86 research outputs found

    Objective Competitiveness Ranking amongst EU Regions (Objective Method for Quantifying Regional Competitiveness - a case study applied to EU15 Regions)

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    Nowadays the key target of Cohesion Policy is to promote the creation of conditions to improve the growth, and to increase the factors that lead to a real convergence (Economic and Social Cohesion). An important group of these factors is found when considering the competitivity of a Region that implies, (even whitout existintg a clear definition), to consider at the same time two different levels: - The first one through the specific factors to improve the development of the resident managerial weave (Innovation, Research & Development, enterprises nets, labour market, training, support in the use of new technologies, servicies to entreprises, etc.). – The second one, improving the enviromental conditions for the development of such an managerial activity (Transport and comunication infrastructures, environment and sustainable developpment ,use of renewable energies, etc.) The objetcive of the present paper is to propose an objective way to consider the totalitiy of factors simultaneously, in order to obtain a ranking of the of the regional competitivity, and to study his changes in the time. For this, it will be used the data base “REGIO” and techniques of ranking belonging to multicriteria decision making. The analyzed period is from 1987 to 2002 which shows interesting results mainly when compared with other analyses carried out.

    Economic and Social Cohesion in the EU: a critical approach

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    Economic and Social Cohesion is one of the principal aims of European Union according to the Treaty. Although it has a clear and rather well defined political dimension, there is not a unique definition that permits a technical definition. ¿Has an increase of Economic and Social Cohesion been observed in recent decades? ¿How could this be measured? To answer these two questions it is necessary to define, first, what is the acceptable degree of regional inequalities and, second, which could be the variables or indexes to measure it properly (not only GDP per capita). The aim of this paper is to propose new answers to the problem, using REGIO database and applying multicriteria methods. We have researched a new empirical approach to the European Cohesion and we have calculated the accomplishment of a higher Economic and Social Cohesion between the European regions. The period analysed is 1987-1999 and the results are rather shocking and suggestive, particularly compared to the ones arising from the most conventional analysis on the evolution of GDP per capita. Key words: Social and Economic Cohesion; Regional Convergence; EU Regional Policy, multicriteria methods.

    Regional disparities in the European Union. An approach through economic and social cohesion

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    El Tratado de la Unión Europea (UE) de 1992 y el texto de la Constitución para Europa, actualmente en proceso de aprobación por los países miembros, establecen como uno de los principales objetivos de la Unión el logro de una más alta cohesión económica y social. La cuantificación de este objetivo incluye un amplio conjunto de aspectos, aunque no están bien definidos en los distintos documentos comunitarios. El PIB por habitante se ha tomado normalmente como el indicador más útil para medir el avance hacia la reducción de las diferencias regionales y los estudios de convergencia. Ha sido, asimismo, el indicador de referencia para establecer el carácter elegible de las regiones europeas más atrasadas para recibir fondos estructurales (regiones «Objetivo 1»). Este indicador se utiliza también para valorar las mejoras comparativas de las regiones, aunque sin duda es muy simple para medir adecuadamente los avances hacia una mayor cohesión económica y social. El objetivo de este artículo es proponer una vía de aproximación más completa para medir la cohesión y estimar sus resultados, utilizando métodos multicriterio y, en particular, los del tipo Electre. A tal efecto se utiliza una amplia base de indicadores económico-sociales y el análisis se centra en la evolución de las regiones que en 1987 eran «Objetivo 1» y en aquellas con un PIB p.c. comprendido entre el 75 y el 100% de la media comunitaria. Los resultados permiten detectar importantes diferencias en las posiciones y movimientos de las regiones. Esta vía podría constituir una alternativa para definir las regiones elegibles a efectos de la Política Regional Comunitaria.According to the Treaty of the European Union of 1992 and the Constitution actually in process to be accepted by all Community members, the accomplishment of a higher economic and social cohesion is one of its main objectives. This aim includes a variety of aspects, but not clearly well defined in the European documents. GDP per capita has normally been considered the most useful indicator to measure the progress in terms of regional convergence. This indicator is also used to determine the «eligibility» of the lagging regions to receive funds from the Structural Funds (particularly the «Objective 1» regions). It is also used to evaluate regional successes. Nevertheless, the progress towards a higher regional economic and social cohesion is not adequately measured through this simple way. The objective of this paper is to propose and estimate a more complete approach using a high number of variables and applying multicriteria methods such as the «Electre». Demographic, educational, economic and social indicators are used, as well as other directly related to regional competitiveness. Results referred to «Objective 1» regions and regions between 75-100% of the European average in GDP pc. show some relevant changes in terms of interregional cohesion in the EU-15 between 1987-2000, with significant differences compared to the most conventional approaches to regional disparities. Findings suggest a way to better qualify the regions to be considered as «eligible» by the European Regional Policy

    Análisis del léxico disponible español de extranjeros que estudian los grados de educación

