141 research outputs found

    Assessment of diffusion coefficient

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    Většina akustických měření a parametrů udávaných výrobci akustických prvků, jak pro dodatečné řešení prostorové akustiky, tak i pro řešení stavebních akustických úprav, se z větší části omezuje pouze na parametry související s pohltivostí jednotlivých prvků. Těmto rozptylovým prvkům doposud nebyla věnována patřičná pozornost. Rozptylové prvky se používají například k omezení přímých odrazů k posluchači nebo odrazů sou- středěných pouze do jednoho místa. Kombinací pohltivých akustických panelů a prvků, které zvuk rozptylují, lze dospět k úpravě prostoru pro účel daný zadavatelem.Most acoustic measurements and parameters provided by a manufacturer of acoustic elements, which are offering additional solutions to room acoustics as well as acoustic construction works, are mainly limited to the parameters associated with absorption of individual elements. Until now, these diffusional elements have been neglected. Diffusi- onal panels are used to e.g. eliminate direct reflection of sound waves to the listener or reflection of sound waves concentrated at one point. Combination of absorptive acoustic panels and diffusion elements results in a space that is customised to the submitter’s needs.

    Statical acoustical sources localization

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    Mikrofonové pole se muže vyskytovat u mnoha duležitých aplikací. Primární použití, ze kterých vychází vetšina dalších aplikací, jsou pouze dve: lokalizace akustických zdroju a separace jednotlivých signálu z jejich smesice. Mikrofonové pole již bývá zakomponováno v bežných mobilních telefonech, kde redukuje šumy a ruchy, které pricházejí z okolí a degradují tím recníkuv hlasový projev. Další použití je napríklad pri rozpoznávání reci, lokalizaci více recníku nebo pro izolaci signálu pouze od jednoho recníka.The microphone array can be used in many important applications. The primary usage, which most of other applications are based on, is only: acoustic sources localization and separation of each signal from their compound. The microphone array is usually included in ordinary mobile phones, where it reduces noise and sound of its surrounding that otherwise degrades vocal speech. Other microphone array utilization is in for example speech identification, speakers’ localization or signal isolation of one speaker.


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    In this article, we describe a method of the roller bearing lubrication regime prediction. It uses a mathematical model of the bearing based on the standard ISO/TS 16281 to obtain the external load distribution over the rolling elements. We consider the effects of press fit and thermal gradient etween bearing rings on the internal clearance. The model is limited to an input of an uni-axial radial load and it neglects the centrifugal forces and gyroscopic moments due to its application for the region of low speeds. The lubrication film thickness is evaluated for the most loaded rolling element by a numerical solution of Reynolds’ equation for the line contact. The assessment of the lubrication regime takes into the account the surface roughness by employing the lubrication coefficient as an output parameter. Presented outcomes of the study, based on the measured geometry of the bearing, show the importance of an appropriate lubricant selection for the application

    Ag-AgCl nanoparticles fixation on electrospun PVA fibres: Technological concept and progress

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    Polymer-metal based material with unique 3D structure is an attractive substrate for the development of biomedical applications. A novel preparation of the composite from polymer fibres and silver nanoparticles has been designed through: (1) preparation of silver nanoparticles by phytosynthesis and (2) incorporation of these nanoparticles in a fibrous membrane prepared by electrospinning. The nanoparticle biosynthesis was performed in a pure environmental-friendly, easy, static, bottom-up in vitro regime using Tilia sp. leachate. TEM and XRD depict the formation, stabilisation and encapsulation of crystalline silver (14 +/- 9 nm) nanoparticles (NPs) in one simple step with low tendency to aggregate. We achieved successful incorporation in the uniform electrospun 221 +/- 24 nm poly(vinylalcohol) fibres, and this confirms the possibility of its use in the biomedical field. Both SEM with EDX and TEM analysis determined fibre uniformity with the presence of silver NPs, and ICP-AES confirmed the relatively similar metal concentration throughout the triplicate measurement of fibre structures on the 2 x 2 cm area in the following manner: 0.303 +/- 0.018 wt. %, 0.282 +/- 0.017 wt. %, and 0.281 +/- 0.017 wt. %. Our hypothesis is based on previously verified preparation of active silver NPs and the easily prepared PVA electrospun fibres which act as a water soluble matrix. The simple methodology of incorporating biosynthetically prepared NPs in the PVA fibers highlights the effectiveness of this material, with simple release from water-soluble PVA and final activation of the prepared NPs.Web of Science9art. no. 1552

