147 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Pemahaman Materi IPS Melalui Metode Role Playing Kelas II SDN Pagendisan Tahun 2012/2013

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman siswa tentang materi IPS melalui metode Role Playing. Subjek penelitian adalah guru dan siswa kelas II SD Negeri Pagendisan yang berjumlah 24 siswa. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa dan guru. Bentuk penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan melalui observasi, tes, dan dokumentasi. Teknik uji validitas data menggunakan bentuk trianggulasi sumber dan trianggulasi metode. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis interaktif yang terdiri dari 3 komponen, yaitu: reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Proses penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam dua siklus, masing-masing siklus terdiri dari empat tahap, yaitu: perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan hasil belajar siswa. Adapun peningkatan hasil pembelajaran IPS dengan menggunakan metode Role Playing dapat dilihat dari perolehan nilai siswa dalam menulis paragraf narasi yang meningkat dari siklus I dan siklus II. Pada siklus I persentase ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa dalam keterampilan menulis sebesar 75% atau 18 siswa dan pada siklus II sebesar 92% atau 22 siswa. Hal ini membuktikan bahwa dengan penerapan metode Role Playing mampu meningkatkan pemahaman siswa

    A simulation-based approach to decision support for lean practitioners

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    In today’s global competition, having a lean production system is a must for companies to remain competitive. By identifying and eliminating waste throughout a product’s entire value stream by means of a set of LM tools, companies are able to produce and assemble any product range in any order or quantity. In order to do these, personnel needs to have the expertise in deciding which LM tool to implement at the right time and on the right place. However, this expertise is not always available. Therefore, this paper proposes a simulation-based decision support (SDS) tool to assist the decision making in LM tool implementation. The SDS tool provides five functions through an interactive use of process simulation. The functions are layout, zoom-in/zoom-out, task status, Key Performance Indicators (KPI) status and R.A.G (Red, Amber and Green) status (quantifying waste). These functions are incorporated into a process model of coolant hose manufacturing (CHM) factory which was developed in this study. Layout function provides a bird’s eye view of the whole process model and shows how the manufacturing process runs with the flow of materials and products. Zoom-in/zoom-out function provides a detail view of manufacturing processes of the factory. For KPI and RAG status functions, examples of LM tool implementations are used to show how different parameters affect the outcome of manufacturing process. Bar charts of KPIs are also available during simulation. Feasibility study showed how SDS tool enhance the visual perception and analysis capabilities of lean practitioners through availability of specific functions in the simulation model. Hence, decisions in LM implementation could be made correctly and with increased confidence by lean practitioners

    Financial Services Industry Business Strategy Formulation Public Appraisal Service Office Toto Suharto and Partners

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    KJPP Toto Suharto and Partners is one of the companies engaged in the financial industry that provides appraisal services. The purpose of this study is to analyze the company's internal and external conditions and formulate a business strategy in the face of intense competition. The research method used is qualitative research. Data collection techniques using interviews, surveys and questionnaires conducted on related parties within the company's internal and external. The data that has been obtained were analyzed using IFE, EFE, CPM, SWOT, IE, Grand Strategy and QSPM Matrix. The results of the IFE Matrix are 3.31 and the EFE Matrix are 2.61. The results of the SWOT, IE, Grand Strategy analysis show that the alternatives that can be applied by the company are horizontal integration strategies, market penetration strategies and product development strategies. The final result of this study concludes that the recommendation or proposal for the right business strategy for the company is obtained based on the results of data processing through the QSPM Matrix is a penetration strategy

    Optimalisasi Pajak Daerah dan Retribusi Daerah Untuk Meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) di Kabupaten Sidoarjo