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    The article analyzes the Spanish lexical availability of foreign students who study Pre-primary or Primary Educational Degrees and they are in the first or fourth course. The objective of this study is to know (1) the evolution of their vocabulary after four years of studies and (2) to analyze the differences between both groups (first and fourth). To obtain the results, the students answered a questionnaire structured in two parts: the first one, which collects sociodemographic data of the informants and the second one, which allows us to assess the lexical availability of the informants in eighteen centers of interest, the traditional sixteen and there were added the topics New Technologies: ICTand Education. The results that we have obtained show the existence of differences between the lexicon of both groups. Therefore, the study suggests the need of reinforcement of the vocabulary of future teachers.El artículo analiza el léxico disponible de los estudiantes extranjeros de los grados de educación infantil y primaria que se encuentran en primer o cuarto curso. El objetivo es conocer (1) su evolución tras cuatro años de estudios y (2) analizar las diferencias entre ambos grupos. Para ello, los estudiantes respondieron un cuestionario estructurado en dos partes: la primera recoge los datos sociodemográficos particulares de los informantes y la segunda, permite evaluar el léxico disponible de los alumnos en dieciocho centros de interés, los dieciséis tradicionales y se añadieron las áreas asociativas de Nuevas Tecnologías: TICy Educación. Los resultados obtenidos muestran la existencia de diferencias entre el léxico de ambos grupos, primero y cuarto. Por lo tanto, el estudio sugiere la necesidad de reforzar el vocabulario de los futuros profesores

    Dinámica del cambio en el léxico disponible inglés de 1º de ESO y 1º de Bachillerato

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    El objetivo de este estudio ha sido valorar la dinámica del cambio que sufre el léxico disponible en inglés de hablantes nativos de español en estudiantes de 1º de ESO y 1º de Bachillerato para poder comprobar si existe una evolución positiva entre los dos cursos escolares. Para ello, se han utilizado los indicadores de disponibilidad léxica, compatibilidad y Porcentaje de Disponibilidad Retenida (PDR) en un conjunto de 184 informantes. Con los resultados obtenidos, se ha podido confirmar, para los ocho centro de interés analizados, que son muy pocos los vocablos que concentran la mayor cantidad de disponibilidad léxica en cada área asociativa. Además, con la metodología seguida también se ha podido valorar el cambio en la adquisición del léxico entre las dos etapas educativas

    Evolution of Internal Cohesion and Socioeconomic Development: A Comparative Analysis at the Country Scale in the European Union

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    El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar las trayectorias de cohesión interna en la Unión Europea, a escala de país, para el periodo 2000-2015. Al mismo tiempo la información generada ha permitido identificar agrupaciones de países, a través de un análisis clúster, en cuanto a su comportamiento conjunto en crecimiento, convergencia, desarrollo y cohesión. Concretamente, la trayectoria de cada país se compara con su clúster más próximo. Estas agrupaciones servirán para rediseñar las políticas generales y específicas, por grandes áreas, encaminadas al cumplimiento de los objetivos de la actual Estrategia 2014-2020 y futura Estrategia 2021-2027The objective of this research is to analyse, at country level, the trajectories of internal cohesion in the European Union for the period 2000-2015. At the same time, the information generated has made it possible to identify groupings of countries through a cluster analysis in regard to the joint performance of growth, convergence, development and cohesion. Specifically, the trajectory of each country is compared with the nearest cluster. These groups will serve to redesign the general and specific policies of large areas that are directed at achieving the objectives of the current strategy (2014-2020) and the future strategy (2021-2027

    El uso de los cuentos y la creatividad para la formación del futuro profesorado de infantil en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de las matemáticas

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    The current training of the future teacher requires to include resources that facilitate the teaching and learning processes and, in addition, be useful for their incorporation into the labor market. The use of story as an educational resource in the training of teachers in children stages allows students to be initiated in competences related to the didactics of mathematics as well as how to take advantage of the innovative point of view that the neuroeducation knowledge brings us. In this article, an experience based on the elaboration and design of a mathematical story is developped, in four different formats, in which the mathematical contents are regulated. The work carried out by 108 students belonging to the Degree in Early Childhood Education and Double Degree in Infant and Primary of the URJC, academic year 2018/19 is analysed. To assess the acceptance among the students, a semi-structured interview and a voluntary response questionnaire is carried out. The results show that this type of experiences are necessary in teacher training since they help to motivate, enhance creativity and increase the involvement in the subject, a part from  working on mathematical competence from the didactic point of view, obtaining an increase in performance and better satisfaction in the face of the incorporation into the world of work.La formación del futuro docente demanda la necesidad de incluir recursos que faciliten procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje y además, sean útiles para su incorporación posterior al mundo laboral. Usar el cuento como recurso educativo en la formación del profesorado en etapas infantiles permite tanto iniciar al alumnado en competencias relacionadas con la didáctica de las matemáticas como aprovechar el punto de vista innnovador que nos aportan  los conocimimentos de neuroeducacion. En este artículo, se desarrolla una experiencia basada en la elaboración y diseño de un cuento matemático, con varios formatos distintos, y con contenidos matemáticos legislados. Se analizan los trabajos realizados por 108 alumnos pertenecientes al Grado de Educación Infantil y Doble Grado en Infantil y Primaria de la URJC, curso académico 2018/19. Para valorar la aceptación entre el alumnado, se realiza una entrevista semiestructurada y un cuestionario de respuesta voluntaria. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que este tipo de experiencias son necesarias en la formación del profesorado ya que consiguen motivar, potenciar la creatividad y aumentar la implicación en la materia, además de trabajar la competencia matemática desde el punto de vista didáctico, obteniendo un aumento en el rendimiento y mejor satisfaccion de cara la incorporacion al mundo laboral

