengamati penerapan hukum Islam dalam hal peribadatan dan pemaknaan serta pengalaman ritual diantara mereka. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa shalat hari raya memberi makna dan pengalaman khusus. Perayaan ini dilihat sebagai medium untuk menunjukkan kesalehan dan menguatkan ikatan persaudaraan sesama muslim meskipun mempunyai latar belakang etnik dan budaya yang berbeda. Meskipun demikian, inti dari ritual tersebut menunjukkan aliran mazhab Hanafi. Pelaksanaan fiqih dalam sholat Eid tetap berpegang pada Qur’an dan Hadits. Dengan kata lain, konteks geografi dan budaya yang berbeda telah membentuk makna baru namun tetap tidak merubah inti dari praktik ibadah yang bermazhab Hanafi.

    THE KOMPILASI HUKUM ISLAM AND DEBATES ON SHARI’A Reconsidering Islamic Law in Indonesia

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    The discourses on the application of shari’a law through state enforcement have become public concerns in Indonesia and constituted a controversial issue. The idea of the application has been brought up by a number of Muslim politicians and Muslim groups and organizations that consider shari’a the best solution for the multi-dimension of socio-economic and political crisis upon the downfall of the New Order Regime in 1998. They believe that shari’a enforcement not only fits the spirit of democracy, assuming that the majority of population in the country is Muslims, but also offers a comprehensive solution to the crisis. Unfortunately, this idea is not grounded on a comprehensive apprehension to the nature of shari’a itself and pluralistic Indonesian society but more on political impetus, namely a strong plea to realize an Islamic state that integrates the state and religion and Islam and politics. By examining the Kompilasi Hukum Islam, as one example of shari’a legislation in Indonesia, this article demonstrates the problems of Islamic reform that most proponents of shari’a application have overlooked. It argues that application of religious law by the state must consider the methodology of the law and its impacts for broader society.***Wacana tentang penerapan hukum Islam (syari’ah) melalui kekuasaan negara telah menjadi perhatian publik di Indonesia dan menimbulkan isu-isu kontroversial. Ide tentang penerapan itu telah dibawa oleh sejumlah politisi, kelompok, serta organisasi yang menganggap syari’ah sebagai solusi terbaik atas krisis multi dimensi, sosial, ekonomi, dan politik pasca jatuhnya rezim Orde Baru pada tahun 1998. Mereka percaya bahwa penegakan hukum Islam tidak hanya cocok dengan semangat demokratisasi, karena asumsi bahwa mayoritas penduduk di negara ini Muslim, namun juga me­nawarkan solusi yang komprehensif bagi krisis tersebut. Sayangnya, hal ini tidak didasarkan pada pembacaan yang komprehensif terhadap sifat syari’ah itu sendiri dan terhadap kondisi sosial masyarakat Indonesia yang majemuk, melainkan lebih pada dorongan politik, yaitu dorongan yang kuat untuk mewujudkan sebuah negara Islam yang mengintegrasikan negara dan agama serta Islam dan politik. Dengan menganalisis Kompilasi Hukum Islam, sebagai salah satu contoh produk hukum Islam di Indonesia, muncul argumentasi bahwa penerapan hukum agama oleh negara harus mem­pertimbangkan metodologi hukum dan dampaknya bagi masyarakat luas.***Keywords: Kompilasi Hukum Islam, shari’a, changes, response, Islam-state relations, Indonesi
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