963 research outputs found

    All-time low period fertility in Finland : Demographic drivers, tempo effects, and cohort implications

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    The ongoing period fertility decline in the Nordic countries is particularly strong in Finland, where the total fertility rate (TFR) reached an all-time low of 1.41 in 2018. We analyse the decrease in Finland's TFR in 2010–17, and assess its consequences for cohort fertility using complementary approaches. Decomposition of this fertility decline shows that first births and women aged <30 are making the largest contributions. However, women aged 30–39 are also, for the first time in decades, experiencing a sustained fertility decline. Tempo adjustments to the TFR suggest that quantum change is part of the decline. Several forecasting methods indicate that cohort fertility is likely to decline from the long-lasting level of 1.85–1.95 to 1.75 or lower among women born in the mid-1980s. Without an exceptionally strong recovery in fertility, Finnish cohort fertility is likely to decline to levels currently observed among countries with very low fertility.Peer reviewe

    Less Partnering, Less Children, or Both? : Analysis of the Drivers of First Birth Decline in Finland Since 2010

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    In the 2010s, fertility has declined in the Nordic countries, most strikingly in Finland, and first births drive the decline. It remains unclear whether this decline results from decreased fertility within unions, changing union dynamics, or both. Thus, we investigated changes in the union-first birth dynamics from 2000 through 2018 in Finland using full-coverage population register data and an incidence-based multistate model. To do so, we calculated the yearly age-specific transition probabilities across states of single, cohabitation, marriage, and first births among 15- to 45-year-old childless men and women. We found lower fertility rates in unions after 2010, increasing dissolution rates amongst cohabiting couples, and long-term declines in the transition to marriage. Counterfactual simulations showed that, for the decline in first births since 2010, fertility within unions matters more (three-quarters) than union dynamics (one-quarter): that is, lower fertility in cohabitating and married individuals explained 42% and 13% of the decline, respectively, and decreasing fertility rates among couples entering cohabitation explained a further 17%. Decreasing marriage (19%) and cohabitation rates (2-4%) as well as higher union dissolution rates (6%) explained a smaller share of the first birth decline. The decline in first births was somewhat sharper among the lower social strata, but across strata the decreasing first birth transitions in unions explained most of the decline. To conclude, while changing union dynamics provide a partial explanation, postponing or foregoing fertility within unions represents the primary reason for the fertility decline.Peer reviewe

    Julkisyhteisön vahingonkorvausvastuu : Työryhmän mietintö

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    Esityksessä vahingonkorvauslakiin ehdotetaan lisättäväksi julkisyhteisön korvausvastuuta koskevat säännökset ihmisoikeuden ja perusoikeuden loukkauksesta sekä väärästä viranomaisinformaatiosta aiheutuneen vahingon korvaamisesta. Julkista valtaa käyttävän yksityisen yhteisön maksukyvyttömyyden varalta laissa säädettäisiin asianomaisen julkisyhteisön toissijaisesta korvausvastuusta. Julkista valtaa käyttävän viranomaisen korvausvastuuta rajoittavasta kannekiellosta sekä myös standardisäännöksestä luovuttaisiin. Muutoksenhakuun velvoittava säännös pysytettäisiin osin muutettuna vahingonkorvauslaissa. Vapaudenmenetyksistä ja muista pakkotoimista suoritettavista korvauksista ehdotetaan säädettäväksi kootusti sitä koskevassa laissa, joka korvaisi syyttömästi vangitulle tai tuomitulle valtion varoista vapauden menetyksen johdosta maksettavasta korvauksesta annetun lain. Myös uusi laki perustuisi tuottamuksesta riippumattomalle vastuulle. Rikosperusteisten vapaudenmenetysten ohella laissa säädettäisiin myös muiden pakkokeinojen sekä lähinnä poliisilaissa ja rajavartiolaissa tarkoitettujen pakkotoi menpiteiden sekä muiden kuin rikosperusteisten vapaudenmenetysten aiheuttamien vahinkojen korvaamisesta. Lisäksi ehdotetaan tehtäväksi muutoksia eräisiin muihin lakeihin

    A missense mutation in PMEL17 is associated with the Silver coat color in the horse

