746 research outputs found

    Sorting Through the Science, Marketing, and Realities of DNA Tools for Genetic Prediction

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    Genomic technology is useful for improving beef cattle. It’s easy to become overwhelmed when thinking about genomics because the process involves thousands to millions of genotypes known as BIG DATA; therefore, it is important to understand that the results of the process is improving the accuracy of an animal’s expected progeny difference (EPD) as to be able to rank animals for selection. Genetic improvement is typically measured as an increase in EPD over many years. For example, the average yearling weight in a breed of cattle such as Angus was -13 in 1972 and it improved to +87 lbs in 2012 (Figure 1). This improvement is a result of selection for growth by the breeders for 40 years. The more accurately the calculation of EPDs can be accomplished, the faster the rate of genetic improvement can be observed by breeders using EPDs for mating decisions

    Conrad Gessners theologische Enzyklopädie

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    DSCS III Spacecraft Growth Potential

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    Recent activity in the MILSATCOM architecture arena has resulted in extensive assessment of potential satellite resources. Government and industry participants, striving for continuous, economical and effective communications assets through the rest of the century, have directed attention toward upgrading existing systems as well as defining and initiating new system* developments. An example of the more cost efficient approach presently being considered by the government is future upgrades of the DSCS III satellites which are currently under development/production at GE\u27s Space Systems Division in Vally Forge, PA. Based on Air Force funded product improvement studies and GE internal initiatives to improve the DSCS III spacecraft, the feasibility of growth to a larger, higher power consumption payload has been analyzed. The DSCS III bus can accommodate these changes without major structural design impact. As summarized in this paper, the upgrade accommodations can be achieved with available technology and only partial subsystem redesign efforts. Product improvements for near term performance enhancements will only require requalification at the component and subsystem levels. Not until later updates are the performance requirements enough to demand a requallfication at the system level and, at that, a majority of the system design is still unchanged from previously qualified/flown configurations

    AWT Aerodynamic Design Status

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    The aerodynamic design of the NASA Altitude Wind Tunnel is presented in viewgraph format. The main topics covered are: analysis of a plenum evacuation system; airline definition and pressure loss code development; contraction geometry and code analysis; and design of the two stage fan. Flow characteristics such as pressure ratio, mach number distribution, adiabatic efficiency, and losses are shown

    Conservation Planning in a Changing World

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    As a science and practice dedicated to preventing, stopping, and reversing negative effects on nature, conservation is constantly faced with new challenges. Combine this fact with the rise of large, freely available datasets and computational power, and the result is a need to advance the methods and conceptual approach to conservation planning. In my dissertation I present novel methods and address research questions that aim to keep conservation science and practice relevant and effective in a changing world. This picture of continual change is illustrated in Chapter 1, in which I explore how the ongoing collection of observations of rare species changes spatial conservation priorities. I find that even after a century of data collection, new records do and will continue to significantly affect spatial priorities. I then moved to consider a new threat: the environmental impacts from shale gas surface infrastructure. I focus on how those environmental impacts may be partially abated by changing the locations of infrastructure. In Chapter 2 I assess the relative performance of simple guidelines for placing well pads, access roads, and gathering pipelines for shale gas development. I find that while targeted guidelines can be effective, none are universally so. In Chapter 3, I examine the site-level tradeoffs between reducing environmental impacts and increased construction costs for shale gas surface infrastructure. I find notable heterogeneity among sites in both the degree to which impacts can be reduced and the relative cost of doing so. Finally in Chapter 4, I evaluate the cost effectiveness of different regulations for reducing aggregate impacts from surface infrastructure across sites and find large gains from trade when implementing a cap and trade system. Overall, my dissertation facilitates a transition of knowledge for conservation planning to be able to better adapt to and cope with the changing world

    12/23/1947 Letter from the American Legion

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    Letter from Milt D. Campbell, Director of the Division of National Defense at the American Legion National Headquarters, to Louis-Philippe Gagné regarding the Universal Military Training Week.https://digitalcommons.usm.maine.edu/fac-lpg-1947-10-12/1053/thumbnail.jp

    Cotton Blossoms : March Comique

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    Interview with a Master Teacher: Forrest Bond

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    An Interview with Forresst Bond -- Kansas Master Teacher.https://scholars.fhsu.edu/ors/1217/thumbnail.jp

    The importance of cell-free HPV DNA detection

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    Human papillomaviruses (HPV) are small, nonenveloped DNA viruses that are abundant in the population. They are sexually transmitted or spread by close contact with mucosa and skin. Papillomaviruses can cause lesions and warts on the skin and mucosa. In addition, high-risk HPV types, especially HPV 16 and 18, are associated with squamous cell carcinomas such as cervical cancer, oropharyngeal cancer and carcinomas of the vulva, anus, penis and vagina. Early detection and the right evaluation of the risk of recurrence are crucial for effective treatment. Cell-free DNA released from cells into body fluids has potential in cancer diagnosis. Cell-free circulating HPV DNA, in the blood of patients with HPV-associated cancers is a promising and highly sensitive biomarker, useful for monitoring treatment efficiency, early detection of the disease and estimation of recurrence risk. Key words: HPV, carcinogenesis, cfDNA, cfHPV DNA, significance of detection, cervical cancer, oropharyngeal cancerLidské papilomaviry (HPV) jsou malé, neobalené DNA viry hojně se vyskytující v populaci. Přenáší se sexuálním nebo jiným blízkým kontaktem sliznic a kůže. Papilomaviry mohou vyvolávat vznik bradavic a lézí na kůži a sliznicích. Vysoce-rizikové typy HPV, především HPV 16 a 18, jsou navíc asociované s karcinomy dlaždicových buněk jako je karcinom děložního hrdla, orofaryngeální karcinom a karcinomy vulvy, anu, penisu a vaginy. Včasná detekce a správný odhad rizika rekurencí onemocnění jsou klíčové pro účinnou léčbu. Potenciál v nádorové diagnostice má volná cirkulující DNA, která se z buněk uvolňuje do tělních tekutin. Právě volná cirkulující HPV DNA v krvi pacientů s nádory asociovanými s HPV se v současnosti ukazuje jako slibný a velmi citlivý biomarker, vhodný především pro sledování účinnosti léčby a včasné odhalení rizika rekurence. Klíčová slova: HPV, karcinogeneze, cfDNA, cfHPV DNA, význam detekce, karcinom děložního hrdla, orofaryngeální karcinomKatedra genetiky a mikrobiologieDepartment of Genetics and MicrobiologyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult