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     LANGUAGE VARIETIES IN AL-AMANAH ISLAMIC MODERN COLLEGE: SEEN FROM LANGUAGE IN CONTACT Miftakhul Ulum The State University of Surabaya Faculty of Languages and Arts Discipline of Language Literature [email protected] Slamet Setiawan The State University of Surabaya Faculty of Languages and Arts Discipline of Language Literature [email protected] ABSTRACT This study is about language varieties and the results of language in contact. This is conducted because of the existence of language varieties in Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College. The language varieties are English influenced by Surabaya and Sidoarjo Javanese. Besides, the purposes of this study are to know how the phenomena of language varieties existing in Al-Amanah Islamic modern college including the (1) forms, (2) the factors and (3) the acceptability in English Speakers’ Societies. It is conducted by using Weinrich’s interlanguage theory approach (1972). The design of this study is descriptive qualitative method and analyzed by using Miles’ and Huberman’s model including data reduction, data display, and conclusion and verification. This study say that the language varieties are English influenced by Surabaya and Sidoarjo dialect and accent and in the forms of interferences, integration and convergence, code-switching and code-mixing, pidgin, and Creole. Meanwhile, there are two factors caused the existence of these language varieties. They are internal factors including multilingualism which Javanese as the majority language, and lack of vocabularies and grammar knowledge. Secondly, the external factors include the existence of cultural heritage of the seniors, habit in the use of these language varieties, and the Islamic College rules. Seen from their acceptability, this study says that these language varieties are unacceptable. In summary, language varieties happening in Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College is English influenced by Surabaya and Sidoarjo Javanese. The factors are divided into internal and external, and these language varieties are unacceptable in language speakers’ society. Keywords: language variety, Surabaya and Sidoarjo Javanese, language contact     INTRODUCTION Each country has a specific language. Indonesia, for example, is a multilingual country. In 2012 Indonesia has 546 languages.1 It is assumed that the number of languages in Indonesia will increase in each year. East Java, Indonesia, has 4 languages with different dialects and accents.2 They are Javanese, Madurese, Osing, and Indonesian. Therefore, if a country has a lot of languages, it can be ensured that language varieties exist.       www.kompas.com Dinas kominfo prov. Jatim, 2012  Language variety is a variation of using a language. Language varieties include such as dialect, accent, style, and so on. Language varieties often appear in bilingual speakers or multilingual ones. For instance, it is in Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College, Krian. The students must speak in more than two languages. They are Arabic, English and refined Javanese (Jawa krama). However, they often produce a “foreign language” which is influenced by the language contact while speaking. Multilingual community means that the community has more than two languages to speak and to communicate each other. Holmes (2000: 73) defines that multilingual is an ability to use more than two languages in communication for certain purpose. Why should it be more than two languages? The answer is that each of them has their own terms. For people or groups who are able to use only one language, they are called as monolingual. García and Colin (1995:41)199541 define that “monolingual is a person ‘who’ knows only one language, whatever that means”. Meanwhile, for people or groups who are able to use two languages, they are named as bilingual. Therefore, seen from the number of the languages used, linguists categorized them into three parts. They are monolingual, bilingual, and multilingual. Concerning with the multilingual situation, it can be ensured that there will be language contact appearing among them. Language contact is a phenomenon influencing one language to another. Thomason (2001: 1) also defines language contact as the influence of one language to another, directly or indirectly, in the same place at the same time, so that it can change the language which is used by the speaker. Language contact can be found easily when there are at least two people with different languages talking each other. For instance, the one speaks English and the other speaks Javanese. Sooner or later their languages will influence each other. Commonly, one of the language contact results is integrations (Chaer and Agustina, 2010: 84). Then, The Javanese will get new words from the English, and so does the English. Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College is an Islamic modern college located in the Kewangen, Junwangi, Krian, Sidoarjo. Javanese or Indonesian usually calls this institution as pondok pesantren. Pondok pesantren is an institution built by an Islamic priest (kiyai). This institution specifically teaches the students a religious education. The students who study are called as santri. The term santri is only used in Indonesia because Indonesia is the first country which uses living system in education, especially in Java Island (Moesa, 2007:95). In Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College, there is a kind of language varieties. It is influenced by a contact between a foreign language and regional language. The foreign language focused here is English. Meanwhile, the regional language is Javanese with Surabaya and Sidoarjo dialect and accent. It makes the influenced foreign language to be very different from the real ones.  In their daily conversation, the students usually produce some new words which are not available in its foreign languages vocabularies. The examples of words that usually they produce are “This is lo very buuwwig e, come here aaa!(instead of this is very big, and come here!)”, and so on. Why should the foreign languages be influenced by Surabaya and Sidorajo? The answer is that most of the students are from Surabaya and Sidoarjo. Rachmawati (2007), the student of State University of Surabaya, ever conducted a study under the title “The Interference of Bahasa Indonesia to The Production of English Sounds Made by The Third Grade Students of Junior High School in Al-Furqon Muslim Boarding School”. It emphasized on the English words formation interfered by bahasa Indonesia and English seen from phonological point of view. This study was done to know the interference of bahasa Indonesia to the production of English sounds made by the third grade students of junior high school in Al-Furqon Muslim Boarding School. The data related to interference was obtained through oral reading passages process conducted in the classroom. The conclusion of this study was there were some difficult consonants to pronounce. They were /v/, /ʃ/, /ð/, and /dʒ/ caused by the absence of those sounds in bahasa Indonesia. Besides, Bhela (1999), the student of Flinders University School of Education also conducted study under the title “Native Language Interference in Learning a Second Language: Exploratory Case Studies of Native Language Interference with Target Language Usage”. It emphasized on the forms of the second language structures in the written form done by Spanish, a Vietnamese, a Cambodian, and an Italian. It means that the study was focused on the structures of the second language (L2) learners sometimes constructed based on their first one (L1) through written task. This study was conducted to know the effect of the differences and/or similarities between the structures of L1 and L2 on the target language through interview and giving task process. It was conducted as classroom activities because it took a place in the classroom. The conclusion of this study was that the L2 structures produced by the learners were influenced by their L1 caused by the lack of the L2 and L1 knowledge. Meanwhile, in the present study, it is focused on the language varieties existing in Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College seen from language in contact. Seen from the title, this study does not only discuss about linguistic interferences but each linguistic aspect which becomes the results of language contact. In this case, the language varieties are uttered not written or read. The utterances are in the levels of phonemes, phrases, and sentences. In addition, this study was conducted to know the phenomena of language varieties existing in Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College in which the data obtained from the students’ utterances and analyzed by using Miles’ and Huberman’s data analysis model including data reduction, data display, and conclusion and verification. In addition, the application of the use of sociolinguistics point of view and the study is not only in the classroom but also out of it, is applied in this study. In summary, language varieties happening in Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College is English influenced by Surabaya and Sidoarjo Javanese caused by some factors, and these language varieties are unacceptable in language speakers’ society. There is something unique in this Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College. It is the language varieties the students use. The language varieties used by the students are totally different from the language varieties used by most of people in some regions. They create some new words from a language, but the real words of the language still appear. Not only creating some new words but, they also create a specific language structure and tone based on their regional language while they are speaking. Therefore, this study is written to know the phenomena of language varieties existing in Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College, krian, Sidoarjo.   