    Surface Integrity after Turning a Duplex Stainless Steel with Respect to Tool Geometry

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    This study deals with surface integrity expressed in terms of stress state as well as microstructure alterations after turning a duplex stainless steel. Residual stresses and the presence of strain-induced martensite are studied as functions of the rake angle. Residual stresses of surface and sub-surface layers were determined by the use of the X-ray diffraction and hole-drilling techniques. X-ray diffraction enables us to distinguish between residual stresses in each phase separately, which is not possible when the hole-drilling method is applied. Furthermore, alterations in the near surface region are also analysed by the use of the magnetic Barkhausen noise and metallographic observation

    Pesticide exposure among Czech adults and children from the CELSPAC-SPECIMEn cohort: Urinary biomarker levels and associated health risks

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    Current-use pesticides (CUP) are extensively applied in both agricultural and urban settings. Exposure occurs mainly via the dietary pathway; however, other pathways such as inhalation or skin contact are also important. In this study, urinary levels of 12 CUP metabolites were investigated among 110 parent-child pairs during two seasons of 2020. Metabolites of pyrethroids (3-PBA, t/c-DCCA), chlorpyrifos (TCPY), and tebuconazole (TEB-OH) were detected in more than 60% of the samples. Chlorpyrifos metabolite was found at the highest concentration and tebuconazole was detected in almost all samples. CUP urinary metabolite levels were significantly higher in children in comparison to adults, except for tebuconazole, which was similar in both groups. In children, winter samples had significantly higher concentrations of pyrethroid and chlorpyrifos metabolites in comparison to the summer samples, but in adults, only chlorpyrifos metabolite concentrations were higher in the winter. No association between CUP urinary metabolite levels and proximity/surface of agricultural areas around residences was observed. Based on our findings, we suspect that CUP exposure is mainly driven by diet and that the effect of environmental exposure is less significant. Daily Intakes were estimated with three possible scenarios considering the amount of the metabolite excreted in urine and were compared to Acceptable Daily Intake values. Using a realistic scenario, exposure to chlorpyrifos exhibited the highest health risk, but still within a safe level. The Acceptable Daily Intake was exceeded only in one child in the case of cypermethrin. The cumulative risk assessment of pesticide mixtures having an effect on the nervous system, based on the total margin of exposure calculations, did not indicate any risk. The overall risk associated with pesticide exposure in the observed population was low. However, the risk observed using the worst-case scenario suggests the need for continuous evaluation of human exposure to such compounds, especially in children

    Pesticide exposure among Czech adults and children from the CELSPAC-SPECIMEn cohort: Urinary biomarker levels and associated health risks

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    Current-use pesticides (CUP) are extensively applied in both agricultural and urban settings. Exposure occurs mainly via the dietary pathway; however, other pathways such as inhalation or skin contact are also important. In this study, urinary levels of 12 CUP metabolites were investigated among 110 parent-child pairs during two seasons of 2020. Metabolites of pyrethroids (3-PBA, t/c-DCCA), chlorpyrifos (TCPY), and tebuconazole (TEB-OH) were detected in more than 60% of the samples. Chlorpyrifos metabolite was found at the highest concentration and tebuconazole was detected in almost all samples. CUP urinary metabolite levels were significantly higher in children in comparison to adults, except for tebuconazole, which was similar in both groups. In children, winter samples had significantly higher concentrations of pyrethroid and chlorpyrifos metabolites in comparison to the summer samples, but in adults, only chlorpyrifos metabolite concentrations were higher in the winter. No association between CUP urinary metabolite levels and proximity/surface of agricultural areas around residences was observed. Based on our findings, we suspect that CUP exposure is mainly driven by diet and that the effect of environmental exposure is less significant. Daily Intakes were estimated with three possible scenarios considering the amount of the metabolite excreted in urine and were compared to Acceptable Daily Intake values. Using a realistic scenario, exposure to chlorpyrifos exhibited the highest health risk, but still within a safe level. The Acceptable Daily Intake was exceeded only in one child in the case of cypermethrin. The cumulative risk assessment of pesticide mixtures having an effect on the nervous system, based on the total margin of exposure calculations, did not indicate any risk. The overall risk associated with pesticide exposure in the observed population was low. However, the risk observed using the worst-case scenario suggests the need for continuous evaluation of human exposure to such compounds, especially in children

