42 research outputs found

    One-Sided Prototype Selection on Class Imbalanced Dissimilarity Matrices

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    In the dissimilarity representation paradigm, several prototype selection methods have been used to cope with the topic of how to select a small representation set for generating a low-dimensional dissimilarity space. In addition, these methods have also been used to reduce the size of the dissimilarity matrix. However, these approaches assume a relatively balanced class distribution, which is grossly violated in many real-life problems. Often, the ratios of prior probabilities between classes are extremely skewed. In this paper, we study the use of renowned prototype selection methods adapted to the case of learning from an imbalanced dissimilarity matrix. More specifically, we propose the use of these methods to under-sample the majority class in the dissimilarity space. The experimental results demonstrate that the one-sided selection strategy performs better than the classical prototype selection methods applied over all classes

    Assessment of the Extrusion Process and Printability of Suspension-Type Drug-Loaded AffinisolTM Filaments for 3D Printing

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    Three-dimensional (3D) printing technology enables the design of new drug delivery systems for personalised medicine. Polymers that can be molten are needed to obtain extruded filaments for Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM), one of the most frequently employed techniques for 3D printing. The aim of this work was to evaluate the extrusion process and the physical appearance of filaments made of a hydrophilic polymer and a non-molten model drug. Metformin was used as model drug and Affinisol™ 15LV as the main carrier. Drug-loaded filaments were obtained by using a single-screw extruder and, subsequently, their printability was tested. Blends containing up to a 60% and 50% drug load with 5% and 7.5% of auxiliary excipients, respectively, were successfully extruded. Between the obtained filaments, those containing up to 50% of the drug were suitable for use in FDM 3D printing. The studied parameters, including residence time, flow speed, brittleness, and fractal dimension, reflect a critical point in the extrusion process at between 30–40% drug load. This finding could be essential for understanding the behaviour of filaments containing a non-molten component

    Student mentoring program at the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Seville (2006/07 - present): SWOT analysis carried out by mentor students

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    El “Programa de Alumnos Tutores” (LCC, Facultad de Farmacia US) se viene realizando ininterrumpidamente desde 2006/07 hasta la actualidad. Propósito: tutela de alumnos de nuevo ingreso por parte de alumnos de cursos superiores (AATT) bajo la supervisión de Profesores Tutores. Pretende generar una actitud responsable en los AATT y favorecerles el desarrollo de habilidades sociales. El objetivo de este trabajo es recoger las opiniones de los AATT (algunos comenzaron en ediciones anteriores y continúan desinteresadamente). Se aborda mediante un análisis DAFO. Conclusión: se han detectado factores estratégicos críticos, para una vez identificados, usarlos y apoyar en ellos la marcha del “Programa de Alumnos Tutores”, consolidando las fortalezas, minimizando las debilidades, aprovechando las ventajas de las oportunidades, y eliminando o reduciendo las amenazas.The "Student Mentor Program" (Faculty of Pharmacy, US) has been running since 2006/07 – to present. Purpose: to mentor new students by senior students (Mentor Students) under the supervision of mentor professors. It aims to generate a responsible attitude in students and tutors to encourage the development of social skills. Objective: To collect the views of mentor students (some started in previous years and continue to selflessly), through a SWOT analysis. Conclusion: it has been found critical strategic factors. It intends to use these factors for strengthening the "Student Mentor Program"

    Calcium-Looping performance of mechanically modified Al2O3-CaO composites for energy storage and CO2 capture

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    This work reports the Calcium-Looping (CaL) multicycle performance under energy storage and CO2 capture conditions of different Al-composites prepared by milling mixtures of nanoalumina and natural limestone powders. The micro- and nanostructure of the composites have been analyzed by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and high-resolution transmission electron microscopy as affected by the type of CaL conditions employed, either for energy storage in Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants or for post-combustion CO2 capture. Two types of calcium aluminates are formed under these diverse CaL conditions. A calcium aluminate with ratio Ca/Al 1) under CaL-CO2 capture conditions presumably due to the higher calcination temperature, which withdraws from the sorbent a relatively higher amount of active Ca. Moreover, the addition of nano-alumina, and the consequent generation of calcium aluminate, affects in a diverse way the microstructure and morphology of the CaO particles as depending on the CaL application, which critically modifies the performance of the composites.Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad CTQ2014-52763-C2, CTQ2017-83602-C

    Low-cost Ca-based composites synthesized by biotemplate method for thermochemical energy storage of concentrated solar power

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    An ever more environmentally conscious society demands the use of green, sustainable and high-efficiency renewable energy resources. However, large-scale energy storage remains a challenge for a deep penetration of power produced from renewables into the grid. The Calcium-Looping (CaL) process, based on the reversible carbonation/calcination of CaO, is a promising technology for thermochemical energy storage (TCES) in Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) plants. Natural limestone to be used as CaO precursor is cheap, non-toxic and abundant. Nevertheless, recent works have shown that carbonation of CaO derived limestone at optimum conditions for TCES is limited by pore-plugging, which leads to severe deactivation for large enough particles to be employed in practice. In our work, we have synthesized inexpensive CaO/SiO2 composites by means of a biotemplate method using rice husk as support. The morphological and compositional features of the biomorphic materials synthesized help improve the CaO multicycle activity under optimum CSP storage conditions and for particles sufficiently large to be managed in practical processes.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CTQ2014-52763-C2, CTQ2017-83602-C

    High-performance and low-cost macroporous calcium oxide based materials for thermochemical energy storage in concentrated solar power plants

