318 research outputs found

    Relationships between officers and other ranks in the Australian Army in the Second World War

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    This thesis argues that the relationship between officers and other ranks in the Australian army in the Second World War were not the relationships that many rank-and-file soldiers had expected when they enlisted between 1939 and 1945. These expectations were formed in great part by the Anzac Legend, created between the First and Second World Wars, with the men expecting an army that was egalitarian in spirit, where officers used informal discipline rather than formal military discipline. They expected a certain sense of ‘civilianism’ when not in active combat. This thesis points to an army with class consciousness and elitism in the officer culture, with increasing officer privilege and control. This control and privilege developed as the war progressed. One of the major reasons for the development of this culture was the different emphasis this army would need to place on the provision of home and forward logistics and support, thus creating an army with a large rear line culture, without the equality of sacrifice of front line service that the army of the First World War experienced. As a result, relations between officers and other ranks were often strained and many men serving behind the lines felt disappointed and embittered and at times redundant in their contribution to the war effort

    Development of genetic tools for metabolic engineering of Clostridium pasteurianum

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    Reducing the production cost of industrial biofuels will greatly facilitate their proliferation and co-integration with fossil fuels. The cost of feedstock is the largest cost in most fermentation bioprocesses and therefore represents an important target for cost reduction. Meanwhile, the biorefinery concept advocates revenue growth through complete utilization of by-products generated during biofuel production. Taken together, the production of biofuels from low-cost crude glycerol, available in oversupply as a by-product of bioethanol production, in the form of thin stillage, and biodiesel production, embodies a remarkable opportunity to advance affordable biofuel development. However, few bacterial species possess the natural capacity to convert glycerol as a sole source of carbon and energy into value-added bioproducts. Of particular interest is the anaerobe Clostridium pasteurianum, the only microorganism known to convert glycerol alone directly into butanol, which currently holds immense promise as a high-energy biofuel and bulk chemical. Unfortunately, genetic and metabolic engineering of C. pasteurianum has been fundamentally impeded due to a complete lack of genetic tools and techniques available for the manipulation of this promising bacterium. This thesis encompasses the development of fundamental genetic tools and techniques that will permit extensive genetic and metabolic engineering of C. pasteurianum. We initiated our genetic work with the development of an electrotransformation protocol permitting high-level DNA transfer to C. pasteurianum together with accompanying selection markers and vector components. The CpaAI restriction-modification system was found to be a major barrier to DNA delivery into C. pasteurianum which we overcame by in vivo methylation of the recognition site (5’-CGCG-3’) using the M.FnuDII methyltransferase. Systematic investigation of various parameters involved in the cell growth, washing and pulse delivery, and outgrowth phases of the electrotransformation procedure significantly elevated the electrotransformation efficiency up to 7.5 × 104 transformants µg-1 DNA, an increase of approximately three orders of magnitude. Key factors affecting the electrotransformation efficiency include cell-wall-weakening using glycine, ethanol-mediated membrane solubilization, field strength of the electric pulse, and sucrose osmoprotection. Following development of a gene transfer methodology, we next aimed to sequence the entire genome of C. pasteurianum. Using a hybrid approach involving 454 pyrosequencing, Illumina dye sequencing, and single molecule real-time sequencing platforms, we obtained a near-complete genome sequence comprised of 12 contigs, 4,420,100 bp, and 4,056 candidate protein-coding genes with a GC content of 30.0%. No extrachromosomal elements were detected. We provide an overview of the genes and pathways involved in the organism’s central fermentative metabolism. We used our developed electrotransformation procedure to investigate the use of established clostridial group II intron biology for constructing chromosomal gene knockout mutants of C. pasteurianum. Through methylome analysis of C. pasteurianum genome sequencing data and transformation assays of various vector deletion constructs, we identified a new Type I restriction-modification system that inhibits transfer of vectors harboring group II intron gene knockout machinery. We designated the new restriction system CpaAII and proposed a recognition sequence of 5’-AAGNNNNNCTCC-3’. Overcoming restriction by CpaAII, in addition to low intron retrohoming efficiency, allowed the isolation of a gene knockout mutant of C. pasteurianum with a disrupted CpaAI Type II restriction system. The resulting mutant strain should be efficienty transformed with plasmid DNA lacking M.FnuDII methylation. Lastly, we investigated the use of plasmid-based gene overexpression and chromosomal gene downregulation to alter gene expression in C. pasteurianum. Using a β-galactosidase reporter gene, we characterized promoters corresponding to the ferredoxin and thiolase genes of C. pasteurianum and show that both promoters permitted high-level, constitutive gene expression. The thiolase promoter was then utilized to drive transcription of an antisense RNA molecule possessing complementarity to mRNA of our β-galactosidase reporter gene. Our antisense RNA system demonstrated 52-58% downregulation of plasmid encoded β-galactosidase activity throughout the duration of growth. In an attempt to perturb the central fermentative metabolism of C. pasteurianum and enhance butanol titers, we prepared several antisense RNA constructs for downregulation of 1,3-propanediol, butyrate, and hydrogen production pathways. The resulting downregulation strains are expected to exhibit drastically altered central fermentative metabolism and product distribution. Taken together, we have demonstrated that C. pasteurianum is amendable to genetic manipulation through the development of methods for plasmid DNA transfer and gene overexpression, knockdown, and knockout. Further, our genome sequence should provide valuable nucleotide sequence information for the application of our genetic tools. Thus, the genome sequence, electrotransformation method, and associated genetic tools and techniques reported here should promote extensive genetic manipulation and metabolic engineering of this biotechnologically important bacterium.1 yea