Research Questions   Based on the study focus elaborated in the background of study above, the reach questions should be answered are: How are the language varieties in Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College, Krian seen from language in contact? Why do the students of Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College use those kinds of language varieties? To what extent can the students’ language varieties be accepted in the English speakers’ society?   Purposes of the Study   To describe the language varieties of Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College students seen from language in contact. To know why the students of Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College use those kinds of language varieties. To know to what extent the students’ language varieties can be accepted in the English speakers’ society.   RESEARCH METHOD   In conducting the study, the descriptive qualitative method is applied. The purpose of using the descriptive qualitative method is to obtain systematical description and accurate data which are dynamic, complex, and need very deep understanding. The subjects and the location of this study were the students of Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College, Krian, Sidoarjo who were taken randomly. It was done to obtain the more accurate and avoid data manipulation. The students of Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College were chosen because they are required to be able to communicate in foreign languages. Besides the students, foreigners from Russia, Brazil, United State of America, and Australia also became the subjects of this study who are used to answer the third research question. The location must be in Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College. The data of this study are classified into three types. They are linguistics, information, and assessments. The linguistics data are the language varieties which were uttered by the students of Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College. Secondly, information as data means that the data which are needed are related to the language varieties. They cover the reasons why the students produce them, the number of Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College students, and the year when English began to be spoken. Meanwhile, the sources of data are grouped into three types. They are people, places, and papers. In this study, the people were the Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College students who were taken randomly, an alumnus and English teacher, and some foreigners from different countries who know English. The foreigners were used to measure whether their English is acceptable or not. Secondly, the place is in Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College. Thirdly, the papers as sources, in this case, mean that the data are obtained from the related theories both from the books and internet and from the college documents (Arikunto in Afidah, 2009: 27). There are four techniques which were applied. They were observation, interview, and questionnaire, and assessments by an English teacher and four foreigners. The type of the observation which was used was participative active observation. Participative means that the researcher enjoys getting along with the respondents in the Islamic college. Active means that the researcher enjoys doing what the respondents do there, but it is not complete enough (Sugiyono, 2010: 310). The type of the interview which was used was semi-structured interview. They were twelve students of 12th grades who were taken randomly including the chief of the language division both boy and girl. They were chosen because they have been living in this college longer than the other students in the other grades. Besides using those two data collection techniques, the questionnaire was also used to obtain the data. This was conducted to know the language varieties in the levels of phonemes, phrases, and sentences. Meanwhile, the respondents of conducting questionnaire were taken randomly. They were two students of 9th grade, 11th grade, four students of 8th grade, 10th, and five students of 12th grades. The data were obtained by conducting assessments process which was assessed by an English teacher of Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College and foreigners. The process was that they were sent the assessments sheets, and some records which consisted of the students’ conversations using their language varieties through social networks namely Skype, and Facebook. The assessments sheet was based on the Likert scales model. According to Tullis and William (2013: 123), the Likert scales were used to know the acceptability of language through some scales such as “acceptable” or “not acceptable”. Meanwhile, the voices which were recorded were the voices of two boy students of 12th grade, and two girl students of 12th grade. Besides, the foreigners were four foreigners who come from Russia, Brazil, United State of America, and Australia. There were some instruments which were used. They were the researcher, interview sheets, questionnaires, and assessments sheets. The final part of research methods was data analysis. It presents some steps how to analyze the data. In this case, Miles’ and Huberman’s (1994: 10-12) data analysis model was applied. They wrote in their book that there are three steps to analyze the data. They are data reduction, data display, and conclusion and verification.   RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 1.       Language Varieties Phenomena Seen from Language in Contact The language varieties in Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College seen from language in contact are influenced by dialect, accent of Surabaya and Sidoarjo Javanese. The results are multilingualism, interferences, integration, code-switching and code-mixing, pidgin, and creole. To begin with, the dialect of the Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College students’ English is based on Surabaya and Sidoarjo dialect. It can be proved when the students are producing words in the interrogative sentence such as “tak-en”, “call-en”, “strik-en”, etc. (Instead of take, call, strike, etc.). The“-en” morpheme usually appears in Surabaya and Sidoarjo Javanese. In the standard Surabaya and Sidoarjo Javanese words, they should be “jukuen”, “celuken”, “kaploken”, etc. In addition, Dialect is a language variation from a group of speakers with certain numbers and region (Chaer and Leonie, 1995: 83). Besides Javanese with Surabaya and Sidoarjo dialect, the English of Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College students are also influenced by Surabaya and Sidoarjo Javanese accent. Accent is the way to pronounce a language with certain stress that can identify where the speakers live, their ethnicity, their first language, and so on (Lippi-Green, 1997: 83). Based on where the speakers live, most of them live in Sidoarjo and its surroundings. Besides, most of the students’ ethnicity is Javanese and with Javanese considered as their first language exactly. The existence of language contact may have consequences. The consequences are that there are some other language phenomena which are caused by language contact. According to Chaer and Leonie (1995: 111-187), Hall (in Odimengwu, 2012: 6), and Thomason (2001: 157), the phenomena are bilingualism and multilingualism, diglossia, interference, integration, code-switching and code-mixing, pidgin, creole, and language shift. However, Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College has only some phenomena, they are, multilingualism, interferences, integration, code-switching and code-mixing, pidgin, creole, and language shift which are explained as follows.     Multilingualism The students of Al-Amanah Islamic Mocdern College are a multilingual community. They live together in a place and can speak in more than two languages. The speaker who can speak in more than two languages is called as multilingual (Fromkin, et al., 2011: 41; Tucker, 1999).   Interferences According to Liliweri (2007: 159), interference is divided into phonological interference, morphological interference, syntactical interference, and semantic interference. However, in Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College, there are only three types of interferences which have been found. They are phonological interference, morphological interference, and syntactical interference. However, the name of those interfered or mixed languages which arise in a contact situation can be named as pidgin. To begin with, the English words begin with /v/ sound is changed to be /f/ such as in the word “very /ˈveri/” which is pronounced as “fery /ˈferi/”. Besides, the /ð/ sound is changed into a pure /d/ sound and sometimes with nasalization process. The examples are “the /ndə/ or /də/”, “this /ndɪs/ or /dɪs/”, “that /ndæt/ or /dæt/”, “these /ndiːs/ or /diːs/”, and “those /ndoʊs/ or /ndoʊs/”. The pure /d/ sounds happen because Surabaya and Sidoarjo Javanese do not have /ð/ sound. This is line with Rochmawati’s (2007: vii) thesis which stated that there were some difficult consonants to pronounce. They were /v/, /ʃ/, and /ð/ which are caused by the absence of those sounds in Indonesian. Besides, the /d/ sound with nasalization process occurs because Surabaya and Sidoarjo Javanese dialect usually add /n/ sound before the /d/ sound. This is as what Liliweri (2007: 159) explained that the Javanese usually pronounce the words begin with /b/, /d/, /g/, /j/ with some nasalization processes. However, the /b/, /g/, /j/ sounds are still able to be pronounced well by the students of Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College. Morphological interference is the use of affixes which are taken from another language (Weinreich, 1979: 68). This can be seen from the English words of Al-Amanah Islamic Modern College students which were influenced by Surabaya and Sidoarjo Javanese such as “eat-en”, “call-en”, “borrow-o”, “go-o”, “di-call”, and “di-visit-i”, etc. In fact, the affixes “-en”, “-o”, “di-”, and “-i” commonly appear in Surabaya and Sidoarjo Javanese which mean order (-en, -o), and passive (di-, and di- -i). Meanwhile, the syntactical interference in Al-Amanah Modern College can be seen when a structure of another language is applied to construct the language which is spoken. In this case, another language means Javanese while spoken language is English. Something should be noticed that Javanese has quite similar structure as English, that is, “S-V-O”. This is as what Bhela and Weinreich (1999: 28; 1979: 37) said that the L2 learners tended to use their L1 to construct their L2. The examples are as what had given before.   