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    BACKGROUND: The Silver coat color, also called Silver dapple, in the horse is characterized by dilution of the black pigment in the hair. This phenotype shows an autosomal dominant inheritance. The effect of the mutation is most visible in the long hairs of the mane and tail, which are diluted to a mixture of white and gray hairs. Herein we describe the identification of the responsible gene and a missense mutation associated with the Silver phenotype. RESULTS: Segregation data on the Silver locus (Z) were obtained within one half-sib family that consisted of a heterozygous Silver colored stallion with 34 offspring and their 29 non-Silver dams. We typed 41 genetic markers well spread over the horse genome, including one single microsatellite marker (TKY284) close to the candidate gene PMEL17 on horse chromosome 6 (ECA6q23). Significant linkage was found between the Silver phenotype and TKY284 (θ = 0, z = 9.0). DNA sequencing of PMEL17 in Silver and non-Silver horses revealed a missense mutation in exon 11 changing the second amino acid in the cytoplasmic region from arginine to cysteine (Arg618Cys). This mutation showed complete association with the Silver phenotype across multiple horse breeds, and was not found among non-Silver horses with one clear exception; a chestnut colored individual that had several Silver offspring when mated to different non-Silver stallions also carried the exon 11 mutation. In total, 64 Silver horses from six breeds and 85 non-Silver horses from 14 breeds were tested for the exon 11 mutation. One additional mutation located in intron 9, only 759 bases from the missense mutation, also showed complete association with the Silver phenotype. However, as one could expect to find several non-causative mutations completely associated with the Silver mutation, we argue that the missense mutation is more likely to be causative. CONCLUSION: The present study shows that PMEL17 causes the Silver coat color in the horse and enable genetic testing for this trait

    Performance of Swedish Warmblood fragile foal syndrome carriers and breeding prospects

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    Background Warmblood fragile foal syndrome (WFFS) is a monogenetic defect caused by a recessive lethal missense point mutation in the procollagen-lysine, 2-oxoglutarate 5-dioxygenase 1 gene (PLOD1, c.2032G>A). The majority of homozygous WFFS horses are aborted during gestation. Clinical signs of affected horses include fragile skin, skin and mucosa lacerations, hyperextension of the articulations, and hematomas. In spite of its harmful effect, a relatively high frequency of WFFS carriers has been found in Warmblood horses, suggesting a heterozygote advantage. Thus, in this study our aims were to: (1) estimate the frequency of WFFS carriers in the Swedish Warmblood breed (SWB), (2) estimate the effect of WFFS carrier genotype on performance traits in two SWB subpopulations bred for different disciplines, and (3) simulate the potential effects of balancing selection and different selection strategies on the frequency of carriers. Methods In total, 2288 SWB sport horses born between 1971 and 2020 were tested for the WFFS mutation and had estimated breeding values (EBV) for ten traditional evaluating and 50 linear descriptive traits. Results The frequency of WFFS carriers calculated from a pool of 511 randomly selected SWB horses born in 2017 was equal to 7.4% and ranged from 0.0 to 12.0% among the whole set of tested SWB horses, starting from 1971 till 2020. The effect of the WFFS carrier genotype was significant for several EBV mainly related to movements and dressage traits and especially for horses not bred for the show jumping discipline. Using simulation, we showed that balancing selection can maintain a recessive lethal allele in populations such as the SWB breed over generations and that the frequency is expected to slowly decrease in absence of balancing selection. Finally, we showed that selection against carrier sires can result in a more rapid decrease of the frequency of the mutant allele over time. Conclusion Further research is needed to confirm the apparent association between equine performance and the WFFS carrier genotype. Identification of such associations or new causative mutations for horse performance traits can serve as new tools in horse breeding to select for healthy, sustainable, and better performing horses

    Performance of Swedish Warmblood fragile foal syndrome carriers and breeding prospects

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    Abstract Background: Warmblood fragile foal syndrome (WFFS) is a monogenetic defect caused by a recessive lethal missense point mutation in the procollagen‐lysine, 2‐oxoglutarate 5‐dioxygenase 1 gene (PLOD1, c.2032G&gt;A). The majority of homozygous WFFS horses are aborted during gestation. Clinical signs of affected horses include fragile skin, skin and mucosa lacerations, hyperextension of the articulations, and hematomas. In spite of its harmful effect, a relatively high frequency of WFFS carriers has been found in Warmblood horses, suggesting a heterozygote advantage. Thus, in this study our aims were to: (1) estimate the frequency of WFFS carriers in the Swedish Warmblood breed (SWB), (2) estimate the effect of WFFS carrier genotype on performance traits in two SWB subpopulations bred for different disciplines, and (3) simulate the potential effects of balancing selection and different selection strategies on the frequency of carriers. Methods: In total, 2288 SWB sport horses born between 1971 and 2020 were tested for the WFFS mutation and had estimated breeding values (EBV) for ten traditional evaluating and 50 linear descriptive traits. Results: The frequency of WFFS carriers calculated from a pool of 511 randomly selected SWB horses born in 2017 was equal to 7.4% and ranged from 0.0 to 12.0% among the whole set of tested SWB horses, starting from 1971 till 2020. The effect of the WFFS carrier genotype was significant for several EBV mainly related to movements and dressage traits and especially for horses not bred for the show jumping discipline. Using simulation, we showed that balancing selection can maintain a recessive lethal allele in populations such as the SWB breed over generations and that the frequency is expected to slowly decrease in absence of balancing selection. Finally, we showed that selection against carrier sires can result in a more rapid decrease of the frequency of the mutant allele over time. Conclusion: Further research is needed to confirm the apparent association between equine performance and the WFFS carrier genotype. Identification of such associations or new causative mutations for horse performance traits can serve as new tools in horse breeding to select for healthy, sustainable, and better performing horses