    Lactobacillus fermentum (PCC®) supplementation and gastrointestinal and respiratory-tract illness symptoms: a randomised control trial in athletes

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    BACKGROUND Probiotics purportedly reduce symptoms of gastrointestinal and upper respiratory-tract illness by modulating commensal microflora. Preventing and reducing symptoms of respiratory and gastrointestinal illness are the primary reason that dietary supplementation with probiotics are becoming increasingly popular with healthy active individuals. There is a paucity of data regarding the effectiveness of probiotics in this cohort. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a probiotic on faecal microbiology, self-reported illness symptoms and immunity in healthy well trained individuals. METHODS Competitive cyclists (64 males and 35 females; age 35 ± 9 and 36 ± 9 y, VO2max 56 ± 6 and 52 ± 6 ml.kg-1.min-1, mean ± SD) were randomised to either probiotic (minimum 1 × 109 Lactobacillus fermentum (PCC®) per day) or placebo treatment for 11 weeks in a double-blind, randomised, controlled trial. The outcome measures were faecal L. fermentum counts, self-reported symptoms of illness and serum cytokines. RESULTS Lactobacillus numbers increased 7.7-fold (90% confidence limits 2.1- to 28-fold) more in males on the probiotic, while there was an unclear 2.2-fold (0.2- to 18-fold) increase in females taking the probiotic. The number and duration of mild gastrointestinal symptoms were ~2-fold greater in the probiotic group. However, there was a substantial 0.7 (0.2 to 1.2) of a scale step reduction in the severity of gastrointestinal illness at the mean training load in males, which became more pronounced as training load increased. The load (duration×severity) of lower respiratory illness symptoms was less by a factor of 0.31 (99%CI; 0.07 to 0.96) in males taking the probiotic compared with placebo but increased by a factor of 2.2 (0.41 to 27) in females. Differences in use of cold and flu medication mirrored these symptoms. The observed effects on URTI had too much uncertainty for a decisive outcome. There were clear reductions in the magnitude of acute exercise-induced changes in some cytokines. CONCLUSION L. fermentum may be a useful nutritional adjunct for healthy exercising males. However, uncertainty in the effects of supplementation on URTI and on symptoms in females needs to be resolved. TRIAL REGISTRATION The trial was registered in the Australia and New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ACTRN12611000006943).The study was funded by Christian Hansen A/S, Probiomics and the Australian Institute of Sport

    Infiltrating basal cell carcinoma: a stellate peri-tumor dermatoscopy pattern as a clue to diagnosis

