98 research outputs found

    Cloud networked robotics

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    PETREL for Astrophysics and Carbon Business

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    A multi-purpose 50kg class microsatellite hosting astrophysical mission and earth remote sensing, PETREL , will be launched in 2023. In the night side, PETREL observe the ultra-violet sky with a wide-field telescope covering 50 deg^2 for surveying transient objects related to supernovae, tidal disruption events, and gravitational wave events. Our UV telescope can detect the early phase UV emission from a neutron star merger occurred within 150 Mpc. In addition to the satellite observation, PETREL sends a detection alert including the coordinate and brightness of the UV transient to the ground via the real time communication network within several minutes after detection to conduct follow-up observations with the collaborating ground based observatories over the world. In the day side, PETREL observes the surface of the earth by using the tunable multi-spectral cameras and a ultra-compact hyperspectral camera. Our potential targets are the tropical forests (Green Carbon) and coastal zones (Blue Carbon) in the tropical areas to evaluating the global biological carbon strages. For this purpose PETREL will conduct multiple scale mapping collaborating with drones and small aircraft not only satellite. The obtained data will be used for academical research and for business applications. The technical difficulty of this satellite is that carries out multi-purpose with different requirements, such as astronomical observations which requires a quite high attitude stability and the earth observations requiring a high pointing accuracy, with limited resources. If it is possible, a novel small satellite system or a business style can be realized that can share the payload with academia and industry. PETREL has been adopted as Innovative Satellite Technology Demonstration Program No.3 led by JAXA, and development is underway with the aim of launching in FY2023


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    The differential process of adipocytes was investigated in the thymus and spleen of BALB/c mice by the real time PCR method. The transcriptions of PPARγ (PP) ,adiponectin (Ad) and resistin (Re) were considered as indications of differential stages of adipocytes and the transcription ratios, log Ad/PP and log Re/PP , were measured. These logarithmic ratios increased rapidly, at the border between fetal stage and neonatal, from negative value to positive in the thymus and to nearly 0 in the spleen. Subsequently, they were remained virtually constant throughout the experimental period. Kinetics was applied to the differential model of adipocytes in which the quantity of each transcription was assumed to be proportional to the cell number, and the changes of log Ad/PP and log Re/PP with age were interpreted successfullyBALB/cマウスの胸腺および脾臓での脂肪細胞の分化過程を,PPARγ(PP)に対するアディポネクチン(Ad),およびレジスチン(Re)の転写量を指標として,リアルタイムPCR法により検討した。加齢に伴い成熟脂肪細胞が増加してくる胸腺においては,アディポネクチンおよびレジスチンの転写量は,胎生期にはPPARγ の転写量より少なかったが,出生を境に急激に増大し,PPARγ の転写量の数十倍となり,その後ほぼ一定となった。成熟した脂肪細胞が認められない脾臓では,アディポネクチンおよびレジスチンの転写量は,出生を境に増大し,PPARyの転写量とほぼ等しくなった。各遺伝子の転写量は細胞数に比例すると仮定し,脂肪細胞系列の幹細胞を考えることにより,これらの結果を,速度論により説明することができた

    Ordered Patterns of Cell Shape and Orientational Correlation during Spontaneous Cell Migration

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    BACKGROUND: In the absence of stimuli, most motile eukaryotic cells move by spontaneously coordinating cell deformation with cell movement in the absence of stimuli. Yet little is known about how cells change their own shape and how cells coordinate the deformation and movement. Here, we investigated the mechanism of spontaneous cell migration by using computational analyses. METHODOLOGY: We observed spontaneously migrating Dictyostelium cells in both a vegetative state (round cell shape and slow motion) and starved one (elongated cell shape and fast motion). We then extracted regular patterns of morphological dynamics and the pattern-dependent systematic coordination with filamentous actin (F-actin) and cell movement by statistical dynamic analyses. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We found that Dictyostelium cells in both vegetative and starved states commonly organize their own shape into three ordered patterns, elongation, rotation, and oscillation, in the absence of external stimuli. Further, cells inactivated for PI3-kinase (PI3K) and/or PTEN did not show ordered patterns due to the lack of spatial control in pseudopodial formation in both the vegetative and starved states. We also found that spontaneous polarization was achieved in starved cells by asymmetric localization of PTEN and F-actin. This breaking of the symmetry of protein localization maintained the leading edge and considerably enhanced the persistence of directed migration, and overall random exploration was ensured by switching among the different ordered patterns. Our findings suggest that Dictyostelium cells spontaneously create the ordered patterns of cell shape mediated by PI3K/PTEN/F-actin and control the direction of cell movement by coordination with these patterns even in the absence of external stimuli

    Elevated levels of plasma homocysteine, deficiencies in dietary folic acid and uracil–DNA glycosylase impair learning in a mouse model of vascular cognitive impairment

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    Dietary deficiencies in folic acid result in elevated levels of plasma homocysteine, which has been associated with the development of dementia and other neurodegenerative disorders. Previously, we have shown that elevated levels of plasma homocysteine in mice deficient for a DNA repair enzyme, uracil–DNA glycosylase (UNG), result in neurodegeneration. The goal of this study was to evaluate how deficiencies in folic acid and UNG along with elevated levels of homocysteine affect vascular cognitive impairment, via chronic hypoperfusion in an animal model. Ung+/+ and Ung−/− mice were placed on either control (CD) or folic acid deficient (FADD) diets. Six weeks later, the mice either underwent implantation of microcoils around both common carotid arteries. Post-operatively, behavioral tests began at 3-weeks, angiography was measured after 5-weeks using MRI to assess vasculature and at completion of study plasma and brain tissue was collected for analysis. Learning impairments in the Morris water maze (MWM) were observed only in hypoperfused Ung−/− FADD mice and these mice had significantly higher plasma homocysteine concentrations. Interestingly, Ung+/+ FADD produced significant remodeling of the basilar artery and arterial vasculature. Increased expression of GFAP was observed in the dentate gyrus of Ung−/− hypoperfused and FADD sham mice. Chronic hypoperfusion resulted in increased cortical MMP-9 protein levels of FADD hypoperfused mice regardless of genotypes. These results suggest that elevated levels of homocysteine only, as a result of dietary folic acid deficiency, don’t lead to memory impairments and neurobiochemical changes. Rather a combination of either chronic hypoperfusion or UNG deficiency is required

    Regulation of the MDM2-P53 pathway and tumor growth by PICT1 via nucleolar RPL11

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    PICT1 (also known as GLTSCR2) is considered a tumor suppressor because it stabilizes phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN), but individuals with oligodendrogliomas lacking chromosome 19q13, where PICT1 is located, have better prognoses than other oligodendroglioma patients. To clarify the function of PICT1, we generated Pict1-deficient mice and embryonic stem (ES) cells. Pict1 is a nucleolar protein essential for embryogenesis and ES cell survival. Even without DNA damage, Pict1 loss led to p53-dependent arrest of cell cycle phase G1 and apoptosis. Pict1-deficient cells accumulated p53, owing to impaired Mdm2 function. Pict1 binds Rpl11, and Rpl11 is released from nucleoli in the absence of Pict1. In Pict1-deficient cells, increased binding of Rpl11 to Mdm2 blocks Mdm2-mediated ubiquitination of p53. In human cancer, individuals whose tumors express less PICT1 have better prognoses. When PICT1 is depleted in tumor cells with intact P53 signaling, the cells grow more slowly and accumulate P53. Thus, PICT1 is a potent regulator of the MDM2-P53 pathway and promotes tumor progression by retaining RPL11 in the nucleolu