180 research outputs found

    Absence of light exposure increases pathogenicity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa pneumonia-associated clinical isolates

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa can alter its lifestyle in response to changes in environmental conditions. The switch to a pathogenic host-associated lifestyle can be triggered by the luminosity settings, resorting to at least one photoreceptor which senses light and regulates cellular processes. This study aimed to address how light exposure affects the dynamic and adaptability of two P. aeruginosa pneumonia-associated isolates, HB13 and HB15. A phenotypic characterization of two opposing growth conditions, constant illumination and intensity of full-spectrum light and total absence of light, was performed. Given the nature of P. aeruginosa pathogenicity, distinct fractions were characterized, and its inherent pathogenic potential screened by comparing induced morphological alterations and cytotoxicity against human pulmonary epithelial cells (A549 cell line). Growth in the dark promoted some virulence-associated traits (e.g., pigment production, LasA proteolytic activity), which, together with higher cytotoxicity of secreted fractions, supported an increased pathogenic potential in conditions that better mimic the lung microenvironment of P. aeruginosa. These preliminary findings evidenced that light exposure settings may influence the P. aeruginosa pathogenic potential, likely owing to differential production of virulence factors. Thus, this study raised awareness towards the importance in controlling light conditions during bacterial pathogenicity evaluation approaches, to more accurately interpret bacterial responses.FCT -Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia(SFRH/BD/98558/2013)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cultural adaptation and validation of the “Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire” for the Portuguese population

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    The lack of instruments to assess the level of physical activity in pregnant women, led to the development of the PPAQ (Pregnancy Physical Activity Questionnaire), a self-administered questionnaire, which has already been translated in several countries and has already been used in several studies. Translate and adapt the PPAQ into Portuguese and test its reliability and validity. An analytical observational study was carried out. Linguistic and semantic equivalence was performed through translation and back-translation and content validity was tested by a panel of experts. To test reliability, a test-retest was performed on a sample of 184 pregnant women, with an interval of 7 days and the ICC was used. To test the criterion validity, Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) was used between the PPAQ and the accelerometer, in a sample of 226 pregnant women. The questionnaire was considered comprehensive. The ICC values of Reliability were: total score (0.77); sedentary activities (0.87); light-intensity activities (0.76); moderate-intensity activities (0.76); vigorous-intensity activities (0.70). For criterion validity was obtained a coefficient correlation of r = -0.030, considered weak and negative, for total activity. This study describes the translation and validation process of the PPAQ questionnaire from English to Portuguese. The final version of the PPAQ was considered as a valid instrument in terms of content to measure physical activity and was referred to as being simple to apply and easy to understand. The PPAQ has content validity, excellent reliability and weak criterion validity, as in the original version.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Programas de exercício no domicílio e em grupo em doentes com espondilite anquilosante: revisão sistemática

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    Ankylosing Spondylitis(AS) is a chronic inflammatory rheumatic disease characterized by inflammation of the joints of the spine and sacroiliac and to a lesser percentage of the peripheral joints. It is a debilitating condition which reduces quality of life in patients with AS. The practice of physical therapy is recommended as non-pharmacological treatment as well as the treatment and prevention of associated deformities. To collect and summarize the available evidence in scientific databases to realize the effectiveness of home based and group based programs in patients with AS. Systematic review, where articles for the study were collected from scientific database PubMed. We have found 65 articles with publication date between January 1, 2004 and January 31, 2014. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were established to make the selection of articles to include in the study. All investigators provided their agreement in presencial meeting for a final selection, and at a later stage, the articles were read in full by the three investigators. The present systematic review includes eight randomized controlled trials. All articles show functional benefits in patients with As subject to exercise programsin group based and/or home based. From the eight articles, 4 addressed programs conducted in home based context and 4 addressed in group based context programs. There appearsto be evidence that the programs carried out based on group are more effective than those home based conducted in patients with AS. It was concluded also be advantageous to carry out home-based exercise programsthan the absence of any exercise program.Introdução: A Espondilite Anquilosante (EA) é uma patologia reumática inflamatória crónica caraterizada pela inflamação das articulações da coluna vertebral e das articulações sacroilíacas e em menor percentagem das articulações periféricas. É uma patologia incapacitante, o que diminui a qualidade de vida dos doentes. A prática de exercício físico é recomendada como tratamento não farmacológico, assim como no controlo e prevenção das deformidades associadas. Objetivo: Rever e resumir a evidência disponível em bases de dados científicas para perceber a eficácia de programas no domicílio e em grupo em doentes com EA. Métodos: Estudo de revisão sistemática, onde os artigos pesquizados para o estudo foram recolhidos da base de dados científica PubMed. Encontraram-se 65 artigos com data de publicação entre 1 de janeiro de 2004 e 31 de janeiro de 2014. Foram estabelecidos critérios de inclusão e exclusão para proceder à seleção dos artigos a incluir no estudo. Houve reunião de consenso com os investigadores para uma seleção final dos artigos, sendo numa fase posterior, os artigos lidos na íntegra pelos três investigadores. Resultados: A revisão sistemática presente compreende 8 estudos clínicos randomizados controlados. Todos os artigos evidenciaram benefícios funcionais nos doentes com EA sujeitos a programas de exercícios em grupo e/ou domicílio. Destes 8 artigos, 4 abordavam programas realizados em contexto domiciliário e 4 abordavam programas em grupo. Conclusão: Parece existir evidência de que os programas realizados em grupo são mais eficazes do que os realizados no domicílio em doentes com EA. Concluiu-se também ser mais vantajosa a realização de programas de exercício no domicílio do que a ausência de qualquer programa de exercício.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Identification of genomic loci associated with genotypic and phenotypic variation among Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical isolates from pneumonia