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    Infiltrating basal cell carcinoma (BCC) has associated features that may be readily identified using dermatoscopy.Investigate a stellate dermatoscopy pattern extending from the peripheral margin of infiltrating BCC.A total of 741 consecutive cases of BCC were assessed retrospectively using non-polarized dermatoscopy. Following histopathologic examination, cases were categorized into six different BCC subtypes. Infiltrating cases numbered 107. This stellate feature was defined as a geometric star shaped pattern extending outwards from the circumferential peripheral edge of the tumor, and identified by white lines, vessels or uneven skin surface morphology. The percentages of infiltrating subtype within the tumor mass and tumor depth were compared, with and without the stellate pattern.Infiltrating BCC displayed the stellate pattern more than other BCC subtypes. Concordance between the two observers was almost perfect for white lines: Kappa coefficient of 0.87 (95% CI: 0.0.79-0.95)

    Tapering practices of New Zealand's elite raw powerlifters

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    Pritchard, HJ, Tod, DA, Barnes, MJ, Keogh, JW, and McGuigan, MR. Tapering practices of New Zealand's elite raw powerlifters. J Strength Cond Res 30(7): 1796-1804, 2016-The major aim of this study was to determine tapering strategies of elite powerlifters. Eleven New Zealand powerlifters (28.4 ± 7.0 years, best Wilks score of 431.9 ± 43.9 points) classified as elite were interviewed, using semistructured interviews, about their tapering strategies. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and content analyzed. Total training volume peaked 5.2 ± 1.7 weeks from competition while average training intensity (of 1 repetition maximum) peaked 1.9 ± 0.8 weeks from competition. During tapering, volume was reduced by 58.9 ± 8.4% while intensity was maintained (or slightly reduced) and the final weight training session was performed 3.7 ± 1.6 days out from competition. Participants generally stated that tapering was performed to achieve full recovery; that accessory work was removed around 2 weeks out from competition; and deadlifting takes longer to recover from than other lifts. Typically participants stated that trial and error, and changes based on "feel" were the sources of tapering strategies; equipment used and movements performed during tapering are the same as in competition; nutrition was manipulated during the taper (for weight cutting or performance aims); and poor tapering occurred when too long (1 week or more) was taken off training. These results suggest that athletes may benefit from continuing to strength train before important events with reduced volume and maintained intensity. Only exercises that directly assist sports performance should remain in the strength program during tapering, to assist with reductions in fatigue while maintaining/improving strength expression and performance

    The Utility of Transient Sensitivity for Wildlife Management and Conservation: Bison as a Case Study

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    Developing effective management strategies is essential to conservation biology. Population models and sensitivity analyses on model parameters have provided a means to quantitatively compare different management strategies, allowing managers to objectively assess the resulting impacts. Inference from traditional sensitivity analyses (i.e., eigenvalue sensitivity methods) is only valid for a population at its stable age distribution, while more recent methods have relaxed this assumption and instead focused on transient population dynamics. However, very few case studies, especially in long-lived vertebrates where transient dynamics are potentially most relevant, have applied these transient sensitivity methods and compared them to eigenvalue sensitivity methods. We use bison (Bison bison) at Badlands National Park as a case study to demonstrate the benefits of transient methods in a practical management scenario involving culling strategies. Using an age and stage-structured population model that incorporates culling decisions, we find that culling strategies over short time-scales (e.g., 1–5 years) are driven largely by the standing population distribution. However, over longer time-scales (e.g., 25 years), culling strategies are governed by reproductive output. In addition, after 25 years, the strategies predicted by transient methods qualitatively coincide with those predicted by traditional eigenvalue sensitivity. Thus, transient sensitivity analyses provide managers with information over multiple time-scales in contrast to the long time-scales associated with eigenvalue sensitivity analyses. This flexibility is ideal for adaptive management schemes and allows managers to balance short-term goals with long-term viability

    Position statement part two: maintaining immune health

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    The physical training undertaken by athletes is one of a set of lifestyle or behavioural factors that can influence immune function, health and ultimately exercise performance. Others factors including potential exposure to pathogens, health status, lifestyle behaviours, sleep and recovery, nutrition and psychosocial issues, need to be considered alongside the physical demands of an athlete’s training programme. The general consensus on managing training to maintain immune health is to start with a programme of low to moderate volume and intensity; employ a gradual and periodised increase in training volumes and loads; add variety to limit training monotony and stress; avoid excessively heavy training loads that could lead to exhaustion, illness or injury; include non-specific cross-training to offset staleness; ensure sufficient rest and recovery; and instigate a testing programme for identifying signs of performance deterioration and manifestations of physical stress. Inter-individual variability in immunocompetence, recovery, exercise capacity, non-training stress factors, and stress tolerance likely explains the different vulnerability of athletes to illness. Most athletes should be able to train with high loads provided their programme includes strategies devised to control the overall strain and stress. Athletes, coaches and medical personnel should be alert to periods of increased risk of illness (e.g. intensive training weeks, the taper period prior to competition, and during competition) and pay particular attention to recovery and nutritional strategies. [...continues]