Integration The word which was found in Al-Amanah Islamic College which is related to the example of integration is “Sarong” such as in the students’ utterance “Don’t ghasab my sarong!”. Sarong is actually comes from Javanese. Then, it is adopted by English and it is used as its own language. In order to know whether the word was adopted or was not being adopted yet is by looking up the dictionary. Nowadays, the word “sarong” is available in the English dictionary. It shows that the word “sarong” was considered as the part of English. In the other hand, “ghasab” is actually neither English nor Javanese. It is written in italic font because it is from another language namely Arabic. In short, a language can be called as integration when a language is adopted by another language and is used in the recipient one as its own (Yule, 2010: 54).   Code-Switching and Code-Mixing Code-mixing often happen

    Hubungan Perawatan Kaki Pasien Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 Dengan Kejadian Ulkus Diabetik Di RSUD Dr. Moewardi

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    Latar Belakang : Diabetes melitus adalah gangguan kronis yang mempengaruhi kemampuan tubuh untuk menghasilkan atau menggunakan insulin. Pada tahun 2005 terdapat 180 juta orang menderita diabetes yang akan meningkat dua kali lipatnya pada tahun 2030. Ulkus diabetik adalah salah satu komplikasi DM yang paling serius dan melumpuhkan. Prevalensi ulkus diabetik di Indonesia sebesar 15% dari penderita DM. Perawatan kaki merupakan upaya pencegahan primer terjadinya ulkus diabetik. Penderita DM perlu mengetahui perawatan kaki diabetik dengan baik sehingga kejadian ulkus gangrene dan amputasi dapat dihindarkan. Tujuan : Mengetahui hubungan perawatan kaki pada pasien diabetes melitus tipe 2 dengan kejadian ulkus diabetik di RSUD Dr. Moewardi. Metode : Jenis penelitian adalah analitik cross sectional, yang dilaksanakan pada sampel menggunakan Convenience sampling pada pasien DM tipe 2 dengan ulkus diabetik maupun tanpa ulkus yang melakukan perawatan di bagian Penyakit Dalam RSUD Dr. Moewardi. Hasil : Pasien ulkus memiliki nilai median 5 dengan nilai minimum 3 dan maksimum 10 serta rerata 5,33±1,617. Pasien tidak ulkus memiliki nilai median 7 dengan nilai minimum 4 dan maksimum 11 serta rerata 6,93±1,817. Hasil uji statistik menggunakan uji T Tidak Berpasangan didapatkan hasil nilai probabilitasnya (p )= 0,001. Hasil uji kolerasi dengan uji Spearman, diperoleh r = 0,441. Kesimpulan : Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara perawatan kaki pasien DM tipe 2 dengan kejadian ulkus diabetik di RSUD Dr. Moewardi dengan kolerasi yang sedang


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    Abstrak Indonesia adalah negara agraris, namun pada saat ini sektor pertanian mengalami keterpurukan, gagal panen,serangan hama, dan alih fungsi lahan pertanian menjadi lahan nonpertanian. Salah satunya contoh  pertanian yang terdapat di kecamatan Trawas kabupaten Mojokerto yang mengalami alih fungsi lahan pertanian yang cukup besar 149,45 Ha/Hektar. Akan tetapi meskipun mengalami alih fungsi lahan pertanian yang cukup besar, masyarakat sekitar tetap bertahan dan eksis menjadi petani khususnya petani padi. Jenis metode penelitian yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah jenis metode penelitian survey, dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif.  Menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi lapangan dan dokumentasi. Jumlah populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 124 responden. Besar sampel diambil berdasarkan rumus Slovin sehingga diperoleh sampel sebanyak 96 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan simple random sampling dengan teknik analisis menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dengan persentase. Penentuan lokasi penelitian didasarkan kepada desa yang lahan pertaniannya paling besar mengalami alih fungsi lahan pertanian, ada tiga desa di kecamatan ini yang paling besar mengalami alih fungsi lahan pertanian yaitu Desa Ketapanrame (70,00 Ha), Desa Tamiajeng (22.70 Ha), Desa Trawas (17,50 Ha). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adanya lima faktor yang mempengaruhi petani untuk tetap bertahan dan eksis menjadi petani, kelima faktor itu ialah (1) Tingkat Pendidikan responden petani padi yang rendah, sebagian besar tidak pernah sekolah dan mengenyam pendidikan yaitu sebanyak 68 responden atau setara 55 % dari total keseluruhan responden.