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    In this work, a genotype-phenotype survey of a highly diversified Pseudomonas aeruginosa collection was conducted, aiming to detail pathogen-associated scenarios that clinicians face nowadays. Genetic relation based on RAPD-PCR of 705 isolates, retrieved from 424 patients and several clinical contexts, reported an almost isolate-specific molecular-pattern. Pneumonia-associated isolates HB13 and HB15, clustered in the same RAPD-PCR group, were selected to evaluate the genomic background underlying their contrasting antibiotic resistance and virulence. The HB13 genome harbors antibiotic-inactivating enzymes-coding genes (e.g. aac(3)-Ia, arr, blaVIM-2) and single-nucleotide variations (SNVs) in antibiotic targets, likely accounting for its pan-resistance, whereas HB15 susceptibility correlated to predicted dysfunctional alleles. Isolate HB13 showed the unprecedented rhl-cluster absence and variations in other pathogen competitiveness contributors. Conversely, HB15 genome comprises exoenzyme-coding genes and SNVs linked to increased virulence. Secretome analysis identified signatures features with unknown function as potential novel pathogenic (e.g. a MATE-protein in HB13, a protease in HB15) and antibiotic resistance (a HlyD-like secretion protein in HB13) determinants. Detection of active prophages, proteases (including protease IV and alkaline metalloproteinase), a porin and a peptidase in HB15 highlights the secreted arsenal likely essential for its virulent behavior. The presented phenotype-genome association will contribute to the current knowledge on Pseudomonas aeruginosa pathogenomics.This work was supported by the strategic programme UID/BIA/0050/2013 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007569) funded by national funds through FCT I.P., by ERDF through the COMPETE2020 - Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) and through a PhD grant (SFRH/BD/98558/2013) attributed to C.S.M. The facility for Biological Mass Spectrometry Isabel Moura was funded by Proteomass Scientific Society. H.M.S. is funded by the FCT 2015 Investigator Program (IF/00007/2015)

    An insight on the role of photosensitizer nanocarriers for Photodynamic Therapy

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a modality of cancer treatment in which tumor cells are destroyed by reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced by photosensitizers following its activation with visible or near infrared light. The PDT success is dependent on different factors namely on the efficiency of the photosensitizer deliver and targeting ability. In this review a special attention will be given to the role of some drug delivery systems to improve the efficiency of tetrapyrrolic photosensitizers to this type of treatment.publishe

    A Nationwide Seroepidemiologic Study on Q Fever Antibodies in Sheep of Portugal

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    Introduction: Q fever is an almost global zoonotic disease caused by Coxiella burnetii. Human infections can produce acute and chronic disease that can lead to abortions and stillbirths in pregnant women, usually infected by the inhalation of C. burnetii-contaminated aerosols or through consumption of contaminated products. Sheep are one of the primary animal reservoirs with disease being associated with vast shedding of bacteria in placentas, feces, milk, and birth fluids. Although almost neglected in the past, recent outbreaks of sheep origin have alerted the public and the scientific community. Materials and Methods: An epidemiologic survey to estimate the seroprevalence of Q fever antibodies was performed in a representative number of sheep of all regions of continental Portugal (n = 1068), using a commercial ELISA (ID Screen Q Fever Indirect Multi-species Kit; IDvet, Montpellier, France). Results and Discussion: An anti-C. burnetii seroprevalence of 11.4% (95% confidence interval 9.6–13.5) was found, with a clear distinction between the Center region with highest seroprevalence, and the rest of the territory. Sheep traditional farming is widely present in Portugal and is part of the cultural and gastronomical background of the country. This close proximity to small ruminants may contribute to the zoonotic transfer to humans.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Behavioral phenotype of children and adolescents with Prader-Willi syndrome