    The benzene polycarboxylic acid (BPCA) pattern of wood pyrolyzed between 200°C and 1000°C

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    Environmental charcoals represent a poorly defined part of the black carbon (BC) combustion continuum and may differ widely in their chemical and physical properties, depending on combustion conditions and source material. The benzene polycarboxylic acid (BPCA) molecular marker method is well established to quantify the BC component in charcoal, soil and sediment, although observed variations between labs could stem from subtle differences in methods. The objectives of this study were to identify and improve potential sources of analytical uncertainty. The improved method was then used to qualitatively characterize wood charred at 200–1000 °C. One significant improvement of the BPCA method was to replace citric acid with phthalic acid as an internal standard, which is more stable in acidic solution and more similar to the target compounds. Also, including a soil reference material as a quality control in each analysis proved to be a robust tool to detect for variations in reproducibility. For the thermosequence, elemental O/C and H/C ratios typically decreased with temperature to 60.03 at 1000 °C, whereas BPCA concentrations peaked at 700 °C. With temperature B6CA proportions increased consistently (6–98%), except for a plateau at 250–500 °C. Thus, relative contributions of B6CA reflected the pyrolysis temperature and probably also the degree of condensation of the charcoals we investigated. Future work will show if our results can be directly related to charcoal produced under oxygen limited conditions, including charcoal formed at wildfires or so called biochar for agricultural use

    Living on a flammable planet: interdisciplinary, cross-scalar and varied cultural lessons, prospects and challenges: Table 1.

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    Living with fire is a challenge for human communities because they are influenced by socio-economic, political, ecological and climatic processes at various spatial and temporal scales. Over the course of 2 days, the authors discussed how communities could live with fire challenges at local, national and transnational scales. Exploiting our diverse, international and interdisciplinary expertise, we outline generalizable properties of fire-adaptive communities in varied settings where cultural knowledge of fire is rich and diverse. At the national scale, we discussed policy and management challenges for countries that have diminishing fire knowledge, but for whom global climate change will bring new fire problems. Finally, we assessed major fire challenges that transcend national political boundaries, including the health burden of smoke plumes and the climate consequences of wildfires. It is clear that to best address the broad range of fire problems, a holistic wildfire scholarship must develop common agreement in working terms and build across disciplines. We must also communicate our understanding of fire and its importance to the media, politicians and the general public. This article is part of the themed issue ‘The interaction of fire and mankind’

    Rare loss of function variants in candidate genes and risk of colorectal cancer

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    Although ~ 25% of colorectal cancer or polyp (CRC/P) cases show familial aggregation, current germline genetic testing identifies a causal genotype in the 16 major genes associated with high penetrance CRC/P in only 20% of these cases. As there are likely other genes underlying heritable CRC/P, we evaluated the association of variation at novel loci with CRC/P. We evaluated 158 a priori selected candidate genes by comparing the number of rare potentially disruptive variants (PDVs) found in 84 CRC/P cases without an identified CRC/P risk-associated variant and 2440 controls. We repeated this analysis using an additional 73 CRC/P cases. We also compared the frequency of PDVs in select genes among CRC/P cases with two publicly available data sets. We found a significant enrichment of PDVs in cases vs. controls: 20% of cases vs. 11.5% of controls with ≥ 1 PDV (OR = 1.9, p = 0.01) in the original set of cases. Among the second cohort of CRC/P cases, 18% had a PDV, significantly different from 11.5% (p = 0.02). Logistic regression, adjusting for ancestry and multiple testing, indicated association between CRC/P and PDVs in NTHL1 (p = 0.0001), BRCA2 (p = 0.01) and BRIP1 (p = 0.04). However, there was no significant difference in the frequency of PDVs at each of these genes between all 157 CRC/P cases and two publicly available data sets. These results suggest an increased presence of PDVs in CRC/P cases and support further investigation of the association of NTHL1, BRCA2 and BRIP1 variation with CRC/P
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