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    High energy density, cycling stability, low cost and scalability are the main features required for thermochemical energy storage systems to achieve a feasible integration in Concentrating Solar Power plants (CSP). While no system has been found to fully satisfy all these requirements, the reversible CaO/CaCO3 carbonation reaction (CaL) is one of the most promising since CaO natural precursors are affordable and earth-abundant. However, CaO particles progressively deactivate due to sintering-induced morphological changes during repeated carbonation and calcinations cycles. In this work, we have prepared acicular calcium and magnesium acetate precursors using a simple, cost-effective and easily scalable technique that requires just the natural minerals and acetic acid, thereby avoiding expensive reactants and environmentally unfriendly solvents. Upon thermal decomposition, these precursors yield a stable porous structure comprised of well dispersed MgO nanoparticles coating the CaO/CaCO3 grains that is resistant to pore-plugging and sintering while at the same time exhibits high long term effective conversion. Process simulations show that the employment of these materials could significantly improve the overall CSP-CaL efficiency at the industrial level.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CTQ2014-52763-C2, CTQ2017-83602-C

    Sistema integrado de información para el régimen subsidiado de salud en colombia

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    Given that the health sector is one of the most important in any economy and one of the largest service industries in developed countries, the project seeks to provide support from the information technology and communications to the provision of health services by of Subsidized Health Promotion Companies (EPS-S), focusing primarily on the administrative processes, providing timely, current, accurate, complete and accessible to different areas of the EPS-S, so as to facilitate decision decision processes improving quality and equity in the provision of health services and quality of life of members.Dado que el sector salud es uno de los más importantes en cualquier economía y una de las mayores industrias de servicios en los países desarrollados, el proyecto busca brindar soporte desde las tecnologías de información y las comunicaciones a la prestación de los servicios de salud a cargo de las Empresas Promotoras de Salud Subsidiadas (EPS-S), enfocándose principalmente en los procesos del área administrativa, proporcionando información oportuna, actualizada, exacta, completa y accesible a las diferentes áreas de la EPS-S, de manera que se facilite la toma de decisiones mejorando así los procesos de calidad e igualdad en la prestación de los servicios de salud y la calidad de vida de los afiliados

    Tutorial action in the EHEA at the Faculty of Pharmacy of US: 4 years of experience of a student mentoring program

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    La Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidad de Sevilla (US) tiene en marcha un Programa de Alumnos Tutores desde 2006/07 con el objetivo de que alumnos de cursos superiores (AATT) tutelen a alumnos de nuevo ingreso (1x3). Pretende generar una actitud responsable en los AATT y favorecerles el desarrollo de habilidades sociales, objetivos cualitativos dentro de la educación universitaria que sirven como preparación previa a su inserción en el mundo laboral. La actividad es supervisada por Profesores Tutores (1x3) que analizan la evolución de ambos grupos de alumnos. Es una supervisión activa a través de distintas vías de acción para ayudar a la consecución de objetivos, tales como entrevistas periódicas, revisión de informes, acciones de apoyo como charlas sobre técnicas de estudio, coloquios sobre salidas laborales, exposiciones de las experiencias personales de algunos alumnos recientemente egresados, gestión estratégica de búsqueda de empleo, elaboración de portafolios,… Con respecto a la evolución del programa, el número de profesores ha crecido moderadamente llegando a una situación estable, mientras que el número de alumnos, tanto tutores como tutelados, ha crecido en un ritmo constante acorde a las restricciones indicadas. Los resultados son muy positivos, entendiéndose que el proyecto se enmarca en un contexto más cualitativo que cuantitativo y que el principal objetivo es el robustecimiento de la experiencia y asentar una dinámica de apoyo hacia los alumnos de nuevo ingreso y de planificación de tareas, tutela y responsabilidad en general de los alumnos tutores.The Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Seville (US) has developed a Student Mentoring Program (from 2006/07 - present). The main objective of this project is that senior students act as Mentor Students for students at their first year in the University (1x3). It aims to generate a responsible attitude in mentor students and to promote the development of social skills, qualitative goals within higher education that serve as preparation prior to their integration into the world of work. This activity is supervised by Mentor Professors (1x3) that analyze the evolution of both groups of students. It is an active monitoring through various actions such as regular interviews, review of reports, support operations such as lectures on study skills, seminars on job opportunities, statements of personal experiences of some recently graduated students, strategic management job search, portfolio development... With regard to the development of the program, the number of Mentor Professors has grown moderately, reaching a stable condition, while the number of students, both tutor and supervised, has grown steadily in line with the restrictions indicated. The results are very positive, considering the more qualitative than quantitative character of the project and that the main objectives are the strengthening of the experience and the establishment of a dynamic support to the new students and scheduling and general responsibility for mentor students

    Composición farmacéutica y medicamento de liberación controlada de morfina basado en un complejo de morfina con un polímero acrílico

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    Composición farmacéutica y medicamento de liberación controlada de morfina basado en un complejo de morfina con un polímero acrílico. La composición farmacéutica comprende un complejo de liberación controlada de morfina que contiene morfina complejada con un polímero acrílico, una sal farmacéuticamente aceptable de morfina libre, y uno o más excipientes inertes respecto a la liberación controlada. Dicha composición es útil para elaborar un comprimido oral de liberación controlada de morfina para el tratamiento del dolor crónico severo sin necesidad de tener que administrar simultáneamente morfina vía parenteral.Españ