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    Perekonomian Kabupaten Sidoarjo dari tahun ke tahun terus mengalami peningkatan. Diantara Kabupaten di Jawa Timur, Kabupaten Sidoarjo merupakan kabupaten yang memiliki realisasi pajak cukup besar, namun fenomena yang terjadi saat ini, Kabupaten Sidoarjo mengalami beberapa masalah yang terkait dengan realisasi pajak dan retribusi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah aparatur Pemerintah Daerah yang terkait dengan pajak daerah dan retribusi daerah di Kabupaten Sidoarjo. Metode pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah accidental sampling, dengan jumlah sampel sebesar 170 responden. Untuk menganalisa data penelitian menggunakan SEM (Structural Equatiaon Modeling). Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa (1) perolehan pajak daerah yang tinggi dapat meningkatkan pendapatan asli daerah (PAD). Berarti semakin tinggi perolehan pajak daerah maka semakin tinggi pula pendapatan asli daerah (PAD) nya (2) perolehan retribusi daerah yang tinggi dapat meningkatkan pendapatan asli daerah (PAD). Berarti semakin tinggi perolehan retribusi daerah maka semakin tinggi pula pendapatan asli daerah (PAD) nya (3) Variabel retribusi daerah memiliki pengaruh lebih besar terhadap pendapatan asli daerah (PAD) daripada variabel pajak daerah

    Identification of Musculoskeletal Disorder among Eco-Brick Workers in Indonesia

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    Introduction: Plastic waste is considered one of the common vital waste problems in developing countries such as Indonesia. One proposed alternative way to reduce plastic waste is by reusing and recycling it into bricks. Eco-bricks are a form of recycled plastic waste that can be used as an alternative building construction material. Unfortunately, manufacturing workers do not ergonomically perform this work during their working hours. Therefore, it causes inappropriate body postures and leads to musculoskeletal disorders easily. This study intends to identify the posture of workers in the manufacture of eco-bricks in Indonesia Methods: A cross-sectional study was done with purposively selected 32 eco-bricks workers from 10 waste bank communities in Central Java and Yogyakarta. Sampling was done by snowball method. This research was conducted by interviewing and collecting data on body complaints using a Nordic Body Map (NBM) questionnaire. Results: All respondents (100%) experienced musculoskeletal disorder complaints while producing eco-bricks. Based on the results gained from the Nordic Body Map Questionnaire, the common complaints perceived by eco-bricks workers are upper neck, lower neck, back, waist, buttock, and bottom. In addition, workers also perceived complaints on the right side of the body, particularly the right shoulder, right upper arm, right elbow, right lower arm, right wrist, and right hand Conclusion: Working postures that are not well-organized in terms of ergonomics during the production process of eco-bricks will provoke complaints on the limbs caused by the continuous load on the muscles on the right side of the body

    Expert Evaluation on the Content Validity of the Novice Teachers’ Assessment Inventory (InPGN)

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    This study aims to evaluate the validity of the Novice Teachers' Assessment Inventory (InPGN) utilizing expert consensus perspectives and the Content Validity Index (CVI). A total of 97 items involved nine experts from assessment literacy, psychometrics, and language field by using purposive sampling. Validity tests found that InPGN has a CVI value of 0.98, indicating a very high level of instrument suitability. An implication of this remains expected to provide an excellent measurement tool in helping novice teachers improve their professional development in a more authentic assessment dimension. Keywords: content validity; assessment literacy; novice teacher; expert concensus eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2023. The Authors. Published for AMER and cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open-access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under the responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), College of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI:  https://doi.org/10.21834/e-bpj.v8iSI15.508

    Comparative Study of Green Accounting Implementation based on University Social Responsibility (USR) and Good University Governance (GUG) Policy

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    Purpose: This study aims to examine a comparative study of the implementation of green accounting based on USR as the application of GUG in universities in Indonesia. Design/methodology/approach: The research method uses a literature review of journal articles with relevant topics. The results of the study prove that environmental awareness and environmental involvement have been implemented very well by State Universities and Private universities in Indonesia, while environmental reporting and environmental audit have not been carried out optimally. Findings: USR-based green accounting has 4 dimensions, namely environmental awareness, environmental involvement, environmental reporting, and environmental auditing. However, the implementation of USR-based green accounting has not been implemented properly, especially in the environmental reporting and auditing dimensions, while awareness and involvement in environmental activities have been implemented very well. Research limitations/implications: For this reason, the implementation of GUG has not been implemented properly. The regulations governing USR have not yet been established and the environmental audit function has not received maximum attention. The environmental audit function is not included in the SPI's duties, because the SPI's task functions only focus on the management and implementation of controlling financial resources, human resources, and also facilities and infrastructure resources. Paper type: is categorized as a research paper