(2) Umur/usia responden petani yang di dominasi oleh usia tua 55 tahun keatas sebanyak 58 responden atau setara 46,7 %. (3) Pengalaman responden dalam bidang pertanian sangat berpengalaman yaitu lebih dari 15 tahun sebanyak 63 responden atau sekitar 53,8 %. (4) Luas lahan responden petani antara 0,5 Ha – 2 Ha sebanyak 82 responden atau sekitar 66,1 %. (5) Status kepemilikan lahan responden sebagian besar  lahan milik sendiri sebanyak 86 responden atau sekitar 69,3%.   Kata Kunci : Eksistensi petani, Faktor –faktor eksistensi, Petani padi.     Abstrak Indonesia is an agricultural country, but at the moment the agricultural sector experienced a slump, failing crops, pests, and the conversion of agricultural land into non-agricultural land. One of these examples contained in the district agriculture Trawas Mojokerto regency experiencing agricultural land conversion sizeable 149.45 hectares / acres. However, despite the conversion of agricultural land which is quite large, surrounding communities survive and exist become farmers, especially. rice farmers.Types of research methods used in this study is the type of survey research methods, using a quantitative approach. Using data collection techniques such as interviews, observation and documentation. Total population in this study is that 124 respondents. Sample size was based formula Slovin order to obtain a sample of 96 respondents. The sampling technique using simple random sampling technique of analysis using quantitative descriptive analysis with percentages. Determining the location of the research is based on the farm village most likely to develop agricultural land conversion, there are three villages in this district are most likely to develop agricultural land conversion is the  Ketapanrame Village (70.00 ha), Tamiajeng Village (22.70 ha), Trawas Village (17.50ha).The results showed that there are five factors that influence farmers to survive and exist to be a farmer, it is the fifth factor (1) Education Level respondents low rice farmers, most never went to school and get an education that is as much as 68 respondents or equal to 55% of the total respondents. (2) age / age of the respondents farmers dominated by old age 55 years and older were 58 respondents or 46.7% equivalent. (3) The experience of respondents are highly experienced in the field of agriculture that is more than 15 years were 63 respondents, or about 53.8%. (4) The total area of 0.5 ha farmer respondents - 2 ha of 82 respondents, or about 66.1%. (5) land ownership status of respondents own most of the land belonging to as many as 86 respondents, or about 69.3%.    Keywords: Existence of farmers, Factors existence, Rice farmers


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    Abstract: The aim of this research was conducted with the aim of proving the influence of activities bowling modification of the concept of children recognize colors in KB Roudlotun Nasyi'in. Beratkulon Kemlagi Mojokerto. This research uses a Pre Experimental Design with models of One Group Pre-Test And Post-Test Design. The subjects were all children at birth Roudlotun Nasyi'in amounted to 15 children. Data collection methods used were observation to determine the development of the concept of children recognize colors. The results showed bahwaT count = 0 is smaller than T table with a significant level of 5% = 25, so the ditolakdan Ha Ho accepted. Based on these studies we can conclude that the activities of bowling modification affects the concept of children recognize colors in KB Roudlotun Nasyi'in Beratkulon Kemlagi Mojokerto. Keywords: Concepts recognize colors, Bowling modification Abstrak : Tujuan Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan membuktikan adanya pengaruh kegiatan bermain bowling modifikasi terhadap konsep mengenal warna anak di KB Roudlotun Nasyi’in Beratkulon Kemlagi Mojokerto. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan Pre Experimental Design dengan model One Group Pre-Test And Post-Test Design. Subjek penelitian ini adalah seluruh anak di KB Roudlotun Nasyi’in berjumlah 15 anak. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi untuk mengetahui perkembangan konsep mengenal warna anak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwaThitung= 0 lebih kecil daripada Ttabel dengan taraf signifikan 5% = 25, sehingga Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Berdasarkan penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan bermain bowling modifikasi berpengaruh terhadap konsep mengenal warna anak di KB Roudlotun Nasyi’in Beratkulon Kemlagi Mojokerto. Kata kunci: Konsep mengenal warna, Bowling modifikas