    Not Just Later, but Fewer : Novel Trends in Cohort Fertility in the Nordic Countries

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    With historically similar patterns of high and stable cohort fertility and high levels of gender equality, the Nordic countries of Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland are seen as forerunners in demographic behavior. Furthermore. Nordic fertility trends have strongly influenced fertility theories. However, the period fertility decline that started around 2010 in many countries with relatively high fertility is particularly pronounced in the Nordic countries, raising the question of whether Nordic cohort fertility will also decline and deviate from its historically stable pattern. Using harmonized data across the Nordic countries, we comprehensively describe this period decline and analyze the extent to which it is attributable to tempo or quantum effects. Two key results stand out. First, the decline is mostly attributable to first births but can be observed across all ages from 15 to the mid -30s. This is a reversal from the previous trend in which fertility rates in the early 30s increased relatively steadily in those countries in the period 1980-2010. Second. tempo explains only part of the decline. Forecasts indicate that the average Nordic cohort fertility will decline from 2 children for the 1970 cohort to around 1.8 children for the late 1980s cohorts. Finland diverges from the other countries in terms of its lower expected cohort fertility (below 1.6), and Demnark and Sweden diverge from Finland. Iceland, and Norway in terms of their slower cohort fertility decline. These findings suggest that the conceptualization of the Nordic model of high and stable fertility may need to be revised.Peer reviewe

    Using high-density SNP data to unravel the origin of the Franches-Montagnes horse breed.

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    BACKGROUND The Franches-Montagnes (FM) is the last native horse breed of Switzerland, established at the end of the 19th century by cross-breeding local mares with Anglo-Norman stallions. We collected high-density SNP genotype data (Axiom™ 670 K Equine genotyping array) from 522 FM horses, including 44 old-type horses (OF), 514 European Warmblood horses (WB) from Sweden and Switzerland (including a stallion used for cross-breeding in 1990), 136 purebred Arabians (AR), 32 Shagya Arabians (SA), and 64 Thoroughbred (TB) horses, as introgressed WB stallions showed TB origin in their pedigrees. The aim of the study was to ascertain fine-scale population structures of the FM breed, including estimation of individual admixture levels and genomic inbreeding (FROH) by means of Runs of Homozygosity. RESULTS To assess fine-scale population structures within the FM breed, we applied a three-step approach, which combined admixture, genetic contribution, and FROH of individuals into a high-resolution network visualization. Based on this approach, we were able to demonstrate that population substructures, as detected by model-based clustering, can be either associated with a different genetic origin or with the progeny of most influential sires. Within the FM breed, admixed horses explained most of the genetic variance of the current breeding population, while OF horses only accounted for a small proportion of the variance. Furthermore, we illustrated that FM horses showed high TB admixture levels and we identified inconsistencies in the origin of FM horses descending from the Arabian stallion Doktryner. With the exception of WB, FM horses were less inbred compared to the other breeds. However, the relatively few but long ROH segments suggested diversity loss in both FM subpopulations. Genes located in FM- and OF-specific ROH islands had known functions involved in conformation and behaviour, two traits that are highly valued by breeders. CONCLUSIONS The FM remains the last native Swiss breed, clearly distinguishable from other historically introgressed breeds, but it suffered bottlenecks due to intensive selection of stallions, restrictive mating choices based on arbitrary definitions of pure breeding, and selection of rare coat colours. To preserve the genetic diversity of FM horses, future conservation managements strategies should involve a well-balanced selection of stallions (e.g., by integrating OF stallions in the FM breeding population) and avoid selection for rare coat colours

    Tuntematon Viapori – innovaatiokeskus ja talouselämän vilkastuttaja

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    Viaporia on tutkittu yllättävän vähän. Linnoituksen arkkitehtuuri, historian vaiheet ja linnoituksen rakennuttajan Augustin Ehrensvärdin elämäntyö tunnetaan pääpiirteissään, mutta täysin vaille vastausta on jäänyt kysymys siitä, mikä vaikutus Viaporilla oli Uudellamaalla, Suomessa ja Itämeren alueella. Miten Viaporin rakentaminen vaikutti Helsingin porvariston liiketoimiin ja elämään ylipäätään sekä millainen innovatiivinen vaikutus linnoituksella oli alueellaan? Mikä oli Viaporin merkitys