    NPAHs and OPAHs in the atmosphere of two central European cities: Seasonality, urban-to-background gradients, cancer risks and gas-to-particle partitioning

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    Derivatives of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) such as nitrated- and oxygenated-PAHs (NPAHs and OPAHs) could be even more toxic and harmful for the environment and humans than PAHs. We assessed the spatial and seasonal variations of NPAHs and OPAHs atmospheric levels, their cancer risks and their gas-to-particle partitioning. To this end, about 250 samples of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and 50 gaseous samples were collected in 2017 in central Europe in the cities of Brno and Ljubljana (two traffic and two urban background sites) as well as one rural site. The average particulate concentrations were ranging from below limit of quantification to 593 pg m-3 for Σ9NPAHs and from 1.64 to 4330 pg m-3 for Σ11OPAHs, with significantly higher concentrations in winter compared to summer. In winter, the particulate levels of NPAHs and OPAHs were higher at the traffic site compared to the urban background site in Brno while the opposite was found in Ljubljana. NPAHs and OPAHs particulate levels were influenced by the meteorological parameters and co-varied with several air pollutants. The significance of secondary formation on the occurrence of some NPAHs and OPAHs is indicated. In winter, 27-47% of samples collected at all sites were above the acceptable lifetime carcinogenic risk. The gas-particle partitioning of NPAHs and OPAHs was influenced by their physico-chemical properties, the season and the site-specific aerosol composition. Three NPAHs and five OPAHs had higher particulate mass fractions at the traffic site, suggesting they could be primarily emitted as particles from vehicle traffic and subsequently partitioning to the gas phase along air transport. This study underlines the importance of inclusion of the gas phase in addition to the particulate phase when assessing the atmospheric fate of polycyclic aromatic compounds and also when assessing the related health risk.This project was supported by the European Union's H2020 Framework Programme (ICARUS project) under grant agreement No – 690105, by the Czech Science Foundation (#P503 20-07117S) and by the RECETOX (LM2018121) and ACTRIS-CZ (LM2018122) research infrastructures funded by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic and the European Structural and Investment Funds (CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001761 and CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_013/0001315). Funding of the Slovenian Agency of research through a programme P1-0143 is acknowledged. H2020 ERA-PLANET (No. 689443) iGOSP project is also acknowledged.S

    Exctretion of urinary N7 guanine and N3 adenine DNA adducts in mice after inhalation of styrene

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    Adenine adducts of styrene : 3-(2-hydroxy-1-phenylethyl)adenine (N3αA) and 3-(2-hydroxy-2- phenylethyl) adenine (N3βA), were found in the urine of mice exposed to styrene vapor. Vast majority of styrene is metabolized to styrene -7,8-oxide. This reactive molecule is futher bio transferred either to mandelic and phenylglyoxalic acid or bounds to nucleophilic sites in biomolecules. Adducts of styrene oxide with amino acids contained in proteins and with purine and pyrimidine bases of nucleic acid were observed during in vitro tests. These styrene-7,8-oxide derived adenine adducts, as well as previously identified guanine adducts, 7-(2-hydroxy- 1- phenylethyl)guanine (N7αG) and 7-(2-hydroxy-2-phenylethyl)guanine (N7βG) were quantified by HPLC-ESI-MS2 and the excretion profile during and after repeated exposure to 600 mg.m-3 or 1200 mg m-3 of styrene for 10 consecutive days (6 h/day) was determined. The excretion was dose dependent. Total excreted amount of N3 adenine adducts (N3αA+N3βA) represents 0.8 ×10−5 % of the absorbed dose, while overall sum of N7 guanine adducts (N7αG+N7βG) yields about 1.4 ×10−5 % of the dose. No accumulation of the adducts was observed. Due to rapid depurination of the DNA, the excretion of both N3 adenine and N7 guanine adducts ceased shortly after finishing the exposure. Both N3..


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    Thesis contains basic information about operating system OpenWrt. The first part is devoted to the history and development of this system. The work includes a description of the installation of the selected device and its settings. The thesis also includes comparative tests carried out in comparison with the original operating system router. The reader can decide which system is better suited to its needs