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    Waste management is a critical issue in Indonesia, particularly in Sidoarjo Regency, which is facing a significant increase in waste volume. The introduction identifies the growing population as the primary cause, directly impacting the surge in waste generation. Public awareness and the implementation of waste management regulations are the focal points for addressing this issue. This research explores the waste management conditions in Sidoarjo Regency, with an emphasis on the Griyo Mulyo Final Disposal Site (TPA). The current waste volume reaches 712,419 tons/day, and projections for the next 10 years indicate an increase to 798.45 tons/day. An analysis of waste truck productivity reveals that 14 dump trucks and 5 Amroll Trucks can efficiently transport waste. The study concludes that optimizing waste transportation requires the addition of fleets, with recommendations for 5 dump trucks and 4 Container Amroll trucks. Efficient fleet management is considered crucial to ensuring the smooth process of waste transportation, and the control analysis indicates that this fleet quantity can provide optimal services at the Griyo Mulyo TPA. The research emphasizes the importance of adding and maintaining fleets as a preventive measure to address operational challenges. Additionally, it is recommended to establish effective service hours to avoid traffic disruptions during peak hours. The implementation of these recommendations is expected to enhance waste management efficiency in Sidoarjo Regency. Thus, this study contributes to understanding the waste management conditions in Sidoarjo Regency, specifically at the Griyo Mulyo TPA. The presented recommendations are envisioned to serve as a foundation for local governments and relevant stakeholders to improve waste management systems towards sustainability

    Pesan dakwah dalam lirik lagu "Untuk Kita Renungkan" karya Ebiet G Ade: analisis semiotika Charles Sanders Peirce

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mencari, Apa saja pesan dakwah yang terkandung pada lirik lagu Untuk Kita Renungkan karya Ebiet G Ade. Ada pun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui isi pesan dakwah dalam lirik lagu Untuk Kita Renungkan berdasarkan pada analisis semiotika. Untuk mencari pesan dakwah yang terkandung pada lirik lagu peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif, dengan menganalisis data berupa lirik lagu, peneliti menggunakan analisis semiotika model Charles Sanders Peirce, dengan mengkaji sign (tanda), objek, dan interpretant. Data yang diperoleh bersumber dari lirik lagu itu sendiri dan di padukan dengan jurnal maupun artikel yang berkaitan dengan pesan dakwah dengan lagu sebagai medianya. Hasil dari analisi pada skripsi ini, peneliti menemukan bahwa lagu Untuk Kita Renungkan memiliki pesan dakwah dalam setiap lirik lagu, yang bisa dikategorikan dari kutipan ayat Al-Quran mau pun hadist tentang pesan aqidah, syariah, dan akhlak. Pesan yang disampaikan cukup bisa dipahami namun masih diperlukan pemahaman untuk mengetahui pesan dakwah yang terkandung. Rekomendasi untuk penelitian selanjutnya, yang menggunakan lagu ini untuk diteliti kembali dengan fokus untuk mencari pesan dakwah dapat melakukan penelitian dengan menggunakan analisis yang berbeda


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    Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan: 1) konsep, 2) naskah, 3) unsur-unsur, 4) visualisasi untuk Tugas Akhir Karya Seni berjudul Perancangan Karya Cerita Bergambar Luminia untuk Remaja. Metode yang digunakan dalam perancangan karya cerita bergambar adalah metode eksplorasi, ekperimen, dan visualisasi. Eksplorasi yaitu metode untuk menemukan ide dan inspirasi dalam penulisan naskah untuk cerita bergambar dengan membaca contoh-contoh naskah cerita bergambar yang sudah ada dan menguraikan unsur-unsur yang ada didalamnya untuk kemudian diaplikasikan pada naskah cerita yang hendak dibuat. Tahap selanjutnya menggunakan metode eksperimen, yaitu eksperimen untuk menemukan bentuk dari karakter-karakter, objek-objek, dan gambaran latar tempat yang akan dimasukkan kedalam ilustrasi cergam; dilakukan melalui pembuatan sketsa kasar terlebih dahulu untuk kemudian dilanjutkan dengan metode berikutnya yaitu visualisasi. Visualisasi adalah proses mengubah sejumlah adegan terbaik dalam cergam menjadi ilustrasi, yang dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan program CorelDRAW sebagai bentuk dari penggunaan teknik digital dalam pengerjaan ilustrasi. Setelah perancangan dan proses visualisasi, maka dapat disimpulkan: 1) Konsep perancangan cerita bergambar terdiri dari 2 bagian; yang pertama menampilkan penulisan naskah cerita dengan unsur-unsur plot, tema, dan penggunaan bahasa. Bagian yang kedua menampilkan visualisasi dari tulisan menjadi bentuk ilustrasi dengan memperhatikan unsur-unsur yaitu: gaya, warna, garis, bentuk, dan gerakan. 2) Teknik yang digunakan adalah teknik ilustrasi digital dengan media komputer; menggunakan cara tracing melalui program CorelDRAW. 3) Gaya ilustrasi adalah kartun dengan objek utama merupakan bunga bernama Luminia beserta 6 orang karakternya (5 protagonis dan 1 antagonis). Hasil akhir konsep dan visualisasi tersebut adalah buku cerita bergambar Luminia dengan ciri sebagai berikut: (a) Cerita dan Ilustrasi disesuaikan untuk target pembaca yaitu remaja berusia 13-16 tahun, (b) Ilustrasi didominasi oleh warna-warna yang terang dan ceria, (c) Garis-garis yang membentuk objek-objeknya terdiri dari garis-garis yang tegas dan outline yang tebal, (d) Karakter yang ditampilkan dalam cerita sebagian besar merupakan karakter fantasi berupa peri, demikian pula setting latar yang merupakan dunia fantasi sehingga cerita akan menarik untuk disimak dan membangkitkan imajinasi verbal maupun visual dari pembaca remaja