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    OBJETIVO: Identificar, em um grupo de crianças e adolescentes com síndrome de Prader-Willi, as principais características do fenótipo comportamental. MÉTODOS: A amostra foi composta por 11 crianças e adolescentes com diagnóstico clínico e citogenético-molecular da síndrome de Prader-Willi. A técnica de coleta de dados foi o Inventário dos Comportamentos de Crianças e Adolescentes entre 6 e 18 anos (CBCL/6-18). A análise de correlação bivariada, com nível de significância p<0,05, foi usada para testar a associação entre as variáveis analisadas. RESULTADOS: Os principais resultados mostraram um perfil comportamental considerado como clínico em várias das escalas do CBCL/6-18. Observou-se um padrão comportamental com alta frequência de respostas de agressão, quebra de regras e oposição. Identificaram-se correlações estatisticamente significativas entre problemas de atenção e sociais e problemas de pensamento e comportamento de quebrar as regras. CONCLUSÕES: Os pacientes investigados representam um grupo com risco psiquiátrico e alterações de comportamento que, em longo prazo, poderão evoluir para transtornos de 2009humor, do déficit de atenção e hiperatividade e transtorno desafiador e de oposição, dentre outrosOBJECTIVE: To identify the main characteristics of the behavioral phenotype of children and adolescents with Prader-Willi syndrome. METHODS: Eleven children and adolescents with clinical and cytogenetic-molecular diagnosis of Prader-Willi syndrome were studied. Data collection was obtained by the Child Behavior Checklist for Ages 6-18 (CBCL/6-18). Bivariate correlations were used to test the association between the analyzed variables, being significant p<0.05. RESULTS: The behavioral profile obtained was considered as clinical in different scales of the CBCL/6-18 tool. A behavioral pattern with high frequency of aggression, rule breaking and opposition was observed. Statistically significant correlations between attention and social problems and between thought problems and breaking rules were identified. CONCLUSIONS: The studied patients represent a group of psychiatric risk, with behavioral changes that, in the long-term, can lead to mood disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and oppositional defiant behavior, among other disordersInstituto Presbiteriano Mackenzie - MackPesquis

    Controlo mecânico de infestantes

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    As infestantes são plantas indesejáveis que crescem juntamente com as plantas cultivadas e que interferem no seu desenvolvimento normal. As infestantes podem ser uma das principais causas da diminuição do rendimento das culturas, porque competem com elas para o espaço, para a água, luz solar, nutrientes e dióxido de carbono, podem segregar substâncias alelopáticas, ser o meio no qual temporariamente se instalam alguns organismos responsáveis por inúmeras pragas e doenças que atacam as culturas dificultando assim o combate às mesmas, dificultam a colheita quer esta seja manual ou mecanizada, podem contaminar o produto final, depreciando-o e, asseguram a reinfestação para as culturas seguintes. O controlo de infestantes ter-se-á iniciado quando o homem deixou a de ser nómada e de assegurar as suas necessidades através da colheita de frutos e da caça e passou após a “domesticação“ das espécies animais e vegetais a fazer agricultura, tornando-se sedentário. Portanto, desde o início da agricultura, que o homem tem feito grandes esforços para controlar as plantas infestantes, primeiro à mão, depois com o uso de alguns artefactos, ferramentas e equipamentos para melhorar a eficiência no seu controlo. Hoje existem equipamentos mecânicos sofisticados tal como, substâncias químicas ou biológicas que permitem o seu controlo prevenindo ou retardando a sua germinação ou crescimento. Interferência das plantas infestantes com a cultura pode gerar perdas significativas, na qualidade e quantidade de alimentos produzidos, desperdiçando enormes quantidades de energia, especialmente não renováveis. Os custos no controlo e os efeitos sobre os rendimentos são muito variáveis, dependendo do agricultor, das espécies de plantas infestantes e da estratégia ou estratégias adoptadas para garantir a eficácia no controlo. Nas últimas cinco décadas têm vindo a fazer-se significativos avanços científicos e tecnológicos na criação de estratégias para o aumento da eficácia no controlo de infestantes seja mecanicamente, seja através da utilização de substâncias químicas ou biológicas menos tóxicas para o homem, menos agressivas ao meio ambiente, com menores custos de produção e ao mesmo tempo, mais selectivas para as culturas onde são aplicadas. A alternativa ao controlo químico de infestantes através da aplicação de herbicidas é o controlo mecânico pela utilização de diversas alfaias agrícolas, tais como a charrua de aivecas, a charrua de discos, o escarificador de braços rígidos, o escarificador de braços flexíveis (vibrocultor) e a fresa. O controlo mecânico de infestantes poderá ser levado a cabo também por máquinas de corte, como por exemplo, as gadanheiras. Cortar as infestantes numa fase de desenvolvimento antes da produção de semente evita a sua propagação. Se o agricultor optar pela sementeira directa como técnica de instalação das culturas, a única alternativa que tem para o controlo de infestantes é a química, mas se optar pelo sistema de mobilização tradicional ou pela mobilização reduzida poderá controlar as infestantes, química e/ou mecanicamente. A eficácia das diferentes alfaias no controlo de infestantes depende da própria alfaia, da época do ano em que se realiza esse controlo, do estado do solo, das espécies de infestantes presentes e seu estádio de desenvolvimento. Iremos no presente trabalho, referir os aspectos mais importantes do controlo mecânico de infestantes