    Für ein Ende des NATO-Krieges und eine politisch-diplomatische Regelung in Afghanistan

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    Four visual censuses targeting Octopus vulgaris living in dens on sandy bottoms were carried out from June to October 2013 in the National Park of the Atlantic Galician Islands (NW Spain). Censuses were undertaken by scuba diving between 5 and 21 m depth in daytime. The total area swept was 13.75 ha. There were no significant differences between octopus presence in dens during open and closed fishing seasons. Depth had a significant negative relationship with occupancy. The average number of dens per 1000 m2 was 3.84±0.84 in June and 3.89 in October. The area per den was 260 m2. Den number estimations varied between 1586 and 2057. The largest number of dens (76.5%) was found between 5 and 10 m depth. Den distribution was clumped. No significant differences were found between octopus size classes (small, medium and large) and den diameter. Associate dens were observed. There were no significant differences in den diameter and shell types found around the middens. Many dens could be “permanent”. Drilling bivalve shell behaviour is discussed. The surveyed area had around 1100 individuals, mainly small specimens. No significant differences were found between octopus size and depth. Substrate, den type and food abundance and availability (especially razors Ensis arcuatus) seem to be the main factors influencing dens and octopus density and distribution. Den availability does not appear to be a limiting factor in this case. Temperature, den availability, predators and fishing pressure influencing density and distribution are discussed. Rodas inlet may be a preferential habitat for O. vulgaris individuals ranging from 200 to 2000 g, but especially small specimens ( ≤ 1000 g)

    Adaptación y validación de la escala de liderazgo MLQ-5X al contexto educativo español

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    Drawing from the transformational leadership theory, this study aimed to analyze the psychometric properties of a version adapted to the educational environment of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-5X). A total of 1551 Spanish students (M = 15.47 years ± 0.72; 679 boys and 872 girls) from 31 secondary schools participated in the study. The confirmatory factor analysis of the initial structure of nine factors of the scale determined the need to eliminate two items of the direction by passive exception factor, grouping passive leadership into a single factor. In a second eight-factor model, high correlations were found between the factors of transformational leadership, indicating the need to establish a first-order factor. Finally, a third model was tested that obtained adequate values ​​of validity and reliability, which was composed of 34 items distributed in 4 main factors (transformational leadership, contingent reward, leadership by active exception and passive leadership) and 5 secondary factors for transformational leadership (idealized influence behavior, attributed idealized influence, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration). Therefore, the Spanish version of the MLQ-5X in the educational field can be used to assess the transformational leadership of teachers from the perception of the students.Desde la teoría del liderazgo transformacional, este estudio tenía como objetivo analizar las propiedades psicométricas de una versión adaptada al ámbito educativo del Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ-5X). Un total de 1551 estudiantes españoles (M = 15,47 años ± 0,72; 679 chicos y 872 chicas) de 31 centros de enseñanza secundaria participaron en el estudio. El análisis factorial confirmatorio de la estructura inicial de nueve factores de la escala determinó la necesidad de eliminar dos ítems del factor dirección por excepción pasiva, agrupando en un solo factor el liderazgo pasivo. En un segundo modelo de ocho factores, se hallaron altas correlaciones entre los factores del liderazgo transformacional, señalando la necesidad de establecer un factor de primer orden. Finalmente, se testó un tercer modelo que obtuvo valores adecuados de validez y fiabilidad, que estaba compuesto por 34 ítems distribuidos en 4 factores principales (liderazgo transformacional, recompensa contingente, dirección por excepción activa y liderazgo pasivo) y 5 factores secundarios para el liderazgo transformacional (influencia idealizada conducta, influencia idealizada atribuida, motivación inspiracional, estimulación intelectual y consideración individualizada. Por tanto, la versión española del MLQ-5X en el ámbito educativo puede ser utilizada para evaluar el liderazgo transformacional de los docentes desde la percepción del alumnado