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kinerja keuangan dan menganalisis kemampuan keuangan pemerintah daerah Kabupaten Lumajang dalam pelaksanaan otonomi daerah periode 2012-2016 dalam hal rasio keuangan. Instrumen analisis yang digunakan untuk mengukur kinerja manajemen keuangan dan kemampuan keuangan daerah Kabupaten Lumajang adalah rasio kemandirian keuangan daerah, rasio efektivitas, aktivitas rasio, rasio pertumbuhan, dan rasio derajat otonomi fiskal. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat dilihat bahwa kinerja keuangan Kabupaten Lumajang kurang, dilihat dari rasio dalam kategori kemandirian keuangan daerah yang dianggap kurang, rasio efektivitas keuangan suatu daerah termasuk sangat efektif, rasio daerah aktivitas keuangan dalam kategori kurang, pertumbuhan rasio dikategorikan kurang. Kemampuan keuangan daerah kabupaten lumajang rendah, dilihat dari rasio derajat otonomi fiskal yang kurang


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    Ulum, Miftakhul. 2013. The Comparison of Hedging in the Introduction Section of the Journal Articles in Asian EFL Journal Volume 64 and TEFLIN Journal Volume 23 No 1. Skripsi: English Education Department, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Muria Kudus University. Advisors: (1) Fitri Budi Suryani, S.S, M.Pd, (2) Diah Kurniati, S.Pd, M.Pd Keywords: Hedges, Academic Writing, Type of Hedges There are four skills in mastering English. In academic writing, we must have an ability to deliver information or opinion well so that the readers understand about our meaning. Hedges are basic feature of scientific communication and academic writing of which can help a writer to appropriately express his scientific claims. There are seven expressions that represent the hedging in scientific English stated by Salager-Meyer. They are modal auxiliary verb, modal lexical verb, approximately degree quantity and time, adjective, adverb and noun, introductory phrase, if clause and compound hedges. Hedges are very important role in academic writing since it is necessary to make decision about our stance on particular subject, or the strength of claim we are making. Hedging devices usually find in skripsi, essay, journal etc. Journal is included as academic writing that has objective to inform than entertain. So, hedges have important role in making journal article. The objective of this research is to know how Asian EFL Journal volume 64 differs from and resembles TEFLIN Journal volume 23 no 1 in the term of hedges used in the introduction section does. The design of this research is qualitative research and uses comparison study analysis as the form of qualitative data analysis. The data of this research are words, phrases or clauses of hedges found in the Introduction Section of journal article in Asian EFL Journal volume 64 and TEFLIN Journal Volume 23 No 1. The data sources of this research are six articles from Asian EFL Journal volume 64 and six articles from TEFLIN Journal Volume 23 No 1. The data sources are collected by downloading from the site: http://asian-efl-journal.com and http://journal.teflin.org. The result of this research shows: (a) there are 6 expressions of the types of hedges in the Introduction Section of journal article in Asian EFL Journal volume 64. They are modal auxiliary verbs (43%), modal lexical verbs (10%), approximates of degree, quantity; frequency; and time (32%), introductory phrases (10%), if clauses (2%), and compound hedges (3%), and (b) there are 7 expressions of the types of hedges in the Introduction Section of journal article in TEFLIN Journal Volume 23 no 1. They are modal auxiliary verbs (29%), modal lexical verbs (20%), adjectival, adverbial, and nominal modal phrases (7%), approximates of degree, quantity; frequency; and time (22%), introductory phrases (13%), if clauses (6%), and compound hedges (3%). Furthermore, (c) after doing the comparison, the writer can sum up that the researchers who used English as first/second language usually have stronger claims than the researchers who used English as foreign language. It is because by using hedges devices they convey their claims with ideas of doubt or possibility and hedging not used to talk about things that definitely exist or events that definitely happened. The writer considers that hedges are very important in academic writing. Hopefully, English lecturers can teach their students how to identify and use hedges devices effectively and properly in academic writing, such as skripsi, essay, journal, etc